HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Public Works Supervisor Position Information t �,�� � , � � , r.��; . �'� ,� � :€f� a►� :,, . , .�i. i ' '. � ,'.:` t'!. �.,� � r'tt '►�t �t� Pt � ,� �� � � ,,,,,��,, ,�; , ,.,, � '' , � �,�, �T�� # g a BUBLiC WORKS SUPERVISQR. The City of Rosemount is seeking applicants to fi11 the Public Works Supervisor positic�n. Responsible for the water distribution, wastewater callectian, streets, buildings and equi�ment Lor an anmial U»cip,et �f $1,0OO,OQO and six £ull-time employees. Salary range - $32,000 to $43,Q00. l�tust have good people and organizational skills. ` Five years experience with public works with 2 in s�r�ervisory capacity is desired. Apply by June 9, 1989. For ap�lication form, wrzte or cail Public Works, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, ZtN 55068, (612) 423-4411. The City of Rosemount is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. . • � M�y 1� . 19H9 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION RESPONSIB3LITY WRITE-U� I Position Title PUBLIC WpRY.S SUPERVI50R Department PUBLIC WOI2K� Account�ble TO PUIJI.:�G WOrJCB D�t P..Ct.OI'/C�t}! Enqineer Primarv (3b,�ective o£ Position Thig po.gition is respons�.ble .for super, visic+n �f: wr�rk cr�w� i r� t-.he Publi� Works areas o£ �vs�ter distribution syst�m, wa�tewater col.lc�ci�i.c,r�, stre�t, anc3 building & graunc�z� maint,ettanc€, alo�ic� wi#t� �c���ipmant operation ancl training. Al.so to work c�ith thP Puh.lir Wc�ck� C):i.rPctc�r i.n £ormu7.atinq goals and �h,ject:ives far the Pi�hltc Wc�rks Ue�artmerit. , Ma 'or Areas of Acccruntat�ilitv I . Supervisic�it Defines and cles�rly ciele_qates worlc responsil�ilities to em�:loy��a engaged in puk�lic warks construction or maintpnance operat3.on,� anc� is responsible for abtaining effective, ti.mely and Pf.�icient performance from �ubordinates in aarrying c��.�t a:�s:tqned ta�ks . Plan and seheclule, on a wePlcly basi.s, ara�i aa�i.qn, or� a ��aily ba$is, the nverall work r�eh�dule to makp hh� }�est pos:�i.t71e �,ase af manpowPr, materials, and equipment. ProvidP ,s�aneL'vigir.�n �nd t:aeF�r�ical a��is:t;�ncA, iri��l �.�rlir�c� tra�in�.ng, tc� »t:.i_l.tt;y, st:rpet, Pc�ui.F�m�r�fi, �nd trut.t.c�:tnq & c.trc�i���d� ma3.nrernanr,p �er. �c.►nnal . - ' Provides fnr on-the-�o}� training for emt�loy�es in thP sa.f� operation and u�ce af spAc�ialized and h�Avy eq�a3:�.7mc�nt ar�d per.formance of_ rcauti►�e mz f nL�narfue tAsits. Evaluate€s on � cc�nGinuinq ba.r�3�+ the eff�c:tf.ver�Pgs of a:�.sign�r� p�rz�onnel and Y.he re:�ult�s k��ing arhiFv�cj as x t►asi.q f.oz- tr.aininy anc� c�t�iclzne� t:c� ac;tij.c�vA fhe f�P..^ir. c�c9 .lev�l nE wc:>rlc F�erformance. Develo�as and maa:nt�.in:� a levet of. c�irsr'i.��lln�! at�c1 wrer'ki.ncX c1..l.matr� in whi.ch ��+r;�orrne.l are moti.vat:c�ci t:�> �F .r.f.nrm t.c� t.t�v h��st. �f their ab.i.litie�. Maintairiing di.�ainlinP may fnvc�.lve p£f�rtiv�±ly rer;c�mmPnc�:fr�y t:�m��c�r. ary at.��E,�nz:ic�r� c,f �m��1.c,yc��n anci reviearing anci ac�;jt�s�t::irig yri_evanc�s . Pi•��v i�irr i tii�iil i ri n�:�t:1 er :; t-F�*l ;,l i r��a t �, Ii i r i r��Z, tll �;�•hfa r ,��, � 1 � � May 11, l9f�p PtJE3LIC WORKS Sl)PERVISnR PO,ITION RESFONSIBILITX WRITE-UP PAGE 2 promotion, and other procec]�ares elabc�ratecl i.n tr» CiCy 'a peraonnel po].icy. Demonstrates, hy per�anal, �xample the desi.i-�d stanc3ard� c,£ conduct and wark performance for all per�e�nnel . Communicates City and DeEsartment pal.icies L-� employ��a ;�� thai:, employees havR a clear un�erst;anding �L-' t��e �oliciea an�l tr�e reasans for them. Mai:ntatns acc:urat.r� emUl,�yeea fi£GOT't�g F��'� dix-�c�t.ecj. 2. Piaintenanca � Sti��ervige a comprehc�nstve maint�nanae �rogram fc�r City at:reets, parkinq l�t�, side�alk�, curbs, �treet and tra�f.fir. signa, �tr�et lic�hts, water distributic�n anc� storaqp �y�tem:�, wa�t�water r.,ollection eyatems, and ka�ailding and grounc9�s �o ag to instxre tt�e highe�st and most cost-ef.�ective tevel of m�3nfienance, within buciqetary li.mit�a. ��rtici�ates, when rreeded, in functiong performe� hy ptablic works persnnnel in rhp areas of utility, s�reet, eq�.�i��ment, �nc� buildinc� & qraunds maintenance. Coord:inates the maint.enance a£ machinery ar��9 equ.i�mpnt so as t� as�s�are thr�� i.t ie in c�oacl r�pair and aafe op�rAti ng condit:i.c�� and maintain�s accurahe ms�intFnance anc� repair x•ecor•ci� . Cv�rdinRteR locar.j.c>ns wit:h uti.].i.ty r.,ompani:en (yas, el.�r.t.r.ic, Lelephane, cak�le) .f.c�r installation o.f str.eet ic�ent.i.�ication R3qn� �nd traEtic contrc�l. siyn�, ar�c� fc�r. the rppai.r, replacemer�t, c�r i.nstall�tian c�E uncie�graund city utilities. InvestigatQ� citizen cc�mplaints reg�rding maint�n�nr,e �f c:ity facilities (�treQt�.s, uttllt;ips, and buildings & qrrrtands) . Tmplemc�nts snow anci i.cE chntrc�l t�peratfot�s u�irtg entirF mr�intenance forc:e, inc:luding parks maintenance p�rsorinel . A.q�i�t� in €inal in�pnr,t.ior� �f r�Pw ��.�h1.ic t�ti.litte�, skrPQF..n , bc►�atevarcis, str�et_l�.ghts, ana si.cJns ar�d m�ke� r.erammeri<3atic,n �'Pt�Rt'cl9.ng �r_c;epts�rae.�. E:�timal:�� arjd L'f�4'�IILS� 1_.1�)11� SU()�?Z1f9�3 �1:3 f1P.E?CjPtj cirlt� pt2ltTt.aj.tl�; ac;c:ura�e inventc►ry . TnErat•m Puhl i_t.`. Whfi'If:t I)�.f'(�t�F�,r• r,f :3 f<Tr� i f. I c-��»1 m:� i rit �riar�rn �,r n1�l�m<- . . . � May 11 , i989 PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISOR POSITInN RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP PAGE 3 3• Special ProiectlDut,�es Serve as assistattt weed inspeator. Perform4 other dutj.es and responsil�ilities as �{��are��t c�r assigr�ed bY the Public Wnrks Uirector. Assists Park Supervisor with persannel s�apervision when direct�c3. Examples of PerEormance Critexia Soun�3 organi.zatianal and supervisar. y �ra�cti:��e� ar� beiny followeel so that pex-sonnel are k�ping usecl e.ffectively. Achieying planned oh�sctives and priorities set in cnh�unetion with Pubiir, Work� Direc�or. Controlling apHratinq co�ts within the limit:r�tions of the `budget. Matntai.ning a ,�avc�rable climatA and wnrking r�l.at:i.on�hij� witt� the P„blic Wcsrk�► a��artment and m€�nagement �so that par�sc�nnel. are motivat�d to work te> their pc�tentj.a.l in implementing var�.c�i�«.� �+r�3eats and �s�rvir.c�s t�eing pr.oviderl t:o tt�e public. Pr��ecting a posit�ive and fa�vaxat�l� public imaqP tc� citiz�r�a in al.l phee�e�s af }��uhl.ia work�e . 4. R�spongibi litj ea fnr Wux•k c,f Other� nireat ssuEservisj.c�r� c,ver Mai.ntenaricQ i,evel I, iI . III 's �nc� tempar�ry help withtn th�s Fubl3c Wox�ks LTepartment . 5 . D�sirable 9ualiFicati�ne Gr.aduate fr.nm a a�andard high �chool or ec�uival.ent. . Graduate of a vocatianal gchoo]. in heavy equipment ��ae�-ati�n, constructi�n and maintenance methc�ds, equipment mainten�r�c.� and rel�te�d fielc�s or experience equivelent. Knawle,cige �f at�d exper. i.ene� fn st=•eet, t�t�ilclinr� &. c�r�undg. �tor.m Ari� €�anitary �ewer ccallecti�n r�yqfiems, anc9 wa�Pr distr�.hut:i on sys�tem maint�nance. knt�wlesdge �f. ec�i:iipmAnt o�>e��ai:i�n, r•e�air , �r�d maint:er►�nce. Mini.mum f.ive (5) yea .rs ex�ari.ertce i.n t�he o�At'Rh�t�h c3� ec�e�i�,m�►it. t�q�d in thP m��.tnt.etlance and cor�st�rt�e�.ion af puh.l j c ut.t 1 i t:3:�a �nri � � � May 1.1 . 19E�9 PUQLIC W4RKS SUPERVISOR POSITION E2ESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP PAGE �4 streete . .._ Mini.mum of twa t2) years supervisory Axr_�er. ienc� in ti�e construct3.on or municipal field. 6. Minimum Revuirements Applican� must now haus or acquire within E�rnbationary ��i-iod a Clas�a B Mir�nesota driver's license. Must have or aequire within p:robat3onary per.ic�c� Cl�ss SC sewer anc� Cla�sa D water certificat�s as requir�+d k�y Minnesota Pallutic�n Gontrol Agency and Minnesota F{ealth Department. At�il�.ty to �,erform �str.enuc�us physic:al lak��r ar�cl heavy manual �aslcs f�r extended perlods oE time when rec�uirec3. ' Ability to supw_rvise wockc�rs p�r�orming varied maintenance activlties and nbtairr eftect�.ve re�ulte . Ability to wncler�etand Rnd follow wr3.tten atid c�ra1 in:�truction� . Abitity to �stab.li.�}t and maintain " effPct;ive working relat:i,anship.� with empl�yees, staf£ members, and the g�*n�ral �ublic. Skitl. in the use c�f a11 tools, pquipm�nt ancl vehj,c:la_s assoc.iat�rl with the work. .: , Office Use Only AppL by AA Res Date MINNESOTA OPEN APPOINTMENTS ACT APPL,ICATION FOR SERVICE ON STATE AGENCY Appointment Sought: tEnter the name of the agency for which applicant see�s appointmentl Applicant Name: (First Name> (Last Name) Applicant Address; iStreetl fCity) tStatel iZip1 Daytime Legislative Phone: County: District: Did the appointing authority ask you to submit this appticatian? YES ❑ NO � STATISTICAL INFORMATIqN The foNowing information is optional and sought oniy for the purpose af compiling a required annual report to the governor and the legislature. pwt an X in each appropriate box. Sex Politica!Part Race/Na�tional Ori in M F D R N N A B H C O c _ r�� �`��a �Q o�� �Q� c y`�°c �`\� k�'�� O�� �Q �°�� �'� Q�y��c �`�� �y�� �,`�JGa pr�` STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATION ` Minnesota Statutes 15.0597 requires that the application include "a statet�nent that the nominee satisfies any legally prescribed qualifications and any other information the nominating persor►feels would be helpful to the appointing authority." tMay include employment, community service,edueation.) (May continue on backl I, the underSigned, hareby stafie th�t 1 satisfy,to the best of my knowledge, all legally prescribed qualifica- tions for the position sought. . � . . . r . . . . .. . {Signature of Applicant) (Date) If applicant is being nominated by another person or group, signature indicates consent to nomination. You will not receive an acknowledgment of this apptication but the appointing authority will notify you if an inter- view is desired. RETURN THI5 COMPLETED APPLICATIQN T0: JpAN ANDERSON GROWE, SECRETARY OF STATE Open Appointments Section i 80 State Office Building ts�2�2ss-2aos St. Paul, MN 55155-1299