HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.f. ISD 196 School / City Park - Alternate Bid Award • S P C) E�OX 510 � � � � � ��l��I� C) � � � � a���-1n,:r►�s�r w� ` RCJSEMOl1NT. MINNESnTA 55�68 05E'"Y1�LOZL�2� s,2--az:�-aa,� Agenda 1 tem 7f T�: Mayor, City Council, City Administrator FROM: Dean Johnson, Director of Community Devetopment DATE: May 12, 1989 SUBJ: May 16, 1989 Re�ular Meeting - Agenda Item 7f We have become aware that the bid apening for lhe new eiementary scl�oot wi}I be held June 1, 19A9. Of the �ltcrnatives that will hc aclded to the hase biJ, two are designed tor City park im}�rc�vements; an ex�anded parking area (actually on sch�nl dislricl prt>��erty) ancl trarls ancl Gallfietcl impr�vemenls nn ihc: park site. The schoc�l l�c�ard will award the bic�s on Junc 5, 19�39. There is no regular meeting o[ the City Council within the dates to accept the bids for the City work. There are two options available for the City to a�prc�ve the bids and autliorize the schooi dislricl to perform the work under their contract. The first option is to set a special rneeting between Thursday, June 1 and Monday, June 5 fox the purpose of approving the bids. The second option is ta authorize staff to review and approve the bids an behalf of the Ci:ty CounciL I [hink the second option is the practicat one. The base bid for the school will bs in the vicinity of $S,OOO,U00. The City's alternates shoatd be in the vicinity of $100,000. The school board wiil be compelled to a�vard the low bid, consisting of the base bid and any appraved aiternates. The City will not have the option of seiecting the lower bid of the alternates, it will have . to accept whatever value is placed an the alternates by the overall low bidder. In other words, the decision by the City wi}1 be only to determine that the effective alternate bid is within reason of the estimated costs and ather low bids. The savings to be realized by lhe City in having the wark performed by the schooi districE include a portion of plan and specification preparation, advertising, supervision, inspection, timing, eeonomy of scate and staff time. it is a convenience to "trade costs" be#ween the City and district, such as land for contract work. We will prepare a resotuti�n to accomplish this review and approval process. Unless the Couneil chooses to set a special meeting, action of this nature will have to take place at this meeting.