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Approve RFP / Authorize Ad for Bids - Computer System � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ITEM � � � � � � � � � � � '� � � � � � '� '��'��'����� � � � � � � "�' ��� � � � � � � � � . �� r . . ... : � .. � . � . � . . . . � . . . � . � � . . . .� � . � . � � . ��� � �� . . . . .. . � . � . � � � . .. . . .� � . . � � . � � � .� . � .. .. . .� � � . . � � . . . . . � . . . . . � . � � . � . . .. � . �� . . . . . .. �q� . � . � � . � � �. � .. � . . . �e�e� � . . . � .si ��wri . � � . � . . . . };�'.. �� � � . . � � I.�� � � . � � . . ��� r . . . .. � . . . . . t �� . . � � � . . � �.�.t r � �,::A � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ADY6RTISEM�ttT F0� B� • 5ealed proposels aill be received by the Gity up to and including 2:QU n'elock p. m., Tueedey, Ju»e 6t 1989 far ttse follorir�g; Furnish, deliver end inste�ll a coreputer system and its a�sacieted operating syste�p �oftrax•e, ePP�iiaatian eoftwer�e� suppliee, preventive �nelntenence, and/or re�edi�l ��intenance service� to be furaished by �someone other then the prapo�ing vendor, sufficient de#fnition to permit evaluetion of the propasal es e whol�. In eddition� there muet be e clear identi#icetion o� the vendor rrho rill have th� ultimete total responsibflity #or fnstall�tion end inrple�entetion. TT►e �elected vendor she11 be cansidered es the prim� cantractor end �hell eseu�►� tatel responslbility for insteliat;ian end meinteeance far all hardNare and softrarQ in their praposel. Furthermar�� ' ali proposels, infor�ation end responses rfll be incorporated i.nta the RFA and conaidered es the fin�I agreement hetreen th� Gity of Rosemaunt end the successful vendor. Feilure to meet these obligetions shall result in the cancelletion af any cantracts and farfeiture of the propasal band a� liyuideted demeges. Copies af eech prapoeal must t►e snbmitted in the prescrihed iorm�at snd enclosed in a seeled envelope no leter than 2:t10 o'clock p. m. � Tuesday� June 6� 19$9� marked cleerly ae folloxs: "Propasal far Uete Frocessinq Equipment and/or So#trrere". All bids vill be opened publir..ly and rped aloud in khe Gauncil Chambera of the Rose�aunt Gity Hell lmmedi:ately following the close o# the bidding period. Only those bids in hand at the closing time vill be eccepted and read a�.oud. The C3ty rfll not be responsible for� lete �ail deliveries, end nc, bide riil he ecc�pted atter the prescr�ibed bid ciasfng ti�►e. Fro�asale for� the eystem and sQft�rere far tt,e City shell be deliv�red tc,: ' �tephan Jiik Administretor/Clerk , City of Ro�e�nunt 2875 145th St Vt, F.O. Box 530 Rosemqunt, Minnesote 55058 Each propossl shell !►e aecomp�nied hy e detailed completed copy of a Proposal 8and 8nd Non-Callusian effidevit. The Proposel Bond shsll be executed by en autfiorixed surety cnmpany end enclaaed rr�th t6e a#fidav#t in the envelope rith the bid. The Propasai Bond shall he in �he emount oi five (5Y.) percen�t of the total proposed bid emount. EBCI'! V@hdpY` ia required to submit a copy oi the.ir most recentl�r sudited finenciai state�ent. In ceBes rhere mare then ane v�ncior ie submitting a single cr,mbiried propasal� ell vendors shall submit their �ost recently audited financial statements. Th� City uf Rasemaunt reservee the r�ight tc+ r•e�eat eny ar,d all bids and to ewer�d the bid fn the best interest of the Gity. included hut not limit�d to� price, previuus experience, eccess and taase of service, delivery date, qual3ty end' capebi�ity. !el_Stept,en_Jflk Adrainistrator-lClerk � City of Rosemount, M�sota � . May 11, 1989 The first payment on these bonds will be an interest payment due February 1, 1990 in the estimated amount of $101,614. This payment wili come from a combination of interest capitalized in the bond issue, investment earnings and anticipated assessment income for the 1986 improvement projects. The semi-annual interest payment due August 1, 1990 and the principal and interest payment due February 1, 1991 will be made from a combination of interest capitalized in the issue for the projects which are to be assessed in 1990, as well as projected assessment income for projects assessed in 1989 and a tax levy in the amount of $91,360 expected to be certified this fall. After the February 1, 1991 principal and interest payment, the debt service will be payable entirely from assessment income and tax levy requirements. As with all improvement issues, the timing of principal repayment assumes the assessments will be filed in the years and amounts estimated. Any deviation from these assumptions may result in a cash shortfalL Included in the principal amount of the issue is a provision for discount bidding in the amount of $32,190. This discount provides the underwriters with all or part of their profit and/or working capital for purchasing the issue. It permits them to reoffer the bonds at or close to a par reoffering scale. The discount, representing $12.50 per bond, is a successful marketing tool the City has used in all past bond issues, and we recommend its continued use here. We recommend the bonds maturing on or after February 1, 1996 be callable on February 1, 1995, and any interest payment date thereafter, at•a price of par and accrued interest. This call feature, representing $1,470,000, or approximately 57% of the bond issue, will permit a prepayment of those bonds should substantial prepayments of assessments be received or if future market conditions w.arrant a re�nancing of this issue. With the inclusion of the provision for discount bidding, this call feature should not impair the marketability of these bonds. As with all issues of the City, we recommend an application be made to Moody's Investors Service, Inc. of New York for a rating of this issue. We will provide Moody's with the necessary data upon which they will make their rating analysis and make the application on your behalf. We do not anticipate a change in the City's current"A" rating from Moody's. We again remind you of the Tax Reform Act of 1986, which requires, among other things, that issuers of tax-exempt bonds rebate to the fede�al government any arbitrage earnings on the proceeds of the bond issue. One of the exemptions from that requirement is for issuers of less than $5 million of govemment purpose tax-exempt bonds in any calendar year. Earlier this year, the City issued $1,320,000 of General Obligation Water Revenue Bonds, which together with the current offering totals $3,895,000 of government purpose bonds and falls within this category. In view of the fact the City does not anticipate issuing more than $1,105,000 of tax-exempt government purpose bonds for the balance of this year, this issue will be exempt from that requirement. We recommend these bonds be offered for saie on Tuesday, June 20, with bids received at the offices of Springsted Incorporated at 12;00 Naon. At that time, all bids received will be opened and verified for accuracy, and a bid tabulation will be prepared for presentation to the Council for action that same evening. A representative of Springsted Incorporated will Page 3 • City of Rosemount, Mir�Tfesota • ` May 11, 1989 attend your meeting to provide recommendations as to the acceptability of bid proposals received. Bond proceeds should be available sometime during the week of July 17. Respectfully submitted, J��l C7��''''�'.dZ SPRINGSTED Incorporated mmr Page 4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA � 19891MPROVEMENT BOND FUNDING REQUIREMENTS Total Water Sewer Net Estimated Fund Fund Trailways Required Issuance Aliowance Capitalized Total Assessable Year MSA City Costs Contribution Contribution Contribution Costs Costs Discount Interest Costs Costs Assessed Contribution Share �194 Shannon Parkway $1,067,000 $50,000 $25,000 $ 992,000 $ 9,490 $13,520 $ 93,500 $1,t08,510 $ 822,990 1990 $221,650 $ 63,870 #195 West Ridge#3 490,000 27,000 463,000 4,295 6,115 43,600 517,010 501,895 1990 15,115 #196 Vailey Oak Phase IV 235,000 11,000 224,000 2,035 2,895 3,925 232,855 226,960 1989 •895 #191 Chippendale � Avenue 229,000 229,000 2,260 3,220 4,025 238,505 65,445 1989 173,060 t986 Bonds Required Refinancing 471,600 471.600 4.520 6,440 -0- 482,560 108.065 374.495 Totals $2,492,600 $61,000 $27,000 $25,000 $2,379,600 $22,600 $32,190 $145,050 $2,579,440 $1,725,355 $221,650 $632,435 Investment Earnings q qqp Net Bond Issue 2,575,000 NOTES • 1. Capitalized lnterest computed from Date oi Bonds,7-1-89,fo October 1 in year ofAssessment 2. Project#191,Chippendale Avenue Streets,was partially funded in 1988/mprovement(ssue. Of total costs estimated to be$450,000,only$229,000 is needed here. Assessments of$56,840 are pledged to the 1988 issue and are not shown here. 3. Temporary lmprovement Bonds of 1986 mature August 1, 1989. Funds on hand together with bond proceeds wiU be used to retire the temporary issue. Funding requirement is shown as follows: Principal Due 8-1-89 $2,150,000 D lnterest Due 8-i-89 58,050 � � � m � Total Due $2,208,050 � ro Less Funds on Hand 1,736,450 � , � (7i � � Net Requirement $ 471,600 4. MSA contributron will be reimbursed annuaHy for next ten years at 522,165 per year. lnterest on these deferred receipts will be payable by the City. Page 1 of 3 City of Rosemount, Minnesota 1989 Improvement Projects ByeSPRINGSTEDgInco$porated Projected Assessment Income PROJECTED ASSESSMENT INCOME #194 Shannon Pkwy #195 West Ridge 3rd #196 Valley Oak Phase IV Filing Date: 10/ 1/1990 Filing Date: 10/ 1/1990 Filing Date: 10/ 1/1989 Filing Collect Interest Interest Interest Year Year Principal @ 8.750% Total Principal @ 8.750% Total Principal @ 8.750% Tota� ----- ------- -----,---- -------- ----- --------- -------- ----- --------- -------- ----- 1988 1989 1989 1990 22,696 24,865a 47,561 1990 1991 82,299 90,163b I72,462 50,190 54,985c 105,175 22,696 17,873 40,569 1991 1992 82,299 64,810 147,109 50,190 39,524 89,714 22,696 15,887 38,583 1992 1943 82,299 57,609 139,908 50,190 35,133 85,323 22,696 13,905 36,597 1993 1994 82,299 50,408 132,707 50,190 30,741 80,931 22,696 11,915 34,611 1994 1995 82,299 43,207 125,506 50,190 26,349 76,539 22,696 9,930 32,626 1995 1996 82,299 36,006 118,305 50,190 21,958 72,148 22,696 7,944 30,640 1996 1997 82,299 28,805 111,104 50,190 17,566 67,756 22,696 5,958 28,654 1997 1998 82,299 21,603 103,902 50,190 13,174 63,364 22,696 3,972 26,668 1998 1999 82,299 14,402 96,701 50,190 8,783 58,973 22,696 1,986 24,682 1999 2000 82,299 7,201 89,500 50,185 4,391 54,576 TOTALS 822,990 414,214 1,237,204 501,895 252,604 754,499 226,960 114,231 341,1� b) Includes interest from filing c) Includes interest from filing a) Includes interest fram filing date to 12/31/1991. date to 12/31/199I. date to 12/31/1990. v � � v � a� -o m z v X Page 2 of 3 City of Rosemount, Minnesota Prepared May 9, 1989 1989 Improvement Projects By SPRINGSTED Incorporated Projected Assessment Income PROJECTED ASSESSMENT INCOME #191 Chippendale Ave 1986 Remaining Assessments MSA Contribution Filing Date: 10/ 1/1989 Filing Date: 12/31/1988 Filing Date: 10/ 1/1989 Filing Collect Interest Interest Interest • Year Year Principal @ 8.750% Total Principal @ 7.500% Total Principal @ 0.000% Total ----- ------- --------- -------- ----- --------- -------- ----- --------- -------- ----- 1988 1989 13,508 8,127a 21,635 1989 1990 6,545 7,170b 13,715 13,508 7,092 20,600 22,165 Oc 22,165 1990 1991 6,545 5,154 11,699 13,508 6,079 19,587 22,165 0 22,165 1991 1992 6,545 4,581 11,126 13,508 5,066 18,574 22,165 0 22,165 I992 1993 6,545 4,008 10,553 13,508 4,052 17,560 22,165 0 22,165 1993 1994 6,545 3,436 9,981 13,508 3,039 1fi,547 22,165 0 22,165 1994 1995 5,545 2,863 9,408 13,508 2,026 15,534 22,165 0 22,165 1995 1996 6,545 2,290 8,835 13,509 1,013 14,522 22,165 0 22,165 1996 1997 6,545 1,718 8,263 22,165 0 22,165 1997 1998 6,545 1,145 7,690 22,165 0 22,165 1998 1999 6,540 572 7,112 22,165 0 22,165 1999 2000 . TOTALS 65,445 32,937 98,382 108,065 36,494 144,559 221,650 0 221,650 b) Includes interest from filang a) Includes interest from filing c) Includes interest from filing date to 12/31/1990. date to 12/31/1989. date to 12/31/1990. -o � c� m v � . ttCR L Ct1l1M ItT � RFP The City of Rosemount tt�rough tt�e sttached RFP f� seeking to purchese computer herdrer� #or use #n tfie Financial Offices o# the Gity. �quip�nent saught is at rninimum gfling to be a 386 besed �rrocessor�, running et least 20 ilN�, employing e DOS t►ased Operating Systems or the ebility t� emulete DOS to allor working spread sheete from files in tne me�or programs on the syste�. Further, the �ainimua► RA� vill !�e 4MH, upgr�edebie. The mini�u�d Herd Disk Storage Kill be 120t1B� upgredeble. The processor aill support use o# peraliel and serial pr�inters that cen be eccessed from elth�r th� mein prnces�or or . through the ma3n processar fra� the Emu,�eting AT's to allov dir�ect printing �abs fram stend el.one pragrems on the AT'e. The Working terminels vill be �86 hesed AT's vith 1 MH i�a�a end a minimu� a# 40tiB hard di�k storage esch� e�uleting rrork statfons in plece of dediceted du�b t�r�inals at each r�ork station locetion. The City ie reque8ting r�itt, thfs RFP the np�nrtunity ta laok at Remote Data Er,try Unfts. Water �eter R�ading� by remate un3t �rill be consldered at this time and the oppartunity ta inc,�ude them in this RFP is very timely. Due to the neture of progrem� of th�a type, saftvere supporting these progrea� �pplication�s are in conRta�t upgrade made �nd the Citp �acps�cta� thut far •t lee�t the fir�et tMelve �onth� of op�ratinn on th� n�w sy�tem thet any upgr��d�a made to the pragra�a� �rill be pert ai the initial c�fferir,g end rrill be pre�ented to the City at the time of co�apletion et no cost. Upgrades to be inaluded� can end r111 be total. revr�ites of progrea�s underxay et the tim� af the RFA. The City Steif rr311 revi�K very critically, each softrare p�ckage to compare vt,at rre ar�e espak�l� of doing xith our pr�esent system versus the syste�n propased tn eliminete those thet are less cepeble then aur aurrent saftYare. This comm�nt sheet is pr•�sented as per�t af this RFA to meke sure thet the abvious is not ov�r-loaked. � f3EHERA4 TNFQRMATIQN � Purpae� ot R�qut�t tar Fropo��l tRFF) The purpoee of this Request for Proposal ie to provide int�rested vendors xith the �ec�s�ary information and specificakione to�permit prepar�kion and �ubmfesion of proposals for ca�puter hardrar�, sesocia�ted aperating eyetem eaftware andlor application software, inetallation and msinkenance auppqrt and training for coneideration by the City of Ro�e�oount. Sum�ary of Rtquir�a��nts The City of Rasemount` ptaposes ta aequire date pracesetng equipment er►d related operating eoftxare alang with epplication eoftx�re neceeeary k4 provide th� City aith the cepebility to efficiently snd effectively p�rf�rm the folloring functione: i. Data Proceesina A_ppllcationB - Financi�l Accounting artd Budgetin� Accounts Psyable Accounte Receiveble Caeh Receipte �'ixed Assets Peyroll U�ility Billing Vendars Nill be required ta pr�ovide e means of trensterring ex3sting deta records into the syetem they ar� proposing. 2. Per�eoneZ Ga�apu�ing - The City deeires to use personel computer�s in plece of Btand�rd CRT ter�inals for e nua�her of users on the systean. Tneee personsl computers viTl giye the users the oppor�tunity end ehiiity ta use such pereonal co�nputer produetg e� spreedsheet�, xord processors, and data besc� menegers. In this regard it is deeir�ble to heve sn#trrare av�ilable on both the host system and an the pereQnsl camputers ta allor the uploading end dornloading of dats files betxeen the c�mputers. Personel Ca�aputers ere to be con�i,gured to e��late terminels in back ground to �llar usir�g th� perean�l computer as such rhile tending to e back ground epplicetion. eliminating the need for more than ane keyboard ger user. The City is can�idering the purchage end installetian of data processing equip�aent end softrare designed ta aperete in the exi�ting office environment and rr3thout diertiption of present operaticans with the fc�lloKing requir•e�►en#s: i. S etem Oper�etion - All equipment end aaftrere must be designed ta be operated by non-technic�l staff employees. The City requires a data processing system rrhiah can be operated N3thout the necessity of t�iring progre�mir,g staff. -�- � • 2. Multi-userlMulti-t�ekino - Equipment and aoft�ere prnpaee� ahs�li provide multi-user and �ulti-tasking cepebilities. The eyet�m mu�t be cepable oi expension to eccommodate additinnal users end applications with minia�eL perfox•menc� degradetion. 3. Menu-drtven Dperation - SoftMere shell he �enu driven tor equivelent), designed for an-lin�, multi u�er operation. 4• Equipment Qperating Enuironment - All equip�aent offered �nust be v�rrented by the �enufa�turer, designed ta operate in the exist#ng offfce environment, �nd shouid not require any spec�al air . conditioning or unusuel electricel s�rvice. 5. Initiel Hardrere Ins#.ellation - Outlined belor ere the anticipated components nf the equipment conf3guretian to he us�d in respnnding to this RFP, R�commended changes ta this canfiguretion are r�lco�ae and �hauid be li�ted eep�rstely ss an alternat�.ue prapa�sal. - 1 - CPU - 386 ar better - 3 - IBt! Co�apatible P'C's xith �4+QAIH hard disks drives, i MB - Ram, Ter�inal emmuletion - Cep�bility tc► interfece rrith hand held data entry units ta be - u8ed far �eter� re�ding input fr�to the utility billing. - One hand heid dete entry unit - Power lassltrensient surges prnteation Th�s confiquretion aesumes the eLility tQ u�� exi�ting equip�nent a�s tollox�st . - TT O�ani 800 tR� $1G1 Arinter- - AST 286 AT -2- � � BACK4ROUMD INFOR1tATI0N Rase�ount� Minnesote is an llrban City loceted 12 plus mil�s streight south of the Stete Capitnl in St Peul, It hae both urb�en sprerl sreas end rurel areas, enhanced 6y a defineble dorntorn �rea. The present population of Ro�e�naunt is estimst�d by the Metropoliten Council at 7,420. The City e�ploye�es 40 full-time and 60 part-ti�e end seasonal emp3oyees. Tne City Council con$ists of the M�yor and four Coune#1 �embers. lia�or Uepertment� of the City: AUMINISTRATICIH - AdminietretortCl�r�k, Deputy Clerk� ar�d administretiv� personnei responsible far the dey to dey operations o# the City. FINANC& - Finence Directar, Deputy Finence Dir�c�or and �uppor-t steff responsible for eccounting, budgeting, accounts payabie� eccaunts rece3vable� cash receipting, util3ty billing, payroll, spec�isl assessmentg and mator� vehiele license bureau functions. PUBLIC WORKS - Public Morks Director and support staf# respar+sible far inspectian, meintenence snd rep�ir of streets� $an�teary serer� systQm, end rater distribuLfdn system. PARKS AND R6CREATICfH - Rarks end Recreation Director end support steff respaneible far �eint�nsnce of parks end open $�ace, park equipment, operation of autdoor recreational, facilities and orc�anization of recr�eatianel pr•c�gr���aing. COM!lUNITY DEVELQPNEHT - Commun3ty Development Qirectnr, Building 0#fiaia.k end support �ta#f reepan�ible far development end �n#arcement af C1ty Codes, long and shart ter� planning end econom3c develap�ent activities, POLICE DEFARTMENT - Poliee Chief. Lieutenant, tno Sergeants� six petrol and a Secretary/Di�patcher provl.de ler► enforcement and are hous�d ir, tA� City ' Hell Complex. FIRE DEAARTM�NT - The Fire Chief ieads 35 plus vQlunteer fire fighters in providfng ffr� protection to the City fron� a sing3� fire hall camp.lex loested on tMe �eme ca�pu� �s C3ty N�11, -4- � . Existfng Equipment Texes Instrua�ents 8usiness Syetem 661 5I2 K8 M�mory . 80 M8 Disk tCD14q0i 4 911 terminal� 2 Tex�� Instrument 81fl Pr�nt�rs Existit�a Auto_„ �et�d g stg�s tSa#txere fro� Computaservir,e� In�. ) 1. Finencial Aceounting and 8udgeting 2. Aecaunts Payebit� 3. Peyroll 4. Utiiity Biiling 5. Inventory 6. Purchase tlyders 7. Special Assessments 8. Esti� '�a__a____ted Volu�es Present Ave. fi�t Anntiel Volu�e Y. Increase �'insncial Account Number of Funde 10p 15X Average Number of sccounts per fund 150 �x Numher of subsidiery expense aceounts 950 5Y. Nnml�er of sub�sidiery revenue accounts 45f1 gy Number of Depertm�nte I50 5x Accaunts Pe aGle Number of Active Vendors 700 5% Number of Invoices each �onth 60Q 5y Number af checks rr#tten esch month 250 5Y. Aceaunts Recelvahle Nu�ber a# Reeetpts per montA 3�0 �;� Number of fund bree&dorn�s per month 1Sp0 �y, Pe roll Nursber of full ti�e snd part-time emp.toyeesl[1G Number af payroll checks per manth i5Q Number� of annual M-2's lOQ Number of #undtdept distributians per check 6 Utilitv Bi131nq NumbEr af Utility Custamers Ue� 31, 198? 1976 NumDer of Utility Cusior�ers 6ec 31. 198A I71€� Av�rage nu�ber o# s�rvices per custamer 5 Tatal number of ser�vices ev�ileble �i. . -5- � . A�DITIOHAL APPLICATTQNS L#sted belor ere some functions/applicatians thet may he con�idered for euta�etis,n 1n the futur�. Vaiu��s end r�cord sf2es ere not turnish�d as ther�e has heen no research or development time spent on these epplic�t3one for the City, Thie infar�rtation provided to the vendors to alert them to the pas�iDility of future ea#tKare n€�eds. Vendars thet respond to this RFP are expected to have expertiee anci knavledge in lo�el gavernment functions and eativitie� needed ta develop the�;e new epplieetions. Tt,e epplicetions autlined er�e intended as faod for thought only end are �ub�eat to ch�ng� baaed upon the aveilebilfty ot tunda� capab�.liti.es �nd sophistication af the system �elected end the comp�exity of ir,stalling �nd aperating the so#tvrere compsred to the t1mQ sevings en�ayed hy utilizing the nev syst�m. Vendor�e ere ta complete the follo�ei,ng softr�ere eheckliats and include fn the �o#twere �ection af the�r RFP. Currently Purch�se cost Av�ilable or £st Cost Applicatiun_ Yes or No to Dev�lop Property Informetion Aceounting �.icense and Fer�aits System � . . � .. . .. . . . . . . . : r . . . � . . Purchase Order� ' -6- � � tiEN RAL REGUIREltENTS Sub�inion oi Propo��i• Seele� propoa�ls vi11 he reoeived by the City na later then 2t00 4'alock p.M., Tuesdap, June 6, 1989, for the falloring: �'urr�ish, deliver end insta3l a car�puter system end its essaaieted operating eyste� softrsre end instsll snd assist in the installetion of v�riou� �ppliaation syatems dQscribed herefn far the Gity in accor•dance rrith epecification� end for�ns of proposel conteined herein and prepered by the City. ` Wtrere e praposel include� a reference ta equipment herdvar�e� e�so�iated op�rating �y�tem eoftvere, epp�i,cati:on so#trere� sv�plies� prev�ntive �aintenence� �nd/or r,���d3.el �eint�nance eervices ta be furni�taed by scameone ath�r than tha+ propoeing ve�ndar, sufficient detinitiun af such equiprsent, so#t�are. supplies, or services� must be included ta permit eva�.uetion ot th� propasal a� e Nha�e, In edditian. there mu�t be � el��r identific�tion of the vendor vho rill have the ultimate tatel respons#bility #ar instelletion and taaintenance for ell: hardvere and sa#trer� in th�e prnpasal. Furth�r�flre, a11 praposele, infor�ation and response.s Kill �e inearparated into end mede s pert af any final agreement betxeen the C1ty o� Rose�aount and suocessful vendor. Feilure to m�et these obl3gationa �he11 result in the �ance3lation of any �ontracts and �c�rfeiture of the propasai bond as 1lquideted de�aege$. Copies of each proposal must be suD�nitted in standard �ormst snd enclosed in a sealed envelope et the ti�� and place speaified. 81ds shall be elearly marked es #o2lovs: Propasel for Data Arocessing Equipment entl Softaere. All bids rill be opened public.ly in the Cauncil Chea+bers of the City Hall at 2875 :t45th Street West� Ro�emour,t, Minneeota 55�68� et the t�me end date speci#ied �n this Request for Pr•oposel. Propasels rhich are hsnd-del#vered the day ot the opefling must t�e presente�d in the eppropriete o#iice at the time for rhich the bids are eslled. The City will not be responsible for late ma1l deliveries. and no bids will be accepted ii reaeived �fter the time stipuleted in this RPP. Pra�,osels fur th� sysEem for the City �Dould be meiied or delivered to: Stephen J#lk, AdminiBtratarfClerk Gity of Rosemount 2875 145th Street west, P.p. 8ox S10 Rosemount, Minneeota 55Qb8 Eact, propoBal shall be accompanied by a eompleted ca�,y of 8 PYU�10Sfl1 Etond and Non-Collusion 8fffdsvit. The Proposal Band shell be executed hy en authorized surety compeny and enclosed with the affidavit in the envelope rfth the Did. The Proposel Band �hall be in the Amount a# Five Per�c�nt tSX! af the total �+roposed emount. Eaet� vendor i� required tcr sub�it A copy oi their most rerently �u�ited finar�cia.t �t�te�ent. In casee rrt�e�re mare than ane ver►dor ie sub�ttt#ng e single comi►ined propasal, �11 vendar� shall submit thefr most recer,t audit statement. _g.. � ' . CONRITiQNB Each vendor �ust comply vith all requirementa as direated ar re�uired by tfiis notice. Notice is hereby given to all vendors that if their propoe�le are INFORltAL, DEFECTIVE OR IRREGULAR, the ea�e may be re,je�cted immedietely. All articles �ust conform to apecificatione and shall be Buh,jPet to inspection at time of delivery before �cceptance. Mhere tao c�r more vendore are deea�ed equai, the Ctty reservea the ri.ght to make the avs�rd to on� of the aendors. Vendora rill speci#y in their propasels tne delivery date ef their e�ufp�ent, services andlor praducts� and deliver must be made on or� befcare tt,e epecified detee. The City desiree the system ta be deliver�ed and tnstalled es gaon es passi:ble, preferebly w�thin sixty t601 days after selection. Because of paesible shipping gchedule canflicts the City rill require delivery rithin rtinety t9G1 deys of avard ot contrAct. A late delivery penelty of One Hundred tS10Q.00) liollers per dey may he asse�sed ff de.tivery accurs beyond the ninety t90) days. Prices far herdrere and saftvere quoted by vendare shall be firm pr�ces and not subject to increase during the term of that RFP �am�n.letion Time Agree�ent er�ising betreen the City end the sele�cted v�ndor as e result oi said propasel. Vendors Mf11 quote on prices, less any applieable texes. Th:ese specificetians will became part af the contr�ect between tAe City and the �ucaessiui vendor. The City rill respect and cor�ply aith any reque�t by vendors regarding confidentiallity of materials presented and rill at na time allo�v review af �eteriels by enyc�ne ather then authorized City stei#. RIt3NT OF' REJBCTIOR The City of Ro�emount reservee the right t� re�ect eny or all propoesla and accept the proposel it dee�� to be In The 8eat Intere�te Of Tha City, considering itea�s including, hut not iimited to, prfce, previoug experience, eccess and bess o# eervtcesbility� delivery date, qvality and capab.il3ty. Further, the Gity reserves tAe right to make its selection solely on the besis of the pr�apasels trritten ar oral. i� need�d?, PAST SBRVICE AND EXPERI6NCE The City reservee the right to re,�ect eny propos�l affering h�rdaere sndlor eoftware th�t hae been proven in use to be unre2lable or unsui.table for the vork to be aecomplished. Propasala of inexperienced vendars ar those xhu have failed to properiy perform other contracte may be re�ected for �uch cause. Vendare shall provfde the namee, ad�resses, phvne nua�ber and description af thrQe municipaliti.es within the Stete nf Mi.nneaote that are currently operating a syBtem aith the proposed softaare and s aimilar hardrare configuratton to th�t pioposed. _g_ � � CiTY'S INVESTIt3ATI0NS The City of Rosea�ount or its repieBentatives may make �uah invest�.gations e� dee��+d nece��ary ta determine th� ability of vendore to pexform the wark, and vendor�e ehs�ll furnieh to the City ell euch information and d�te for this� purpoe� ae the City may requeet. The City reser�ves the r3ght to re�ect eny groposel if the evidence sub�itted by� or inve�tigation of, saeh v�nd€�r #sils to satisty the City thet surh vendor is properly qualified to carry out the oaligatfons of the agreement and ta eompl�te the rark conte�pleted therein. P6RFORMANC6 BOND The vendor vill� if avarded the contrsct, from the condttlan�s of thie RfP and futni�h a per#or�ance bond satiefaetory to the City in the full smounk of the �aard, for faithful p�r�ormance 8e required. -10- • � SECTIOIt 4 PROPQSAL EVALUATION PROCESS ► -11- • • PRQPOSAL �VALUXTIQN PRtiCESS Proa��s Coaiputer syete�s evaluetion will be eccnmplished by khe City and its repreeentatives. The Ci.ty vill reviea end ev�luate eIl proposala sub�aitted in reaponse to this RFP. Yendore �ay be eliminated from con�fderstion for fetiure to fully co�pl.y rith the specificAkione af the RFP. The e�elQction riil be beeed on the bid dee�ed to be moet coet effective rhile meeting speeificatians responeibly, baaed upon, but not limited to, thP follartng: availability and quality af epplication eoftMare; hardrare serviceabilf:ty in ter�ns of utilities, ease o# opexatian; up�rsrd expandabillty in ter�e of maximu� capaaity of pracessor and peripherals. The Ev�lua#.ian end Selection pracees will: 1. D�termtne xhich vendors meet the "Mandetorq Requirements" epecified in . the RFP. 2. Uetern►ine aAich vendore raeet the "Desired Requirements" specified 3n the RFP. 3. The besis far the eve2uation af pr-opasels received w311 include the follorring eonsiderations: s. The v�ndar's performence record to-dete in meettng the requirea�ents of their exiBting customers. b. The a�aunt of vendor eupport thet Nill be aveileble for canver�ion, imple�e�tetfc►n and ongoing moditications as they are needed� requir€+d or request�d. c. The finenciel stability� longevity and strength of the vendor. d. The proven, existtng sppltcetion syete�ns the vendar� hes now far immediet� implementetlon. TAe vendor's capabilitf�s fn ather systen►� ar�es rill be treated as a positive factor. e. The cost of the system ta include caBts incurred indirectly� �s vell e� thoa� b�.iied direetly by the uendor. f. The internel controls prnvided vithin the system rrhiah prevent unauthoriaed accests to data, and provide adequate autift trafls. g. The operetionel #lexibility durinq periods of syetem failure due to �eehenical �el#unctian; i.e. , r�eorgenfaatic►n after a lightning strike. h. The eveiiability of users in the area to ailox reference investtgation. i. The quaiity uf system� program� operatur and user documQntation pre►vided. -12- �. Adherence to�Q requested proposal for�at. includee the : thoroughness the proposal as �rell ae the f�t of presentatian. k• Equipment cepecities� cepebilfties and features. 1. The cepabiltty to provide the softr►are fea�tures and capabilities outlined in Section 8� APPlication Softwere. m. Hardrare/softxere serviae cepebility. �. Cquip�ent and �oftrere modulerity end eaee� of upgr�sde. o. The �►xperienee requtred and numher of in-hause data pr-ocessing p�r�annel neceseary to 4perat� end maintain the system. p. The number, typ� �nd experience af locel vendar steff. q. The pa�tian of the toLel system that the vendar will pravid� .in ter�ns of equipment, ingtallatian, conversicrn, softvaxe, eduesti�an and treining support, �4ftxere support end equipment maintenance service. r. Ti��ly deli+rery of propa�ed syste�a therdvere &� saftxere). s. The eepebility to pertarm conversi4n of existing dete filea. 4. D�ter�in� rhich vendor's propase�d e�yste� and support lends itself most favarehiy to the City's current and future needs. 5. It�termine rh#ch vendor offers the "Least Totel Cost SyBt�a►". Or�l Pr�entatione Oral preeentations may b� requeeted by the Cfty as a pert of the oversll ev�luation pxoce�e if the City feele it ts necessary. The City �ay select any or a,ll vendore �t its diecretion, to hav� an oral presentatio�. If an oral preaentatior� is deemed aeceg�ary, the City will furnish propaeere aith guidelinee and lia�itatione far th� preeentation. The Gity vill alao nokify the propoeer�, in r►riting, o.f the tim�, date and place of euch preaentation. The notification rill also describe time 1lmits and other criteria for the presentation. Proposel For�st & Quality Ta aseist in the ev�luation af propoeals resulting from this RFP, ik is requested that eaah prapasel be written in a conefae �nd forthright manner and that auperficial marketing etatemente be avoided. TMe quality caf the prnpvaals euba�itted !ay a vendor ie viered as a basic indicetion of the uendor's gener�l cepability end technical co�petenae. Ouality is interpreted as: ti) comp.tetenees, t2) thoraughn�ss, (3? securecy, {4) compltanGe aith propoeel instructione, t5) timeliness, and (6) khe organization and canaiBenese of descriptive text �aterial. Ft:apoaala whieh do not comply rith inetructipns may be eliminated from further consideretion. -13- The proposal should be esenteQ in a eingle bound volu�nd orqani�e� in aections along the fol.�tng lines: 1. LETTER containing narrative for the propos�l, overall service and product proposed. 2. PROPOSAL BOND. 3. NON-COLI.USION AFfIDAVIT. 4. VENDOR PROFiLEs e. Nu�aber of years fn present location, b. Lergest locei pro�ect. Include rrame and size af herdrere end nature of eppiications autometed. G. State nu�nber of year�s of experience vendor hae in data �raeessing for city government. d. Totel steff avsilabl�. Include eize of treining st�aff and applicstio� telephone support personneL e. Nua�ber of pr�ogrema�erfenalysts rorking on city applfcetions. #. Indfcate if eny pending litigation exists. g. Indicate type of ownership structure. h. List three Minnesote cittes uBing the proposed soitti�r�e on a aia�fler hardwere configuration. Include name and telephone number of contect person. i. Provide resumes of persannel that Nill be involved fn saftrax�e support sndlar develop�ent, and instellatfon af the City's system. �. Copy of mast recent eudited finsncial statement. 5. VENUOR SERYICES s• Required .1eed tfine for the proposed herdrare. b. Indicate #ecilfties available for� softxare development testing and file canversian prior ta deltv�ry. c. Indicate r►hat site preparation assistance is availabie. d. indi�ate �h�t conversion aseistance is eveilable t4 the City. �. Indicete th� amount af treining time provided in tt�e prpposeci price (number of peopleR nu�ber of hours per applicatianl. :f. If vendorte) is not e turr�key uendnr, the neme ar�d lacatlan of each supplier must h� steted. Ind#cate aho vill be the prime contrector re€�ponsible for fihe entfre installation. -14- � � g. 8stiteated cost end duretion of operetor end epplicetions training avsilable to City p�rsonnel - both initia� and ongoing. h. Mlill a curr�nt capy af th� source code be pleced in the pos�ession of a qu�lified �acrox agent? M311 proo� a# snch plaae�ent be pravided to the City? i. Co�t end availebility of softMare developsent or �naditication not included in wain#.en�nce fee. �. Meintenence re�pon�fv�n�ss - herdrere end soitYere. Tndicate the nu�ber of qualifie*d �sint�nance personnel loceted rithin e reasane4le diatance= rerranty periodp responee time= locetian o# pot�ntiel beak up. k. Type of operating eyetes softrare �upport thet ie eveilebl�. State response tin�s and cust. l. Is deteil daauwentation eveilable in �enuel for�? Indicete east� 3f any� of updetes. �. li�thod Q# providing so#tvgre; i.e. � purche:e, rentBl, leaee� lieen��� tAird party� ete. Indiaete orner o# saftMere. euthor, werranty and cost of enhancements far eech app�icatian. n. Softvare support. Indicete the manner in vhich applicatfon softrere rrou�d be prov3ded end th� pricing errenge�eent for such suPPort. 6. HARDMARE e. Include pages 72 through 74 in Section 10 0# the RFP. b. Dete prapased syete�n ennaunaed. c. Hu�ber of unfts inetalled. d. Equip�nent cnnfigur�tion. Assu�ptians and eelculetton� used to determine canfiguretio�n; i.e. , we�ory �ize. diek cepacity. pr3nt epeed� eic. A�so, expen�ion capabilities of the �yst�m. e. /►maunt at �ini�aum increw�nta cf a�en�ory end co�t. i. Di�k cepeaity - e�ount propos�d and mex3n�um emount, llp9rad� cepacity -etat� incre�ent ��ounte snd coet, State ths eplit betr��n fix�d and r�mavable, if a�ny. g. piek requiren�ents analy�ia for initisl ap�Sllcations eoftxare. State awount of storage required for operating eyetem, etc., and each spplication. State percentege ava�lable for sdditionel BRPlicstians. -15- � � h. Printer - etate epeed, line length, coa�preesed print availebility� character eet, upper andlor lorer case, print arethad, format control, nu+aber of readeble capies, +rhether or nok l�tter quality or near letter quaiity cepebility. Nu�nber of printere proposed, and �axiwu� the sy$te� rlll support. include easple docu�eat produced by proposed printer. f. CRT's - nu�aber proposed, and �axi�aum supported by CP!!, maxi�u+� dietance .froa� CPU. Doee proposed CRT have e eeparate ten key psd and a epectal cursor control pad? State respon�e ti�e. Can City personnel coneiatently expect an �verege of three seconds or lee�x? �. peaeribe the data cQ��aunication capabilities of the propoaed syetem. k. Stete the opereting environment required. Include: tempereture renge, hu�idity re�ge, B1'U output, cooling requiren�enls and faiee floor require�ente. 1. Stet� the electricel require�nents, �. Stete noiB� 2eve1 of the printertsf. n. Stete hefght, ridth� depth and veight of eech co�nponent. 7. OPERATIHG SYSTEM e. Includee pege �, from Section 11 of th� RFP. b, L#st the oper•ating syste�n, coe�aunications softrare� utilitfes, dete beise ssr►eg���nt syetea�, co�piiers� query 18nguages, repo�et rri�er, on-lin� progr�w�ing teetures� etc,, propo�ed and th�ir costs fan�-tise end wonthly)� if eny. Also, de�cribe hov long eech propose►cl softMare product hes been aperetionel at ueer sftes. c. Descrihe the �a�or featuree. d. Mhat is ite uprsrd mot�ility af the syste� saftxare to s larger ca�nfiguretion in the fa�ily? 8. APPLICATIQH SOFTMARE e. Applicetian nerrativea for each propo��d applicetion. b. Include eil af the eoitxere cepebilities Ghecklist peges, fnc.luded in Section 8. c. Mhet i� the uprard ca�pet�.6ility of the appl.icetion saftrar�e shouid � future hardrere upgrade be necessery? -16- 9. COST SUN!(ARY � • s. Include Attec?�aents A through G. b. Particuler attentian �hould be paid to: -Stating specific ct�st� involved ri,th eli softwere modificetians. -I?eteiled pricing of each h�rdrere co�aponent proposed, i.e., provid� e pr3ce for e�ach tera�inel, printer, proees�or option, etc. Do nat sui�wit e sing�� pric� for ell herdver� cosponents or groups o� con�ponents. -Nanthly n�aintenance cherges by equip�ent device. -Estiw�eted aoet o� consu�able supplies; i.e., peper. report bindere, ribbons, etc. -One-time ine�te�lation cherges. �Us�r Training costs. 10. IMPLE1tEHTAT�OW SCHFDULE a. Prepare e d�teiled conversion schedule� identi.fying ell nec�ssery conversion steps. -17- . .__....� • • SECTION 5 NBM 3Y5T6lt REOUIREXENTS �.�g- � • REM SYSTEM REDUTREMENTS The infor�etinn in this 8ectian af th� RFP is intended to sesist patentie.l suppiiers of the City's futu�r� data processing resonrces to structure Proposels apprapriete ta the specific needs af the city o�rgeni,zetion to be served. it i: es�entia� thet eufficisnt prQceaei�g por�r and ma�s storege be evaiiabie to service adequetely all concurrent ect�vitie� and enticip�ted grovth, At th� �e�me tir�e, ev�ry effort �ust be made to provid� th�ee eervfce� at the loreat cost tn th� taxpeyere. The City feel� thet ongaing maintenence end support is a �se�or f�ctar in tf►e selection of 1ts dete proceesing vendor. Therefore� vendare shou2d viev the City ae � u�er of deta proces�ir�g rith mini�al data proceseing experience. As e re�ult, th� vendor �ill b� r�quested ta provide a "turnkey" sy�tem re#lecting h�rd�rere, eofLw�re� �eintenena� and support, WMieh Nill �eet the processing nc�ede o# the City. Cansequently. e significant degr�ee of support is expected fr�am the vendor Mho shall be responsible for the follorting: i. System aefinit#on. This cansists of detsil�d de�initive system design work requir�d t❑ make this prapo�ed hsrdkare end sattvare system functic�na.i in the ciLy env#ron�ent. S. System I�plementetiar�. This coneiste of the detailed pragrer��ing end system suppart reyuixed to get tl�e hardrere end sa#t�rere syste�s up and runn3ng xithin the ti�e frame specffied. 3. Training. Tt►is includee the education and tr�aining o.� city pereannel in the use of the equipment end progra�s. Fu.11y doeumented system manuals must be pravided to the City. Classroom training at the vendors location is accepteble. 9. Ganversion. This fnclude8 sutomated canvErsion oi date ffles from the existing syste� to the new syetem -19- • • �YSTEM CONSTRAIHT$ Because af the �nviron�ent in which the City desires ta operete, eeveral system canstreints have he�n identified end �re outlined belov: 1. PER50NNEL GONSIDERATIONS. The City desfres to minimize technical staff require�ents. Therefore� the syste�n proposed must be cepab�e of 6eing opereted by existing pereannel who have experience �rith typevritexs and cslculetors and caaiputers. It is recognized that a comprefiensive u�erloperetor treining progrera rrill be requ3red. It is en#.icip�t�d that all softrare meintenence� changes end modificatian xill be eccorrtpliehed t�y the vendor selected, es the City doQs nat intend to employ computer �rogrem�er�s. Proposels sha]l also include samples of softrere documentetion. 2. SOFTWAItE SllFPQRT llPpATES. The vendor selected shell prov;ide a "hc�t line" telephone number ta City personnel far re�olution o# oper�tion�l questions� and assietance in isolating possibl� system fAults. Saftvare modifications must be msde on a timely bas�s. Mhere required, the vendor muBt he cepeble of communicat�.ng proqram updetes in executeble for�aat directly to the City's installed syetem via telephone. 3. DATA IHPUT AND INAUIRY. It is expected that all data entry Miii be dane during normel t�usiness r�aurs, except for peek loeds. Daily inquiries into all files can be expected. It is required `thet ell users (through CRT's ar persanal co�aputers) be able -to acc�ss their reapective deta file� end r�ecards rrithout interference, deley ar contention. 9. FILE PRCIT�CTIQN ANU HISTORY. In ord�r to safeguard data file�� it ig requir�ed thet provisfana h� mede for copying all tiles dsily ta a rnedia thet can be stored in snother iacatfan. This "bsekup system" should require no more than twer�ty-five t25) minutes to eaaomplish. 5. FILE S�GURITY. It is enticipated tDat all eo�aputer ff.tes xi�l be ecceseed in an interactive �ode using GRT ter�ninals or p�r�onel computers. es descrfbed in this RFP, Secu�rity ageinst uneathc�rized access through the means of security pasallord techniques, rhich vfll provide infarmatian only fram selected partions of the dete bese end only to the respective user depert�nents. 6. CDNVBRSIQN. The City desireE to have a ma�ority of its existing deta #iles converted to the nerr systers in or�der to �aeint�in operatians and available infortaation at the existing level. D�SIRABLE HARDMARE AND SUFTMAR� Space Coneider�tion The prc�posed system should be capable of residirtq iri accupipd office area. Electrieal requiremente rill 6+e �ek end the ayetea� shoulci nnt require a rsisad fioor. So�►e IlD devices aill be lacated fn rooms in ot,her part,s �f the buiiding. -21- • 3YSTEM HARDIIARE • It haa been determined thet the propoeed hardaare canfiguration at a �infmwm a�u�t be menu driven interactive, a�ulti-uaer, multi-tasking, multi-prc►ceeeor �n�i be cspabie of cancurrenk batch processinq end int�ractive praceesinq. The main proceseor me�nry ehall be suffl:cient ta mee� th� t�medfste n�eds of the City based an eoftwar� and hardware propased, and be �xpand�ble by at leaet 300% abav�t im�a�diat� requlr�m�+r►ts. Main proc�senr memory �he�.i ba� larg� enou�h to hend.t� khe r�quir+��ents. M�in proceeeor memory ehall b� lerge �nough to hendlo the operating syetem and spplicsetion �oftwer� �+ithout slor doxn due to ext�n�ive erepping or overlaying. IBM PC edmpetible vork statlons rith termfnal emulatian ehould be a major n��na� af I/0. Har�i di�k should be th� me�or �aes etorage a�edie rith provieion for tape baGkup. Propoa�d disk ehall be eufficfent to aacom�odate all ey�tem and epplication software and current data files and rork filee. Total diek capecity of kh� syetem must be expandable by at least 300X ebove the initial con#iguration. Vendore sre required to eubmit detailing disk analyais for the operetin� syste� and �ach aoftrare appliaation. Include speee allocated for program starage, all rork arese, data etor8ge, etc. Indicate size propased and per�ent of allocation. One GPU pius four IB?! PC competible �nicro computers vith ter�ninal emuletian cepebilfty, 1liB Ram� 40 MB herd disk� serial and parallel ports, MS-DOS and color �aonitars pith grephic� cepel�ilities are requir�d. The ebilfty to daMnloed dete fr�aw� tAe host system into such personel co�nputer so#tvare products ee Latus 123 or Sy�nphany is highly desirablQ. The ability to uploed dsta from these PC products for use in the host system epplicetions fs elso desirebl�. One letter quality dot n�atrix printer should be propnsed. This printer shauld hBve a 24 pin print head end be cepable af prfnting at e speed of 200 eherecter� per �econd in letter-quality �aode. A leser prinier mey be proposed es an aption� in plece of the dot metrix printer. Tfii� printer will be used pri�aerily #or vord processing documents and extremely high qnality is expected. Provide sa�ple output from the proposed printer. One ne�r ietter quality d�t �etr•ix printer• vith aide cerriege ti36 calu�ns ride) ehauid he propased. This printer shov3d have a 24 pin print head and be capable of printing at a speed of 240 charactears per seconds. This printer ehould have the ebility to serve as a serial end a parallel printer. One "produetion" type printer vith xide earriege (13� columns xide) rith paper• gtscking trey end stand. This printer ehoulcl be cepsble af printing 34U charecters per eecand �nd hav� dreft and letter quelity ebility. This printer will be used primerily tor printing lengthy reports, utillty statements e�d reeding cerds, and accaunts psyeble and payroll checks. This pr�inter shauld heve the ability to serve ss a serfe� end a par-allel print�r. Tt�e t,ardware� aperetir�g syBt�em spftrere end applicetion soft�vaxe being proposed saust aperete eo that the average response time per transactian for any user is no longer than three t33 seconds. Far purpases ai this evaluetion, r�eeponse time is defir�ed to be "the emaunt af time elepsed betWeen generatian a# an inquiry or enkry of data e�t a data communicati�ns ter�inal and receipt o# a response at that same ter�inal". -22- • � Reepanse time ae deftned here includes transmiseion time to th� compuker, processing time et the co�+puter, includinq acceas kime to abtain end maintain eny #ile recorde needed �nd tr�ns�leeion time beck to khe ter�i�e L The hardvare configuration required should b� expandable ta meet the groath of the City and the addition of nex spplic�tions Mithout any major hardrare or eoftware ehanges; i.e. , changing CPU`s or rerrite of softrare. SYSTEM 50FT1iAttE The praposed syetem must have an �perettng eystem that aupporta khe requirements lieted under "System Hardwsre", i.e. , s�n on-llne, real ti�e, a�ulti-program i.nt�rsetive environment. IltITIAL APPLIGATION SOFTMAR�: The installation and perfor�ance of the appl�ication eoftwsre is �he single moet importent ele�nent of the proposed system. System ecceptance and peya�ente �ill be based an "Appiicet,�on Softv�re P�rfor�ance". any vend+�r unwilling to accept this condttion need not su6�it proposa L For any of the eof�aere cspabilities that gre not p�rt of a atanderd package, tfie proposer muet stete the specified cost of the madificatlans and the date available. A LISTTNti OF TIlIE AND MATERIALS QNLY MI4L MOT B� VIEMED A8 AN ACCEFTABt,E RESFQNSE. These costs should be included in Attaehment C and G. Tu further essiat tAe City �.n evalueting the initial epplication �aftrare� propos�ls shell include sen�ple� of reparte and other printouts� files end other records uBed in the progra�a. Ta furi,her a�sist the City in evelu$ting tl�e softrrer•e� proposal shall include cost of providfng secand print optfons ta e11ar the City to continue uee of exie�ing printed stock b for seleeting the vendors for�a�ete Qf print�d form�. See ��mples of �xisting City forms listed as pert o# this RFP. -23- � � GENERAL CHl�RACTBRIS'f ICS Curr-ently Cen be Est Cost Dete In Peckeqe Added to Develoa Availsble Terminal aace�e e�curity eontrale tprovide e co�p2ete d�serlption) Print - Spaoling , Menu drlven epPlicetian programs _____,_^_ � Multi - pragremaaing Uocu�entationt - Syetem daau�e�ntetion - Progrsm docun�entetion - Operetor instructians Data com�nunications Beckup Procedurea Reetart Procedure� Operator prompting and instruct- ions displsyed an t�rminel Capability to specify rhich printer rill print a epecific report � Cepehility to print the content� {for�nat end dete) of �ech display aveileble on the visuel dfaplay terminel Cepeb#lity to diepley the contents of a r�p�ait#a report on the visuel diepley ter�inal Vertical. ecrolling e�pebiltty Horizont8l scrolling capebil�ty • Hine charecter zip codes Minimal redundency of stored deta: i.e. praperty identfficeiion nu�nbers stared only in one file, r�th�r than in multiple files Ouery lenguege -25- � � GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Currently Gan b� Est Cost Dete In Packaae Added to Develap Aveileble 8 1/2 X 11 page printing t132 compressed character�) Program source code (kep�. hy a trustee) All repor�ts contein the folloying informatian: - Orgenizetion na�e - Report tit2e - Processing dete - As of date - Peges numbered in Bequence - Sut�totals after every sort, level, break� or es defin�d by user. - Grend Tatele - Colu�n heeding descriptions - All tebles �tored on externel #iles, eaaessible to the user, to a�lov tar changes rithout requiring pragre�n recompilation Capahility to coa��unfcate rith eoftMare �uppart site Nu�eric keyped Edit end Rea�onebiQness eh�eks at epprapriete steges of date input Balanaing ai date eniered egainst a betch totel entered et point of initiel date input -26- • • t3EWERAL CNARACT$RIS1'ICS Currently C�n be Est CQst Date in P�ckaa� Ad ed to Develop Av�iJ.ahle F°in�nai�l sy�tam automaticaily pulls accounts p�yeble, payroll, utility billing, epecial as�esemente, aecounta receivable, cash receipting, etc. , for upd�ting of appropriate aacounts , Screen for�ets s3�iler to ane enather in each epplicatic�n Scrolling� escepe functions� date entry procedares� etc. , ae�ae in each aPPlicetion T..� -27- • • SECTIQN 8 SPECIFTCATiOtiS �'OR INDIVIDUAL SO�TMARE APFLICATiOfIS -28- - ! � FItiANCiAL SYSTEM Currently Can be Est Cos� Dete In Paakaae Added to Develoa Availeble Account Far�at: Current Account Number structure is: XXX-XXXXX-XXXX �igite i through 3 are �lrrsys the F'und Nu�ber For Assets. Liebilitie$ and Revenue Nccounts - Digits 9 through 8 ere the accaunt number For Expenses - Digits 4 through 8 ar�e ths depart�nent or cost cenL�r For As�etsR Liabiliti�s and Revenues - Digit� 9 - 12 er� available far d@teiiing of eccounts For Expen��s - Digits 9 through 12 ere the ab�ect codes tepecific expense eetegori�s) The current eccount structure can be used On-line file inquiry to eccount msa�ter file in#ar�ation �and trans�cstion hi�tory. �..�..., . Chart of eccounts Iisting End oi yeer pracessing to cl�ar eccnunte Cepabi2ity to pracess eubeequent y�er tr�nsaotions bc�for� cowpl�tely , ciosing previau� y�ar Audit treil repart for f3ie �eintenenee Master ffle listing At least txelv� accounting perinds Ability to edd, chenge, inactivate end delete accounts On-line entxy end editing ai trenseetions � -30- . � FINAIICIAL SYSTE�I Currently Can be Eet Cast Uate In Aeckaae Added t4 Develop Available 2ero eccount balsnee editing prior to d�letion Dauble entry systea� Debits = Credits caatra.i on ell �ournal entries Possible one-�ided entries �lioMable Trensactions mu�t be 3n belence by f und f or poeting to occurr interfacee rith other eccounting syste�ne end applicetions Autc►matic ,�aurnal reference teudit triel) Ability to print edit iists of entri�� #rop� ather accaur►ti�ng eyste�ng prior to po�ting Option to print ell transections or �ust current a�onth's �ren�ectiong vith prior a�onth's detail aum�aarized to beginning of the month balenees Fund eccounting i�ciuding incom� statements ior ent�rpri�� fur�ds Provide �nteriace pith end eca�pt eutomatic paetings �ro�n: peyroll� aceounta peye�ble, acaounts r�ae�iveble, utiifty billing� revenues� expenditures �nd budgeting Stor�d Dete a�ust inciudes - Account type teseet, li�bility. exp�nditu�re, revenue) - Accaunt number - Accaunt description end length for e�ch e�gmer�t of the accaunt numD�r #or�et �alternetive: ecGount deecri�ptione �neintained in a eeperete #il�} ..31, � � FINANCIAL. SYSTEM Currently Gen be £�k Gast pete In P�ckeae Added to Qeveloq Av�tleble r - Fund typer cod� - fund group code - Debiticredit indicator for aseets, liabflity, a�nd equfty acaaunts � - Pr�evious three yeer epproved budget for r�venu� end expenditure eccounts - Current ye�r budget far revenue -32- � � FINANCIA6 SY&TBM Currently Can b@ Est Cost Dete In Peckaae Added to Develou Aveileble - Fund type cade - Fund group code - Debtt/credit indic�tar for a�sete, liabiliky, and equity eccounte - Previauaa three y�ar epproved bu+dget for rev�nue and expendlture accounte - Current year Dudg�� #or revenue end expenditure eccounta , - Month-to-d�te trenaaction tatal� tr�venua�s end expenditure�� - Yeer-to-dete treneaction totals fr�ve�ues end expend�.tures) - ttTD end YTU debit and �redit totals for b�lance �heet accounts - Account bal8nces far asset and liebility accounts - Last traneectlon dete - AQiiity to retain deteil oi trensection far current year - Ability ta retein deteil oi trensactions #ar prior three yeere GQneral L�dger Deteil Trial Belance: - Li.st de�bit end credit bale�r,c� for each eccaunt - Sequence ie hy eccount nu�nDer - Print rarning r�esseg�s if out of belenc� . - 4pt;tun ta print trial h�3ence �rith detaf 1 transactions or su�nmarized -33- FItiANCIAL � • SYSTEM Currently Cen be Est Gost Date In Packene Added ta Develop Av�iieble General Ledger: - Option to print in detail: or summary - Option to select epeciffed eccounts - Optian to se�ect epecified eccaunting periode - Optian to print preli�inery or fin�l Belance Sheet hy Fand: - Includes e belance sheet fc►r esch fund - Includes all non-aubsid3ery accounte rith ending be2aneQs - Calculates totel esaets, totel iie6�ilities, re�erves end fund balenae Coa�Dines Belence Sheet ( all tund tYPes end acc� graupe): - Liats co�bined eccount total� by fund type and account group Stet��n��t of Revenuee, Expenditures and Ch�nges in Fund aelence: - A4�iiity to report on single fund or user determin�d renge of fund� - Report current perfad end year-tc-date hudgeted revenue end �xpene�a� actu�l r�ver�ue and expen�es, and related verfancee - Include beginning of the yeer fund belence -34- FINANCIAL SYSTElI ! , Gurrent.ly Gen be Est Cost Dete ir� Packe�qe Added to Uevelop Available - Include current period and year-to-date budgeted incresee (decreaset to fund baiance, actual increase tdecresee) to fund balance and relsted variances - P�riod �nding account belence tbudgeted, actual end verience) - List b�ginning belenc�� recef pts. disDursea�ents. trens�er in end out� ad�ustments end ending belance �____� - Allor n�ultiple user defined sart sequ�naes Repart Opt�onBs - Capebility to print r�parts for e preliuinary c�osing befare e final closing i� made - Aveileble upan request - Use� �ultlple user def�.ned sort eequences - Allors user defined renge of dete - Use of #orarat or s�quena� files sa u�er can deiine reporte. level of su��►arizetion end de�ired subtotsi�ing - Ability to post transactions and print reparts at any time durfng month Caa�plience rith Gav�rnn►�nkel Account Auditfng and F3n�ncfel Reporti�ng iGAARF) principele published by the Hetionel Counci.l on Gav�rrtm�ntel, Account is required. It is not required to pr�fnt reports in �the ea�e for�$t as . autlined in GAAFR, horever, the inior�ation mu�t be available in the �yste�. -35- FINANGIAL SYSTEM • Currently Csn b� Est Cost Date In Packaqe Added ta,Develoo Aveileble' Auto�atic oQ�p�ri�on o# ao�put�r : gen�rated b�tch aontrol totq2 ta �snually ent�r batah aontrol totsls, Mh�r� :ppliatble on tran�action�. Budget Preperetion Morkeheet; - Prior three year`e actual revenu� and exp�nditare tnfarrastion - Curr�ent yeer budget end ectuel year-to-dete amounts - Prior three yeer'e budget - Frovide apece far vriting next year r�queet�d budget - tlse ae e turn-�-round doau�aent to praduce tinel budg�t - Auto�aatically roil appraved budgets into the next ye�r•� appropriatio�na - Allow for ed�ustmenta to , eurrent yeer budget - Ability to budget �►ontniy or annual2y by eccount nu�nber - Cepability to specify en ennuai percent budget incresse on specifi�d aceounts - Abilfty to p�rform "tthet i#" budgeting Final Budget Report: - Gist the eppraved final budg�t in d�teil by account - Option ta pririt monthly at annusllY �. , T_.., -36- • • FIRANCIAI. SYSTEM Cur�rently Can De Eat Cost Dete In Peckeqe Added to D�velop Availeble Actual snd Estia�ated itevenue Report: - For eaah revenue eecaunt lisLs Annael Budget Ad�usted ennuel budqet Actual rev�snue aoll�ction tareneectionB 8alenc� of unreelized rev�nvea - Qption to print: All detailed transections f ar the y�ar Year-to-d�te be3ancea ehc�wn in aetual end esti�a�ted r��venur reporte Current period det�il Mitt� prior period'� , ectivity cond�nsed to beginning ot period tatsl� Selected eccount� Apprapriation Stetus and Hi�tory - For e�cA exp�nditur•e sccount iist: Annuai Budget Ad�usted ennual budget Aetnel expenditure trensections Unepent budget belanee -37- • � PIltANCIAL SYSTBM Currently Gen be Hst Coat Dete In Aackeqe Add�d to Qevelotr Aveilable - Option to print AI1 d�teil tran�ectiona for the ye�r Current p�riod detail Mit� prior period'8 eatfvity condeneed to beginning of tt�e perit�d totala Yeer-to-dete belances reflected as pert of the ectual and esti�nated expenditure report Selected sacaunts Report �ptians - AveileDle on request - Multiple us�r defined sort sequences - Sel�ction ai e d��irc�d renge of data U�e a# for�aet or sequence f31e �o users cen define reports level ot su�serization end degired subtoteling Auto�etic comparigon of computer genereted betch cantrol totel io �nenuelly entered betch control totel� rh�re epplfcab.te on transections -38- ACCOUlt1'S PAYABLE � • Currently Can be Est Cost Dete In Packea� Added to Qevelot� Aveileble �n-lfne entry snd trensactinn ed3ting File meintenenoe pracessing Automstic invoice terms Ter�ns override allowed Stored Dete tiuet Include: - Vendor nua�b�r - 9�ndor name - Vendar addres� - Vendor tel�phane nu�ber - Contact Per�on - Ter�as - C�srrer�t be�ana� - Total purchese� le�t year - Total purchee�s Y-T-D Sp�ll ont the doller #igure inserted an the checke Abilfty to handle hendvritten check� fixpenditure Appraval Li�st: - Lists e11 exp�nditures to , be poid by fnvoice xltAin v�ndor - Inc2udee �enually prepered ch�cks - Capebility t4 print only invoiee� due for pey�aent rfthin a specffied tf�e periad -40- ACCOUM7'S PAYA84E � • Currently Cen b� Est Cast Uete in Peckeqe Added to Develar� Available - Includes � co�p�rison of expenditure to un�pent budget b�lanc�, vith e� rar�ing aieesag� if �xpenditure wl11 �►xce�±d the budget - Graupe �nd tutals invaice deecriptio»s and s�aunts bp fund Cash Dishurse��nts Journe?.s - Geteil aud3t tr#al hy eacount r�u�ber Autc�natically generate general ledger entri�s rhich inelude check nusber� date paid. vendor nen� end de�crtption Capa�ility to support �ultiple sash in b�rnk account�s and �ultiple aGcounte payeble accaunts Yertdt►r file iieting Cash requir�ments report � Chc�ck Regist�re - Detail eudit triel of ca�h di�Durs�wents by benk cad� by chgek nua�)aer - Al�l3ity to run report by date range ar cheek nun�ber renge - Ataility ta run report of autstending checke only _ - Ability to run report of vaid check� only - Ability to run report af eancelled che�ks only - Ability to run report af all checks -41- ACCOUNTS PAYABl.E • � Currently Can be Est Cost pete In PeckeQe Added to Deveiop Avreil�ble Computer qenerat�d cheeks and remittance edvice Cepebility to proc�ss vendor eredit rie�no's Hol.d pey�nent code far di,sputed invoicee Yendor #nquirie� Check reconcilietion proaessing ' Diepley of gro�s� dfecount end n�t Agtng of open peyable by future user defin�d ti�e period Vendor Purchese Analysis: - Lists current b�l�nce end tote2 purchese� iesL yeer end year-to-dete Yendor elphebetia list Audit trial report for file Maintener,c� Report Optionse - Aveil�ble upon regueet - Different eart �eque�c�� - S�lectian of � �pecific renge Auto�aetia couperfson oi ao�put�r genereted l�atch contral totele to a►enu�lly entered batch con#.roi t�tal. �rhere epplica6le on trenssctions Expedited Tnvoice Ability -42- � FIXBD ASSBTS � 'fhe fixed A�eete ltodul� provides for th� �aintenance aad reporting of sil eeset items ovn�d by the Ciky. It auto�atically co�putes depreciation and rill calculat� depreciatian expenee for ali or sel�t�d aeset i,te�e. Autoa�atically interfaces rith the Fund lladuie for expens+� firansactian postiag. - 5eriel nu�ber - As�et descriptior� t�eke or wod�2) - Aaquisition dattt - Fund aacount nuAber Location - Orlginal coet - Class code - Lif� in �ronthe - bepreciation aad� - Sslvage value - In�ura�ble velue► - Source oi funding i f und �caount � ) - Ye�ndor ne� - Year-to-�lete accur�uloted depreaiatien �� - Totai accuwulated depreciatio� � - Sch�iul�c! replace�ent dst� -43- RIXED AS3ETS � ! Ability to #nquire on-l3ne to tA� a�eet inventory file by esset nuwber Interface suto�eticelly rith tAe fund eccaunting �odule. Psss eu�wary depreciation trenaacfi.ion data Ability to :ort waater f�.le by class code �I �►u�, �s8e Gln�rate an As�et Maeter File listing including= - As�et nuwher - Serial nu�ber - Asset description � t�neke or wodel? - Aaquieition date - Fund eeaount nu�Ler - Locetion - Original cost - Cless code - Life in �onths - Depreciation aoda - Sslveg� value .��. - Insurable value - Source ot funding #f und account �) - Vendor ns�e - Prior year sacuwulated depreaf�tton �� _44_ F�X�o ��,� � i D�v�lopeient or Coet to Modification: Garrently D�velop or by Vendor or Dste In Psck�Qe tlodifv Third �srty Aveilable - Year to date accu�ulated d�precistion - Tatel e�cu�ulated depr�ciatian - Curr�nt �onth deprecietion - Net book value ��,_.... - Schedul�d replea��ent date AlioM the ebility to ��i�t ell 1te�s ar ta select by fund eccount nur�ber. ADility ta eort file in tund 4ccount end clees cod� arder. Generete s �onthly Aaset Journal shoring d�teil for all eeset postings. Fosting ahauld include depreciation expense and acau�uiated depreciation for ail depreciable a�sets. Ability ta print an Ass�t Register �ieting ell treasaction� poeted ta the asset fil�. Generate aft�r any tile seintenance 3s perforwed. Ab3lity to print �ee�er ffla by clsee eode. Ahility to prfnt e�set �ist in �und eca4nnt �nd tben cless code order. Ability to auto�atiaally g�enerete list o# a�aet� due for replace�nt. -45� a FAYROLL • • CurrentZy Can be Est Co�t Date In Peakeae Added to Develop Aveilable Provide for the falloring peye�nt frequenaiess - Sen�3-Annu�l - Manthiy - Bi-reekly Hourly e�playee praces�ing Seleri�d e�nployee proc�s�ing Abiiity tp en�er default payroll dete Al.�or aertain deductions to b� teken during e sp�cf#'ic psy period dnring the �onth Allov �nultipl� deductions p�r , e�p.toyee - minimu�a 20 Al1oY the folloving typ�a of auta�atic deduation:s - �lat dall�r sa�ount - Flat dallar emount xith , e Ii�it - PQrcentege of groae pay - Percentege af graes pey �rlth � li�it - Dallar �nount p�r reguler or nverti�.+ hour Al1aM one-tia�e deductions Allox deduction averridee Pravide ior PfiRA tPu613c Ewployee� Rettresent Syste�) deduct#ons end reporting Allo� a�ultiple pay�nt typ�� per e�p}oyee t�ini�u� 2Q) ex., regulgr, overtf�e, si.ck, holidey� vecetion Pravide for Minne�oLa Stetc� rithholding taxes -47- PAYRQLL � • Gurrently Cen be Est GoBt Date In P�ckeq� Added to Develon Availeble Provide for He�lth Insuranc� deductione - Multiple plane �re sveileble to e�ploye�s Provlde for deferred co�np�nsetfon plen deduetian� tpre-tex3. Multiple def�rred campensetian plens ere aveileble ta Cfty Eraployees Provid� #or externeliy �tor�ci earnings, tex deduction tsbles thet are user-�einteinable Capahility to splii selari�s end ell.or distribution to �ultiple general ledyer eccauats Allor ior intartgce to e�ccounting system Dy pravid#ng the capebility to allocate payroll cost� by depert�ent or cost center Auta�►atic int�rfece xith accounte peyeble far ea�p2oy�e Mithholdinge end e�aplayer overhead costs Pern�it peyroll ad�uet�neets Void check processing - auto�atic ed�ustiag entry of e�ployee� ans! e�nployer cost� to be int�rfaced into general ledger ecaounting Byetem Pravide the cepability for each depert�nent to ent�►r peyral2 tor employ�es rithia their depert�nt Allox overti�ne pey to be camputed as: - Streight tia�e - Ti�ae and on�-half - Dauble ti�e Ailor for �ernings sub�ect to FiCA but not fed�rel and stste rithhold�ng texe�� for �xe�pt . employees -48- PAYROE.L � � Currently Gan be Est Cost Dete In Aeckeqe Add�d to Develo�+ Avaiieble Allor non-cash psy a�ount to bs added to gros� to compute �'ICA Tex Allor for �iscell�neoue e�player overheade {ex. City share oi ineurence) Allor for r�a�unerations suD�eat to tex�tion �ut alreedy received oat�ide of the p�qroll systee Accrue end report� far �ach eppliaabl� e�ployee, current end career-to-det�s eick leeve, vecetfor� hours end holidey Allor sul�tiple checks to L� vritt�n to �,n erplcy�e during e pay p�riod Provide soaie means to euto�etically reduce the rithholding awount� vhrn lerge nu�b:r�s oi avertiw� haurs er�e rorked Provfd�+ for ��nual check entry Alio�r #or opt#ansl d�ductian of additional stats or f�derel Mithholding tax, stated either es a peraent ar a fiat atnount �-- Frovide �.he abiiity far direct depa8it of paychecks end praduee e pay etub tor those e�ployees Autowaticeily updet� tlte sGca�ntf ng syste�n ait�r epprovel of all edit� by tinenc� depart�ent Allov ov�rride of nor�ael pe�r ret,e end/or entry of a�ultiple pay reteB based on rork p�rfor�eci Aecrue end treck t►re uee of vacetlan day� far esch e�ployee besed on user-d�fined accrual methods ivarying aecruel for full-ti�e vs. pert ti�� end e11aM fur maxia�u�n eccruais -49- �! i - PAYROGL Currently Can be �Sst Cost Dete In Feckeae Added to ��velop Avafl�ble Accrue sick leave at a ueer- defined rake per aanth york�d, up to a user defined �a�xiaua� end treck it� use Auto�aatf�all}r reduc� secrued vacetion ead �ick leev� es they ere tak�n Allar ao�p�rison ot cae�put�r g�nereted betch contral total tQ wenuaily enter�d ear�trol tatel Coa�pute end r�port the eeplayer's sha�re of peyroll texe� in total and by dep�rta�nt end fund Provide e peycheck rith the falloring a�ini�aus infor�a�tion: - Nea�e� gaar�s. city. stete and zip code - Peyroil periad ending dete . - Cheak nuesber - Dete oi check - �let pay a�ount - Spell out dollar e�►ount - 6�aployee nun�ber Prnvid�e a psyetub rrith Lhe following �ein��u� !.n#or�etion: - fi�aployee nao� and eddress " - Hours - reguier and overti�e - Earni»ge thi� p�riod - reguler, over-tia�, other - Gross Pey - Peyr�oll period ending date . -50- PAYROLL • • Current2p Can b� Est Gost Dete In Packet�e Added to Deveiap Aveila�ble - Government deductione - Federal �►ithholding, �'ICA, State rithholdinqe, PERA, Medicare - insurence snd other deductians hQspftal, life, other, union �iscellaneaus - Net Pey - Year-to-date infarmetion - eernfngs, Fed�ral Mithholding, FICA� Stete xithhold#ng, PERA, Medicere - Eerned, used and eccrued belence� o# vaaation hours - Earned, u��d end accrued belanc� of sick ti�e - Earnedt u8ed end eccrued bslenc� of eo�p-ti�e - Bmploy�e Nua�ber Pravidc� the folloring docun�ents and r�ports: - Aayroll �ournal� current. MTA, YTD, QTD - aeteii payrall r�gister - Dedu�tion regfster - ��nplaye� end ��ployer shar�, curre►nt, MTd,YTD,41TD - Check reconciliation repart - Outstanding ch�ck report - Depart�ent �aarnings r�port - THx ledger - e►�nployee and e�ployer shere, curr�nt, MTD, YTD, OTb � PBRA r�ports - Eivarterly rr�ge� detail inc3uding �reek� rorked -51- PAYROLL • • Gurrently Cen be Est Cost' Date In Peckeqe Added to D�ve�ot� Availeble - !lnion reports - Sick leave and vscation eccrual report {earned� ueed and balenc�? - Bond d�ductions - Audit treil of eli file �aintenance chenges {before and after 1n�or�etion) - Detail and reaap o# ell accounting trsnsactiun� p�r ' PeY Period tby fund snd depart�ent/ca�t c�nier) - At�iiity ta det�rmine sarting end sequr�ncing of report and to sp�cify �el�cted rsnges - Employec+ list - include ee�ployee nua�t�er, ne�e and sddress end current rate o# pay 5tar�d Dete Nu�t include: - Fund Nu�ber - Deperta�e�nt #an��er - E�ap�oyee ne�ae� �ddr��s, phone - aate af Birth _ E�aploy�� Nu�b�r - Stetue code, tfull-ti�me, - part-tia�, inectius, retiredl - Sociel S�curity i�u�her r ' - Mar•i.tai 5tetus - HU�ber of �'eder�el exemption� - Numb�r of Stete exe�nptions -52- PAYROLL � • Cur�rently Can be Est Gost Date In P�ckeqe Ad�ed t4 DevelaR Aveilab].e - Employment date - Tersinetfon date - Nu�ber of pay p�riodslyear - Pay period code tbi-Meek1Y, a�anthly� other) - Pay type thourly� sa2ary� a�aount nat to exceed, etc. ? - Pey ret� thouriy, salery) - Huarber nf houre xorked per yc�er tc�x. 20A0� 2i90� 1 per employee - E�ployee and Ew�ployer �xe�pt taxee by emp2oyee - Kele/Fen�ale code - YTD ed�u�tments - YT� Federel vithhaiding tax - YTD FICA - YTD PERA - YTD Stete Inco�ne tex rithheld - YTD tor esch deduction - YTD �nedicere - Extx�s Federel xithholdinge - �xtra S�tste rfthholdings - tllnimum Federal xithhaldi.ngs - M1ni�um State Withhold3nqs - tlTD earefnga - 0TD earnings - YTb earnings -53- PAYROGL , S Gurrently Can be Est Cost Qate In Peckege Added to Qevelop Available - Non-taxebl�+ earni�ngs YTD - Non-texeble earnfnge oTD - Non-texable �arnings MTD - YTD Bick houre - Sick lesue accrued - YTD vecatian houre - Vacation ieave Hccrued - PERA un3t nu�ber - PERA mea�ber nu�ber - PERA tYPe tbasic, P & F cnordineted) -54- UTILITY BILLIIiti • • Currently Can be Est Cost Det� In PsckeQe Added to ,Develop Avsile6le � Dn-line data entry and editing of traneections Batch updeting vitA trensaction edit ii�ting On-line n��ster file maint�nenc� _ Interfe�ce Mith aash rcaceipt� end g�nerel led er e ste�r 9 Y Allor deposits to be refunded or deducted froa� finsl bill Pravide cepability to ed�ust and/or corr�ct custo�ner's hill rith adequete audit treil Allow correction of current end prevlous a�ter r�edinge Overrid� nora�al bi211nq e�nount or usage Arnvide far quart�rly or n�anthly ; calcui�tions �nd Diiling�a of the #olloving service�: - Mleter S�rer Cepsbility to celculeke billings rhen n�eter turnover occurs Allov for �neter turnover an a�eter �ith diff�rent nu�aber oi diel digit� , Rrovide for use - r �ainteinahle '� rat� teblee Mith li�ited eecessibility through pessrord protect3on Provfd� r�ap�bil3ty ta calcuiste e�tia��ted Dills for tvo manth� end celculet� ectual �mount due for the third �anth after tl�e quarterly reading hae been entered Provide cep�bility to c�iculete actual er�ount due #ar th� quarter end fill thet tot�l on a �onthly � be�is -56- � __,._...._.__.,.� UTILITY �IL�INti • Currently Can b� fist Cost Date In Peckaqe Added to D�velap Availeble Provide for flexible rate strueture for each scrvice by cueto�ner type and biiling ty��: - Fixed and �ninimue� cherges - 5tep-rete charges per �ervice t�ultiple - up to trelve step rat�e) - Flet plus step-rete chsrges - Ability to test rates efter changes heve heen �ade rithout updeting customer - Flet cherge per unit - Provid�s for querterly mini�nu�► fixed eharg� d�p�nding on seruice tppe - Frovid� sales tex ao�putetion on user eelect�d s�+rvices - Al1oM far uaer msintainable eeles tgx rate - Persit p�nelti�� to be celculated on u�er-select�d services in user defined emount or p�rcent�ge - Perr�it override or exewpt atetus of penaltie: tor certain custo�ers - Charge or drop peneltiea by specific �ustaser et et�y tim� - Provide for tex exe�pt �tetus for certein custa�ers - Provide sbility to eutaa�eticelly dfstribute ce�h r�ceipt� to epFroFriate s�rv3ce snd charg� catc�gorie� -57- UTILITY BIL4IN6 • Currently Gan � Est Cast Date In`Pecksae Added to Develoo Availeble " - Allov partiel pSyn�ents to be posked and distributed �anually or �►uto�natically. Auto�aatic distribution could be in order of the eervicee sequence on the bill, or percentege of bill totel,. Report ehouid ehor detail dollare to esah service category tpay�ents and acaflunts reeeiveble> Mgintain contral totals for the fol3avfngt - Nua�ber of eacounts proceee�+d - Total aesh pasted Ability to send delinquent notices on e+�lected �caount: and a duplicat4 notia� to property ovner rhrre apprc�prlete Ability to grint �e�ag@s on ' hilling ste:te�nent On-lfne inquiry ta cross reference snd s�arch fcr custon�er accaunts using any of the follorfng: - Custo�er's na�e - Account nu�nb�r - Servic� eddrees - Speciel nu�ber Frovide for billing of one-time cAerg�s ti.e. r�p�irs, e�ter instslletion, a�iscellsneous, etc. ) Stored Data huet Includ�: - Acaount r�umher �_ - Cuetomer ne�e. eddrees, nine digite zfp code -58- UTILITY BILLING • �urrentiy Can b� Est Cost Date In Peakaae Added to Develop Availeble ' - Cuetomer telephane nuwber - Service sddress - S�rvicee pravid�d - biliing cade t i.e, rater, se�rer, gerbage) - Tex claesifications ti.e. taxable, non-t�xab2e? - Peneity ellored tyes or no? - Custo�er type Ei.e, residentiel� commercial, 3netitutionel} - Accovnt etatus, tactive� fnactive� deleted) - DepoBit nua�ber - Deposit emount - Orner naa�e� eddress� nine digit zip code - Pereel nua�ber - Henk nua�ber - Meter seriel number - !let�r eize - Instell date _ Date re�oved {disconnected} - tlet�r �eke tlaintain the folloMing mini�um - current end historical infor�etion �ar each customer t�ini�u� af 12 billing periods): - !lonthly ed�ustmente - W�,ter nieter reeding tcurrent and previou�) - Mhether actuel or eeti�aeted reeding -59- U'fILITX BILI.IIiG • � Currently Can be E�t Cost Dete In PeckaQe Added to Develap Aveilable - Wat�+r consu�nption t 12 billing periad�f - M18ter cherges f12 billiag period�) .,._.�� - Gerbege aherges t12 btlling periode) _.._____-- - S�ver aharg�s fi2 billing periods? - Niscelleneous charges t12 ailling periods) - Recap of mpnthly cherges. Feyw�ente and adjustments - A�nount currently due - Dete of peya�ent - Awourtt ot pay�ent - Gurr�nt end pest due billing a�ount - Aecount belences Generete postcerd bill rith the falloring �ini�u� infor�aetion: - Custa�er reteined pdrtion: Account nu�ber Service fro� dete Serviee to date _ Present �aeter reeding #or eech eervice Previaas meter reading t f or each service) Consu�aptf on Het Amaunt Billing code ti.e, vete�r, serer) Total e�nount -60- UTILITY BILLINQ � Currently Cen b� E�t Caet Dgte In Packaae Added to Develoo Aveilable - Return portion Cu�toiaer n�we and sddress Account nu�t�er Amount due Billing dete Customer �naste�r file lieting generat�d on us�r det�r�ained sort sequence Gen�rate a postcard rater �etc�r reeding nat3licetion tGusto�r name end eddrees is printed on bath fielvea. Custo�r eccount nua�her is printed an custo�r r�turn�d portion) Provide eusta�aer �ailing labels Generete metc�r r��ding �heete f or eech cuetoa�er Ut,ility History stetus report: ' - A1i aurrent intor�aetian ior ane �aaoun� - Consu�ption and cherges tor 12 6illing periods Utility billing r�gister tlist all billing infor�►etion prior to Dill pr#nting) Fart3gl billing edit li�ting all custa�ers and their current and previoue reading an�t current asege vtth all custo�ners vith a►i�Bing readinge highlight�d Tex exeapt ecaaunt listing Final bill report Qeteil accounte receivable repart thet can be printed et anytia�. Includes su�msrized receivable information 6y fund �nd aecount number 8illing ad�ustaients report -61- UTILITY BII.LItIa • Currently Cen be� Est Gost Dete In Packeae Added ta Develaa Av�,ilable Utility Ages Trial 8alance by Cueto�ers - Curr�nt - 40 days fro� billing tIQ dey� a�€t�� a�e a�te� - 60 deys fro� btlltng {20 days a�ter du@ dat�) � over 60 deys fro� biliing - et other user defin�d intervels - Telephon@ nu�ber for contect Delinquent Accounts Report: - Act3ve cuetoeiers - Nonactive custon�ers - CasA r�ceipts �ournel Consumptic►n anely$is report fram �ach of the servicc��: - !lonthly by �ustomer type - Totel units bill�d - Total a�nount (dollare) bill�d - Total nu�nba�r of cuato�ers billed - Averege billfng per austo�ner - Av�reg� con�u�ption per cu�to�er - Yeer �nd reparting by cu�tamer and by services -62- UTILITY BILLIliO • Currently Can be� Est Co�t Uete In Packaoe Added to DeveloQ Aueileble Recelculation of current billing. Besed on previoue eeti�ated biilinq� - the abiliky to bill utilitie�a f i.e. �ater, ser�r, etc> baeed on esti�et�d usege in cases rhere �eter readinge are not evailabl�. Reealaulation shoulsf updete the �ccount statue rhen a current r�ading ie provided end ee�ti�ate� have not been accurete. Previous billings that M�r� eetimat�d rould h+�ve to be reacalculs�t+�d to reilect carrect current hi.11ing. Auton��tic usage estimatian based on prior 12 peripds u�eqe for eccounta with no curr�nt meter reedings: Auto�aetic esti�nation cherge far' eccounts where usage ras e�ti�net�d due to no reading Multipl� penelty celculetion methods end recelculation b��ed on cesh penelty applicetion Cepeble af report Mriting �unctions: i.e. . sort by n��. address, coneumption, emount due, etc. Budget billing cepabilities Ability to co�nbine a�nitiple metere for billing rith individual �et�r detall t�x. tlaster �eter vith eubtrective nietere end tlsster e�ter rith edditive �aetere). Situetian ' rher� wet�r service is billed on tatel usege on �ester meter and serer is biiled on the r�et usege of the �naeter less the subtractive. Freationelf�e hillings by percentege - the ebi�ity to � prorate e billing in case an , account ie clased during e billing aycle. ti.e. moving) Nigh/lor report end rereeds -63- Provide o�► line inquiry � � - Custo�er ne�a� - Addr�ss - Account nun�ber Cr�dit billfngs identified in edit repart� Credit bill#ngs identified on billing stateeents Rate t�ettng and forecastingt - Usear�defin�d cuetoa�er bese for future periada - Us�r-detined consu�aption b�se far future periods - Usege infor�etion for �e�leated period: by selecte�d �ervices or custo�ers - A�ility to pro�ect future rev�nue rith ue�r defined rate fncrea:e based on aelected period ar p�riods u�ege by eel�cted servicas - Ahility to intertece r3th euto�ated weter reading herdrere such ss hand-held dete entry units. -64- ACCOUNTS REC£IVABLE AND �H REGBtPTB • Curr�ntly Cen be fist Cost Date In Packa�te Added to Develav Avaflel�le Capebility to eupport �ultiple caeh in bank accou�te and multiple sccounte recelvable accounts On-lin� dete entry end editing of trens�ations Hatch updeting xith trensection edit listing Provide helance forrard and/ar open ite� accounting On-1in� a�ast�r tf1� ��int�nance Full pay�nents euto�aticelly dietributed to �pproprfate #und beeed on orig#nel invoiae diatrtbut3on Pertiel pey�nt to b� poated inanually or euto�natically. Autaa�atfa distribution cauld be in ord�r of the itew�s btlled or a percentege o# the invoice. Reports �hould �hor detefl of the doliar to eech itew tpay�nts snd sccounts rec�ivsbl�) Ability ta enter default inaoice date for ell invoice� in betch Auto�atic interfece �rith c�eh receipt� end generel l�dger �y�tem Pera�it manually Mritten in�cice processtng ADility to heve co�sentg arr invaicea and credit �aemo's pption ta epply late chsrges to selected accounte Cir•ite off re�afning eccounts : Stetement messege capabflity Print return teer strip on �tat�m�nt �rhich cen be a�ailed fn rith pay�ent • -66- • • ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AND CASH RECEIPT3 Gurrently Gea be Est Coet Qete In PeekeqQ Added to Develop Aveileble On-line inQuiry to eacount fil�s Gredit �nemo proce�sing Id�ntify eccounts receiveble by fund Stored Deta w�ust ina�ude: - Account Infor�aetion: Account Nun�her Newe end eddresa Nine digit zip code T�lephone number Fir�anae cherge cod� - exe�npt t yes or no) - Accounts receiveble typ� (i.e. belance farrerd, open ite�, finence cherge) - Le�t peyn�ent dete - MTD billing e�aunte - YTD billing ae�ounte Deily accounts receivable �ourpel for e�.l state�nts (tnvoiae+s) iesued vith general ledger acaoant totals Da�ly aesh receipts'end ed�ust�aents 3ournel �rith generel ledger account tote3�s - Date - Transactlon typ� t1.�. pay�ent, credit a�mo, ed�ustwient, unapplfed cash) - Re#erence nu�her -67- ACCt�JNTS RECEIYABLE AIID �H [tECEIPTS • Currently Cen be fist Coat Dete In Peckaae Add�d ta Develot� Av�ilable Lat� aherge: �ournal Aacount stete�entas - Account ne�e and address - Account nu�ber " - State�ent dete - llessege - Deteil stetement lnfor�ation: All open item� et end o# previcuB �onth All invoice�lite�e iesu�d since lest st�t��ent All cash rec�ipts proces�ed tor n�onth Account ad�usta�nts pracessed during wonth Lete cherges� i# aPPropriate Bnding bslence due Accnunts receiveble aged tr#el balence by eccount 1lester file listing Account hfstory ledger td�teil of transeatioas Report Options: - Aveileb3e upon request • - Ditfer�nt sort �equences - Selection of e desir�d range of dete -68- ! i AFFIDAVIT State of County of Befare �e, an officer of said Stete� eutharized by leM to edminister oaths personelly ce�e vho, on oath� says that the att�ched proposal is sub�nitted independently of eny ath�r bid proposel� end thet this bidder has no inter�st, directly or indirectly, in sny other bid or proposel for seid data proceBsing equipe►ent end servicee and thet this bidder rill nat reaeiv� eny com�aission or eu■ �heteaever� direatly or indirectly, on the sale of seid dstg proct�ssing equip�ent and aervices in the event so�ne other person, es�ocietfon, firm� or earparation should be declered ao� bidder or ararded the contrect or sele far said date processing equip�ent and s�rvicee. Affiettt Srorn to and subscribed before �e, thie the dey of — . 1989. -70- COMPONENT/MODEL� SPECIFICATIDNSfCOKM�NT Processing Unit: What yeer rae #t intro d? Horr n�any units installed? Available Us�r Meeory: Fropo�ed KB Meximum ' KB Minimum Incre�entls) KB Cost CPU Gycl� Time►s . HSEG Me�nary Aecess Ti�e: NSEC Parer Failure Recovery Cepa,bflity? Yes No Inputl0utput Ports: Prapoeed �aximum Minimum inare�aentte) Goet Disk Storage: Cepaciky: MB Average Access Tin�e: MS�C Models Tranefer Rete: KBPS Ne�ck i?i�k up�rsda► a�p�aity� KS Next Diek upgrad� coeta � Nu�b�r Unites Meximum Disk Storege Cepecity Availeble: !tB Dtsk�tte Storages Diakette eize inchee ' Cep�ciky KB Models Mua�ber of drivee propoeed ltaximu�n nu�aber of drtu�� avaiieble 1�ext drive upgrede aoet S Nu�ber Unik�s Tape/Cassette Storage: Cepscity: MB tcircle� one) Trensfer rate: KBPS Model: Density: BFI Meximum Reel Size: Ft. Maxi�un� Tape/Ca�e�tte Storege Capacity Number Units: Available: HB Letter Duality Printer �ae�,d: �P� or Lseer Printer Line Length: Char Char�ster Se�t s Nodel: UPPer/Lorer Case: Print ltathod: Formet Contra.ts Number Unite: tlumber of Reedable Copies: Coa�preBsed Print? Yes , No Neer L.etter iluelity Sp+�etl: CPS Printer Line� Length: Char Charecter Set: Madel: UPper/Loxer C�se: Print 1lethod: Farmet Controle Hu�►ber of llnits: NumDer a# Readable Copies: Co�apressed Print? Yes Ho -7'L- "Production" tYP� • Speed: � CPS Printer Line Length: Cher Cfiaracter Set: liodel: �PPer/Lover Cae�: Print !lethod: Far�oat Contral s Nu�ber of Unite: Nun�ber of Readsble Copies: Co�preaeed Print? Yee No CRT Terminala: `Screen Si2e tinch�s) t Vert Hor Nu�aber of Chere�ters: Rov Coi Model: Inverse Video ar N3ghlighting? Character Set: Char UpperlLoM�r Case: Ten Key Pad4 Audfo Signel�Y Nu�b�r Units: Special Function Keys4 D�teched K�yboerd? Yes No Tran�fer Rate: KBPS 11ex#�u� Dietence fram CPU/ ft. Mexisu� Humber :upport�d by proposed CPl!? Lncal Remate Wh�t i� the practicel nun�ber t3 ��c response time)? PC Vtcrks�etiona Descr3ptionst �oa��: Nua�6er Unites Co�►sutticati.on�e Equip�ent s t?�scription a Model: Porer Line Conditioner: Description: =73- CRTlSerial Printer Expan�: � Hor many CRT's or seriel printers cen be added to the proposed aonfiguretion betQre addYtione: I/0 sdeptore� controliere, ports� �ulti-plexere or eny other expension devices ere r�quired? Mhet expansion device� ere required to eaa edditional CRT's or ser�al. pxinters beyand the nusber shorn ebove? State de�scription end coet. Mhet �dditional �ein eie�ory is requ3red rith th� eddition of e CRT or serlal printer to achiev� three s�cond everage re�pone� ti�e from all CRT's? Mhet is the cost of this �nemory expension? QPERATING ElIVIROtiliEi#T: Please stete the opereting require�ents for the propo�ed cawputer aonffguretion. Require�nent Specificatione Enviroasental Temperetur� Renge: F to F, Humidity Renges X to X BTU Outp�t: BTU/Hour (For CPU and me�s storege devices only> , Flaor Spece Square Foatege Required: Sq. Ft. Floar Loeding: Pounde/Sq. Ft. filectricel PoMer: Hz YAC V. A�nps Nu�ber af protected lal�en) lines requiredt �YPe of receptacles F[ais� Levels L�tter GMuality Printer Reting: Decibels Leser Duelity Printer R�tings D�cibels Cabling betreen deviaes Type Maximu� distence af Devicee #cas Proc��eing _ Unit Qistance Oth�r Requir•e�ente or RecoM�n�ndetionB: -7 - • • �ERATIIIG SYSTEM SOFTMARE Is ap�reting syste�e softMere inc2uded in the prapaeal? Yes Na If no� explein. If ye�, rhet opereting ffiyete�n� so�tMere is being prapaaed4 Mhat releted hardrare #e�ailies doee 1t run on? Dae� your operating �yBtes support: Users pri+nerily by betch ar real-tiaie? ltulti-progra�n�aing/tesking? Yee No If yee� r�sx3nrus re�liatia nur�ber oi co»curr�nt �obs: Dynamic �llocation of all evailable� us�r memory? Y�e No Virtusl lte�aory? Yee No 3ecurity? Yes No I# ye�, haw �any levels and rh�t tYP@? Spooling7 tCircles input/outputlboth? Variou� fiie eccess a�ethods: tli�t? Interective data entry end inquirY Yes No Share files and re�ouraes rithin s netrork? Yes No Date baae method? Yes Mo If yes, is ther� a query language? �o�king at #iie lev�l? Yes No Locking at record level? Yes No ' Are Utilitiee end co�piler r�eident on disk? y�� p�p Hox much �aain a���ory ie required by the operating system? Ninia�um KB Maxi�num Kg Yhet languege eompilere are required? Mhat communications protacol softrere is svatlable (and epplicable BRS rates�? Li.st the an�-ti�►e end ongoing aoe�.s �ssocieted rith this oper�ting system. -76- ___ . _.,_._ � _ __ �� SEGTION 12 ATTACHM�NTS TO 8E COMPLETED �7�-- .�.► H � < r � t�- • , �i w .+ s ,c v ++ s„ c � �r a' t � M *, _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- _ _ - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � � � � .+ w � .e s , ti �. w s � � � - Attsah�nt B lt�intonana,� Contract Options Su�yst�w� or Co�ponent� xt�� #_ t � Maint�in� 11,�tth1Y CharQe �'i�!l��o�t I � � � f I I � � t � � 1 � � t � � i � � 1 � � 1 r � i � � ! � � I � � I � � i � � � I � I � � 1 � � f � � I � � 1 � � t � � I � � t � � 1 � � 1 � � I � � 1 � � 1 � � 1 � � t i + I � � I � ! I � � i , � i � � I � � i r i i i � i i i � i � i � i � i � 1 � � � I � i � � i � � I � � 1 � ! i # t I � . ` t i � -79- TOTAL Att�ah�ent C �'tvar! and T�chniasl Support �aea Sr�t��, Propra� or Sottvar� SottM�r� Annu�i 8up�ort �t�� � Cowoan�nt ���ia Go.�� ��� ,�'��..�� i ..r_ , ! 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Attaah�nt F • Conv�r�ion Co�ts Describe hov the exieting date filee vill be convert@d to your propased conftguration. Prepere s detailed conversion �ch�dule iclentifyinq all nccee��ary canvereion �teps, esti�atect hour�. rho rould b� aesianed eeah taek tusere to vendar) nnd corr�saondino coat. r _g�_ � � Att�ch�nt 13 Total Co�t SuMnrp Itn Cn�t ,_.,_,�.. �., ,.�,.�,.�_. ....� , „� 1 Hardrar�► � i i Softrar� I I 1 T�chnie�l Support Services tsnnual) � 1 1 Hardxar� ltaintenanae tannual? � l I Conv�rsio� Coete � i i Training � 1 I Tran�partetion Co�ts � i 1 Qth�r Coets ldescribels � t f i i t 1 1 fi Deduction for Trede-in of folluMing equip�nt: 1 I No Trad�► - in � ----- ------------------------------ .,..__---- ----------- ---+-------- --- _ ___-_ TOTAL _8q._ �. , ' � • • REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS �F QUALIFICATIONS . FOR SPACE NEEDS ANALYSIS FOR THE : CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � PROPOSALS DUE: 4 :00 P.M. , JUNE 6, 1989 LOCATIAN: CITY OF ROSEMOUN� 2875 145TH STREET W. ROSEMOUNT, MN 5506$ � • '� ' TABLE OF CONTENTS I. PURPOSE OF REQUEST II. INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS �. III. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS IV. ABBREVIATED SCOPE OF WORK V. PROPOSAL EVALUATiON � VI. FROPOSAL CONTEXT - GENERAL INFORMATION 1 . . . � REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS SPACE NEEDS ANALYSIS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT I. PURPQSE OF REQUEST The City of Rosemaunt is requesting statements of qualification (SOQ' s) for consulting services by firms or combinations of firms to perform a space needs analysis for • Rosemount City offices and facilities. The analysis will consist of needs identification in the areas of functional needs, space needs and relational needs and will con�inue through the development of schematic implementation plans. Detailed information concerning the City' s needs is outlined in the following Request for Statements of Qualifications. II. INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS A. Spacial needs will be based on City supplied information as to numbers and use of City staff. � B. Al1 SOQ' s shauld be sent and all questions and correspondence should be directed to: Stephan Jilk City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068 C• All SOQ' s must be received no later than 4 :�0 p,m. , Tuesday, June b, 1989. They will be apened and reviewed by City staff and a recommendation for firms to reeeive the RFP' s will be given to the City Couneil Qn June 20, 1989. Twenty eopies of the proposal must be presented. '� D• The City wil]. notify all proposers of the firms to receive Requests for Proposai for �final consideration by June 23, 1989. III. STATEMENT OF QUAI,TFICATIONS A. Title Page Show the SOQ subject, the name of the propaser' s firm, loeal address, telephone number, name of the eontaet person, and the date. In the event that a combination of firms is proposed, please indicate the lead firm. B. Table of Contents Include a clear identification of the material by section and by page number. 2 5 � � C. Frofiie of the Firm or Firms 1 . State whether the lead firm is local, regional , national or internationaL 2. State the location of the office from wh�.ch the work would be done and number of pro�essional �taff employed �t that office. 3. The name, experienca and qualifications af the person that would be responsible for the management and administration of a contract with the City. 4. The qualifications and resumes of the professional staff that would be assign�d to City projects. S . The availability of the aforementioned staff. 6. Describe the range of activities performed by the local office, 7. identify and describe any subcontractors that would be utilized in gerforming the scope of services preseribed, their names, addresses, and whi,ch phase they would execute. D. Proposer' s General Approach to Space Needs Analyses 1 . The S�Q shouXd address in summary fashion; the generai approach of the firm or combination of firms to similar analyses. 2. The SOQ shall identify an estimated time frame for the completion of an analysis as oiatlined in the general app�oach. : E. Previaus Space Needs Analysis Experience and Disclosure Statements i . A represe�tative list of previous municipal and private-sectar clients, projects, specific activi�ies gerformed and the name of a person` who may be eontacted at the municipality. 2. A list of current municipal ' and private-sector eiients, projects in pragress, specific activities being perform�d and �he name of a person wha may be contacted at the municipality. 3. A list of previous or current projects performed for the City of Rosemount . 3 • � 4. Building design, eievation drawings and schematics representing work performed by this firm on similar projects. � 5 . A certification that the firm/firms ox employees thereof are not orr the "List of Persons or Firms Currently Debarred for Violations of Various ' Publie Contracts Incorporating Labor Standards Provisions . " IV. ABBREVIATED SCOPE QF WQRK A. General Purpose of the Space Needs Analysis The general purpose of the Rosemount Space Needs Analysis is ta develop a decision making tool for future considerations o� capital and operating budgets. The analysis wa.11 allow the City to plan facilities, thereby permit�ing prudent fiscal planning and adequate, una.nterrupted serviee provision for City residents. B. General Work Elements The Space Needs Analysis wi11 focus on the following work elements: I . Identify existing and estimate future special use space needs such as canfersnce rooms, reeords, st'orage spae� and lu�nch raoms. 2. Develop space requirem�nts for existing personnel and equipment and project building requirements in squar� feet and equipment needs for future personnel. 3. Identify spatial relationship needs far existing and future employees, functions' and equipment. 4. Develop schematic plans for potential facilities development ar expansion. 5. Develop time tables and indieators far expansion need for facilities and identify antieipated cost estimates to the City for these projects. C. Facilities and Func�ions The work elements above will apply to a11 Municipal Cer�ter functions including: Administration, Community Development, Finance, Parks and Recreation and Public Works. They will also apply to all aspects of the Police Department and the Fire Aepartment. 4 -- . • • � V, PROPOSAL EVALUATION A. The City intends to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) to the SOQ respondents evaluated ta be best qualified . to perform the work for the City. B. The SOQ' s will be evaluated by a selection team. The team will rank the SOQ' s and. p�ovide this information to the City Administratar. C. 5election of the firms to be invited to respond to the RFP in this regard shall be based upon the following criteria: l . An evaluataon of the consultant ' s �echnical qualifications, wozk experience and av�ilahle resources. 2. Performance appraisa3s from past and existing clients. 3. Previous ci�y experience with the consultant firm. D. The City shall not be liable for any expenses incurred �y the proposer including but not limited to expenses assaciated with the preparation of the SflQ. E. The City of Rosemount reserves the right to reject any and all SOQ' s or to rec�uest add.itional information from alI proposers. VI. PROPOSAL CONTEXT - GENERAL INFORMATION A. City Organization The City of Rosemount was incorporated in 1971 as a statutory, plan A city. It has a Councii - Administrator farm of govearnment. The City provides a full array of municipal services including water, sewer, and street lighting utilities; fire, police and civil defense protection; and general administrative functions. 1 . City Cauncil - The Rosemount City Council is the final review and approval authority regardirtg all contracts, payments, plans, improvements, policies, procedures and other business of the City. The City Council, eomposed of four members - and the Mayor, is the legislative and poliey making hody o� the City. The Mayor, who presides over �he City Council meetin�s, is elected at large for a twv year term. The Councilmembers are eleeted at large for four year terms . 5 . � ! � 2. City Administrator - The City Administrator reviews and coordinates all matters coming before the City Council . He is responsible for the implementation of �ouncil direction and the coordination and management of City depar�ments on a daily basis. 3. City Staff - The City Administrator implements Council direction through the depmrtment heads of sev�n City Departments. They are Police, Fire, Publie Works, Finanee, Community Development, Parks & Recreatian, and Admi�nistration. $. Demographic Statistics The City of Rosemount is a fast growing city. Its gopulation grawth and the predominanee of two income households places a significant demand on City services ��a .��G�.1�.t�.eg. A summary of the City' s population growth is outlines in the following tab�e : 1980 U.S. Census 5,083 1988 Metropolitan Council Estimate 7,400 1989 City Staff Estimate 3/1/89 8, 5-00 Rosemount ' s growth is expected to continue into the future due to its locational amenities and the cnrrent enuironment and pressures for household formation. Conservative estimates place the City' s population near 18,000 by 2000. As a result of the mobility associated wiCh in-migration, the population is very young with a median age of thirty-two and less than five percent of the populatian over sixty. The growth places substantial demand on City services and facilities . C. Economic Overview The City of Rosemount is a third ring suburb which is roughly fifteen percent developed. It has approximately 140 acres of commercially zoned land and 2464 acres of industrial land. In excess of 200 bus�nesses are located in Rosemaunt. This employment base provides job opportunities to more than 4, 700 persons. D. Facilities � The City has a variety of facilities which will be considered in the Space Needs Analysis. They are generally described below: 1 . Municipal Center 6 ' • , � � a. Administrative Offices - The administrative portian of the municipal center currently houses 21 employees in the departments of Administration, Community Development, Finance, Parks & Recreation and Public Works. . The offiaes are spread over 8,000 square feet on two levels. The municipal center was completed in 1986. b. Palice Department - The police portion of the municipal center currently supports 22 employees in standard or ratating shifts in an area of 3,000 square feet on one 1eve1. It includes specialized features including garage access, holding cells, security entrances and communications eqixipment. c. Council Chamber and Lobby - The public areas . of the munieipal center comprise approximately 8,000 square feet. d. Support & Storage Areas - Support , storage and mechanical areas comprise the remaining 2,000 square feet of the facility. 2. Fire Station - The one existing fire station building was constructed in I975 . it contains 8, 500 square feet and houses equipment and administrative areas for 36 volunteer fire fighters. It is the only fire station facility currently in operation by the City. A recent study completed under a separate process indicated several options for location of fire facilities for the community. 3. Maintenance Facility - The existing maintenance facility is a base of operations for 8 reguiar maintenance employees and 15 seasonal employees in streets, utilities and parks maintenance in 7,388 square feet on one level. E. Affirmative Action The City of Rosemount, Minnesota, has adopted a policy that it will not discriminate in employment practices on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national . origin, sex, age, marital status, public assistance status, veteran status, handicap or disability; that it has agreed ta take affirmative action to recruit minorities, women and handicapped persons into its employment; and that it will transact business only with firms who have adopted similar non-discriminatory and affirmative aetion policies. 7 f , .. . ; � � . . . . � . . . . � � . � � � , • In cases where a contaract with the City of Rosemount will exceed $50,Q00 and the number of full-time exceeda twenty (20) in the company making a Proposal, in its - Proposal the company must furnish the City of Rosemount with documentation that shows the company has adopted a written affirmative action policy. This proof is not neeessary at the time of the SOQ. Cantracts which exceed $SO,OOO wil3� not be awarded to companies of more than twenty full-time employees which fail to provide verification of an affirmative action pQlicy. 8 �I���� I . ' . � � . .. � . � CITX OF RQSEl�tOUNT ; ( RESOLUTION 198Q - , --__ ; • � A RESOLUTION ItESCIND2NG RESOLUTION 1989-47 AND � APPROVE THE PLANS AND 3PEG�FICATIONS i i ANB AUTFtORIZING ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS � WEST RIDGE 3RD ADDITION UTILITY & STREET IttPROVEPiENT3 j PROJECT �L95 WIiEREAS, the Consulting Engineers Por the City have prepared final plans and � speeifications for West Ridge 3rd Addition Utility & Street Improvements, Project � #195, and such plans and specifxcations have been presented to this Gouncil for t l approval; and ! � WHEREAS, the Consulting Engineers advertised a different bid opening date from What was published in Resolution 1989-47; � • , , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the Gity of Rosemount, � Minnesota: � ' l. Such plans and specifications are hereby appro�ed and ordered placed on � ' file in the office of the City Clerk. � � 2. The City Clerk sha11 prepare and cause to be inserrec� in the official ` � City newspaper and in the Construction Bulletin an advertisement for bids upon � � the making of sueh improveroents under sucti approved plans and specification� for Project �I195. � 3. The advertisement shall be publi�hed in each o€ said publications at ' least once not less than three weeks before the date set for opening bids, shall ? specify the work to be done, sha11 state that bids will be publicly opened on i � June 8, 1989 at lO:OQ o'elock a.m. at Rosemount City Hall in said CiCy and that ; no bids will be considered unless sealed and fiied with the City Clerk and � i accompanied by a cash deposit, eashier's check, bid bond or certi£ied check i payable to the City Clerk £or five (SX) percent of the amount o£ such bid. � , ADOPTED thi.s 16th day of P1ay, 1989. , � Rollan Hoke, Ptayor ATTEST: � � Stephan Jilk, Administrator/C1erk