HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.C. Approve Plans & Spec's / Authorize Ad for Bids - Water Tower #2, Contract #1989-7 � Y . � .. . .• . � . , � � . . Ii�M # � � ***�***�********�**�**�r*��r�**�*��r**�r***P1EAi0****�*�r****�**�*********�r*****�*****� DATE: MAY 11, 1989 T0: MAYOR & GOUNCILAtEMBERS GIO ADPIINISTRATOR JILK , FRQM: CITY ENGiNEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFT� � � R�� ITEMS FOR THE ptAY 16, 1989 COUNCIL MEETING NEW BUSINESS �prove Plans & SpecsfAuthorize Ad for Bids-Water Tower �'�2, Contract 1989 7 The Utility Commission is forwarding its recommendations to Council to approve T �I the plans and specifications and authorize an advertisement for bids far the canstruction of Water Tower #2. The water tower, as you know, will be located about 800 feet west of the in�ersection of Shannon Parkway and Gonnemara Trail. The Utility Gommission is l,00king at bidding an alternate of two different styles. One style would be what is called a sin�le pedestal spheroid and the other is call�d a single pedestal fluted column. Attached is a eogy of the plan view of eaeh type of towex. Another alternate that we will be considering .is modifying the base of the tower for storage purposes. This would mean adding a condensate roof and garage daor. In additian, the top handrails will be designed to acco�ttnodate antennas should we have any request to rent space in the tower for other uses. Recommended aetion for Council to take would be to approve the plans and specifications and authorize the bid opening for June 13, 1989 at 10:Q0 a.m. � � .. ` . � . � . I, .. � .� • � . . . . . . . . .•- � . � . . � . � � � � � . � .. � : . . � � � . . . � . . � I � � . . � � �� � . � . . � � ' . . . � . � . � � � � . . � . � . . . . . � � . . . . . . � � � . . � � , . � .. � .. . . . . � . . � . . . i GITY OF ROSEMpUNT i � � RESOLUTI4N 1989 - � � A RESOLUTION APPRQVING THE PLANS AND 5FECIFICATIQNS ' AND AUTHORI�iNG ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS i . WATER TOWER ��2 , , I PROJEGT #183 � � WHEREAS, the Gonsulting Engineers for the City have prepared final plans and I specifications for Water Tower ��2, Project �183, and such pians and j specifications have been presented to this Council for approval; i i r � i NpW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Gouncil of the Gity o� Rosemount, ; Minnesota: 1. Such plans and specifications are hereby approved and ordered plaeed on i file i�n the office of the City Clerk. � ' 2. �he City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted i,n the official � City newspaper and in the Construction Bulletin an advertisement for bids upon ' the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications for i Project ��183. i �-�— 3. The advertisement shall be published in each of said publications at , least once not less than two weeks before the date set for opening bids, shall � specify the work to be done, shali state that bids will be publicly opened on I June 13, 1989 at 1�s00 o'clock a.m. at Rosemount City Hall in said City and that � no bids wi11 be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Clerk and � accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check � payable to the City Clerk for five (5%) percent of the amount of such bid. '� ADOPTED this 16th day of Ptay, 1989. i , , � j Rollan Hoke, Mayor i ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administratar(Clerk �. t�G51�iItXJ IKiHT�j---� NANRRA� , -- - NATGMES rl'` ---... � � • • iL.1105� ' �,�--.. � 1 �9 •, '� • ..r.__,_.�. � L� 2 ._� � . . 4W WATER LEYEL � _._� . M _ --- ____... _: TMNc AiCGEG� L �' AccE« TueE N 1 — R0f3F ACCE�S l 1 � - � PAiNTER'S RMiG . � 12 OVERF�OW PiPE � v�NTI�ATiOW NA'fGN • PA�ITER'S NATC N PtATFSRM . �6'R�SER P�PE��. (tNSt1i.ATEP) � • , C ` 1 , �t�.�(�.r� V f 1 �Q E.t�,t.M�l �� � � � � ; � ; i i � � I � , • • 16"RISEit PIPE— F . 12. 01JERFlOW PIPE (INSUTAiED) lAtx►ER Wf SAfE'TY RAIL- ' AGGEss voopt Q t�1DATiON� 6'GRLISkED ROGK ErrAwsioN�t f . ----.---_ -•--- s a�u ��---- ,': . . r ;. _^_ ,._- _ ., . • ' • • � s. � C�65TRlKTit�N ItGNT9 ---�'' _ - �..:�---F�ATCNES � NANDRAtLS ►---------' lAiER LE1lEL EL.ItOS,G� � a --� O Q *t �,9 r w' � z Q oc 0 Q w s �OW WATEk I.EVE�. 7ANK ALGESS LADDER �`-----'AGCESS TUBE PAINTER�S RM1G '�""--ROG�F AGCESS LADDER PAINTER'S NA1LH VF.IJTILATION HATCH PIATFORM '` S���R�l� _ y C.a t�.�.o��+.c�t --- 16�R15ER PIPE (INSUlATEO} GADDER w/SAFETY Rd�IL , . � � EXPpPfSfON JOtNT . 12�OVERFIOW P�'E— ,«—,n,c,GESS PcK7R T�!'�F FOlWRA110N Ei..�190.E1� b'CRUSHED ROCK � OvERF�OW �.�.�: � " ' . . ,,_....� vr.�ua ��T' " •