HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Home Delivered Meals y • • . � � �C) P(l FiF�X 5S0 jl�i� C) 1�r5 ta�>Tf� s� vr � , y�`y� t� -t F�OSEMbUNl. AAINNES�TA 550fi8 ����l i'L-��(�i!��•� 612-423-4411 TO: Mayor, City Council, City Administratar '��� � FROM: Tracie L. Pechonick, Economic Uev. S ecialist � � P DATE: May 12, 1989 SUBJ: Home Delivered Meals Sponsorship Several weeks ago Kathy Pierson, manager of the Home Deli�vered Meals Coordination Praject in Dakota Caunty, approached lhe City of Rosemount in regard to starting a Home Delivered Meals Program for Rosemount. Her contact with the City of Rosemount was initiated by phone calls fram people in our area who knaw others that would benefit from such a program, While Ms. Pierson has explored many options: church sponsorship, senior center sponsarship, and Chamber �f Commerce sponsorshig, it appears as though sponsorship by the City of Rnsemount would be the most feasible option for getting a Rosemount Home Delivered Meals program up and running. I have attached a proposed listing of ri�hts and responsibilities for both Che City of Rosemount and the HDM Program Advisory Board. The Cicy of Rosemount is not bein� asked to contribute funds, but will be asked to (1) allow the HDM Program to be covered by the City's tax exempt status, (2) set up a checking account for the HDM Program, thus allowing the coordinator to deposit contributions and to request checks to pay expenses, and (3) provide basic liability insurance for che Rosemount HDM Program. There are seventeen people frorn our area who have committed to at least one year of advisory service for the program. As a sponsor, the City of Rosemount will be expected to sign an agreement with the Advisory $oard regarding the rights and responsibilities of each. In addition to the seventeen Advisary Board members, over 35 persons have signed up as volun[eer drivers to deliver the meals. As a coordinator will have to be hired on a part time basis, the Advisory Board has formed a committee to create a job description and ta set up policies regarding salary and hiring. Upon receiving City spnnsorship, this committee would begin to interview appropriate individuals for the HDM Program Coordinator position and make a candidate recommendatioa to the City Council. It is anticipated that office space for the coordinator would be avaitable at the Apple Valley Health Care Center. Meals would be pravided by the Apple Valley Health Care Center. The Ciiy of Rosemount, as a sponsor, would be required to sign an agreement wiEh AVHCC regarding meat services. The Advisory Board has been informed that meals wi(1 cost approximately $3.00 each. Rather than billing clients at the end of each month in which they took meal service, the Advisory Boarc! is considering a prepayment system in which clients would pay a month in advance. Staff recommends City sp�ns�rship of the Rasemount H�me Delivered Meals Pro�;ram depenclent upon the cr�ation uf satisl�actory agreements with the HDM Program Advisory Boarci and Apple Valley Hea}Eh Care Center. _ _ . • RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES ' Rosemoant Home Uelivered Meats Program * City of Rosemount : 1. The City of Rosemount will have ultimate legal and financial responsibility for the program. 2. The City of Rosemouut will have the right ta terminate the program and distribute any assets if the City determines that the program is financially insolvent or has insufficient community support to be pxoperly administered. 3. The City of Rosemount has the right to turn the program over to another sponsoring agency and/or to allow the Advisory Board the option to incorporate the program as an independent corporation. 4. The City of Rosemount will provide non-profit, tax exempt status for the program. 5. The City of Rosemount witl provide a separate checking account for use by the Home Delivered Meals Program. This account witl be run through the City offices, but monthly meal payrnents from clients and bills will be ` received by the program coordinator and lhen submi[ted to the City. 6. The City of Rosemount will provide the Home Delivered Meals progr�m with simple liability coverage under the City's existing insurance program. No additional costs would be incurred from this coverage as the Home Delivered Meals Program would be considered a City program. 7. The City of Rosemount will provide postage and copying costs for the program. 8. The City of Rosemount witl have the right to approve or deny the annual program budget�prepared by the program Advisory Board. 9. The City of Rosemount will have the right [o approve or deny all policy decisions for the program. 10. The City of Rosemount may recommend candidates for the coordinator position as welt as approving Advisory Board recommendations regarding ' hiring, job description and salary ot' the coordinat�r. 11. The City of Rosemount will review program progress evaluations subraitted by the program Advisory Board. a . . . • * Home Delivered Meals Advisory Board: 1. The Advisory Board (Board} will raise funds far the program and deposit them in the checking account set up by the Gity of Rosemount. 2. The Board will propose an annual Home DeYivered Meals program budget to the City of Rosemount. 3. The Board will make golicy decisions for the program and present them to the City of Rosemount for final approvaL 4. The Board will interview candidates far the program coordinator gosition and will make re�ommendations to the City of RosemouAt regarding hiring, job descripcion and salary. 5. The Board will assist the prograrn coordinator with decisions on the day to day operations as well as the overall administratian of the program. 6. The Board will publicize the program to both clients and volunteers. It will recruit and reco�nize Rosemount Home Delivered Meals program volunteers. 7. The Board will communicate the needs and resaurces of the program to [he various community groups it represents. 8. The Board wil! evaluate the �rogress of the Home Delivered Meals program and present these reports to the City of Rosemount for their review. � � � � ROSEMUUNT HOME llEL1VEREU MEALS • Advisory Board Seventeen people repreaenting various Rosemount churches, civic organizatians and businesses have committed to serving on the Rosemount Home Delivered Meals Program Advisory Board for one year to fulfill the respansibilities of the Board. The following persons have agreed to fill leadership positions on the Board: Donna Berg, Chairperson Our Savior's Lutheran 2119 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 John Loch, Vice Chairperson Loch Pharmacy 2975 145th Street Rosemount, MN 55068 Becky Allen, Secretary Our Savior`s Lutheran 4249 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 550b8