HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.i. & 5.j. Set Public Hearing for Chelsea Woods Estates Preliminary Plat and Rezoning, 6/6/89. � • P O. BC)X 510 ����� � ?_875 145TH ST W. � �+Q �f ROSEMC�UNT, MINNESOfA ,55068 OJL�0(�L�� 812-Q?_3-4411 Agen�da i terr� �� ' Ta: ciTx courrcic Agentla Item 5,j FR�M: MI(,HAEL WOZNIAK, AICP, CiTY PLANNER DATE: MAY il, 19$9 SUBJ: MAY 16, 1989 - REGULAR MEETING REVIEWS Item 51 - Set Public Hearing ta consider Chelsea Waods Estates Preliminary Pl�t Developer Marv Eggum is praposing an S lot subdivision on a forty acre parcel located n4rth of County Road 38 (Sieg Propexty). Initial staf f review suggests that the proposed plat is in compliance with" zoning and subdivision orclinance requirements. The :plat will reviewed by the Planning Commission at its May 16th m�eting. It is requested that the City Council set a Public Hearing for 3une 6, 1989 at � 8:Q0 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible to consider #he Chelsea Wood Estates Preliminary Plat. Item Sk - Set Public Hearing to consider Chelsea Woods Estates Rezoning The Chelsea Wood Estates subdivision will require rezoning of the parcel in yuestion to Rural Residence District from the AgriculCure District. The property in questiQn is designated Rurat Residential in the Comprehensive Guide P1an and it is the recommendation of Staff that the rezaning in conjuction wixh the propased subdiviaion regxesents an appropriate land use for the parcel. Although ` Staff wa11 recommend that actian be witheld on the rezcaning until #inal plat a_ approval is given, it is lagical to schedule hearings for botk� preliminary plat and rezo�aing on the sam� evening, It is requested that the City Council set a Public Hearing for June 6, 1989 at 8:00 p.m. ar as soon thereafter as possible to consider the rezQning of the Chelsea Woods Estates subdivisian from Agriculture to Rurafi Residenee. �