HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Off-Sale Liquor License� � .�• � . . . � . .. . RO BQX 51U j�`t,( Q 2875-145TH ST W. /��+ i7 R05EMOUNT. MtNNFSOTA 55�68 [Jt7������ fi 12--+i23-d411 , ' AGLNDA ITEM NO� ,� TO: Mayor Hake Couneilmembers �Talsh, Wippermann, Oxbo�ough, Napper FRC?M: Susan Johnson, Deputy Glerk �, , � . � DAT�. May 12, 19$9 RE: 4ff-Sale Liquor License Application The public hearing set for May 16th, at 8:00 p.m. is to consider an app�.ieat�.on received from Larry D. McFarland to operate an off-sale liquor store proposed to be located in South Rose Park, �ust south of the Holiday Station, at the intersection of Chippendale and 151st Street. i have attached for your rev�ewed the Agpli.ca�ion received �rom Mr. McFarland as well as suppc,rting documentation abou�. him. On the appllcation itself, you will see where Police Ghf.ef Staats ha� indicated that the agplicant"s personal background and cr�.minal record are satisfactory. As you are aware, the building has not been constructed, and Mr. McFarland is waiting to reeeive approval from �he eity for his license _ befare entering into final negot�.ations with the proposed l�ssor, Cliff Carlson. Our City Cade allows a license to be granted for a premises where the building is under construction or not ready for occupancy, but the license cannot be issued until the building offiaial has issued a certificate of occupancy. If the applicant and property owner for some reason do not reach a mutual agreement on the proposed pr�mises, or in a timely manner, the city council has the authority to revoke the ' license if the establishment is not under construction or exhibiting satisfactory completion within six months af issuing the license. The bond and required fees have been received from the applicant. Receipt of the certificate of insurance will be required when the store is open for business. . If after you conduct the public hear3ng and deem it appropriate to issue the of€-sale license, the recommended motion would to grant an off-sale liquor lieense to Larry D. McFarland to sell intoxicating liquor a� an establi�hment known as Mac' s Bottle Shop, proposed to be located at t51st Street and Chippendale Avenue, subject to issuance o£ certificate of oecupancy and subject to receipt of certificate of insurance. Attachments Ps-s,ss-oa � STATE QF MINNESOTA ` ' � DEPARTMfNT OF PUBLIC SAFETY . LIQUUR�ONTROI D1V1SIpN ST.PAUL.MN 55101 t612)296-6430 APPLICATION FOR O�F SALE 1NTOXICATING LIQUOR IICENSE EVERY QUESTION MUST BE ANSWEF�ED. If a carporatian, an officer shall execute this applieation. If a partnership, a partner shall execute th'rs appiication. AppiieanYa Name(individual,Cprporation,Partnership) Trade Name or pBA J�, ei-,�rit�f,p �� .�Nc� -- s�mo T" License Lceatiort(Street Addresstlot&Block No.) ��e�n2 /SJ Sr License Period ApplicanYs Nome Phone . � cE t"7 -5 ,Pas A�,eK oh.�o�r.kc F►om 6vSr To ------- � 6[� ►y�3 9��a+ Municipality County State Zip Code R���ov ;t�,�k n/ �"30l� Name of Store Manage� Business Phone Number Date ot 8irihilndivi�ival AnpHcant) �. �'Jc�I�!�,/j -- - - - --- ���— �'.O�i"' rf� __, If a carporation, staxe name, date of birth, address, titte, and shares heid by each offiGer. If a partnersMip, state names, address and date of birth of each partner. Partner%Officer D.O.B. Address City Title/Shares Partner OHicer 0.0.6. Address City Title/Shares PartnerOfficer D:Q.B. Address City Title/Shares Partner'Qfficer d.0.6. Add�ess City TitlelShares _ 1. If a corporation, date of incorporation �_, state incorporated in amount of authorized capitatization ' , amount of paid in capital , if a subsidiary of any other corporation, so state give purpose of corporation if incorporated under the laws of another state, is corporation authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota? . Number of certificate of authority , 2. Describe premises to which !ic nse applies; such as (first floor, second floor, basement, etc.1 �..� � or if entire building, so state . 3. If operating under a zoning ordinance, how is the location of the building classified7 �i�,- ? 4. Is establishment located near anv state universitu_state h�s�ir�t_ rr�nt�_��i r���-�-.,•..�.�,.� . � � 10. Stafe whether any person.er than applicants has any right, ti�r interest in the furniture, fixtures, or equipment for which license is applied, and if so give name and details. _ ���� 11. Have applicants any interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in any other liquor establishment in the State of Minnesota? .� �ive name and address af such estabiishment 12. Furnish name and address of one bank reference St�'�L/h- /��s �r�*'E-'�•t,�,��vSP. rL�LSP/f)8cr,l�/-- �A�T�aJRC �ArJ� "' IPL+s�mL+u�✓T 13. Under what classification is the ticense applied for: EXCtUSIVE OFF-SALE LIQUfJR STQRE, DRUG STORE, COMB1NATtfJN ON & C?FF LIQUOR, OR GENERAL FQOD STQRE �a �d� c9�-s.K-�' t..,l�:.c�lZ �€r'naee', ' 14. Are #he pre:mises now occupied, or to be occupied, by the applicant entirely separate and exclusive from any other business establishment? �s . 15. I# a drug store, state length of time the store has been in operation "`�(�' . 16, State whether applicant has, or will be granted, an On-Sale Liquor License in conjunction witfi this Off-Sale Liquar Lieense, and for the same premises �,d�� , 17. State whether applicant has, or witl be granted, a Sunday C?n-Sale Liquor License in conjunction with the regular On-Sate �iquor license ___ J1�s, 18. State whetF�er applieant has, or will be granted an Off-Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Beverage (3/2) License in conjunction with this Off-�a{e Liquor ticense �� 19. During the past license year has a summons been issued under the Liquor Civi1 Liability Law (Dram Shopy M.S. 344A,802. ❑ Yes CI No. If yes, attach a copy of the summons. Subscribed and sworn to before me this I hereby eertify that I have read the above � � da of �� question and that the answers are true af my Y 19� own knowledge. � r _ . _..---�_ �""��___ ____ _ . • . � �upportin� Docunentation for License Applicatiori Etequired infor�atian (Liguo� R��ulations 3-1-3-1.Contents of Initial Apps. ) B1. a) t�ane: Larry Dctuglas MeFarland Place o� Bir�h: Grafton, Narth Dakata Da.te of Birth: August 29, 1860 Ct�rren� Address: 2?52 Upper 138th Street Mest Rosenount, Minnesota 55068 b) Abvve st�ted nane is on�.y nane ever used. e) Hae's BQttle Shop - Rosenount d) Both nyself and ny spouse (Jacki.e Anne MeFarlr�d) are registered vvt�rs in Rvsemoun�'s 2nd precinet of the 34th �aunicipalitq. e) iis haye resic#�d at the above 1 isted address s ince Apr i 1 I, ].98�4. Prior ta that I resi.ded in Inver Grove Hei�fits at 3054 Cuneen Court, fro�a May of 1978 throu�h March of 1984. I had sone t�nporarp re�idenees bets�een 1�?8 and 1984, 1 year at Lake Cove Apts. (I.G.H), 1 year at Hi�h Pointe Apts. ($a$an Mii), and just under a year at 4a6 Livingston Ave. {St. Paul) all as a renter. f) Both n�r wife and �yself have been enplayed ay Rraft/Anericsan Prui�t and P�raduc.e CvApany in $e�an, Ninnesota far tha past ten gear�. My wi�e retired fro�a tk�ere in July af 1988. T an still empl:oyed there. i1e have not been invoxve�d 3�n any other bn�ine�ses. g) Kra�t�Aeeriean Fruit and Produee Co, - Bagan, Minnesota h) No canvic�ions or vialations of Gity ardinanees of any kind. i) No enplayment or operations of a sinilar activity, j ) No past �ni.litarp serv%�e. k) No angoin� businesses in Hinnesota. C. I a.a� seekin� an Uf�-Sa1e Intoxicating Liquor Lieense (Bxelusively) . D1. Legal Deseription: Ses at�a�hed plat plan. Other cletails pendin�. 2. Street �c�dress: Block #1, Pareei D, South Rose Fark (�orner of Ghippendale and 152st Street) T1. Financial Interest: Cl:i�� C�rlson (Lanr� And Buildin� owner-l+�a�or) Ja�es t�eF�rls.nci (Lease Securer anci p�.rtial eapital ) . . • i B2. Anount vf Inve�tnent: App�caxinately $65,QQU Por inventory and initial e�9u ipeent �axpensea. F. Refersnees: Nornan �L. Goetzke (�iest St.Panl, Mn) Phane 457-67C4 ' Riehazd Lsliber�e (Roseville, Mn) Phone 646-3259 A1 Buerlaw (Minneapal��, Mn) Phone 529-70U8 G. Plans of Pre�aise�: Fartheu�ing, - H. Taxes: N/A I. Retail of�-�ale liquor store selTin� to alI t�pes of clientele. Al1 in�erior �'ixtures will be reiated ta the sale o� off-sale liquor. J. Uther infornation available uQen request. . • � AFFIDAViT OF PUBIICATION STATf OF MINNESQTA � SS County of Dakota ) NANCY 1. GUSTAfSON, beim�duir �worn,on oath �ays thot ahe b on aulMori:sd ayeM vnd en+play+ae of the publiaher of the newapeper known os Dakota County Tribane,and 6os full knowledge of the facts which are stated below: PVp �1 _ --� v�� N VT��E (A)The newspoper hos compiied with oil of!I►e requiremen�s eonstituting qudification as a leg� t I GTY Of ROStM9UNT tro7�tt o�rust�H�'� ', newspaper,as provided by Minnesota StatuNe 331 A.02,331 A.07 ond other applka�le luws,as ome++ded. A►PUGATION fOR OFE�SAtE UQUOR UCENS! TO WHOM Cf MAY GONCERN: :NOTIGE IS HEREBY GIVEiY,'fhat the Ci- ty Cwncii of the Citp of Rosemaunt,Min- (B)The prirMMed "� (�-._•• t�eaot8 haa schet�iled a public hmring ta d:911 o'clock p.m.,�as eooe theteaft�aa poesi-. bie,Tuesday;May 16, 1999,in the Council Chambers of tMe City Hall,2B'�5-14Stlt Strcet West,Rasematnt,Mine�ata. Th�public hearing is being hetd to coreider an A�licaHun Ea�an OflSale Liquor ldce� Preacnted bY Lerry D.McFariand ko operate an otf-sak Ifquor store p�oposed ta be cmr structFd�a percel iegally deeeribed ae ttee souN��oB,�i feet of fhe veest�.00 ieet�tat whith is uMacl�ed was cut from H+e colum�o!soid newspaper.�d was prieted and published once '1,Bloek 1,5outh RAse Park Additiai ReQlak fAt the intersectiai t�f Ch[ppendale Avehue 'and 15tst Street West.)T6e appilcant ie[xo- posing to eall hts plece+of buniue�s,•,Alec�� Sottie Sh�";; ,,t;. �_�kr�► sueees�ire�+veeks;it was " 3uch persons as desire to he h�rd wtth ,re[erei�ce to ti�above I�sHag item will be heard at this meeti�.Wtitten commdtfa wIll th be xceepted up to ihe ttme�'H�e I�earing and first pubiished a�Thursday,the daY oF � wW be included in the�ect�asi�at Ws a hearir� ,.� ��. Dated this 3rd day of.May�19N.� ' . �^ flY ORDER pF TF�CITY CpUNCII.. ' 19 � , qnd wos ifie►enher priMbd m�d pnbiished on every Thundcry to a�d inelu�eg 'S►�san M.Joh�an,�ty Clerk. . . City of Roeemount Dakota Gwntp,MSnnetota 'z' T�e�,�� aar� .19 ; ond priMed below is a eopy of the lowar ease aipkabet f►om A to Z,both inelusire,whieh is M►ebp ackeowledged os being tfie size ond ki�d of type used in N�e eompoaition tmd publieaHar o#fhe�atiee: abedefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz . . � � . " � . � . . � . . � � r'� �� � � � . BY• L� .0 tIT�E:Seeretory liaher Subsaibed ond awom#o be#ore me on ' —t=t-a.--doY of .19`�_�. ��-\�� � Notary Public . � i�'��:e.; CAROL J. HAVERLAND i�i i�� NOTARY PUBLlG-MINNES07A �� DAKOTA COUN'i"Y �.. My Commission Expires Dec 3.t989 r...� i � v. , ��q P O. BOX 510 �1 Q 2875-145TH ST W. � �*�}���t/�?�/M ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 �JG/E'�.V�L/!�� 6i2—Q23-44t1 � � . . . � . .. .. � � � � � � . � . . � . . ��4�: . . . . � . . . . . . . �. . ..:� AFFIDA�TIT QF POSTED HEARING NOTICE TO Ct?NBIDER OFF-SALE INTOKiCATtNG LIQUOR LICENSE STATE OF MINNESOTA y COUNTY OF DAROTA ) ss. CITY OF ROS�MOUNT ' ) Stephan Jil.k, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: S am a Un3.ted States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Ros�:mount, Minnesota. On May 3, 19$9, I posted at tl�e City Ha11, 2875 14Sth Strest West a copy af the attached Not�.ce of Public Hearing to consider off- sale liquar Iicense to be issued to Lar=y D. McFarland. Dated �his 12th day of May, 1984. Steph n Jilk Admi istrator lerk City of Rosemaunt Dakota County, Minnesata ��� Subscr�.bed and sworn to before me this j�'��day of �A�►��. 1989. . . � . .. . .. � F �� . N ry Publ �,�. �" q���"'.:. St2SA'a fA. dCt�fi#d3�N i�il�:t' FATkf,Y FUBt1C–#�Nt'ifSOTA �d � [lRlCUTA C(��MiY bIY C[�AM.EXF�S JIJt�11, IW2 � � 1 � � 1 � . . . . � . � . �f . . . . . . . . .. . � . � . ��� _ _ � , i • ,: . ,� �� f{ � . , , . � .. �. � . . . . �� _...� �`. .'j�'� t , f . . . � . . .,. �. � �� ., � �1 � �� � . � .� . �* ,� 1 / � n rr �� � �1 � �. �, ��.�;4 P1��� ��T�� ► �( � � � r . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING APPT.,ICATI4N FQR OFF-SAI,E LIQ„UOR LICENS� TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ; N4TICE IS HE�EBY GIVEN, that' the City Council of the C�.ty of Rosemount, Minnesota has scheduled a public he�ring for 8:�0 o'clock p.m. , or as sovn thereafter as possible, Tuesaay, May 16, 1989, in the Couneil Chambers of the Gity Hall, 2875 - 195th Street West, Rosemo��n�, Minnesota. This public hearing i.s being held to consider an A�plicatton for an Off-Sale Liquar �icense presented by Larry D. McFarl�nd to o�pza�e at� off-sale li.quor store pr4posed to be consEructed an a parcel legally described as the south 208,33 feet of the west 22S.00 feet of Lot 1 , Block 1 , Sauth Rose Park Addi.t.ion Replat. (At the intersection of Chippendaie Avenue and 151st Street West. } The applicant is �ro���gint� to call his place of business, "Mae's Bottle Shop". Such persons as desire to be hPard with reference to the �bove he�►r3.n� item will be heard at this meeting. Wri�ten comments wi11 be accepted up to the time af �he hearing and will be included in the discussion at this hearinq. Dated this 3rd day of May, 1989. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCiL. _� _._` / � �� � �.+-.--rr --Ct-�c..r_..;s-7. Su� n M. Joh s�4�, Deputy Clerk City of Rosernount Dakota Caunty, Minnesota �