HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda��,�.�.� ; _ . __ � . , ,�, ��, .., � , , . , $ y . . � . .. .: � . . .. � CITY OF ROSE'1+�7[7NT � , AGENDA ; RF�G'tJt�AR t70UNCII, . � � �'EBRUARY 21 ,, 1989 7:30 P.M. /� � � ���/""� � �F--��`.S 7`/l-,.�:-- I 1 . C��.l. t� Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2, A+ddit3.ons ar Corrections to Agerida. - Coun�cil, Staff, Au,�.enae . 3. D��'A[t'.LL�[�TT H�:AI� R�Pc7RTS/BUSIN�.Sa a. Ru�al Water System Update - Time Schedule b. '. 4. cSR�15II3`P AG� ; a. Miriutes of February 7, 1989 Regu�tar Meeting ; b. Minutes of February 14, 1989 Special t�teeting ' c. App�aval of Bills Listing � r3. Ap�pro�val of Li.censes and/or Pernu.ts ; e. �p�ove Change Order #3, Contz'act 1986-4, Cauntry Hills 1st Addit3an � f. Apprave Final Fayment, Contract 1986-4, Country Hills i st A�1di.tia�z ! g. Ap�'W� MSA Five Yeax' CIP --���vT•�i9�' /2. ; h• �Ppr'we Staff Att�ndanc�e at Nat:tonal Planning Conferenv� � 3.. App�rove Sta£f Atter�danee at Muni.v�.p�]. Clerks & Finance Offic�xs Annual' tbnference ; j. App�ove Payment �1 , Cfmtract 1988-5, Lift Station #5 ; k. Apprc�ve Payment #4, Contract 1988-2, Fi�wkins Por�l/S�ckion 30 S�.x 1. 5�t Public Hearing - Mc�dificati�n V to Redevelopment Plan m. , 5. OLD BUSIlV�SS a. �3MI Mining Proposal b. State Auditor`s Repart - Finazie.ial H�alth Profile c. Adopt Ordinanee - Wc�rkers C�satian for City Cauneil �.. Affirma�iva Acti.on Plan - 1 st Review k e. Central Business Di�trict Guidalin�s � f. ` Acoept Bids/AutYx�rize Purchase - Stacked Lawnmraw�r ; �• � ' 6. I�TEW BUS�S . 7��9�/� a. Reaeive Feas. �epa�t/Order Public Hearing,` Prajec� 194, Shannon Pkwy. Im�vv�ments �,/981��b. Ret�:ive Feas. Report/Order Public Hearing, Project 195, West Ridge 3rd Ac�di.tion � �/9�q-�3 c. 1�1p�cyve Resalution Au�r3.zing Traffic Contral Devives at Claret & 156th Street d. Cannuriity N�wsle�ter ., , e. AutYx�rizat3.ori t,c� Purc�ase Blinds for City Hall � f. Public Works Depa.rtment Staffing R�ca�tion 7�198q--/(p��. �� �� �le for Well & Water �bwer h. ,�Pv•eoi/�r�: .��Q 7�in/�.i/!�'i .�i�1�AT, �lf�I��. ?, MAYOl�.'S � a. ��:i.z�Ls Advisory Ctx�mittee P��c�c�:� Update -� b. o�.v.r/T��.¢S p� �.y�ic..4• ��.�e.oc�.,,gMA�r"io � G �� �ar/.s acy�Co�.t>i�-r-�.. /L�i�v r-�c, � $. t�DNLtI�IZSTLtA`iC)R'S F��k2T , a. F_ranchise Agr�nts - NSP, Dak�ta Electric, Star G�ble' b. z2.eesQurce Reoo�very Project Update c. Cbti�xty Ro�d 42/Highway 3 Inters�tion Reoonstructi.on a. �, s �t�. �,7arr�e�rrr .I. . .. � . . . � . . . . . � . . . � . . � � ; . . . .. . � . . � � � .. � .. .. . . . .. . f. �. � � � � . . . � � � � � � � � � . �. � � � � . .