HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Minutes of February 14, 1989 Special Meeting • ROSEMU� CITY PROC'EEDIN�S SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY '14, 1989 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a speeial me��ing of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was held on Tuesday, �'ebruary 'f4, 1989, at 7:3U p.m. in the Council Chaznbers of the City Hall. Acti.ng Mayor Walsh called the meeting to order with Mayor Hoke and Councilmember Oxborough absent. Acting Mayor Walsh led the group in the Pledge of All�giance. Council conducted their first review of �he propc►sed zoning ord3.nanec�, Staff inembezs provided an overview of the revised ordinance and explai.ned the most obviaus is�ues c►f con�ern. Counc3,1 agreed sever�3. of th� items discussed this e�rening warranted furthex discussi4n. S�e Clerk's File 1989-�. MOTION by Wipperraann t4 ad�ourn. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Respect£ull� submitt�d, Susan M. Johnson, U��uty C3.Prk ATTEST: Stephan Jzlk, Administrator/Clerk Published �his day of , 19$9, in Dakota Count�Tr:ibune,