HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.f. Approve Final Payment, Country Hills 1st Addition, Contract #1986-4 ' ,� • • ��Y.-�f'/ i � �l . ***�r*�t**��********�x******�*�r**MEMO****�***************�******�*******,e****�****�r DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 1989 T�: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS GIO GITY ADMINIBTRATQR JILK FROM: GITY ENGINEERjPUBLIC WORKS DIREGT�R HEFTI RE: ITEMS FOR FEBRUARY 21, 1989 COUNGIL MEETING CONSENT AGENDA �prove Final Payment, Contract 1986-4, Gountry Hi1ls lst Addition This item consist of requesting approval €or the final payment ta this Go»tract as a result of satisfactory completion of the work. This mem4 provides s�me background on this matter and a reco�nendation for Counci,l to consider. The Contractor has eompleted all work assoeiated with this contract. Our Gonsulting En�ineer and Public Works Sta£f hag macie a €inal inspectian tc� determine that the work was cansistent with Che ec�ntract doeuments, speeifications and City Standards. We have received all the necessary farms far eansidering final payment and are recommendin� such. Recommended action for Council to consider is ta approve the £ourth anci fin�l �ayment for CanCract 1986-k, Gnuntry H3.11e lst Addi.ti;an �Jti.lit�.e�, ta Amer.iean �Gontracting Corporativn in the amount of $36,Q04.39 and to aceept all puhlic ukilities constructed undex this project for continual mainten�nce. . • • CITY OF ROSII�tOUNT APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT N0. �-� CITY PROJECT N0: _ �����j- �. SEEi FiLE NO, �j�j/ �- PROJECT c C(lU�-"i't I�c fIs � . � - - y ! i9�cl��{,o.�. U�+`�,���S /j _ CONTRACTQR: 1"1�+�+.e,vr�:,,,,,,, ��1.� �yrp� eONTRACT DATE: �� �f � 6 I166i �.pl� �' NGc,/ RPPLICaTION QATE: z-j� f�,q �o+�R�ia�S,l�1N SS433 FOR PERIOD EAtDING. 2-j� $y Total Contract Amount $ � b8 � 9�4 ._' Tota1 Amount Earnea S_ �v66. b89 "� Material Suitab.�y Stored on Site, � Nat Ineorporated into Work S ""' Contraet Change Order No. � �----�.. Percent Complete ��fi g Cj ---,.,._, Contract Change Qrder No. Z � Percent Compiete /ov � ('j Contract Change arder No. � Pereent Complete /a� g �? ���� S'4 --T.^ , GROSS AMOUNT DU� . . . . . . . $ �3 �`� .a.S � �� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . —�.,.. LESS O $ RETAINAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ U AMOUNT DUE TO DATE . . . � oz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 3 � �, 3,e ..... LESS PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . � � ,; ��, ��,# '�3 AMC?UNT DUE THIS APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . $ 36 OO� 3s� API�R'0 ED;-_ ' � ' � � � � , L .�L� ;� ,� d Richard M,. e �,, City Engineer/ irector of Public Works . �;. , ' . i . . . . � . .. • . � .. � . . . . �. APPLICI�TION F�R P1IYMEN'I' (UNIT PRICE`CONTRACT) � NO.�_ 4_FINAL ..--...�.�,..._.._,,. OWN�F3 z RC?SEMOUNT, MINNESOTA r TM~�� OWNER S FRUJECT NfJ. -----..�_____------- -- ----- ENGINEER'S PROJECT NQ' ......�g6184.•__ -- . 1ACATION: ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOT — ---'--�'—'---- A CONTRACTOR AMERICAN_CONTRA.CTTNG_+CORP. CONTRACT DATE �� iI661^EAGLE_STREET'N_W ____---_CONTRACT AMOUNTw1$348,934.08` _____ __ C�ON RAPIDS, MN 55433 -------_,—..—____�_---- CONTR. FOR UTILITY CQNSTRUCTIt?NsINrCOUNTRY NILI,S ------------ --- --- FIRST ADDTTItJN APPLIC. DATE ' -- ---------------------�---_--_____----__,____ -- _..Fgbru�ry 1�_1�� _ PERTOD END. ---------- __.Ec�r.lt�ry._L,_lg�'i�.___,----- APPLICI►TZON FOR PAYMENT -__ . DESCRIPTION CONTRACT QUANTITY UNIT UNIT QUANTITY TO DATE �'RIGE Z'c�T�� 0256. 408 8" PVC, 08 '-1p� DEEP L.F. 41? ----- — 511 14 . 16 $ %L�3�.tZ6_ 0256. 408 g" PVC, 10 '—i2 'DEEP L. F. 1219 1152 I4 . 46 $ iC�.6�7.9,2 0256. 4(18 8" PVCr 12 �—I4 'flEEP L.F. 58fl 303 15. 16 $ �1,593.48 0256. 408 8" PVC, I4 '-16'DEEP L.F. 324 479 16. IO $ ;' 71 i .�Q 0256. 408 8" PVC, I6 '-18 ' DEEP L,F. 95 t 75 20. 20 $ i .�i5.�_t�� Q256. 408 g" PVC, 1$-20 ' DEEP L.F. 75 F33 22 . i8 $_ 1 ,8�#0,`��# 0256. 608 8" �IP, 20'-22 'DEEP L.F. 262 412 3v.04 S 1;';376.�1�3 0256. 608 8" DIP, 22 '-24 'DEEP L.F. 144 99 32.73 $ ;�,_��._�7 PI�GE 1 OF 4 SI�C3RT—�LLIQTT-H$NDRICKSON, INC. ' ` � • ' DESCRIPTION CONTRACT QUANTiTY [}NI'i' UNIT QUANTITY TO DATE PR�CE 'I'�3TAL 0256.608 8" DIP, 24 '-26'DEEP L.F, 46 �0 35,79 . $ 1 .789.�0 02:56.608 8" DIP, 26'-28'DEEP L.F. 50 33 39. it� $ t,29A�30 0256.608 8" DIP, 28 '-30'DEEP L.F. 17 15 42.85 $ 692.75 0256.610 10" DIP, 28 '-30'DEEP L.F. 24b �~ 362 45.96 5 1G,637.52 0256.614 10" DIP, 30'-32 'DEEF L.F. 320 204 5O.U0 $ 1�,20t},00 0256.701 STANDARD MANHOLE, 8' DEEP EACH 15 1� 553 .48 $ 9,�a2.2Q 0256.702 EXCESS DEPTH STANDARD MH L.F. 103.69 1U4. 19 48,06 $ 3, 007.37 0256.704 OUTSIDE DROP L.F. 6I.72 5S. t4 7 47,31 S k3�5.�.�Q. 0256.�05 CLEANOUT L.F. 9.72 �.92 15.3� $ 152.27 0256.8D� 8" BY 4" PVC WYE EACH 69 � fi5 30. 32 i.970,�Q., 0256.801 8" gY 4" DIP WYE EACH q 5 269.88 $ 1,3q9.�l0 025�.801 10" BY 4" DIP WYE EACH 11 ' 11 3 2 9.8 6 $ �.,��9.�t t3256.803 4'� PStC SERVICE L.F. 2010 3�179.5 3.36 $ 11 69�� 0256.803 4" DIP SERVICE L.F. 544 287 7. 17 $ ,',057,79 0256.805 4 n PVC RISER L.F. 138 51 .$ 3,98 $ 206. 16 0256.805 4�� DIP RISER L.F. 2U0 3�a.2 �.a i s,_._._.?,a�z.g� 0257.406 6" DIP WATERMAINr CL L.F, - 2145 199Q.5 11.30 $ 2�',537,85 0257.408 8" DIP WATERMAIN, CL L.F. 1885 1$$2 i3 .11 $�2l1,673.02 0257.4�.2 12" DIP WATERMAIN, CL L.F. 1705 -- t957 18.20 $„��,,:51,Z..�...4�L 0257.606 6" R.S.GATE VALVE & BOX EACH 24 �� 273 .70 (�, �_____ �295. tQ 0257.60� 8" R.S.G,ATE VALVE & BOX EACH 3 4 374. 17 � 1.,4�.�6�„ ' 0257.613 12" H.F.VALVE & BOX EACH 6 T 596.68 $ �1, 116.76 0257, 634 FITTINGS LESS THAN I2" LA. 2950 2950 0.78 $ �.30?.t}(.� v257.631 FITTiNGs 12" & LARGER LB. 64St� 6450 0.72 $ n ��4q�.pp 0257,64Q FIRE HYQRANT EACH 13 15 1001.41 $ r --.��'._4:�.1.._� 0257.710 3/4" COPPER SERVICE L.F. 260Q 3b39 3 .62 $ i�. 173. 1� 0257.72D 3/4" CORPORATION EACH 84 81 25.88 $��' p��6.2� � PAGE 2 t7F 4 SHORT-ELLI�TT-HENDRICK�t}N, INC, ' u . � DESCRIPTION CONTRACT QUANTITY UNTT UNIT QUANTITY TO DATE F'RICE 7`t�T11L 0257. 740 3j4" CURB STOP EACH 84 81 49. 37 $_3,99$.97 0258.4OI 12" RCP C.B. LEADS, CL IV L.F. 1233 1363 15. 16 $ ��,663.t}8 0258.415 25"RCP STORM SEWER,CL iII L.F. �6� (1U'—32 f) 199 15.89 $� :i, 162. 1 # 0258.418 18"RCP STORM SEWER,CL III L.F. 823 916 16.66 r (IO''-12 ') � 1,>.260.56 0258.421 21"RCP STORM SEWER,CL III L.F. 88], 905 18.88 $ 17.Of36,A0 (10'-12 ' ) --________ 0258.424 24"RCP STORM SEWER,CL III L.F. 220 221 22.Q5 (10'-12 ' ) � ��Z�..� �258.430 30"RCF STORM SEWER,CL III L.F. 1�� (lp�_12' ) 175 23 . 56 $ �l. i23.04 0258.518 18" APR�N W/TRASH GUAR� EACH 2 2 511.50 $ I ,Q23.�0 0258.521 21" APR4N W/TRA3H GUARD EACH 1 � .557.34 $ �57 39 0258.524 24" APRON W/TRASH GUARQ EACH l 1 668.88 $ 668.88 0258.603 MANHOLE, TYPE 8 L.F. 85.67 ----�._ 105.73 86.05 $ �)_,098.Q7 �258.704 CATCH BASIN, TYPE X L.F. 63.85 42.79 105.�5 $ �4,5Q3.55 0258.705 CATCH BASIN, TYFE Y L.F. 5T.6$� 54.81 143. 3? S 7:858. li 0258.801 R 1733 MH CASTING EACH 26 2$ 95. 1� $ �,663.36 0258.808 R 3�67 CB CASTTNG EACH 28 2$ i50.5i $ �#_�.'+� 0258.920 R�NDOM RIPRAP C.X. 15 20.3 71.?3 $ 1 ,456. 12 0259.501 CRUSHED ROCK PIPE TON 10fl SUBGRAUE BACKFILL 0 0. 10 $ _ U.QO 0259.603 GRANULAR PIPE SUBGRADE TON 5fl0 BACKFTLL 0 0. 10 $ i)_�tt 2511. 525 GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC S.Y. 95 60.1 3.69 $ TXPE I "' 77 PAGE 3 QF 4 S��ORT—ELLiQTT—NENt2RICKSOtd, INC. ' � , � . .. .. . .,�. , „������� Lur1t.1f►Uea . �ot�.l Coniract Amount $ 348 34 .0_, Total Amount E�ed $�`�.0� � ------�--,. Material Suitaaly Stored on Site, Npt Incoporated into Work � Contract Change Order No. � Percent_Complete ��t).OQ Cantract Change Order No. � Percent �omplete � O R 1p � Contract Change Order No. �r Percent Complete �� $ 17,66�.g�1 • GRflSS A(�UNT DUE. . .. . . . . . . . . . . $ ���,3��n.0?. IESS � X RETAINAGE. . . . . .. ., E 1�.q0 --�_...�__�.,_.,,�,�,_, • A�UNT DUE TO OATE. . . .. . . . . . . .. �.-..,_.�a,.�_`-T`-'. Z IESS PREVIOUS APPIi£AfiIONS.. , .. � 3qg�,,�*�� C4NTRACTOR'S AFfIDAVIT A�"�UNT DUE TMIS ARPLICATION'. .. . $����� � unders#gned Contractar hereby swears under penalty af per�ury that (1) atl previous pragress. payments received fram the Owner on account of work performed under the contra�t referre� to above have been applied by the undersigned to discharge in fuli all obligations of the under- signed incurred fn connection with work covered by prior App1#cations for Payment under said contract, and (2) a}t material and equipment incorporated in said Pro,�ect ar atherwise listed in or cav�red i�y �his Application for Payment are free and cTear of all liens, c1aims, securfty 1nterests and encumbrances. Dated FebruarY 1 , 19 8� . �lmerican Contracting, Gorp. f Contractor _ .._.... ; , By ' . Name arid �' t e : �`�"'" CQUNTY OF �n��� SS �►iiIiam 0. k�orbal , President STATE OF _�Mi nnc�cnta � ____.__ Befare me on this ��� t,�,� day of Wi 11 iam 0 Norbal '�'r'�'�"'�--� ' 14 �9 . Persanally apF�eared and say that he is the nc�►n to me, w o being duTy sworn. did depose of the Contractor abode mentianect; that he executed the above ApplfeationCfor Payme�t and Affidavit on behalf of said and that ali of th� ��;�,q,�d,,,,�qorein are true, correct and comptete, Co+�tractor; JUDtTH A, BUt�GG�AF p 9���'.�� My Commi 5s i qn Ex i • ��• aot�zr Pu9uc-�a�ror,Esor� � � ��� .� May 28, 1991 � nNOKA caurvnr MyCommissionExpiresbiay28,t991 0t81",�l Ub � � r.tM �,.M'YW�".�,*P ':a�.+•:"'A.".�•.'.���,� � � � � The undersigned has c�iecked the Contractor's Applfcation for Payment shown above. A par•t of this Application is the Contractor's Affidavit s t a t i n g t ha t a l l prev ious paymer�ts to him under this Cantract have been applied by him ta dfscharge in fuii aii of his ahl#qations in connectian with the work covered by all priar Applications for Payment. In accordance w�th the Contract, the undersiyned approves payment to the Contra+ctor of tlte Amount Due. Date __ Z.-1�� �j9" SHORT £ TT H RICKS , tr„ By - Page � of '� � ---___--