HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.g. Approve MSA Five Year CIP w s � � ���,y� � • � �*********�****�*********�r****MEMO**�r*,�****�********�r�r�**,�********�*,��r�********* �ATE: FEBRtiARY 15, 1989 T0: MAYQR & COUNCILMEMBERS G/� CITY ADMINISTRATOR JILK FR�M: CITY ENGINF.ER/PUBLIG WORKS DIRECTOR HEFTI RE: ITEMS FOR FEBRUARY 21, 19$9 GOUNCIL MEETING �4NSENT AGENDA Approve MSA Five Year C.I.P. This item consist of appraval of a 5 year capiCal improuement plan for improvements ta Munic'spal State Aid Stre�ats deaignated in our City, Th�� memo provides a brief t�ackground on this matter and recommended aetion for Cou��ci1 to consider. This item is a requirement of the State Aid Division of MnDOT. The reason foz this is due to several cities in the past not spending any of their State Aid allocations for construction. The State Aici Division felt that these citi.es were not using these funds then they did nnt have a need for them. The result was , that any city having a construction funcl balanee in excess of two times tf�eir annual allotment would be penalized by subtracting some of the balance fr�m their construction needs. This would in turn reduce their annual constructian allotment. The City of Rosemount d�es not have that problem. Should the Councii approve this C.I.P. , it in no means wi11 tie the Gity to adhering to that schedule. State Aid usua�.ly requires cities tn upelate tl�eir S Year. C.I.P annually. As I mentioned previously, the only reason for citi:es having to prepare this S year C.I.P. is t� {�r�vide the StRtP_ Aid i�ivision with an idea that cities will spend tlleir State /1id allocation r►nci not let it aec��mc�laCe in their construction fund balance. Attached is a copy of the proposed 5 year C.I.P. for State Aid s'treets. Depending upon the rate and location of development, the scheduling Qf these projects could change. As you can see, we wi11 be needing more funds th�n we will be getting. As a result, we will probabiy have to consider the State Aid Bonding for these projects. Reeommended action for Council to consicier is to adopt the attached resolution approving the 5 year C.I.P for Municipal State Aid Street expenditures. > � • MUNICIPAL STATE-AID STREET SYSTEM . � 5-Year Construction Program For OSEj�pll�tx (State Aid Expenditures Only) R�VENUE Present State Aid Construction Balance ��Atember l, 1988 , � p �stimated Annual Constructfon Aliotment � 29q*ppp X 4 = � 1dI60,OU0 �stimated Total. State Aid Allotment for Prograc�aning Purposes � 1,164�,QQ0 ESTIt4ATED EXPLI�I�ITEJRES Year Estimated o� . s�at� �ia Exoenditure Ter�nini Pro�ect Des�cri�ation Expenditure On Shannon Park�a_; Grading�Base, Bit. Surf. From��lma inn Path� Concrete C & G, 1989 To 0.5�rlj,, ;�,�„c'_R��„_ Walkway, Street�.ights, $ 379��0� Len�th 0.60 Storm Sewer Grading,Base, Bit. Surf. Qn Ct�,�nne�}da7e AvP. Widening, Concrete C & G From 160t�,,�,fi,J-PP,_,;�` Streetlights, Storm 1989 To GSAH 4„�____,_,,,_ Sewer $ 422,519 Len�th 1.00 � 1�`,�„�t L S t r a,e t W��„ From Diamnnrfi Path 199Q To Reconstruction $ 641,439 �'ame� A��Pnnp �.2T1�C�! �..�t.Q,�.�......�.� ' . tJn Connemara Trail Grading, Base,Bit. Surf. 1991 �'zocQ 0.5 mi E Shannon Goncrete G & G, To TIi 3 Streetlights, Storm $ 373,56$ Len�th 0.59 Se�rer � � Cann�mara T�,a;'i � �radi�ng, Base,Bit.�urf. From Goncrete C & G, 1992 Shannon Pa�kwa� $treetlights, Storm $ 278ay5g3 * To Ch'�DD£�dalrP,,�.,.,,,.�.+.,, Length 9�t� Sewer �� On Shann�on Pkw r,.S,..i,�a�l From GSAH 42 1993 To CSAH 2 Signal $ 60.4QQ �, Len�th (1.00 - .<: � � ! • ES'TIriATED EXFENDIZUP.ES Year - �stimaCed of State Aid Cxpenditure Termini Pro_�ect Deseri�tion Ex�en�liture -....,.,..�... �,.,..�.,_., On Bacardi Avenue Gr�ding, Base, BiC. Surf From CSAH 42 Goncrete C & G, Walkway 199G To CN RR Tracks Streetlights, Storm � 227_94� Len�;th 0.36 Sewer Grading, Base, Bit,Surf. On 145th Street East,,,,,, Goncrete C & G, Walkway I�'ror� Brazil Ave. 5treetlights, Storm 1994 To CSAH 42 Sewer � G43,216 Lenuth fl.JO On Connemara Trail Si�nal From t3i,amond ath 1994 To Diamond Path Si�n�l $ �.�Q�L Length 0,00 On Frort . To � Len�th On From To � Length On From To � Len�th fln From To � Len��h On Fron To " a Len�,th ., ., .� s .. .. � � . � � � � � . � . . . � . . . . � � � � � . . . .. � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ; ; �..w. RESOLUTION 1989 - i A RESOLUTION APPRQVING MUNICIPAL STATE-AID ' S YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN i ; WHEREAS, the Office of State Aid �f the Minnesota Department of j Transportation requires the submittal o€ a Municipal Stafe-Aid I Five (5) Year Capital Improvement Plan for anticipateci municipxl � state-aid street construction; anci ; ; � WHEREAS, the City Engineer has prepared a Municipal State-Aic� j Five f5) Year Capital Improvement P1an for the e�ty co��ncil'4 consicieration. j , '� NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of ! Rosemount, Minnesota: l. That the Municipal State-Aid Fiue (5) Year Capital Improvement Plan for anticipated municipai state-aid street canstruction be and is hereby approved as submitted. ! 2. That the City Engineer is authorized and direeted ta � submit the Municipal State-Aid Five {5) Year Plan to the Office of State Aid of the Minnesota Department of Transportation. ! ADQPTED this 21st day of February, 19$9. � i � ' Pallan Hake, Mayor i ATTEST: ; i i Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk � i i ; � �_...,