HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h. & 4.i. Approve Staff Attendance at Conferences of National Planningand Annual Municipal Clerks & Finance Officers ` • � P C� 80X 5t 0 ��i�'L Q 2875-14`�tFf,r,T W. /� p���y tiC}8EMOUNT. MtNNES�)FA 550E`a9 llSL/`4���� &t?. -423-441f TTSM 4 h. February i6, 1989 gnd ITBM 4 3. T0: Mayor Hoke Cauncilmembers: Napper Oxborough Waigh Wipper►nann FROM: Stephan Jilk, Adm3.nistratox/C�.erk RE: Staff SeminarsjCc�nferencea • A�taehed are two memos outlining requesta £or attendance at respective conferences by Sue Johnson and Dean 3dhnsan. I have encouraged staff to cho+�se wisely the expenditures o£ Craining doll�rs as budgeted. In my review of the highlights of both a£ these conferences I believe the time ancl training dallars vrill be we11 spent. As rc�fer�nced, tlie funds �or these eonferences hr�ve beet� t�udgete{i in the 1989 training and conferences budgets for these departments. I have given mq approval �or the staff attendance at the xequested conferences and I request your apgraval uncler our t�urct�aein� poli�p. 1j 1 � F'( ��f1X 51t? F • �Zt , f) �e,�-ja�•,i� sr w � �j � �� � � �9� } � � F;ll;EMt)IIPJT M1NNF :' �A 5R(lfiR V��/I'l,�vl ��[.� Ei� 12?-d411 T�t Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk FR�M: Susan Johnson, Depu�ty Glerk ' � DATE; February 13, 1989 ,�, RE: MCFOA Annual Conference Attached is th� conference sehedule far the Municipal �lerks and Finance Offiee�s Annual Con�erenee, March 14-17, at Alexandria, MN for your review and consideration €ar my attendanee. I believe the planning Gommi�tee for this year's eanfer�nce has selected some exce2lent to�aics. Listed below are the expenses for the seminar wh�.ch hav� been included in the 1989 budget: Registratian Fee $1UO.UU Hotel (2 niqhts) 122.00 Meals/Misc. (3 daysl ?5,00 Transportation 30.OU Total $327.UU Thank you. , Attachmen�. M�ici al Clerks and�inance {�fficers p Ar�nual Conf erence March 14-17,I989 . � Radisson Arrowwaed Rescn�t,Alexandria T�.-- �:;,io�ai � � . . � .� � . . . . . .. � . . . . . ��-.�c, Conf erenee Schedule �,� ����� Tuesda March 14 r a y, 23 Stxual�i�rassment � � ,�, tdouble session) � 6:00-7:00 p.m Registratton Rab�t Hamitton ' �n I f —� - 7:Up-8:30 Opening Rec�Ption 3:14 Refreshment Break � �,-� _. _, Wednesday,March 15 _ -- �:�tj Uiscussian Groups�ty City • Size � ' 8:00 a.m. RegistraHon (choc�se one) 9:00 Performance EvaluaKan and 31 0-1000 Appraisals Tom T7teten E1don Morey 32 1�0(!0-Z.50Q 10:20 Refreshment Break Detores Wenda�f, Dave Spencer 1U:40 Working With Decision Makers 33 2,5Qt1-1�,t100 Eldon Morey Barrp Sittlow,Al Chesley Noon Lunch 34 Qver ip,t)Ef4 Carole Grimm,Tom Ferber .1:04 p.m. ConcurrenE Workshops fchoose or�� 5:00 Adjoum li New Clerks(Mentadon 5:30 Exhit�M f)pert Tom Thelen 6.�00 Social I�our ar�d light buffet hast�d exhiMfir�rs and : 12 4SH.+�!ca_r+fined Spass ttale �_:_�. ____ vendors� ^ _�. lerry Tschiaa ` ` 13 Sexual Hazassment Thursday,March�6 (double session> Robert Hamil#on 9.�t10 a.m. DemographIc�for 1'ubtic Policy Makers 2.�0o Break � 1am�es vaupei 2:10 Concunrent Worksho� 10�.30 ReEreshment Break tchoase one} 10�50 Current State Issue 21 Managing i3asic City to be annoc�nced Serviees Ray Estes Noort Lur�ch 22 Selecting a�Consultant Mark Karnowslci 1:00 p.m. MCFOA Business Meeting FaCUlty .2:15 Concurrent Wor�ps Al Chesfiey.City�k,Crc�okst�n tchoose one) German don Alvars�do,t3irectar of Affirmative Ac�icm, City of St.t'aul 41 Cafeteria Employee Benefit P1a�ta Ray�Stes,Street Commissioner,Detrc�it takes Ann Houle Tom Ferber,MCMC�City Clerk,Rich�ld Ed�utler,Director,Gc�vernc�ntal Informatic�n,Qi1 isic�n, 42 AIUS In�the Warkplace State af Minn�sota,St.PatRt to be announcesf Carote Grimm.CMC.City Clerk,Rochester Robert Namilton,i'h.D.,Prc�gram Developmer�t S#��t�list, �3 Cash Baa�s Arcounting for Small Ctties Government Trainin�Servire.St.Paul tbring iiSAC manual} Mn floule,tiesearch Analyst and Attornep.Leag�,<?of Judy Uhde,Jean Woorster Minnesafa Cities,St.t'aui Mark Karnowski,MCMC.Adminlstrator-Cierk, Chisag4 City 3.]5 Refreshment Break Eldon Moc�ep,Ph.U.,Ciinicat Psyehoiogfist tn i'rivatc I'ractice,Fetgus Falts 3:30 Concurnnt Workshops Kelly Ut#,As�istant i'rofesscrr,Business Administrat�on tchoose one� Department,Coqege�f St.C�thFrine,5t.i'�ul Barry SitHow.CMC.City Actministr�Mr,St.i'a�wl fi'��►k 51 Afflrmatiue hctian Dave S}+encer,CMC,Flnance�rector,Tr�r ' German don Alavrado Tom Thelen,Field RepresentaNve►League of Minn�sota CitieR,St.Paul 5Z Legisiattve Update Jerty Tuhida,Metro Wasie Controi Commission,T�.��An Leagve of Minnesota Cities staff 1adY Uhde,City Clerk,&�y�ort james Yaupct,Ph.D.,Professcsr,�i�shert N.Hi�rnpT,rc�y 53 Cash Basis Accounting pn a pC Instihate of Public AffAfir�,University oF MinncG�ta, Ed Fuller,Davic�Kazeek Minnea},otis Delorca Wendorf,MCMC.City C'lerk,Cass t.�kc 4:3Q Adjoum jean i+Vaorster,CMC,Tawn C;#�rk-Adminfstrator, Rice take 6:dQ Social Hour , 7� Banguet-F�ft�es'cheme LocaEian and AccommodatiQns The confierence will be held at the Radissor Arrown�cxx� Friday,M�tCh 1? Resort.Alexas�dria,Minnesota.A btt�ck oE slee�+in�;tnoms has been resewed at sp�ciat conterence rates of$61 �ingle 9:00 a.m. Communicating Wjth and Supervlstng ar doubie.Reservativr�slnnuid be�made�soon as �rabtem Employees pas�sible,as they are accepted on a first-cort�,fitst-srwed Kelly Ott basis.Make t�.*servallona vn ti�attarhed farm c�r rn1i the t�otel directly at i-8U0-$92-?W6. 12:00 Adjourn Registration and Fees The fee for MCFt7A mennbers is 3i'tll?and St 1t?for nonmembers.To quality ss a rnember,ane must be:+ current,paid mennberof MCFC3A.The tee inc�udes 1�rit#fln, course matcrials,tuntfies,refresh�nt breaks.and Thursc�:+y bar�uet.Ap�+lic�ticn�strould e�mac�e on tt�e c z z z attached f��rm�r�m�ileci to the Univers�ty►QE hiinn���ta by March 8,1989.A refund c�f tMe ne�islraticm fee wilf t+e made if written cancetlation is receivrc�by March i4. t`4A9, a$15 service fee wi11 be charged vn a}i cancelletirms.'i�e University ot Mtnneaota reserves the right fo cancel the conference if neccs�ry.IE�if�1�VE!Ati�r R�AI ItE'AIlI1 ttt rrn�hitity n�cedg.�'tI�'A:RE,'Af1AfIt e1 fif►FC tt���iE?tC�RIfi�11�t�tt(t�Titt indicating thcne nec�:is. i . � � , � F't� RC?X �fO �Z�I� �) ?R i�,.1 1 i H'S T W � �* y�� �/ t Fir)`,CFv��)UN� MI�JNf , 'fA 550�8� � �i7��I"l���/[1��� f 1.' •f13 4411 TO: Steve Jitk, City Administrator FROM; Dean Johnsan, nirector af Comm�nity t)evelopment DATE: Febraary 9, 1989 SUBJ: N�tional Planning ConCerence t respectfully request authorization to attend the t9�9 National Planning Conference, April 29 - May 3, 1�)8�I, in Atlanta, (,cc�rgia. Highligl�ts of ' this year's conference inciude the orientation kour of the Atlanta Metro Area; "mobile/walking workshops" including Transit 5tati�ns, Hattsfield ' [nternational Air�ort (20 years of p}anning to maximize the airporC as a major carrier hub), Suburban Road Im�rovements Frc�gram (local sales tax and other funding solutions); and conference sessions inctqding Successful CommuniEies, American City Quality, Rapid TransiE and Tourism Plannin�. A breakdown of casts is esti�nated to be as foilocvs: Air Fare $ 25� Hotcl $ 375 Meals/Misc. 12S Events/Tours 92 �teglstration 275 $ k,125 ` Funding for this conferenc� is included in the 1989 Carnmunity Development budget.