HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.d. Affirmative Action Plan - 1st Review • � P ti. BOX 5t0 ��Z�� Q ?A15 i��'TM ST. W. ^���Qa'7 4� AOSEMOUNt. MlNNE�c)TA 55�'i8 V 4L 6��.:..q23-aayt � rusry 16, 1989 ITBM 5 d, TOs Mapor Hoke Councilmembers: Idapper Oxborough Wa1ah WiPPermann FR4Mt Stephan Jilk, Administrator/C1erk� � RE: Affirmative Action P1an � Attaciaed find a second draft of the propased Citp of Ros�mount Affirmative �ction Placz ws have develaped to be preser►ted to the State of Minnesota D�psrtment of Human R3ght�. As �ae have advised adoption a�nd implementatic�n of such a p�.en is now a requiremenC far anp ci�.p in the state of M3nn�eota ahich employs twentp ar more gersons. Assurance that such a plan wi3.a: be ado�ted and implemented has been ti,ed to certain stat� aids rece�v�d bp cities such as road construction/maintenance fu�ds d3.s�ributed by the Depart�aent of Transpartation. In our cas� this one item alone crru2d relate ta abo�zt $3UO,OOU.00 � }+ear. This is not to sap that th:e Citq af Rosemoun.� would not have adopted such a plan without the new requirements but i.t may nat have b�en viewed as such e critical issue. Also, we believe that the intent of the ia�+ outl3.ning the requirements� to adopt such a plan, are already bein� follc�aed liere at ltosemount and thus few changes, aa they xelate Ca aumber� of minorities as�d females ,in the work force are concern�:d, �ill need to be `�ddressed. ; The p1an, as presented, outlines the me�hodology used tc� determine the number� of minoriti�s and females avail.able :tn �he workforce pool far the types of posittons we have t�ere, the num6era of those two groups we actually emplol and �oals and ob ject�.ves we suggest 3.n filling quotas to meet the requiren�ents set Qut bp law to complp with it. We feel that we can implement the plan �airly easily through pro�eeted hirings and �ob en2arg�ment ov�r �he nex� �wv years. We also need to keep in mind that �u�t because the numbers ahc�w that we need tv f�,I1 c�z�tain positiotts w�tth minori.t3es �nd/or females we map not have �o. The key is that �e advert�.�e, set requirements �or positions, in�erview and hire without eliminating the opportunities £or females and minoriti.es and disabled ind3.viduals. The glan esta out procedurea Ca do this. I wil.l review the plan verb�J.lp with pou at the meeting and an�wer any questions pou may have. Z �►�-�.Z be sending this on to the state for their con�sideration and approval. If approva�. is granted I will bring it bc�cle tv p�r� tar adaption. .* • . CITY C?F R�SEMQIINT DAK4TA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AFFIRMATIVE ACTIQN PflLICY & PLAN January, 1989 f � . INDBR SECTION PAG� I. Policq Statement 2 II. Responsibility For Affirmat3ve Acti4n Program 3 TII. Dissemination of Affirmative Action 5 I�. Organizational Charts 6 Admini�tration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Finance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Communitq Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Park and Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i0 Public Work�s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Police Departmerit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 �. Workforce, Avai3.ability and Ut3].izationJUnderutil.3.zati.on 13 Analysi.s Administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . : . . . 15 Finance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Community Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . « . . . . . . . I7 Parks and Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Public Worl�s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Poiice Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 VT. Def3ciencies/Prablem Area Identi.�icstion Availabi1.itYf Utillzation/Underutilization 21 Chart �� VII . Goals and Strategiee �3 VIII. Goals and Timetables 24 IX- Internal Audit and �eporting Spstems 25 �. Messures to Facilitate Implementation 2�, �I. Affirmative Action Plan k'or Disabl.ed Individuals �g XII. Signature Pages 2, 33 i s • A F F I B M A T I V 8 A C T I 0 l� �' 0 L I C Y SECTIQN I, POLICY STATSMENT The policp and intent of the city of Rosemaunt, Minnegc�ta, is to ��rovide equal opportunity for a11 emplvyees and applic�nts for emglopment in accordance with all applicable Equal Emp2oyment Opportunity/Affirmative Action laws, directives� and regulatiot�r� of Federal, State, and local g�vernment an�i their re�pective s�encj.es, specificallp Chapter 363 of the Minnesota St�tutes (1g$fi) . The City of Rosemount will not discriminate against c�r hara$s any employee or appiicant for emplopment because vf race, col.or, creed, reli.gion, natianal origin, sex, disability, �ge, marital statres, or status with regard to publ3c ass9.stance. The C�.ty of Rosemotint wi.11 take affirmative aetion to ensure that a11 emglopment praet�ces are free from sach discrimination. Such employm�nt pr�ctices i.nclu�ie; but are not limited to, the fallowi.ng; hiring, upgrading, demation, transfer, recruitmen� or recruitmen� adverti.sing, selection. lsy�ff, dzsci�linary action, termination, rates of gaq or other forms ef_ camPensation, and selection f�r �raining, including apprent3ceahip. The Citp af Rosemount will use ita best efforts to afFord minority and female business enterpr3ses with the max�mtam pcacticable 4PP��'�����y to participate in the performance of subcvntracts for construction pro�ects which this City engage� in. The C:itp of Rvsemount fully supports incorporation of non-d�.scrimination and Affirraative Action rules and regulations into contract�. The Citp of Rosemount will evaluate the performance of its management and supervisory personnel an the basis of their involvement in achieving ttiese Affirmative Actian ob�ectiv�s, as wetl as other established criteria. Anp emploqee or �ubeontrac�or working fox the City of Rosemount who does not comply with the poliei�s and p�ocPdur�s set forth in Chis plan will b� sub�ect to disciplinarp action and/or appropriate legai sanctions. The City of Rosemount will commit the necessarp ti�tte ar�d resources to achieve the goals pf Equal Fmployment OFportunitp �snd Affirmative Action. The Citp of Roseraount hss appainted Stephan Ji1k, City Adminietrator, manager of the Equal FmplopmenC Oppartunity Frogram. His responsihil.ittes include monitor3ng all Equal Emploq�nent Opportunity activities and reporting the ef�'ecLiv�nes:s of this A£f�.r�ative !#ct:ton prQgram, as required by Federal, State, �ncl ].nca1 agencies. The Mayor of the City of Itosemount will r�ceive and r{�view reports on the progress of the program, If anp e�gloyee ar appli.cant f4r employment believes he or she has been discrimin�ted against , 1 • � please contact Stephan J31k, City Administrator for the City of Rosemount, or ca�.l (612) 423-4411 . Dated: � 1989. Ro11an tioke, Mapor City of Rosemount Dakota Countq, Minnesota 2 � ! SECTIUN II. RESPONSIBILITY FOx AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM The EEO/AA Manager, Stephan Jilk, is directl.p responsible tc� the Mayor and Citq council for putting this grogram into effect. His responsibilities include, but are not limited to the €olZowing: 1 . Develop an Equa1 Employment O�rportunity �olicy statement anrl a wr3tten Affirmative Action Program. 2. Implement the program an� develop ways to communicate the program to Ci.ty e�aployees, m�.nority groups, womenf s Qrganizations, and other community grougs. 3, Canduct and/or coordinate EEO/AA trainin� and orientation of departmenfi heads and superv3.sors to inform them of their responsibilities under the Affirmative Action p1an. 4. Develop programs ta achieve goals, �,ncl»riing 4pectf.ic w�ys t.o end discriminatory practieea di�scovered in the emplopment system. S. Ho1d regular discussions with department heads, su�ervf,sors, and employees to ensure compliance with the pQlicies of the pla�1. 6. Report annually ta the Mayor and City Council concerrcing progress toward achieving EEOJAA goals. 7. Ensure that all minority , women, and handi.ca�ped emplapees :�re provided equal apportuni:tq as it relates to �raining programs, recreational/social activities, benefiL plans, pay, and other working eonditions without regard to race, sex, calor, handi.cap, etc. 8. Review the qualifications of all employees to ensure that miilorities, women, etc. are given £u11 opportunitie� for transfers and promations. . 9. Periodically audit training programs, hirin� and proraotivn patterns to remove impediments to the attainment of the �oal.s and objectives of the plan. 10. Design, implea�ent, and ma3.ntain EEO sudit, re�orting, and rf�eord systems which will measure the effectiveness of the Citp' s program, and determine whether the gosls and ob�ectivee of the plan have b�en attained. 11 • Identify problem areas and recommend solutions. 12. Coardinate the implementation of necessary re�aedial actions to meet compliance requirements and gosls. 13. Serve as a liaison between the City and proteeted cTass gro�xps. � i4. Serve as a Iiaison between the City and relevant or applical�le governmental enforcement agencies. 3 , � . IS, Coordinate recruitment and employrnent of wo�en, mi�oritp , and handicapped person�. 16. Coordinate recruitment and util.ization of women, minority , s�nd handicapped owned bu�inesses. 17. Receive, investigate, and attempt to resolve a11. EEt3 camplai.nts, 1$. Keep the Mayor and City Council infc�rraed of the latest developments �.n the area vf EEO. 4 � � SBCTION III. DISSBMINATIUN OF AFF'IRMATIVE ACTION POLICY � FLAN A. Internal Dissemination 1 . Plaee posters and other l�.terature such as the EquaT Employment Opportunitq Policp Statement on bulletin boards in a11 Gity departmental offices. 2. Provide all emplopees access to copies of the City' s Affirmative Action Program. I�iclude EF�/AA Poltcy Statement in the Citp employee handbook and make discussion of the program part of employee arientatian and training. 3. Hold Special meeti.ngs with emp3.oqees to explain the goals of th� program when needed to end misunderstandi.ng. 4. Make known to minority and female emplc�yees that theiz° suggestions in develaping the Af£ir�ti�tive Action P1An .�re needed. 5. Give union leaders copiea of the A€firmative Action Program. Emphasi�e the City' s intent to fully compl� aoith the pa2icy and cc�operation with the un3ons. B. External Dissea�ination 1 . Send recruitin$ aources copies af the Affirme:tive Actian Program. 2. inform all sources, including appropriate media, puhl:i.e emgloyment agencies, and educational instiGutian�, th��t: th� City cannot use their services unless they refer applicants on a non-discriminatorp basis--male, female, minoritp, and non-minoritq applicants for all �obs nt all ievels. 3. Include a s�atement of the Citq' s commitment to Equal Emglayment Opport��nity on ai1 �ob apptications, advertisements and �nnouncements, 4. Use as new recruiting sources available agencies, organizations, schools, Gol1e$es, eor�munity groups, ar others who have special contacts with women and minoritp groupe. Provide them with written copies of the City' g Affirmative Acti�n Program. 5. Send written notice of the City ' s Affirmative Action P<,licp to all eontractors, vendors, and suppliers canducting business with the C3.ty. Include a statement of the C3ty ' s cammitment to Equal Employment �gportunitp in purehase orders, contracts, leases, ete. , witfi revocati�on clati��s for noncompiiance. S � i SBCTIQ�T IY. ORGANIZATIONAL GHARTS 6 ` • � .�_ A�dministrato Cterk t�) Couneil Secretary� �►��>uEy qct�ic �� ��a t�� -------r nonm�. s+�-cr�-nntr ��� � � � FIt1�j"1C� ' DlCE:C�01" ��� FINANCIII� tMJi� Flt�lAN1(;E pF�aUTy p6�'l��;ti'111�7+f1' i�CGISTTtIiF� �SSISTMtT' t1SSISTMfT (1� - (j� � QEPUTY �FINANCE DIR -- . .... � - � � � --------ti.__.:. Cotnmt�t�wity ��� Director . -..-.� t�) o+� s�r,�r f 2) --..-......,._---�,... PI.,At�}� E'�f'�C�IIItC [J�VHA!'�AIE� --.�.__` F3UL,t�NG SP6t�}� ��� �� t�� �r ' "i"�1t�t1" t i� • p�� �pt�fN(3 �lltE; SPEqt1�' . Et�Ci�iiCAt, ��� IN�, r��� ��.�(VG , 1�� . {1� 4 ' � � - Park a Rec � Direct+or tia �`1�U1-T�(�tTS AUMlN. assisrar�r �_� — ._.___--- � _ Pt�F�K pRQC�#iltM ( Pt3UG�FUIN�: f{3F�EMAJ�i DIf�ECTt?ii �'� "f1M�! . ��� 'i�M'"OtWtit P�' 'I"IN�! pAt�K p� � TEN��t� MAiNn�� �A�YI�:N�y� _. � 1� Ifi (1 �1� PAi�tC ___,�� Fa�� MECNANIC 1 NE�i+'WC tt NCQ hNC Ilf 14 : ,. � � � --- `. _----.__.. PUbI tC � � Works Director {1j __.�__ _...____ �N1Il7RIfS ._....._.�..__ SUPPQRT ENGtNEEiiiNG PERSON CX�UE.TMl�'S f�) ENGtNEERtNG ��� �" . TECHNICIAN �� a�NtTQ1� � ---.-_.,..._'_. i�) ��j ENGINECRiNG INTERN . p�r�t+ur�r � �...._.�...�_._.._+_,_ . �uNr�rca�,� �------ , �r�7VAlV(:� � li : a� . E1} �2� . t13 ' MECF1tiNIC 1 N�q-�tUyC !f IU�Ct�AMC ttl (1? 11 w ` � • PO�I C£ Chief _._�_._.,.�. t 1) SECRETAfiY SECnET/�ll�Y ��sPnTc�rei� tjj� M� _�__��� roue� LIEUTEN/1N7 �1� � TE:AM -tEAM - ---- .. _�._ PATF�OI PA'T�Ol. MllMttl. snr;��wr s���. � (1j {1� _�_ , PATRQi. PATfiOt. Ot=FiC�F�S OFFICE�iS {3) ----.___.__. �3� a:2 • • SECTION V. - WORRFURCE, AVAILABILITY AI�D UTILIZATIONIUNDER UTILIZATIQN ANALYSIS A. Data Sources A workforce utilization study--n comparison �f internal workforce and extPrnal labor farce d�ta--was cc�n�tucCed tn detern�iize �.f underutilization or overcvncentrati�n of m3.nori ti�s ' and women existed �.n the City' s workforce �n�t to cletermine the level at whieh minorities anc� women m�.ght be exPPcted to �articipate as an em�loyee for the G:ity nf Ra9emount. This workforce and utilixation analysis Eor minor3�ies �nd women is based upon data recei.ved fr�m the Minnesota l3eyartm�nt af Human Rights. �, Workforce and Job Grouv Anal�,sis Proper implementation of the Aff.irmative Action Program requires setting measurable goals with reasc�nable timetable� for achieving them. The intent is to achieve representation of eAch group identifi.ed as "underutilized" in each �ob catego�y in reasonable prnportion to the ov�rall workforce availabil�tp of ,such groups. These goals are not ri�id and unchan�eable. they are not based on exact predictable st�tisties. they are nor in the for�n of a quota sysfiem, but function as targets reasonahte attainable through everp effort t� make the Af€irmative Actian Program successful. 1 . City of Rosemount jobs have t�een categorized in accordanc� with the Equal Emplopment Op�ortunitq Co�nmission I,oca1 Government Repart (EE0-4) �oh categaries. Refer to �he following departmental Workfarce Analysis Sheet� to con�ider Che workforce and �ob �roup analysis for the City. a. Offic�.als/Administratars 1) Set and execute braad po7.ictes, or 2} Direct individual deparCments or special phsses o.f operatians, or 3} Pravide specialized consultation. b. Profess3onal/Technical lj Require specialized and thevretical Icnow7.€�dge , 2) Require college training or wa.rk experience and other training, or 1) Require a combination of basic scient:LEic or technical kt�owledgP and manu�l skill ; 2) Skill obtained through speciali�ed po�st-secon��arp school edticatian or �nuivalent on-the-�ob tra�nin�. 13 • • c. ProCective Service 1) Pratect pub].ic gaf.ety , ... 2) Pxc�vide security ��tc� pro�ect�.on f.ccam de�atre�ct:iv� forees, d. Paraprofessionals 1) Perform sorae af the duttes �E a �rc�fes�iun�l. �r techn3.cisn in a supportive role. 2) Require less formal training and/or experiea�ce than normallp required for professionaZ or teehnical status: e. Office/Glerical 1) Responsib.Le for interrial �nd external. communicati.ar�. 2� Record and receive data andJor information �nd other paperwork required �.n an office. €. Skilled Craft 1) Perfor�n �obs wh-lch reqtiire s�ecial mant��1 skt11, 2) Require thorough and compreherisiv� knowledgc� af the process involved i.n the work, acquired i:hrvugh apprenticeship or oti�er formal training programs. g. Service/Maintenance 1) Perform duties which result in or contribute to the camfort, convenience, hpgiene, r�r safety of the general �ublic, or 2} Contribute to the upkeep and care af buildir�gs, fscilities, or gro�inds of publ3c property; 3) May aperate �aacl�inery. C. AvailabilitY AnalYsis Availability of minorities and women bp occupational categories was determ3ned based on factors required bp feder3l regulations. The factors used weres 1 . Percentage availability of minarities and females wiC4t t:he requisite skills in Minnesata as obtained fr��m the State of Minnesota Departmeiit of Human Rights. 2. The degrees o� training that the City af Rosemottnt can reasonably be able to provide as a m�ans of maki�g all _job areas avai�.able to minorities and females. Availgbilitq ana2yses were conducted f�r each �f the seren relevant ma�or occupational categnries� Refer to t}ie fo1�.o�.�ing "City o£ Rvsemount - Availabil�.tyfUtilizat3an/Underi�tilizat��on" sheet. ' 14 Cf�ri��t�Y CiL�� of ?csemo�;r.t D£F�T::?f£h7 �nistration tt3RKK'�'`OR�'E t�H�L75IS - �nBT?r�S 2875 14�t?� �txeet t�:. � li�':� I.S C1F ?-I-89 iGUARENT BT t1E£'AttTH�tiT} rGs�� � ` cr _ _ � . JOB TTTI.E(S1 itR�E Rt�1`E OR ?OTAL EN�'L07EE5 l�:TNRTtTTT ENPLOTE�S (•} SALAIt7 RANuE . . TC37AL TOTAL ?OT�L HAi.£ FEMAt.£ ' � HALE PF?lALE AI/ ! kT/ 1�/ II i� AH PZ � ` t! AH PI tor Clerk 45303 - 62170 . l 1 p p p p p � t 42 - 7�, 0 0 0 � 've Sec. 87 - 2784 � � 0 0 0 __ � �� � � . � � ` . � rorxLs � � 3 __ _ -- , ` ("� t3 - EIsck; ti - [linpanic, AIlAN - � Amerlcan Zndian/AIesksn katfve; AlPI - /t�ianlf'aclfic Islander. 1i: �E `!.nn���La Dc;�a.^:�enL of ltu�an Right� D�'PAP.:Y�•T CaH"Af;T eity of` RosAmou.�:t Finane� it�RKFQP� Ah'XL7SIS . . n�„� As aF ?-I-�9 e,nr�n�:s 287S l�;�tr �tre�� t;. (CUIiREltT fiY nEPAftThlEHT} Rc�sernoi:.,: , r,,:ti � � :�b� � Ja8 TITLE f S) �'RGE Rt�TE OR ?OTAL EHpL0YE�3 !!7NOttTTY ENPLOYEE'3 t�? SAL1�R7 RANGE . -�---..,-,.__ ?OTAL TOTAL TOT6L NAt.E FEtiAC.E HALE PEHItLE D �Z AT! / D. I! A�/ R/ Finance Director 37179 - 50202 Z e� rI �� �'i 1 a a o 0 0 0 � o 0 0 De t Finance Director 24263 - 32762 � r o 0 o Q Q � Q o a � . 6 A ' . . . . . . . . . . . . SQ . . . . . . . . .. . � vi . . ` . � � . � . � • � .. � .. . � �. a . . . .. . . . . .C � . � . . . TaT�ts 4 2 2 � (•) A — 81ack; tl - Iti�panic; Ai/AN — � American Indian/f.2e9kan Native; A/PL - AsSanlPacltic Islander. , i, �g !-!lnr.�a��� ►Jer,arLc,enL ot itu�an RighLs CC1ti'�Att7 City of Rosemour r 1��PAf;:Nt'h`T Cc�n,mitv Develatxnent St�JtX'YC?R� ��F�L75TS �t�t�rtE�S �875 14�th Stree� i; . IIA:t. l.S OF .�%-1—�Q (GUltR£NT IIT t}EPkIITHEliT} Rosemount , "12� �a���•� . JCTB TI?LHtS) uRGE RATE OR TOTAL EliPL�YEE3 l�TNOttTT7 EMPLOYE�S ('} SRLAf�7 RANCE , ` 70TAL TOTAL TQTdL H11I.B F�tlAt.E . KALE PENALE AI/ f A7f A/ : f3 {I AN PZ t3 _ !t AN PI DirectorlCom�mmit Dev. 38308 -. 51726 1 1 0 4 0 0 0 0' 0 � � . - 0 0 • Econonic Dev. S cialis 24263 - 32762 1 0 l 0 0 Cl 0 0 0 0 0 Buildin Official 31976 - 43176 �l 1 0 Q 0 0 0 � 0 0 0 or 4 - 76 1 I 0 Q� 0 0 Q 0 De rtment Secreta 16873 - 22784 1 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 �. ..., . r Secreta 20556 - 27758 1 0 1 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i ' . , T�TALs 7 4 3 � ('} II — Black� tt — EJfapanic; AI1AN — � Amerfcan Incitan/Alm�kan Native; A/PI — Asian/Psclffc Is2ander. i�ic� !-!inn��p;,e De�arLmenL of 1i�ran tilcht� D£PAP,:'HEt;T . COli�'At�Y Citv of P,osemou::t Parks & Recreation . it�fiZFC�R�E J�H�L7SIS r D�..� t�s o�' ?_1-89 �i�ottE�S 2875 14>th Stree� j:. f CUitttENT t!Y AEPItIT7HEl�'T) l:os�IF,^.uii� ',r,- ._ r - . p � _`11\ ��, _-C'i V JQ8 TITL.EtS) it�GE R/�TE OR ?QTAL� ENPLC?YEES MNOIITT7 E!lPLQ1�EES (�'} SALA[IY iiAHCE . ...._. TOTJIL TOTAL TOTeL MI4I,E �'EHAt.E � �.,._ �_ lS1�1.E PEHALE t,Z/ / AT/ !;/ DirectorfPark & Rec. 36759 � 49634 . � II p Ati �I �- tJ kN PI 1 o a a o 0 0 " a q o � � Park rlaintenance ZI 21897 - 29568 1 1 p 0 Q 0 � � 0 p Park Main�enance I 17120 -- 23119 1 1 p � p � � � � � � 00 ,-+ • � � . � TJTAL,S ' - 5 4 � � (•} D — Hlack; lt — ttiapanlc, AIJAN — ti Amerlcan Inc}iarslAlB�kan Native; AlP2 — AsianfPacitic Islander. . ?1, �E Yinn��o�a De�artc�nL nt lfucan tiigh�a COH��itY Cit�* of Resema-.:nt DrPAI::?S�F�Z P�tblic Warks ' it�ft�PORCE t�NAL7SIS xnt�REuS 2875 145th �tr�et t;, ve,T� �s oF �-1-89 tcunr��rT �r n�e�RTrs�►,rs} t�.G�S�,^,aJl?�� , ';,, _ - " h L JQB TITLBtS) i:RCE RI�TE DR TOTAL EtSPL0YEE3 tiTNOt1IT� EHPIATP�3 (`) SALAiti' RAttCE . � TOTAL TOTAL ?OT�L MItI.E fENAi.E . ��. . HALE FEHALE ; D 1t �iIf f n !! AIl A/ ' or Fublic Works 39061 - 52742 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0- C} 0 0� Pubiic Works Support 20556 - 27758 1 p 1 p � a a � 4 a � � blic Works Foreman 31976 - 43176 1 1 ineerin Te h 4 t�' a�,ce,�_ _ � �� intenance I 17I2Q. - Z 119 1 I _ ,�.� Q, chanic II � ^i 21897 - 295�� 1 1 p R 0 0 Q 0 p 0 p 3aintenance rrI 22880 - 3a895 � 1 � � � . , TOFAL3 10 g � ,� �') t1 -. Hlaek; lt — [liapanic; hIlI�N — � America� InctianlAle�ksn NaLive; AlPI - Aaian/t'acitic Islander. '1;'�8 winn��a:.ffi De�arLcenL oC ltucan Aighta a.�.�:nAti2' t.,� tt- pi L�,fJS?R10L'�: .: 2�z:?t,Fi:H�ttT Police it�RKPOR'.:E �tH�L7SiS - .'J<'/. AS 3z' -_- A17DR�'.�� ��-- � t. - h �tr�.:. _ ?.'. (i.JRP.;h; IIX I�£PAft:tS£!i;j Rosemount , ?�� :;:���,6$ JOB TITLP(S) HAGE RATF C)R TQTA4 Eti°LQYE�' KZlt4CtI?7 EttPLOYE� t'? SALARY ftAHCE t , . TOTAL TQTAL ?OT�L M14I.E f'Ft'!Al�E , i NALE PEtlALE a �j �ri f n rr �Ti �� Chief A� f'Z AN P1 . 37556 - 50710 1 1 p p Q p � � p � � � � Secretarv/Dis atcher 17625 - 23799 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 1�dministrative Asst. 23238 - 3I378 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lieutenant 31976 - 43176 �'1 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Team Ser eant 26047 - 34750 2 2 p p p � p p p 0 Patrolmen 24$47 - 33550 6 6 C} p p p 0 Q 0 0 0 `� ; � • . � TOTAI.s 12 10 2 , � f') Fi -- Black, H - Itispanic; !4T/AN - American IndianlA2askan Native; � AlPI — Asian/Pacific Ialander. , �;� '•!!nn��ota A�za^tment oC ll�can ftight� , � • sgcTzoN vx. DEFICIENCIBS/P1tOBLEM AREA zDBN'�IFICATION According to Revised Order Number raur c�f the Of.f.ice o£ Fed��ral Contract Compl3.ance Programs (OFCCP) , affirmative actian employment $03.L3 8�30LiJ.E� be established within accup�tianal categori�s where =�re�s af underutilization have been identified. Tlixough the work£orce analysis anci avatlahi�.ity/utilizatton! underrutil:tzation analysis the City has cietermi.ned certain cteficte��cie� in utilization of females in the workforce. An analysis ha� a�.sa been done on the hiring and promotion process for the City. A determfnation that the City' s advertising methods may be revised to beCter reflect its posit�.on as �n Affirmative Actiun emploper has been rttad�. Selection processes, transfer and promotian practiceg, employee training programs and employee educatian pragrams have also b�en reviewed. Job descriptions, se�ting out dut3.es, respons3bilities, education requirements and minimum qualifications have alsv been reviswed. It is determined that these do not, in sny way, hsve arip source of problem to the City meetin� its percenta�es of femaie and minority employees in its workfQrce. Results o€ the G3ty of Rosemount's worktorce and utitizstion analysis have indicated that the fol.lowing �ffirm�tive �ction priorities should be established in the Gity' s short and �.on� range gaal settingt 1 . Increase the participation of qualified females in the �c�1loWing occupational categaries: A. Officials/Adm3.nistrators B. Profess3.analJTechnical C. Protective Service D. Service/Mainten�nce 2. Aiaintain the participation of femal�s in a11 otit�r ucc�tpRti.c�na1 categories. 3. Increase the overall perGeiitage af females to approximate their availabil�.ty in the iabor market and maintain or increase t�a percentage of minarit3es according to' their pertictttar rac:tal ar ethnie group. 21 CITY UF BQSEMOIII�T hVAILABILITY/IITILIZATION/UNDERUTILIZATI�N ANALYSIS ' FEMALES MTNQRITIES Uti2ization Avsilability N�. IItilization l�vailability N0. UNDER- UNDER- JQB GROUP TOTAL N0. � NQ. � UTTLIZED N0. � N0. � UTILIZED Officials/ 9 2 22. 2 2.92 32 .4 l 0 0 .26 3.3 0 Admin. Frofessianalj 7 2 29.0 .36 S. 2 0 0 � . 34 4.9 0 Technical � Protective 9 0 0 .95 1Q.5 1 0 0 .40 4.4 0 Services Office/ 5 5 100. 3.92 78.3 Q 0 0 . I6 4.0 0 Clerical Skilled Craft 4 0 0 .216 5.4 0 0 0 . 10$ 2.7 0 Para- S 3 60.0 1 . 32 26.4 0 0 0 .05 1 .0 0 Professionals Sesvi.eef 3 0 Q .52 17 . 2 1 0 0 . 2Q4 6.8 0 N Maintenance `�' Government 42 11 3 �Column No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 #INSTRUCTTONS• � 1 . Column No. 1 = Total No. in Job Group 2. Column No. 2 = Total No. of Females and Minarities in Job Group. 3. Column No. 3 = Column No. 2 divided by Column No, 1 . 4. Column No. 4 = Column No. 5 X Column No. 1 . S. Column No . 5 comes from the Minnesota Department of Human Rights 6. Calumn Na. 6 = Column No. 4 - Golumn No. 2. • • sEc�rzoN vzr. GOALS AND STRATEGISS Any serious busin�ss ptan require� r�etting measurahle ga€�l,s ftnd tiine�ahles for achieving them. In �f£irmative �ctton gar�l-settin�;, ah�rt-Ceryn goals and lang--term goals ac�: establi.she�l. '�he city of Rosemount has establ3shed short-term (2 year) and 1on�-term (5 ye�r) �oals for accupational categories which have shawn art underutiliza�3u►i vf women and minorities. Goals are not to be confused with quotas. A quots is court ordered hiring and/�r promotian vf �pecified numbere of ratios o� ru:i�iarities and wc�men in positions fxom which the court has found t:hey have been excluded due to unl�wful dtscr3.minati�n. In implementing ' a quota system, an employer would establish separate eligibilitp l.ists for white males and for wamen and/or misioritias, C�ndidates wvulcl then be selected from these separate eligibi�.ity 13.sts in tl�e ratio ordered bp the couxt for a given period of ti�ne of until 3 given r+�present�tion of women and/ar minorities is achieved in the �ob clasgif�.cation covered bp the court order. A goal is a numerical ob�eetive which is reslistica�.ly set gi.yen considerations of the number of expected ,job openings ancl th� ava3labil.ity of quslified women and minoriti.es fn the relevant labar- market recruitment area. In making emplayment decisions, e�ployers are nat required bp Ia�+ to give preferenee to women and sninorit3,es, hire a less c�ualified person in preference to a better C�l1Ei�.'t,��(.'tT OTi�i ar hi.re a person who does nat have the necessary �ob-relevant qualifi.cations. Goals are management ob�ectives to increase the utilization of wcamen and minorit3es; there€ore, thep represent a commitment to affirrrtafi_tve action that is not inconsisten� wi�h the principle of inerit hirin� , The goal-setting process recognizes tha� :tndividuals wil,t be cvmpar�ed with each ather on the basis of individua2 knowledge, ski11, inter�st, aptitudes, etc. , which are necessarp ta �ob performance. The numerical gaals as set out on �he attached sheet fQr f.311�n� positions with female and minority emplopees ar� based on: 1 . The current workfarce and utilizatic�n ana].ysis. 2. The availabil.itq factoars. 3. The turnover rate. 4. Potential openings. The goals are considered reasonable and attainable, and they are also eonsidered flexible. Should more openings than antictpated o��cur or shoiild attrition be d�.sproportional bp race or sex, effor�s will_ be made ta keep goals in line wi�h the overall availability of mi.nor:�fi.i�s and females �nd with occupationsl category ava3lmbility figures. If fewer openings occur, efforts wi�.l be made to maintain mi�ioritp anc� female ievels through proportionate replacements where attrition occurs. 23 • s : SBCTION VIII. GOALS AND TIMETABLES OCCUPATI4NAL CATEGORIES ��ALS (Women) 1. 2. 3. 4. CATLGORY AVAILABLE ROS$MOt3i�T � No. Ex. Short Ter� Lon� Ter� (�f ficials/ - A�im3.nistrstors 32.4 1 .0 1 1 p ProfessionalJ fiechnical 5.2 0 0 (� p Protective Servzce 1Q.5 1 .0 l 1 Q Skilleci Graft 5.4 0 p � p Paraprofessional 26.4 0 0 (1 p Service/ Main�enance 17 . 2 1 Q 1 l 0 l . Nusnber of individuals needed �o reach apprc►pr3.ate percentage 1�evels. 2. Expected number of available applicants. 3. Short Term Goal = 2 year goal. 4. Long Term Goal = 5 year goal. 24 . � s SECTION IX. INTERAIAL AUI�IT AND RBPORTING S1fSTSMS In order to evaluate t}ie implementation of tlie Affirmative ActLon Pol.icy a�d P1an, data nnd LnEormatian w�i.11 b� develuj�ed �tnd maint�ined by Stephan Ji1k, Administratar of the City af Rosemount. Such dat� and information may include, but no� necessarily be limtte<t to, the fallow�ng arear�: recruitment sources, applicant flow, current em�toqee distribution, promotions, and grievances alleging discrtmir�ation. . A. Recru3t�ent Sourcea Intorrn�tion wi11 be maintained regarding all recruitment <3nd ve.d3a sources to be notified of �ob openings. $, Annlicant F1ow Data wi11 be developed and �nainta3.ned to indicate, bp categorp of protected class merabership, Che ta�al number o£ applicants interviewed, those offered positions, those hired , and thase re�ected in order to determine the effectiveness o£ the good faith efforts to recruit protected cless members. C. C_urrent Employee Disstribution Data on the distribution a.f current emplopees by category of protected class membership and salarp level wtll be develaped and maintai.ned on an annual basis. The infQrmation will he useful in analpzing the utilization of prote�ted class msmbers �nd in preparing the report that is required to be Ei1ed annua�.ly with the regianal office o£ the Equ�l Employment {�ppoxtunitp Commission. D . Promations Data regarding promotions wi11 be devel4ped and maintain��d hp category of protected class membership. This infor►nation w:i.:�l be useful in analyzing the utilization of protecte@ clas� members, E. Grievances Alle�in�; Discri�ination The nature and number of grievances alleging discriminati.on and action taken to dispose af the grievance will hp recordett and analyzed ta icienti�p problem areas. Such 3,nformation may $erve as the basis for recommertded changes in policies or practice�. F. Exi.t Interviews Exit infnrmation wi11 be rev:l.ewed ta icientify problems i�t r�tai.ning protected clase member�s. G. Goa1s and Ubiectives - The accomplishment o£ �nnual r��.Eirmative act.i.on �c�als an�t ob�ectives �►i11. be manitored. 25 , � � SECTIUN X. MBASURES TQ FAGILITATL� IMPLBMBNTATION A. All solicitatiions or adver�isements for emplopees �laced b� or in behalf of you or pour subcontractors will state that all qu�Iified appl3eants will receive cvnsideration for emgloyment regardless of their race, colvr, r_reed, religion, national origin, sex, disability � age, marital stat;us, ar status witl� regard ta publ.ic assistance. Help wanted adverti.sing wi11 alsa be placed in "protected class' oriented news �nedia. Copies a£ advertis�ment for employees will be kept an file for review hy enforcement agencies. B. The Citp will nat indicate, in help-wanted �dveitisements, a �reference, lim3.t•at3.on, spec3.fication, or diecrimtnation t����d an sex unl.ess sex is a hona ficie oec�;p�tional qualif.icatian f.ar a �articular job involved. The placement of an advertisement i�n columns classified bp publ�.shers or� the basis of sex, suci� as columns headed "Ma1e" or "Fe�nale'� will be considPred as an express3.on of a preference, limitati.on, specificstion or discrimination based on sex. C. The City will contact, verbally and in writing, unions, minority, female and handicapped community org�nizations and agencies, such as LEAP, NAACP, State Emplopment Serviees, NOta, etc. , requesting minority, female and disablecl emplapeeg. The Citp will maintain consistent contact with these a�encies anci dncumentation will be kept on all cantacts made and the3r resgonses. When seeking to fill speci£ic opemings the CiCp ��i11 give these agencies a reasoaable amount of time to lc�cate an�t refer applicants preferable ane month prior to the cloeing d�te £or r�ceipt of applications. � D. Active recruiting programs, where applica6i.e� will be carried aut at secondarq schools, communitp colleges, and c�7:Xeges w:i.th predominantly mi,nority and female enrallments. Reeruiking efforts at a11 schools wi11 incoxporate efEorts tc� r. each minorities, females and disabled persons. �. The Ci.ty will mal€e �ob oPPartunity information equallp avai].ab1e to potential applicants fram bvth prater.ted and non- pratected class groups, unless there is a bona fide oecupational r�quirement for a parti.eular 3ob. F. The City wi.11 actively encourage present minaritp, fe�aale znd disabled employees to recruit other minori.ties and females and disabled persons, and where reasonable, provi.de aPtar $ehoal, su�nmer and vacat3.on employment to arinority, female �nd disab.led ;�outh, both on sit� and in other areas of our wortcfarce. �. Recruitment t�rochures pictorially �resen�3ng wark situatio��s wiil include minority, female and disabled mernbers of our workforce. 26 ,� � � tt. The City w311. �rovide on�oing tra�.ning �eading to promati���a for protected clags em�toyeea in hel��r. Rnd ����rentice prc�gt•�ms and �oeitiona. I . The City wi11 provlde apprenticeship training wheii such a program is necessary to insure equal opport�initg for protectr�d class employees. J, Minority, female and disabled emplvpees wil.l fiP nEforded � fu11 opportunitp and wi11 be �ncouraged to participate in a11 organization sponsored educational and training programs. K. On-the-�ob training programs as we11 as other training and educational programs to which the employer gives support or sponsorsh3.p, will be regularly reviewed to i,nsure that m�tnarity, female, and disabled emplapees are given equal ogportunitp to participate. L. Appro�riate steps will be taken to g�.ve acta�ve encc�urag�ment to �ninority, female ancl disabled employees to �ncre�se their skt3ls and ,job potential throngh participation in available trainin� and educational programs. M. The City will insure that qualified minoritq , fea��le, and disabled employees are included 3.n supervisvey tr�ining clas:�es. N. The City will seek the inclusion of >qualified minoritp, femal.e and handicapped emplopees in any apprenticeshi� prvgram in wtiich the emploper participates. 27 � • � SECTION XI. AFFiRMATIVE ACTION PLAN FQR DISABLEA IAillIVIDUA4S A. Disabled IndividuaXs Affir�ative Action Clause The Gitq of Rosemount �hall not discriminate against anp emp],oqee or applicant for emglopmenfi ijeeauae of pt�ysical c» mental disabilitp in regard to any position for which �he emplopee or appli.cant for emplopment is quallfied. The City �f Rosemount a�rees to take af£irmative action t� employ, a�ivance in employment, and otherwise treat qu�lified disabled individuals w3.thout discrimination based upon their physical �r mental clisability in a11 emplvpment practices such as the following: emploqment, upgradin�, demotion or transfer, recruitment, advertising, layoff or terminati�n, raL-es oE pay or othex forms of compensation, and selection �Qr trainin�, including appreuticeship. The City of Rosemount agrees to co�npl.q with the rules and relevant orders of the Minnesota Department of Human Rigl�ts issued pursuant to the Minnesota Human Rights Act. The City of Rosemount agrees to post in eaz�sp3.cuous places, available to employees and applicants for empioyment, not�ces in a form to be prescribed bp the comm:tssioner of the Minnes�ta Department of Human Rights, such notice shall. state The Ci.ty of Rosemount' s vbiigation under the law to take affir. mati�� acti.on ta employ and advance in emp2apment qualified dissbled emplovees and applicaats £or emplopment, and the rights of �gplicants ��nd emploqees. The City of Rosemount shall notifp esch l.abor union or representative o£ workers with which it has a collective t�argaini.ng agreement or other contract understanding, that the employer is bound bq the terms of M3nnesota: Statut�:�, sectio» 363.073 of the Minnesota Human Rights Act and is committed to take affirmative action to employ and aclvance in employment physical2p and mentally disabled individuals. B. Srhedule For Review The City of Rosemount wi11 review a11 physical an�l mental �ob requirements to exten(: Chat these requirements tend to scree�i aut qualified disabled individuals. It will be deter,n3.ned wheth�r these requirements are job related �ind are eonsistent with business nece$sity and the safe performance of the �ob. 28 _ i ! C. Pre—Emnlovment i�edical 8asffi The City of Rosemount may zeq�ire a comprehensive medical_ exam prior to emplopment. The re�ul.ts �f suc}i an ex�mination ��ill not be used to screen out qualified disab2�d individuals, Information obtained in response to such inquiries or examin�tivn shall be kept confidential except that (a) supervisors and managers may be informed regardi.ng restricti�ns on the work ��r dut3.es of clisabled individuals and regarding t�ccarn�nnd�tione, (b� first ai,d and safety personnel may be informed, wh�re and t4 the exfient appropriate, if the condition might require emer�encg treatment, and (c) officials, emplaqees, regresentatives, or agents af the M�.nnesota Department of Human Rights or loea�. l�uanan rights agencies investigating compliance wii:h the set c�r lcsc:�l. liuman rights ordinances sha11 be infor�ned if thep request sueh information. D. Accommodations to Phvsical and Mentai Li�itations of Baet�lo�rees Th� City af Rosemaunt shall make � reas�nable accommodati.�n ta the physical and mental limitations of an emplopee or app].icant unless such sn accommodation would impctse an undue haxdship on the conduct of the business. E. Comnensatioa r In offering employment o�r promotions to disabled individuals, the City of �osemottnt shall not reduce thE smount of ca�pens3tion offered because of anp disabiltty incbme, pensiQn, or other benefit the applicant or emplopee receivea from anather saurc�, F. Outreach, Positive Recruit�ent� and Eateraal Disse�iastiaa of Polic9 The City of Rosemociut shall review employment practices to determine whether the gersonnel programs provide the r�quireci affirmative actian for emgloyment and ��lvance�nent o� qua�ifi:ed dl:sabled inaividuals. 13assd upvn the .fi.ndings of �uch revi.ew, the City of Rosernount shal1. undertake apprQpriate outreach �nc� posi,tive recrnitment activ�.ties, such as those listed belaw. 1. Develop internal communication of obligation ta Png��� in affirmative action effc�rts to employ quali£ierl disabled individuals in such a manner as to foster understanding, acceptance, and suppart among executive, management, supervisorq, and a11 ather employees and to et�co«rage such persons to take the necessarp action to a3�i the City of Rosemount i.n meeting this abligation. 2 . Develop reasonatale internal procedu�`es to ensure that the obligation to enga�fl i.►i affirmative aetion ts� amp�,op and promote qualifi�d disabled individuals �s bein� £u1Tp implemented. 29 � � 3. Feriadicallp inform a11 empl.oqees ancl �rospective empl�pees of the comm�.tment to engage in af.firmative act3.dn ta -1ncr��se employment opportunities for qualified disabled individu�ls. 4. Enlist the assistance and support of reeruit3ng souree� including state employmenC security agencie�,, state vocational rehabilitation Rgencies or faciliti.ea, sheltered workshopg, callege pl�eement of£icers, state e�iucation ageneies, labor organizations and organizat�i.ons" a£ or for disabl.ed individuals) of the City of Rosemount' s commitment ta provide meanin�ful employment apportunities to qu�Ii£i.ed disabled individuals. S. Establish mean3.ngful cantacts with appropriate social �ervice' agencies, organizations of an�l for disabl�d indtv�duals, vocational reh�bilitation agencies or fac3.lities, �or suc:h purposes as advice, technical assistance, �nd referral to potential employees. 6. Review emplopment records to derermine thP availability of promotable and transferable qu�l3fied known disabled individutals presently employed, ancl to determine �hether their present and po�ential skills are being fu11p utilirPd or developed. 7 . Include disabled workers when emgl.o}rees are pictured in conaumer, promotional, or help wanted advertisf.ng. 3. Send written notificatian of the City of Rosemount' s poX3�cq to all. emgloyers, vendors and supplier. s, reque�ti,ng that they act in a snanner consistent with the �ity of Roaemount` s golley on affirmative acti.on. 9. Take positive steps to attract quali.fied dissbl.ed persons nnt currentlp in �he workforce who have requisite ski.11s and can be recruited through affirmative action measures. G. Internal Dissemiaati.on of Policv Realizing that an outreach program is ineffective without adequate ini:ernai support from sup�rvisory anc� management personnel and other employees, who may have had Iimited cont�ct with disabled gersons in the past, and in order tc� assure gre�ter emplopee canperation ancl participation the City of Rosemoun� sh�ll disseminate this golicp internallp as folLows: 1 . Incl.ude it in the golicy manual. 2, Publicize it in the organization' s newsgaper, magszine, annual repart, and other media. 3. Conduct special meeti.ngs with executive, man�gemen:t, �ncl supervisory personnel to expl��.r� the 3.nCenC vf: �he pr�licy and individual responsibility for effeCti.ve implementation, msking clear the Citp vf Rosernount' s attit�tde . 30 �. � � 4. Schedule rneetings with all employees to diseuss poliey asid explain indiv3dual employee responsibilities. 5. D3.scuss the policy thorou�hly in both en�ptopee orient�tion and management training programs. Fi. Meet with union off�cials to :tnform the� of the Citp of Rosemount' s policy, and request �heir cooperation. 7. Include nondiscrimination clauses in all union agreements, and review all contractuai provisions to eneure tt�ep €�re nandiscriminatory. 8. Inelude articles on accompl.ishments o� disabled workers in the City of Rosemount publ3cationr�, 9. Past the policp on bulletin boards in G�ty tlall, inclurli►t�; a statement that employees and appl�,cants �re protecCed fr�rn coercion, intimidation, interference, or ciiscrirnination for filing a complaint ar assisting in an investigatian ii�i�ier• the Minnesota Iluman Ri�hts Act. lq. When emglopees are featured in er�ployee handhooks or simi.tar publicatia�i� £or employees, include disabled employees. H. Responsibilitv For I�ulementatian Stephan Jilk, City Administrator, has been designated director of the Citp of Rosemount' s af£irmative action activit3.es. Hi�s identify �hall appear on a].1 intern�l ancl external communi.c�tion� regarding the City of Rose�oun�� s a�firmative actio� grograme. Stephan Ji2k has been g3ven necessarp top manag�m�nt support and sta,Ef to man�ge th� • imp7.ementation of this pragram, 3,ncludin� the �011o�¢ing activit3es: l . Develop policy statements, Af.firmative sct�.on pr��rams, ��nd internal and externa3 communicati.on techniqu�s, includir�g regular discussions with 1oca1 man�agers, superv�.sors, anc� emgloyee� to be eertain the C3ty of Rasemo�tnt' a polici�s are being fallowed. In addition, supervisars� shall. be adviaed that: a) their work perfar�ance is b�ing evAluated on the bas3_s af their affirmative actaton eff�rts aad results, as well as other criteria; and b) the City of Rosemount :is ol�ligaLed to prEvent harassment of employees placed through affirmative actian efforts. 2. ZdentiEy problem areas 3n conjuncti.on w3.�h l.3ne manage�e�zt and known disabled emglQyees, tn the impl.ementation of the aFfirmative action g1an, �nd clevelop sol.ution€�. 31 , e � • 3. �esign and implement audit and reparting systems tha� wilL• a) measure ef£ectiveness af Rosemc�utit� s glgn; b) indicate need for remedial action; c) determine the degree to which ob,jectivea have bee�t attained; d) determine whether known ciisabied emgl.apees have had the ogportunity to part3e�pate in a11 P�npl.oy�r sponsored educatiunAl, training, recreat�,onai, anci social activit�e�; and e) ensure �hat each location is in eojapliance witti tae Minnesota Human Rights Act. 4. Serve as liaison b�tween the City af Rpsemount and the Minnesota Departmenfi of Human Rig}�ts, 5. Serve as liaison between the City �f Rosemount ��nd organizations of and fox d3.sabied persons, �nd srrange fc�r the active involvement by employer re�resentati.ves in the community service prqgrams o£ local organiaations of and £ar the disabled. 6. Keep management in�ormed of the latest deuelapments in t}te entire a.�firmative action are�. 7 . Arxange for eareer counseling fur known disabled �mplapees. I. Develqv�ent and Sxecution of Af�ir�at3re Action Progra�as The Affirmative Action Plan for tt�e City o£ ltoaemount sh:�ll be devel4ped and executed se fallow�s: 1, Job quatificat3on requirements reviewed sha11 b� made available to ali members v£ management involved in the recruitment, screening, selection, and prv�nvtion process. 2. Stephan Jilk �ha11 evaluate the total �etec�ion groeess including trainin� and pr4mot�on to ensure freedo►n �rom stereotpping di,sabled gersans in a manner which ].Imit�s tl�eir access ta a11 �obs for which �hey are qual.ified. 3. A11 personnel involved in the recruitment, scree�ting, s�lection, pramotion, disciplinarp, and related grocesse.s shall l�e carefullp selected and trained �o ensure that ttie commitments in its affirmative ac�3on program are impJ.emented. 4. Formal briefing s�ssions shall. t�e held, with representati,ve from recru�.ting sources. P1ant toars, eleax �nd eancise explanations of current and future ,�ob vpenings, position descript�.ons, worker specifications, expl�na�iar�s of the City of Rosemaurit' s selection �r�cess, anci recruittng lite.r:�t,rre shall be an integral part of. the briefingg. F'arma]. arrangements shali be made for referral of appltcsnts, follow up with s�urces, and feedhaek on dir�posit3.on of appl.ic�ants. 32 t 4 . . � . . � . � . . . � w � � S. A :spec3.a1 effort sha11 be made ta inclu�le quatiff�d disal�Ied persons on the personnel relations staff. 6. D�:sab].ed emp�opees shall be made available for p�rt�cipation in career days, qouth motivation progr�m,g. and rel�ted ac�ivities in their eom�unities. 7. Recruiting effor�s �t R11 echool.s sha11. i.ncluci� sp�ciel. effoxts to re ' ach d�sabled �student:� , 8. An effort shal� be �aade to participate �.n work s�udl pro�ra�s with rehabi�.itatian f�ci.l:tties and �chaols whtch specialize in training or educa�ing disabled indivi.duals. 9. The City of Rosemount shail use al1 availab],e resources �o continue or establish on-the-�ob tra3,ning prograz�s. Rollan �ioke, MaYor I�ste Stephan J31k, Administrator Clerk nate 33