HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.f. Accept Bids / Authorize Purchase - Stacked Lawnmower _. • • �� � T0: Mayor and Gity Council Members Stephen Jilk - Cfty Ad�inistratox FROM: David J. Bechtold - Uirector af Fnrk� h Recre�tic�n UATE: Febrva�cy 14, I989 R�: Authorization for Furchase af Stacked Mower Speeifications were written and Publi�hed foz a "pne flydro - Static Tractor HoWe= with Three Decks' for use 3.n the Par.ks I�epartment. Two sealed ids were received at otir openin� an Fehruary 9, 1989. Mac een BqUip�ent, Inc. submitted a bid of 36,629.00. TAe s�cond bfd was received of M. T. I. pist, Co. for the amnunt of 4# SQQ.40. � M•T.I. did not include �he It.Q.P.S. Cab as spec#fied to be included in the bid. I am requesting the Council to move to purcl�ase the item sPecified from MacQueen Equipment, Inc. for th� total purchase grice of $35,fi2g.U0 less the amount offered �or the trade in of our 2981 Taro 72. The delivery date is expected to be 10 - 30 days from the time of authorization. . � . _.{ � . . . . . P '..� .I � • � � . . . . • � . �� � � . � � . � . � C 1\Vl V�4��J� . � � � _ (TO BL t?P�NED ON Fr,I3RUARY 9, 1984 AT 10:00 A.i�i.) NAML OI� COMPANY: MacQueen Ec�ui�►nent , Inc . ADDRl:SS: 595 111cline Street CITY AND STATE: St . Paul MN 55104 CAMTACT Pl3RSON: Stuaxt Bryan T'.CL�PIiOKL': 6 4 5-5 7 2 6 AUTHORIZt,D SIGNATtTR�: � �t, (,Cs _ •L� vl . . . � . . � . t . . . � . . For the Iurnishing and tielivery o£ a trac�or/mower to the Pi�bl.ic Work.R �arage 14455 $ra2�.1 Averiue, �2osemount, Minnesota, SSUC��i, in �ccorctance wi.t}t tl�e attached specificaCions which were submittec� witl� Ch.�s }�rc�pc,sa]. �nct utaon wiiich tl�is proposal is macle. BASE PRICE (EACIi): �3 fi,6 2 9. 0 0 MAIC� AND MOD�I.: Iloward Priee I1I80 TRAD�-iN: �N on e NET BID: ^—��^ $36 629. 00 OPTIONS• Delivery - 10-30 Days OI'I'ION N 1 (SNOW J3IAWI3R) � 4 ,5 0 0 .O Q Oiri'ION �2 �BROQM) 4 2 U(� .0 Q . -..� The undersi�ned certifies that the firm su�m:Lttin� this bicl c13.ci nc�t aet �n collusion with any other firm or person sut�mfttti�� a t�icl on���he same equipment so �s to fix ar in a�iy way affeet Che resE�ective arno�inLs b.i,d. '1'he v�nd�r also certifies ttiat he/s}�e complies wiCl� tl�e st�nclarcl5 �C I;qEia1 �)��l>�arLunily aricl Ai�Li-discrimm.in�tion �+s cite�l i�t �he (;i.vil K.i.�;lits A�t �{ 19G4, as amencled by Lhe rqual rmployment �p��c�rlunity Aet c�f 1972, �n�l the Ptinnesota Ilunian Rights Ac� (where HpplieaLle�, ST'A71s' I'IRPt'S FULL L�GAL NAt�Lz MacQueen Equ.ipment , Inc . SICNA'117RTs OI' AUPII(7RIZCD R�PRES�NTATIVI:: ��� 4cz-? � `�--"�,.�, -�— -__�-_ �---- IPICORt'�RA'IT.11 IN Ttir STA'I'r OF: Alinnesota ��J ! � �.WVw.. .,... . � . . � � �� �pA ST. PAt1L Fii�� A�TD MARINE s�` INSItItANCE COMPANY �l.�`iy � St. Paul, 114innesota A Capital Stock Company � BID Bf�ND Approved by 1'he American Institute of Architects, A.I.A.Document A 310 Feb. 1970 Editian KNOWALLMENBYTHESEPRESENTS, thatwe MAC QUEEN EQUIPMENT, IAtC . ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and the ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPAIyY,a corporation duly arganized under the laws of the State of Minnesota as Surety,hereinafter called the Surety,are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA as Obiigee,hereinafter ca�lted the Obligee, in the sum of �IVE P�RCENT (5�) OF THE AMOUNT OF THE BID Dollars ($ 5� ), for the payment of which sum well and truly to be n�ade, tlie said Principal and #he saici 5urety, bind ourselves,our heirs,executors,adrninistrators, successors and assigns,jointly and severally, �rmly by these p�-esents. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for �URi�ISH ONE ( 1) HYDRO—STATIC TRACTOR MOWER WJ(3) DECKS . NOW, THEREFORE, if the Obligee shall aceept the bid of the Principal and the Principai shall enter into a contract with the O�bligee in aecordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or ronds as rnay be specified in the bidding or contraet dacurnents with good and suf�cient surety for the faithful performance of s�teh contrart ancfi f�r the prornpt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution tt�ereof, or in the event of tl�e failure of tl�e Princi�ai to enter st�ch contraet and give such bond or bonc�s,if ttie Principal shall pay tc� tl�e Obligee tt�e diFfer-rnce nc�t ta exceed the penatty hereof between the amQunt sgeci�ed in said bid and such larger amount far which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the work covered by said bid,then this ob{igation shall be nulI and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this gTH day of FEBRUARY A. �, ly_'�� , � MAC QUE EQUIPMENT, INC. ,{Senl) ' (Prin pal? � - (1�Vitneasj B Y :t � �_. 1+f - (Title) � � , St. Paul Fire snd Marine Insurance Com n j ( �j1 ' pa Y (Seal) C. .. � �` l�y1 _C- � f� (J�I'�— , \ cs�Tety, J ` r ! (iNitness) `y i �,., � , ay • ���� �__� _____. _ M. GLENNON �Attorteey-in-facE) 13250 Rev.5•74 Printetl tn V.S.A. PJ'ttite�i with permissron�f Tlre Amerrcan/nst�tute�f Ar-��l�itects _ ; . . „ .. .. _... , ., ...a.,.�.,..�..N ,. � ��(�' ACKIV�I.ED�EMENT O�'ATTORNEY tN-FAC'i� ��b� kmn�xn � �. � � � . . y STATE OF MINNESQTA , COUNTY OF DAKOTA 1 ss. ) On this 9TH day of FEBRUARY tg 89 , before me, a N�tary P��blic, witi�in and f�r saicl Caunty and State,personally appeared M. GLENNON to me persanaliy known,and known to me to be the Attorney-in-Fact of and for the ST.PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANE'E GOMNANY,Saint Paul,Minnesota,a corporation,created,organized and existing under�ns1 by virtue o('the tAws of the State of Minnesota,Eipon oati�did say that the corporate seal affixed to Ehe attached instrumcnt is the seal of the said Company;Etiat the seal was affixed and the said instrument was executed by the authority of its Board of �irectc�rs; anc� hels}se did also acknowledge that helshe exe uted the said instrument as the free act and deed of said Company. s, � l � • ���!`�C�i """'•^'�^„�,-<.,..,,,�, O Notarg Pubiic '~�:. � + �} t . i^i' � � My Commission Expires ” . �f...�` y: N � . .. . ,t� �.. , r � � . . 11072 Rev.4-85 Printed in U.S.A. " 1 �� ' ' , Y ',':. � ,., , . . .. .�,,.� ����.��., • COR.FORATE ACKNOWLEDG�iENT �' STATE OF,L='//';r�5�`anr,�,� � ,� S� . � COUNTY 4F� �-�'�.Sl�i��-�T.���' �� � � � � On the _ 9TH day of FEBRUARY , 14$9 " ,before me personatly appeared � /,,��i���1 C�%�.�f'�•'�' to me known, who being by me duly sworn,did depose and say: that he resides in '��`"''1��`�'' �''�'",-T=- that he is the .����5�'"4�'2"l'� president of the MAG QUEEN EQUIPMENT, INC _ the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said eorpc�- ration; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so a£fixed l�y order af the bvarc� of directors of said corporation;and that he signed his name thereto by like order. f ;�et�l'"�t+ :.;.i^ n.��.r }�^^n^r •--ef- q� � � £8.o.'°ti` �i�'tc���.+1�� �i�i id�i� �� , / r }�`� �� �rs� i�l� 3' ltL�'�tC �J: YFiU�A S; , , ,' . • _!'' _,,._� t?^ �C� _ �, ;��a `� tt�r,�N1;'� �v:��;�?Uf=,i`r �' Notary Public, ���`•a�����' Aiy CO��n ' .�+ IntY 15,1!1�34 � ��:.�.t�s�xti��c�v►*�.�,r��,�.�;,�.,zr�i Caunty, (Notarial Seal) My commissian expires . � � • � � � � � . . . . . � k.' , i ' . � rRor�snL: (TO BL OPEAiED QN F�I3RUARY 4, 1989 AT i0e00 A.M.) Nnru: a� �rrnnrr�r: /!'7, T ..�" '" r��: �v nnux�ss; /y/f'af,� �/s'�`' ,l,�t,,�' ,.�/. '��-' c�a�r �rrn sr�r�: ����?oct� y�,,� ,,�'�.�',s'''f'�' co�rrncT P�xSON: ��',r/ /'r"�✓�'�.f''.f,� � ���oN�c: �/'S �2c�d .�c''�'"" �2;.� AUTIIORIZED SIGNATtJRE: � Foar tl�e furnishing and deliverq of a €ractor/mower to the Pul�l.ic W�rke garage 14455 Brazil Avenue, Rosemount, MinnQsota, 55QG8, in nr.cortl�nce witla fil�e attached spec3ficatians which were submittec� with ttiis propos�X enc{ upon which ehis proposal is made. AQ �4f� BASr PRICE (�ACIi): ��� ,�Jl,�� � — LC�f't"N tJGG�f" ��j ..- MNK.� MiD MODEI,: ?~^4l�l.7 �/�G�'il�.l'!�/,�1�/'� c�C�l�' .� ,...�.� TRAD�--IN: $ d�,,tl�P �'�"�.ri�'��U''t'/r_O .�. NET BID: ,�/���k�' 7`�?o�.MJ /�lGk' /�rEn�lKr1 X`' � �����.5"^ 01''TIONS s GfJi+S(r o�..f �i+"�, o✓ d'-�"oCs��/ourt,y- _'___-__ opr�ort #i (srtow B�owcR) � �of' �G�aiG �e� oprzox �a {BxooM� � ¢2p� -- �,yT .�.�' w —_--� Tl�e undersigned certifies that t}ze firm submitting this bid did noC act in call.usion with any other firm or person submitting a bid on the same equipment so as to fix or in gny waq affect the respective amounts l�id, I'he ven�lor also certifies that fiejshe com�lies with tt�e stanclard� of �qual Opp�rtunity and Anti-discrimmination as citeci in the Civil Ri�f�ts Act of 19G4, as amerided by ttie Equal Employment Opportunity Act �f 147Z, anc� the rtinc�esota Human Rights Act {where applicable}. STATL' FIRAi'S I'ULL LF,GAL NAME; �� f�"`'G� SIGNATUFtL 0� AUTliORIZED RFPR�S�NTATIVE: ItJG(}RPORATED IN Tltt; STATF �F: �� , > , _ � � I3vn�l \o...... .. ... ......:... . ... ,� _ . * F1C��11 �.11C�. D� 1 � OS � �011l �.11 p p � HO�iE OFFlCE OF MARYLAND BALTI�►fORE,Af1T. ?120J u � n BUNv I�NO�V r1LL RiEN BY THESE PRESENTS: MTI llISTRIBUl'ING COMPANY That we............................... ................................... .................................. .................................. ......... ...................... 1490Q - 21st Avenue North .... .... ................ .... ._.. ..... ......... ....... ....... ........ ......... ,....... ........ ........ Plymouth, Mn. 55441 � a� Pr�ncipal, (hereinafter called the "Prineipa!"), and ..... ..._ ................ .... ..... .... the l�lDLLITt a�D Di:ro�tr COMPANY flE' MARYLAND, of SalhrnOre, Alaryland, a COfporatioa �u1y organttet� under the laws o(the State of 14'[arytand,as Surety� (hereina(ter called the"Surety"),are hetd and firmty bound CITY OF ROSEMOUNT unto ........................................................................................................................................................................................ ....... .......•---..._._._....._......................._................. ................as Obligee, (hereinaiter catled the "Obligee"j, ..... .._. in the sum of..�.I�E PERCENT OF TEiE AMOUNT OF THE ATTAGHrll BIll----Dollars ($.5! c�f t3id-_-�� . ._.._.... .... ..... ....... ........ ...... ......... .......... for the payment of which sum wel(and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety,bind ouraelves, nur heirs, executors, adminisErators, successora anci assigns, jointly�nd severally, firmly by these presents. One Hydro 5tatic Tractor Alower �VHEREAS, the Frincipa{ has submitted a bid tor................................................ ......... ..................................... .with 3 decks .............�---._..............-•--•--......-----........................................... ........................................----..,._................._......................... NO�V, THEREF�RE,it the�bli�ee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall'enter into a eontract w•ith the Obligee in accordance with thP terms ot such bid and give such�bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or contract documents w•ith good and sutTicient surety tor the faithfui performance of such contract and for the prompt payment oE labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof,or i�► the event of the failure oE the Principal to enter into such contract and give se�ch bond ar bonds, if the Princi�al shall pay to the Obligee the dif�erence not to exeeed the penatty hereoi hetw�een the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for Which the Obligee may in goocl Eaith contract u�ith another party to per(orm the w-ork co�ered by said bid,then this obligation shall Ue nuli and void,otherw�ise to remain in full force and efiect. Signed and sealed th�s....---.. 9t11 Iebrtx�� y �g ................................................day ot ......... . .. ...... . ....--. ._..........a.n. t9.... ..... � rSTl DISTRIBUTING COMPANY , ..... _,....._. . .... {.S�xt) •--•.... ......... ....... ....... .. ..... �,,.y) Princiosl ...... .. l�x�tr.�......�(...:.(........ .. ... ................ .. �! ii�ilness BY �� ��.•"" ..... ......... �k:��l.��.��^ .i.,. ..... .. C..��.�9r+l.RC d"�'�'v�+G` 7 ille� • FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT CO�iPANY OF 111ARYLAND r Sttrct y ! ' l J n r ����.�:���.:��` � ' �x�'�l // � �L �f .:,,. ....:.. .... .......... ..._.:... ....... �.._..._.........�. By,...4���:�.....�.. ........._..C..�acr-.�:�c.�Srnt,) /"� T6'ittsess G t ilie ,f .Tanet K. Nelson, rltturney-iii-r�ict ;':i C313d—S SO\I. .�nnroved bv The American Insk$u!c of Architects. �\.1.:1. Docuaitat \o.A•314 1'ebruarv 1'I1U fLd�tion. , � , � � . � Power of Attarnsy FIDELITY AhtD DEPOStT ��MPANY OF MARYLAhJD ++���..�.,�E.� KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT3:That the FIDELITY AND DEP05IT COMPANY OF MARYLAND,R corporallon of the s�u or�t.�y�a, by R. W. BUDDENBOHN , Vic,e-Preeident, aad M. J. SGHNFBELEN � Aeeistant Secretuy� in pureuence of authority granted by Artiete VI, Section 2, of tha By-Lawe oi eakl Campanp, whtch ere set forth os the reveree eide hereof and are hereby certified to be in full force and etfeat on the date 6ereot, does hereby nominete, conetitute and appoiat Earl K. Larson, Meredittt F. Shian, UeTanis LooCs ai�d ,Tanet K. Nel son, all of Minneapolis, Minnesota, EACEfi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . � agent ttorney-in-Fact�W meke�ex�cutk�eea)and deliver,tot,and on ita behalf se eurety.and se ita ect and deed: any and ali bonds and undertakings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ► . e aaecutioa oi euch bonde ar undertakiage in'�tsuaece oi there pr+eaenta.ehatl be ne binding npcm eaid Com�+any, Ae fully end amply, W aU intente and purEweee� as if they.;had been duly,exectited and acknowledgcd by the cegulerty elected oflicerA ol the Campany at ite office in Baltimore, Md., Ut tlie�r own prope'r=�er�ne. This power of attorney zevokes that issued on hehalf of Earl R. La�r'sbri, etal, dated, March 22, 1985. The eaid Aesietant Seerexary doee hereby certify that the txtract eet forth on tMe�everee eide hereot ie a we co�y of Artie,ie VI, Sectioa 2, ot the By-Lawe of eaid Company, and ie now in for�. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the eaid Vi�e-Preeident and Asaistani Seeretary hsve hereunto eubacnbe�l the'v nemea and a#fiied the Corporat+e Seal of the eaid FIDELITY AND DEFQ�I'IY CQMPANY OF MARYLANn, this �7t� _day of AuQust � A.D. T9�7 ` FIDELITY AND UEPQSIT Cnh4PANY O� MARl'LANQ ATFFST: �SEAL �«,..... , � � _...........����..��`... �,?8................._........ y._....------....._.. .._... .. ....... .. ..... ...... .. ...... .. . ..... A t�nr Seer�tary Vice-I'rreideat STATE OP MARYLAtVD CTI'Y��AL77MORE �S5' On thie 17th day o# August , A.D. l9 87 , before the auk�ecriber, e Notary P�iblic oi the State of Maryland,in and for Lhe City of BAltimore,dnly commieeioned and qualifieci,came the above-nemed Vice-Preeident and AAei�tant Secsetary of!he FIDELITY ANb DEPOStT GOMPANY OF MARYLAND�to me per�onally knawn to be the individuate attd o#ficera deecrib�ed in and who executed the precedin�inatrum�nt, and they each acknowiedged the execution of the eame, and 1►eing by me duly ewam, eeverally and each for himeelt depc�eeth and saith, that they are the eaid afficees af the(:ompany aForeeaid, aud that the se�l attiaed W the preceding inatcument ie the Corporate Seal of said Company,end that the Aaid Corporate Seal and their aignelures as auch officera wtre duly aff'ixed and aubs�ed to the said inswment by the authority and direction of the asid Corf►oratian. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereuntc>eet my hand and aflixed my Official Seal, at ihe City a[Bsitimore, the clsy and year firet above written. ,.;���.. ,o�o�...:1,�e4 �"^'e�"!7 � \� /� ,�:•• � � -o';`xo�,�r'���{ � . a. � . • . . � . � . . €�e ar }AS . ' . . . . ` "�.. . . ' . �-- . c`*vs�+i�t° ]�]OtflTy ptib�IC C.0/17 188tQtl �'.xp CS o�E c CERTIFICATE I, the undereigned. A�ietant Secretary ot the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, do hereby certitq that the oxigioat Power of Attorney of which the foregoiag ie a full,true and corre�t copy, ia in full force and effe#on the date ai iMie c�rti#'�cate;and I do furth�certi#y ihat the Vic�-Pre�ident who executed the eaid Fowcr ot Attoeney wse one of the�it�►nal Vice- Preeidents ap�ially authorizecl by the Board oi Direcwrs to eppoint any Attomey-in-Fact ae provided in Article VI,Sectic,a 2,of the By-Lawe of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMFANfY OF MAR�fLAND. This Gertificate may be aigned by faceimile under and by authority of the ioltowing rPaotution of the Board oi Directors of the FIDELITY AND D�Pf?SIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meeting duly c�qed and held on t6e iFxh day ot Juiy, 19Fi<►. RESOLVED:"That ihe facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of aey Assistant Secretary oi the G►mpa�ny,whethMr rn�de heretofore or hereafter, wherever appearing upon a certified coFry ot any power ot attvrney iaAued by the Company, �haU lre valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as ihough maoually affixed." 9t}1 1N TESTIMONY RTHEREOF,I have hereunto subeca�ibe�d my name and aiCtxed the oorporate eeal oi the.said Grnnpeny,tlti�_ day oi Februarv 19$2. , / — 184-SO 10 �1Gz.���z" T. a.�-�---v�, , Aa�arant Sec�rruy .,.. �..�....w...,�..�,.�,�..,..w.. ,..�,.�....,•.....r.,w. . ' � • ,�r • ST�iTC OC MINN(_SOT/� ) � � ' CUUfJTY Of fiENNL('IN ) '�: On rebruary 9, , }c�.. 89 , before i»e, a Na�ary Public within and for said County and State, persor�a4] ly appear�ci�$Qt K. Nelson known to ine to be the �#tto�•ney- in-faCt of Fidelity And Deposit Campany o Ma�yl�nd , the cor�oration descryGed in ancl that executee.l the withiii.anci foregoing instruiiient�ancl known to me to be the �ersan who ex�cuted the saicJ instrun�ent 'rn hehalf of said corpora 'on an�! he �iuly ac nowledged to me tha. .uch._cor��orati4n ex�c����,cl i:he same. t� � � � �� � � . : , , , �� � �' ,� �:1.... ( � �ti�,r i ir,�.- �,;r,��tA � /` .` � � �! �' {.:F"IIJ C'i t �idTY � -._ _� •�..- �� i ,4�/":r,. � . . ;yil . . . . � .. +£"" MY cUmcot�^ian a�x�;rc8 u•i8•41 " .,.�...,..,........ . . � �.�'.;r� . . .� . . � . � � � , � � : � .