HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Receive Feasibility Report / Order Public Hearing, Shannon Parkway Improvements, City Project #194 ��e�'1 � a-► *********�e**�r***�**�x�****�r****MEMO****�r*************s�*******�***�,�************** DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 1989 T0: MAYOR & COUNGILMEMBERS C/O CITY ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGIN�ER/PUI�LIC iJOR1CS nIRI�GT�P. IIErTI ,�/ ' KE: ITEMS F�R FEBRUA�RY 21, I9II9 COUNCIL i•1EFTING � � N�W BUSIAIESS , Receive Feasibility ReEortfPublic Hearin�, Project 194 � Shannon Parkway Im rP ovements i Attached is a copy of the feasibility report the consultzng engineering firm of � OSM prepared for us. The repQrt recommends the project is feasib2e from an � ' engineering standpoint and also thaC it should be divided into twa eontraets to � ' best admini,ster the project. j The recommended public hearing date ta eonsider these improvements wouid be March ' ' 21, 1989 at 8:00 p. m. I Recommended action far Cauncil to consider is to adopt the attached resolution receiving the feasibility report and arcler a public hearing for March 21, I989 at 8:00 p.m. I �.. __. _ __ _ _ _ __ . _ _ � � � � � � FEASIBItITY REPORT FOR �,� SHANNON FARKWAY UTILITIES AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT N0. 194 � FEBRUARY 21, 1989 � OSM COMM. N0. 4305 � �' � I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professionai Engineer � under the laws of the State of Minnesota. � � � . d,����� Henry C. Osmundson, P.E. � Date: February 21, 1989 Reg. No. 19156 � / � Approved by: l . z' `�l � Richard M. Hefti , ' � City fngineer/Publi � %Works Director � Date: 2/�� c�`� � � � Orr Schelen � Mayeron& Associates,Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis,MN 55413 � 612-331-8660 FAX 331-3806 Engineers Surveyors � Planners February 21, 1989 � '� Honorable Mayor and Council City of Rosemount 2875 - 145th Street West � Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Shannon Parkway Utilities and Street Improvements Project No. 194 � OSM Comm. No. 4305 Dear Mayor and Council : � Enclosed is the feasibilit re ort y p for Shannon Parkway utilities and street improvements between Country Hills 3rd and the Shannon Oaks Additions. This report � addresses the sanitary sewer, watermain, storm drain, streets and street lighting necessary for the development of the Shannon Parkway area. �� We would be happy to discuss this report with you at your convenience. Please call if you have any questions. Respectfully, � ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 1 C. c� . Henry C. Osmundson, P.E. � Project Manager HCO:mIj � � � � � Equal Opportunity Employer � � TABLE OF CONTENTS � 7ITLE PAGf � CERTIFICATION _ TABLE OF CONTENTS � LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL PAGE N0. � EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 � PART 1 - INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 Authorization 2 1.2 Scope 2 � 1.3 Data Available 2 PART 2 - GENERAL BACKGROUND 3 � 2.1 Location 3 2.2 Project Area 3 2.3 Existing Conditions � 3 � 2.4 Adjacent Property 3 PART 3 - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 4 � 3.1 Sanitar Sewer 4 Y 3.2 Watermain 5 � 3.3 Drainage 5 3:4 Street Construction 6 3.5 Street Lighting 6 � 3.6 Easements 7 3.7 Permits/Approvals 7 PART 4 - FINANGING 8 � 4.1 Cost Estimates 8 4.2 Assessment Area 8 � 4.3 Cost Recovery 8 4.3.1 Assessments 8 � 4.3.2 Pending Assessments 10 PART 5 - PROJECT SCHEDULE 11 APPENDIX ,� DRAWINGS NOS. 1 THROUGH 5 � � � � EXECUTIVE SUMMARY � City Project No. 194 provides for the completion of Shannon Parkway between Country � Hills 3rd Addition and the Shannon Oaks Addition. The. project includes the construction of sanitary sewer, watermain, storm drain, street, and lighting � facilities. The impetus for the project is the construction of a new elementary school midway between the two referenced subdivisions in Section 19. �' The project is feasible from an en ineerin stand oint and includes a roximatel 9 9 P Pp Y 4,100 feet of sanitary sewer, 4,300 feet of watermain, 2,900 feet of storm drain, � 4,000 feet of street construction, and ll street lights. The total estimated project cost is $1,067,000. Shannon Parkway is a state aid designated street; � consequently, the funding for the project will come from assessments plus state aid funding. � The project must be completed by the fall of 1990 in order to meet the opening of the new elementary school . To best accomplish construction of this project, it � should be divided into two contracts. The first would include all utilities within Shannon Parkway and should be completed in 1989. The second would include street �i construction within Shannon Parkway and offsite sanitary sewer and storm drain construction, and should be completed by August 1990. � � � � � � �` -1- � � � - PART 1 INTRODUCTION � 1.1 AUTHORIZATION � On January 3, 1989, the Rosemount City Council authorized the preparation of an engineering feasibility report for public utilities and street construction within � Shannon Parkway between Country Hills 3rd Addition and the Shannon 0aks Addition. This project has been designated as City Project No. 194. � 1.2 SCOPE This project provides for the construction of Shannon Parkway between Country Hills :� 3rd Addition and the Shannon Oaks Addition including street construction, street lighting, sanitary sewer, watermain, and storm drain facilities. This project `� is the result of a joint resolution between Independent School District No. 196 and the City of Rosemount to construct an elementary school and a community park in this area. The project provides necessary services for the development of � additional adjacent properties. � 1.3 DATA AVAILABLE Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include: � 1. Country Hi11s Preliminary Development Plan, including concept, p7at, and � grading plans (February 1, 1989). 2. Independent School District No. 196 Kelly School Site Concept and Grading �' Plan Januar 25 1989 . � Y � ) � 3. City of Rosemount record plans. � 4. Stormwater information from Barr Engineering report for northwest area of Rosemount. � 5. Comprehensive Water System Plan (October 1988) . � � -2- � � � PART 2 - GENERAL BACKGROUND � 2.1 LOCATION � The project is located in the East Half of Section l9, generally south :of 135th Street (County Road No. 38) and north of Connemara Trail as shown on the location � map, Drawing No. 1 in the Appendix. 2.2 PROJECT AREA � The general area is primarily zoned single family but does include a limited amount of multiple housing plus the school and park property. The elementary school is � scheduled for opening in the fall of 1990. � 2.3 EXISTING CONDITIONS - The project area is currently used for agricultural purposes. The terrain is � primarily rolling grassland with the northerly portion of the proposed alignment being heavily wooded with Oak trees. Numerous natural ponding areas are located throughout the site and wi11 be utilized as stormwater runoff retention ponds. The � required street grading will be completed under this contract and will include excavation of all non-suitable materials within the roadway area and replacement � with suitable materials. � 2.4 ADJACENT PROPfRTY Access and utility service will be provided from recently completed Shannon Parkway � to the south of the project site (City Project No. 189, Contract No. 1988-7) . With the except�on of the school , the ad�acent properties do not have set development schedules at this time. The Country Hills 4th and 5th Additions are in the concept � phase and are located on the western side of the proposed Shannon Parkway. � � � � �3- � , � � - PART 3 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS � 3.1 SANITARY SEWER The proposed project will provide sanitary sewer service to an area from Shannon � Parkway east to approximately the Section 19 'east line and south of the Shannon Oaks Addition. The proposed gravity line will ultimately flow to the Birger Pond � Lift Station (No. 5) currently under construction, from where it will be pumped to and eventually treated at the Rosemount treatment plant. The proposed system is shown on Drawing No. 2. �. The proposed facilities include the extension of an 8" gravity line sewer along � Shannon Parkway from the existing Country Hills 3rd Addition to a point approxi- mately 160' north. From this point, the sewer will be extended to the west to � service the future Country Hills 4th Addition. � The property south of the school site and east of the proposed Shannon Parkway will be provided a sanitary sewer connection immediately south of the school site, approximately 1,000 L.F. north of Country Hills 3rd Addition. Sanitary sewer � services will not be required along Shannon Parkway south of the school site. � The property north of the school site and east of the proposed Shannon Parkway will be serviced by a line along Shannon Parkway. This line will begin approximately i� 1,300' north of the school site and flow to the south to a proposed intersectiorr in f Shannon Parkway immediately west of the school site. From this point, it will flow � westerly approximately 2,000' to the Birger Pond Lift Station. The school will be provided a service connection from the aforementioned intersection. � The sanitary sewer within Shannon Parkway will be completed in the fall of 1989. The portion which flows west of the school site will be completed in 1990 under a � separate contract. This portion could be constructed under a private development contract if the Country Hills 4th and 5th Additions are to be constructed in 1990. � If these subdivisions do not warrant construction, then this portion will be installed in 1990 under a City contract to provide sanitary service to the school . � This also would allow for best planning and land use of the Country Hills 4th and 5th Additions. � -4- � � � 3.2 WATERMAI N The proposed watermain facilities are all within the proposed Shannon Parkway � right-of-way as shown on Drawing No. 3. The watermain will consist of the exten- sion of a 16" main along Shannon Parkway northerly from the existing Country Hi11s � 3rd Addition to just north of the school site. From this point, an 8° main wil] be extended north to the Shannon Oaks Addition. The 16° main will be projected to � the west just north of the school site for future extension to the west, which conforms to the Comprehensive Plan. Eight inch extensions will be provided at each planned intersection and at the school site to provide for future development. The �, watermain will be installed in the fa11 of 1989. � It should be noted at this time that the proposed 16" watermain is the only source of water for fire protection for the new school . It should be understood that a � watermain loop through Country Hills 4th and 5th Additions from the west be installed as soon as possible to provide adequate fire pratection. � 3.3 DRAINAGE The proposed storm drain facilities are shown on Drawing No. 4. These facilities � include the extension of the 18" R.C.P. from the Country Hills 3rd Addition within Shannon Parkway to a point approximately 160' north. This will provide inlets at � the proposed intersection for runoff from the west. � A second system wi11 be constructed immediately west of the school site at the proposed intersection which will collect runoff from Shanrron Parkway r�ght-of-way � and the school site area. This system will outlet into Pond No. R136 which is approximately 400' west of Shannon Parkway within the Country Hills 4th and 5th Additions. : � Another system will be constructed approximately 500' north of the school site. � This system will collect runoff from the Shannon Parkway right-of-way and adjacent properties. This system wi11 outlet into Pond No. R133 adjacent to and west of � SMannon Parkway, north of the school site. Further north, the not yet completed Comprehensive Stormwater Plan shows Pond No. R131 outletting 15 cfs to the north � and west to Pond No. R75 which is within the Shannon Oaks Addition. Since this � -5- � � � outlet re ir t qu es the cross�ng of the proposed Shannon Parkway, he outlet system shall be constructed under this project. � The systems located within Shannon Parkway will be constructed in the 1989 �i construction season. The remaining systems will be constructed under a separate contract in 1990 to utilize and adapt to proposed development plans` for the area. � In accordance with City policy, all storm sewers are sized to transport runoff from � a 10 year storm event, and all ponding areas and outlet sewers are sized for a 100 year storm event, � 3.4 STREET CONSTRUCTION The proposed Shannon Parkway is shown on Drawing No. 5. The state aid designated � street will be 48' wide within an 80' wide right-of-way. This provides for two 14' traffic lanes and two 10' parking lanes. It will be designed under State Aid Rules � as a 40 mph street, with parallel parking allowed on both sides. The proposed street will be graded to subgrade under this project. The street section will � consist of approximately 6-1/2" of bituminous surfacing and 14" of Class 5 gravel . The street will be flanked on both sides with B618 concrete curb and gutter to immediately north of the school site and surmountable curb from this point � northerly to the end of the project. This is to allow housing to front on the northern portion of Shannon Parkway. The street will transition to 40' wide at the � north end to match the existing Shannon Oaks portion of Shannon Parkway. An 8' wide bituminous walk will be constructed on the east side of Shannon Parkway for � its entire length. The boulevard areas will be restored with seed and mulch. The street construction is proposed to be under a separate contract in 1990, along with offsight sanitary sewer and storm drain improvements. � � 3.5 STREET LIGHTING � The proposed street lighting system is also shown on Drawing No. 5. � The lighting units used throughout are Type 6 units which -will have a mounting , height of 30' , with the fixtures mounted on a 6 foot mast arm. The feed points and � connector runs will also be installed. The local electric utility for this project � -6- � � � is Dakota Electric Association which will install all wirin connections and > 9> > fixtures, This work will be constructed under a separate contract than those � previously mentioned. � 3.6 EASEMENTS As previously stated, an 80' wide right-of-way is required for the length of the � project. In addition, temporary grading or slope easements will be required on portions of the project, but will not be determined until the final design. � The sanitary sewer which will flow throu h the ro osed Country Hills 4th and 5th 9 P P Additions west of Shannon Parkway will require permanent easements, if these plats � are not finalized prior to construction of this project. � The storm drain systems out of the Shannon Parkway right-of-way will require drainage and utility easements. � The Cit y will probably have to acqu�re all easements unless development proceeds in such a way that they are dedicated as part of the platting process. In all , the � City will need the following approximate amounts of permanent easements: � 7.4 Acres - Street 2.8 Acres - Sanitary Sewer � 5.0 Acres - Storm Drain/Ponding � 3.7 PERMITS/APPROVALS Permits will be requared for this project from the Minnesota Department of Health and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) . As a MnDOT State Aid project, � the plans must meet DOT standards and will follow through the M.S.A. process to obtain the approvals necessary for cost participation. Approval is also required � by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission. � � ' � -7- � < � � PART 4 - FINANCING � 4.1 COST ESTIMATES � A detailed cost estimate can be found in the Appendix. The following estimates are based on 1988 construction costs and include a 10% contingency factor and all � related administrative costs. The administrative costs are estimated at 20% and include legal , engineering, interest, and other administration. A summary of these costs are as follows: � Sanitary Sewer $ 250,000 � Watermain 176,000 Storm Drain 123,000 � Street Construction (Includes Grading) 468,000 Lighting 25,000 � Trailway 25,000 TOTAL $1,067,000 � These costs do not reflect the cost of land acquisition for easements. � 4.2 ASSESSMENT AREA - The following parcels of land are located within the project and assessment area: � Parcel No. Section. Township, Range Proposed to be Platted Owner � 013-75 Section 19, T115N, R19W Country Hills 4th and 5th U.S. Homes 012-01 Section 19, T115N, R19W Country Hills 4th and 5th U.S. Homes 011-01 Section 19, T115N, R19W Unknown at this time Kelley Trust � 012-75 Section 19, T115N, R19W Unknown at this time Kelley Trust � 4.3 COST RECOVfRY � 4.3.1 Assessments The street work and storm drain construction for this project wi;ll come � from local and state sources. Sanitary sewer and watermain work wi11 � -8- � � � be funded totally by the City of Rosemount. Assessments will follow the standard City policy rates as follows: � Assessment � Assessment Basis Per Front Foot � Residential Street 32' wide, 7-ton equivalent street $34.38 per front foot (total cost of � $275,000) Sanitary Sewer Cost per front foot (8,180 L.F. 530.56 � of front footage) � Watermain 6" main equivalent per front foot $17.77 (6° main total cost of $126,00) � , NOTE. These rates are based on Shannon Parkway length equal to 3,950 L.F. (7,900 L.F. of front footage) . The assessments will be � based on actual costs of the project. � Using these estimated assessments, funding for the project would be as follows: � Estimated City Item Cost Assessments State Aid Trunk Funds � Sanitary Sewer $ 250,000 $250,000 -0- -0- Watermain 176,000 126,000 -0- $ 50,000 Storm Drain 123,000 50,350 *$ 22,300 50,350 � Street 468,000 275,000 193,000 -0- Lighting 25,000 -0- 25,000 -0- � Trailway 25,000 -0- -0- 25,000 TOTAL $1,067,000 $701,350 $240,300 �125,350 � * State Aid Street R.O.W. Area = 7.25 Acres (20�0 of total) � Assessable Drainage Area = 32.75 Acres (80% of total) Total Drainage Area = 40.0 Acres � -9- � � � S�mply used a percentage of cost based on area and split the assess- able drainage area cost into equal portions between assessments and � trunk funding � 4.3.2 Pending Assessments There are none at the present time. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � -10- � � � PART 5 - PROJECT SCHEDULE � The proposed schedule for this improvement is as follows: � Phase I � Receive Feasibility Report February 21, 1989 Public Hearing March 21, 1989 � Approve Plans and Specifications May 16, 1989 Bid Opening July 14, 1989 Award Contract July 18, 1989 �' Begin Construction August, 1989 Complete Construction October, 1989 '� Phase II � Receive Feasibility Report February 21, 1989 Public Hearing March 21, 1989 Approve Plans and Specifications November, 1989 � Bid Qpening December, 1989 Award Contract December, T989 � Begin Construction Spring, 1990 Complete Construction July, 1990 � Final Assessment Hearing Fal1 , 1990 First Payment Due with Taxes May, 1991 � � � � � � -11- � Pa�e � � APPEiVDIX PRELIHINt�tY t�1ST ESTIi�1TE Si�NNOrt P�2KWAY STREET ANI+ UTILITY Ii'ff'RQVEi'IERtTS � PROJECT t�lQ. 194 OSM C�'A'IISSI�I IVO. 4305 � A. SAIVITARY SEWER ZOTAL EST. I�IIT � �JAtdTITiES LN�IITS PRICE __ TQTAt__ --- ---ITEH _�_�________�--- - -- -- � 8" PVC PIPE 409Q L.F: � S 25.(�} = S 102250.00 CAN�N EX - EXTRA �PTH 354Q0 C.Y. @ � 1.00 = � �.00 $� }C �� � � �.� � �. � � �.�Q = � 1�.� 4' PVC �RVICE PIPE tIt+� RISERS) 50U L.F. @ � �(1.� = 3 10000.00 � CONST STD SAN. S4�i Mf�it�LE 21 EA. @ 3 1C00.04 = S 21QQ4.Qt1 EXCESS N�E IIEPTH OVER S' 1$b L.F. @ � 90.00 = S I6740.00 R�fC STABILIZATI41+i 24� T[�t @ S 11.� = S 2200.00 � B�AIC IN& C.Ot�CT TO EX. t�i i EACH � 3 700.00= S 740.� TOTAL S 18949Q.0(� � +IOX C4NTINGEI�Y 18944.04 TOTAL SAMIHTF�tY SEl�R C�TRL�TIQN C�ST f 208439.Ot� +20X ADFIINISTRATI�+1 415b1.� � tOTAL S�lINTARY �IER FRO�CT COST S M 250000.44 � -- $. WATER P�IN � �---------- TQTAL' t�VIT ITQ! 6�JANTITIES t�iITS PRICE TOTAL � 16" DIP CL 52 WATEi�AINN � ____� -� _ - ---- 2300 L.f. @ 3 30.40 - S b900Q.04 . $° DIP Cl 52 WATERMAIN Z000 L.F. � f 1b.40 = 3 32{100.� � 6" DIP t� 52 WATf#�IN 124 L.F. @ 3 15.00 = S I8t?U.4{� 16° �TE�LY VALVE & E�X 2 EA. @ # Z(�.� = f 4{100.OQ 8" C+ATE Vt�.NE & �!X 14 EA. @ � 500.� = S 7f�}Q.QQ b° GATE t�VE & B(iX 2 EA. � � 450.Q0 = 8 944.{�0 � HYDRt�dTS 8 EA. @ 3 900.d0 = 3 7200,Qp HYIIRANT EXTENSI� 10 L.F. @ 3 240.t� = f 2000.00 FITTIIdGS 6000 LB. @ � 1.QO = S btyQ0.44 � GONMEGT T0 EXISTII�i I ER. @ f ZOOO.AO = S '�t�Q.QO Rat�C STABILIZATION li}0 T(�d @ 3 11.44 = � I100.00 TOTAL � 13304Q.00 � +IOX (�+ITINGEt+�Y 133fl0.Q0 TOT� WATER l�1IN CONSTRUCTi�t COST f 14b3�.00 � +24X A1�IINISTRATI�1 29700.� TOT� 6tRTER !'�IN PRU�CT GOST � 17b�0.40 � Pase . � � � C. STORfiI �tAIN � 70TAt. L�IIT IZ� �lTITIfS l�1FTS PRICE TOTAt. 12" R.C.P. C.B. LEADS 318 L.F. @ 3 y 22.00 = 3 b�96.00 � 15° R.C.P. C. $. LEA� 30 L.F. @ � ?3.40 = 3 b90.04 � 15' R.C.P. 1Q64 L.F. @ � 20.t�0 = S 21200.00 18° R.C.P. E70 L.F. @ � Z2.� _ � 14740.OQ � 1$° RCP F.E.S. 4tIiH TRRS�1 �D 2 EA. � $ 3U0.00 = S 6Q4.0�1 2!" R.C.P. 44Q L.F. @ f 28.00 = � 12320.QQ 21" Rq' F.E.S. WITN TRAS't{ GUARU 2 EA. @ S 500.00 = 3 101?0.00 � 24° ft.C.P. 390 l..F. � 3 33.04 = f 12874.04 24" RCP F.E.S. t�FTN TftA�l t�iRD 1 EA. @ 3 8Q0.04 = � SQ0.00 STANUt�tD 4' DIA. STM. N�1 (0 - 8'? 8 EA. @ 3 80(1.00 = � 6400.OQ EXCESS 4' DIA. P8i �PTN 3 8' 15 l.F: @ $ 1i10.4�= � 1500.00 � CATGN HASIN TYPE A 7 EA. @ � 700.QO = 3 4900.QO CATCH BASIN TYPE B 7 EA. @ � 700.Ot} = � 4900.04 CATGH BASIN M�QL.E 2 ER. @ � 800.� = i ib00.� , R�1C STABILIZATI�d 154 TQN @ $ 11.40 = S 1650.00 RIP kt� 64 T�! @ � 18.� _ � 1080.00 TOTF� S 9324b.04 � +lOX COtdTI�Y 9324.bQ T4TAl ST�tl1 I+RAIN ['ANSTRUCTIOM 1�T 3 lOZ�70.b0 ' +ZOX p[�1INISTRATI�+1 204?9.40 TOTf� ST�'! IiRAIN PRO�CT COST f 123000.00 , � D. LIGHTIi� � TOTAL C�iIT ITE�'1 �lTITIES l�dITS PRICE TOTt� S�fT LI{itITS - TYPE 8 lI EA. � S 18�1(1.04 = S 198(14.00 � WiftED� CC�q'LETE It�LACE TOT� 3 198(t0.00 � +SX CQNTIt�iEtdGY 990.{?0 TOTAL LIp�TiP� iX1NSTRl�CTiQN C�ST f 20790.04 � +20X AlttfiNISTRATION 4210.00 TOTAL LIGtiTING PRl3�..IECT t�ST # Z5004.40 � ---- , h'332 - � �. s����s � _��__� TOTAL l�lIT ITEM AilANTITIES I�YIT"a PRICE TQTAL � ------------------------------ -------------------���------------------ CLEAR �tD t�I.B 2.5 ACRE @ � 2{�10.00 = S 5t}00.40 GOl�+ON EXCRVATIO(+I 40400 G.Y. � � 1.OQ = � 4{?�0.� � �IBGRAIIE PREP 4tI R.S. @ S lt►�.t� = S 4QQ0.tH?, t�GREGATE BA5E CL S 187Q0 TON � 3 5.00 = � 93500.Q0 2331 BITl4'1INOUi BASE COGRSE 3b5t� i�+! @ � �4.t?0 = � 73�1.(�U 2331 BITlq�11IN� BINDER GQI�RSE 2450 TQhI � 3 21.04 = � 51450.� � 23�1 BITU�tINOUS WE�t C��RSE 1�50 TON @ S 22.0(► = 3 40700.00 BITUMINQL�S F�TERIAL FOR TACK GOAT 3!H} C�. @ � 1.2Q = 3 36Q.00 GONCRETE CURB & GUTTER $ fiI$ 4604 L.F. � S 5.i�} _ � 23s?OO.Ot1 � CQt�RETf CURB � C�►JTTER �i�t�iTARIE 35tK1 L.F, @ � 4.50 = � 15750.00 SEED W/ +ULCFi & FERTILIZER 2.4 iiCRE @ S 25�X+.Et4 = � 34U0.0(t fURNISN €� INSTALL TRAF'FIC SIGNS 4 EA. � � 150.QQ = � 6�.{� TR�FIC Mi�CING PAINT 50.4 �.. @ � SQ.4� = S 250Q.tK1 � REt'�1� TEN�P 8IT Gl�.-I1E-� bU0 S.Y. � � 2.(� = 8 1200.40 TOTAL � �54464.00 � +10'I. CONTINGENCY �35406.OU TOTF� STREET COh�aTRI�TI�1 t�i � 3394bb.40 ' +ZQ% ADMINISTRATIGN Yr7853��40 TOTAL STREET PRQ,�GT C�T S 463t100.00 � F. i �-�----_ RAILWAY � TOTAL tA+IIT I7Et'1 �PITITIES UPlITS PRICE TOTAL �4GC�REGATE BASE C� 5 1250 TQN � 3 5.04 = 3 b250.00 i 2341 BITI�iINOt� 4�AR CC�JRSE 425 T�f @ � 34.40 = 3 12750.44 TQTRL 3 19a00.tKi � +IQ% GONTINGENCY M 1900.00 , TQTAL TRAILWRY t�dSTRUCTi(�V C4ST : � 249d0.00 ' � +2(?X ADMINISTRATIOhI : 41�J0.Q4 TOiAL TRAILWAY PRO�CT COST � 25000.00 � --- -----------���- ------------ --------- _ �-- T4TAL PRO��ECT COST � ~ A. SANIT�Y SEt�R S 250440.00 B. WATER i1AIN � 17L+000.00 � C. STDRM t1�'tAIN $ 123004.00 D. LIGHTING g �.pp E. STREET � 468000.00 F. TRAILWAY f 2500t1.OQ � TOTAL PRtt,�CT � --lOb7(100.00 �I � ---- ---- --- ---- ____---- � � t .. �) '\.i �., �� I � � 3 � I � _� �oo � - � J , . - � . `. . . . _ . . . , � . .�. � . . �J � � �. ' . � � .� .. � . . e � � � . � � � Crq . . ��4 �i �� . . L ea. 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