HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Receive Feasibility Report / Order Public Hearing, West Ridge 3rd Addition, City Project #195 . �,�a r.�� �, �� *�******�r*�*******************MEA10***�r**�*****�r**�r********,�****�*****�r****,r***** DIiTE: FEDRUARY 15, 1989 TU: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBI"sR.S C/0 CITY ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR H�FTI ' RE: ITEMS FOR FEBRUARY 21, 1989 COUNCIL MEETING i NEW B17SINESS � � Receive Feasibility Report/Order Public Hearing,Praject 195 i West Ridge 3rd Addition Improvements , , i Attaehed is a feasibility report prepared by our consulting engineers in response ' to a 100% petition by the developer of the West Ridge 3rd Addition. The j feasibility study recommends the project is feasible from an engineering ; ' standpoint. � ; The recommended date €or public hearing would be March 21, 1989 at 8:OQ p.m, E � , Recommended action for Council to consider is to adopt the attached resolution i ' receiving the feasibility report and ordering the pub],ic hearing for March 21, i 1989 at 8sOQ p.m. i � _ _ __ :_ . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ � � � � � � � FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR UTILITY AND STREET CONSTRUCTION � IN WEST RIDGT 3RD ADDITION ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA � CITY PROJECT NO. 195 February 21, 1989 � SEH FILE NO: 89137 '� � � � I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under � the laws of the State of Minneso a. � � DATE: February 21, 1989 REG. NO. 12691 REVIEWED BY: � DATE: � �' - �' � � - - � ENGINEER51/IRCHITECT51 PLANNERS 222 EAST LITTLE CANADA ROAD,ST.PAUL,MINNESOrA 55117 612 484-0272 � � February 17, 1989 RE: ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA WEST RIDGE 3RD ADDITION � STREET AND UTILITIES CITY PROJECT NO. 195 SEH FILE NO: 89137 �' � City of Rasemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 � Attn: Rich Hefti, Director of Public Works � Gentlemen: In accordance with your authorization we have prepared the � attached feasibility report for utility and street construction in West Ridge 3rd Addition. This report discusses sanitary sewer, watermain, drainage and street improvements, and provides cost estimates for each. �� We find this im rovement to be feasible and recommend that it be P constructed in general compliance with' the provisions of this � report. We would be pleased to review this report with you in detail. �i Sincerely, SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON, INC. � � Steve Campbell SDC/cih � � SHORT ELLIOTT SL PAUL, CHIPPEWfI FALLS, HENDRICKSON INC. MINNESOTA WISCONSIN � � �' ERECUTIVE S[JNIlKARY � � City Project 195 provides for the construction of sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer and street facilities in West Ridge 3rd Addition. This development consists of 41 single family � residential lots and is located in the southwest quarter of Section 31 adjacent to West Ridge 2nd Addition and the Apple � Valley corporate limits. � The pro,ject includes approximately 2, 200 feet of sanitary sewer; 2, 500 feet of watermain; 2,350 feet of storm sewer; and 2,400 � feet of street construction. The total estimated project cost is $490,000. Of the total, $454,000 will be recovered through assessments, $27,000 will be obtained from the Sanitary Sewer � Core Facility Fund, and the remaining 59,000 will be recovered from the Storm Sewer Core Facility Fund. The project is �, scheduled for construction during the 1989 construction season. � � � . � �' � � � - ■ � � PART 1 - INFORMATION � 1.1 AUTHORIZATION � � On February 2, 1989 the City of RoSemount, upon petition by the owner, authorized the preparation of an engineering � feasibility report for utilities and street construction in West Ridge 3rd Addition. This project has been designated � as City Pro�ect No. 195. 1.2 SCOPE � The ur ose of this re ort is to determine the engineering P P P feasibility of this pro�ect based upon a review of the data �` available, and to rnake recommendations and provide cost estimates for the construction of sanitary sewer, watermain, � storm sewer and street facilities in West Ridge 3rd Addition. � 1.3 DATA AVAILABLE Information and materials used in' the preparation of this � report include: 1. Preliminax�y plat of West Ridge 3rd Addition (January � 23, 1989) . 2. Preliminary street grades for West Ridge 3rd Addition �, (January 23, 1989) . 3. PUD Concept Plan for Rosemount West (January, 1986) . 4. Utility Study for Section 31 (December, 1978) . �' 5. City of Rosemount Topographic Maps. 6. City of Rosemount Construction Record Drawings. � � � � _ � Part 1 - 1 � � • PART 2 - GENERAL BACKGROUND � 2.1 LOCATION � The project area is located in the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 31 and lies immediately north � of West Ridge 2nd Addition and adjacent to the Apple Valley corporate limits as shown on Drawing No. 1. � 2.2 PROJECT AREA � West Ridge 3rd Addition consists of 41 single family residential lots, an outlot consisting of 7 lots for future development, and rights-of-way for 5egments of Danville � Avenue, Upper 156th StrQet West, Dapple Court, Dapple Circle and Darling Path. This is the third phase of the West Ridge � PUD. � 2.3 ADJACENT PROPERTY The project area is located immediately north of West Ridge � 2nd Addition. Street and utility construction in West Ridge 2nd Addition was completed in 1988 under City Project No. 167, Contract No. 1987-6. � 2.4 SITE CONDITIONS � The pra�ect area is currently used for agricultural purposes. In: accordance with City requirements, all street , � and site grading will be completed by the developer in accordance with the master grading plan submitted in the approved PUD. The required street grading includes core � excavation of all plastic (non-suatable) materials within the roadway area and replacement with granular (suitable) � materials. , � The portion of the pro�ect area within the 'banville Avenue right-of-way currently exis�s as a utility easement and has � been preliminarily graded. The easement contains an inplace � Part 2 - 1 � � 10" r n stub within the southerl 125' and an in lace sewe a d y P 12° watermain along the entire easement. � � - � � � � � � � � � � � � - �; �' - Part 2 - 2 � � � n i n to the north West Ridge 2nd Addition. Future exte s o s will be made from proposed stubs on Darling Path and the � northeast corner of Lot 9, Block 2. � The proposed facilities will also include the extension of 1" services 15 feet into each lot from the proposed mains. � 3.3 DRAINAGB Proposed drainage facilities within the pro�ect area are � shown on Drawing No. 4. These facilities include the construction of 18" through 30" storm sewer along Upper � 156th Street and Danville, and the extension of 18" and 15" lines into Blocks 2 and 3 respectively to facilitate � backyard drainage. Inlets are proposed at the intersection of Upper 156th Street with Danville, Dapple Court/Circle and � Darling Path. The proposed 18" sewer on Darling Path will be extended in a subsequent phase of the West Ridge development. � Also included in the improvement is a proposed southeasterly � extension of a 30" and 36" discharge line outside of the pro�ect area as shown on Drawing No. 5. These facilities � extend through a future West Ridge development phase to an existing City storm water retention pond. �' 3.4 STREET CONSTRUCTION The construction of standard City streets is proposed as � shown on Drawing No. 6. The proposed streets are 30 feet wide between curb faces and are loeated within 60 foot � rights-of-way. The proposed street section consists of a 2" bituminous wearing course and 2" bituminous binder course � placed over a 6° aggregate base with design D418 (surmountable) concrete curb and gutter. This section assumes that a granular subgrade will be provided by the � developer. The developer will also be responsible €or the restoration af the boulevard areas as a part of the final � lo� development. Part 3 - 2 � � � _ The street facilities will also include the construction of � 6 foot wide concrete sidewalks along both sides of Danville Avenue and along the north and east sides of Upper 156th and �_ Darling Path respectively. � 3.5 LIGHTING The street lighting system within West Ridge 3rd Addition � will be provided by the local electric utility (Dakota Electric Association) as a part of the extension of service into the project area. Provisions for electric service � should be coordinated by the developer. Installation of the - system should not occur until the street construction is � completed. � 3.6 EASENIENTS A 10 foot utility easement wiil be required along either � side of the cornmon iot lines of Lots 9 and 10 of B1ock 2, and Lots 7 and 8 of Block 3 for the installation of the proposed watermain facilities. Ten foot easements will � likewise be required along the common lot line of Lot 7, Block 3 and Lot 1, Block 1 of West Ridge 2nd Addition. � Ten foot utility easements will also be required for storm rsewers along either side of the common lot lines between � Lots 16 and 17 of Block 2 and Lots 2 and 3 of Block 3. � Easements will also be re uired outside of the project area q for the installation of the proposed storm sewer discharge ` line through the future West_ Ridge development phase to the City retention pond. These easements should coinaide with � future streets and lot lines in the development. � � � Part 3 - 3 � � PART 4 - FINANCING � 4.1 COST ESTIMATES � Detailed cost estimates for all improvements proposed herein are included in the Appendix of this report. These � estimates are based on pro�ected 1989 unit costs and inalude allowanoes for contingencies ( 10$) and anticipated overhead � costs (20�) . These estimates do not include any costs for street or site grading or easements which will be required of the developer as a part of the Devel;opment Contract with � the City. � A summary of these costs is as followst Sanitary Sewer $115,000 � Watermain 95,000 Storm Sewer 120,000 Street Construction 160,-000 Total $490,000 � 4_2 ASSESSMENT AREA : � The following parcels of land is located within the pro�ect area and is sub�ect to assessments to recover the pro,ject � COStS. West Ridge 3rd Addition � Block l, Lots 1 through 7 Block 2, Lots l through 18 Block 3, Lots 1 through 16 � 4.3 COST RSCOVERY 4.3.1 Core Facilities � The estimated cost of the extra depth and pipe diameter of the 10° sanitary sewer, and the extra � cost of the gipe diameter of storm sewers in excess of 24 inches are considered to be Gity core � facility costs. These costs are not assessable to the pro�ect area but can be recovered from the � - respective Core Facility Funds. With sstandard � Part 4 - k � � nces these costs contingencies and overhead allowa , are estimated to be $27,000 for sanitary sewer and � $9,000 for storm sewer. � These costs are calculated as the differential unit cost of the core facilities from the standard � residential sewers and are based on the following estimated unit costs. � ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT PRICE 0256.408 8" PVC, 10'-12' DEEP L.F. $ 13.00 � 0256.610 10" PVC, 16' -1$' DEEP L.F. $ 23.00 � 0256.610 10" PVC, 18' -20' DEEP L.F. $ 26.00 0256.610 10" DIP, 20' -22' DEEP L.F. $ 34.00 � 0256.610 10" DIP, 22' -24' DEEP L.F. $ 37.00 0256.610 10" DIP, 24' -26' DEEP L.F. $ 40.00 � 0258.424 24" RCP STORM SEWER L.F. $ 28.00 0258.430 30" RCP STORM SEWER L.F. $ 33.00 � ° L.F. $ 42.00 0258.436 36 RCP STORM SEWER � The sanitary sewer calcuLation is as follows: � ITEM UNIT PRICE NO QUANTITY UNIT DIFFERENTIAL AMOUNT 0256. 610 98 L.F. X (23-13) $ 98�.00 � 0256.610 577 L.F. X (26-13) S 7, 501.00 � 0256.610 140 . L.F. X (34-13) $ 2,940.00 0256.610 173 L.F. X (37-13) $ 4, 152.00 � 0256.610 167 L.F. X (40-13) $ 4, 509,00 Subtotal $20,082.00 � +i0$ Contingencies 1, 918.�0 Estimated Construction Cost 522,000.00 +2p$ Overhead & Engineering 5,000.00 � - Total Estimated Cost $2?,OQ0.00 Part 4 - 2 � , � I, � � The storm sewer calculation is as follows: � ITEM UNIT FRICE NO QUANTITY UNIT DIFFERENTIAL AMOUNT 0258.430 767 L.F. (33-28) S 3, 835.00 � 0258.436 230 L.F. (42-28) S 3, 220.00 � Subtotal S 7,055.00 +10� contingencies 945.00 Estimated Construction Cost $ 8,000.00 +20� Overhead & Engineering 1,000.00 � Total Estimated Cost $ 9,000.00 � 4.3.2 Assessments After the core facility cost has been subtracted from the total estimated cost of the pro��ct, .the ` remaining assessable amount is $454,000. � Spreading this amount over the 41 lots in the project area, the total estimated assessment 'xate � for each lot is 511,073. � 4.3.3 Summary - Assessments $454,000 Sanitary Sewer Core Facility Costs = 27,000 � Storm Sewer Core Facility Costs = 9,000 - Totai $490,000 � � � � ` � _ � Part 4 - 3 i 1 PART 5 - PROJECT SCHEDULE � The proposed schedule for this improvement is listed below. This � schedule is based on the provisions of Chapter 429 of the Minnesota Statutes. It assumes that all elements of the improve- � ment, including developer obligations are completed in a timely manner. � Receive Feasibility Report February 21, 1989 � Hold Public Hearing March 21, 1989 Approve Plans & Specifications March 21, 1989 Receive Bids April 14, 1989 � Award Contract April 18, 1989 � Begin Construction May, 1989 � Complete Construction August, 1989 Hold Assessment Hearing Spring, 1990 � First Payment Due with Taxes May, 1991 ! 1 1 � � � 1 � _ � Part 5 - 1 � � ESTIMATE OF COST � SANITARY SEWER WSSTRIDGE 3RD ADDITION CITY PROJECT NO. 195 � ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA . � UNIT ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT � 0256.408 8" PVC, 10' -12' DEEP L.F. 1,022 $13.00 $ 13,286 0256. 610 10" PVC, 16' -18' DEEP L.F. 98 23.00 2,254 � 0256. 610 10" PVC 18' -20' DEEP L.F. 577 26.00 15,002 . � 0256.610 10" DIP, 20' -22' DEEP L.F. 140 34.00 4,760 0256. 610 10" DIP, 22' -24' DEEP L.F. 173 37.00 6,401 � 0256.610 10" DIP, 24' -26' DEEP L.F. 167 40.00 6, 680 0256.701 STD MH, 8' DEEP EACH 9 950.00 8, 550 � 0256.702 EXCESS DEPTH STD MH L.F. 82 75.00 6, 150 0256.706 MH DROP SECTION L.F. 30 125.00 3, 750 � 2 1 " X 4" PVC WYE EACH 19 40.00 760 0 56.80 8 I0256.801 10" X 4" DIP TEE EACH 22 80.00 1,760 0256.803 4° PVC SERVICE L.F. 1,980 6.00 ' 11,880 � 0256.805 4" DIP RISER L.F. 260 25.00 6, 500 0256.900 CONNECT TO EX. SEWER EACH 2 300.00 6Q0 ' � SUBTOTAL $ 8$,333 +10$ CONTINGENCIES 6,667 � ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 95,000 +20$ OVERHEAD & ENGINEERING 20,000 TOTAL ESTIMATfiD COST $115;000 � : � � - S � � ESTIMATE OF COST � WATERMAIN WESTRIDGE 3RD ADDITION CITY PROJECT NO. 195 � ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA � ITEM UNIT � NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 0257.406 6" DIP WM, CL. 52 L.F. 1,319 514.00 $18,466 � 0257.408 8" DIP WM, CL. 52 L.F. 1,208 18.00 21, 744 0257. 606 6" R.S. GATE VALVE � AND BOX EACH 7 400.00 2, 800 0257. 608 8" R.S. GATE VALVE � AND BOX EACH 3 550.00 1, 650 0257.630 FITTINGS LESS THAN 12" LB. 1, 100 1.25 1,3'75 � 0257.640 FIRE HYDRANT EACH 6 900.00 5,400 0257.710 1" COPPER SERVICE L.F. 2,200 6.00 13,200 � 0257.730 1" CORPORATION EACH 48 30.00 1,440 0257.740 1" CURB ST�P EACH 48 80.00 3, 840 � 0257.801 12" PRESSURE TAP EACH 2 1, 500.00 3,000 � 0257.903 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN EACH 2 20Q.00 400 SUBTOTAL 573,315 � +10$ CONTINGENCIES 6, 685 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $80,000 +20$ OVERHEAD & ENGINEERING 15,000 � TOTAL EST�MATED COST $95,000 � ` � '� � � � ESTIMATB OF COST � STORM SEWER WESTRIDGE 3RD ADDITION CITY PROJECT NO. 195 � ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ITEM UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE 1�MOUNT � 0258.401 12" RCP CB LEADS L.F. 205 $18.00 $ 3, 690 0258.402 15" RCP CB LEADS L.F. 85 20.00 1,700 � �� 19.00 2 755 0258.415 15 RCP STORM SEWER L.F. 145 . , 0258.418 18" RCP STORM SEWER L.F. 360 23.00 8,280 025$.421 21" RCP STORM SEWER L.F. 516 26.00 13,416 � 0258.424 24" RCP STORM SEWER L.F, 36 28.00 1,008 0258.430 30" RCP STORM SEWER L.F. 767 33.00 25,31I � 0258.436 36" RCP STORM SEWER L.F. 230 42.00 9,66C? � 0258.515 15" APRON W/TRASH GUARD EACH 1 500.00 500 � 0258. 518 18" APRON W/TRASH GUARD EACH 1 550.00 550 0258.536 36" APRON W/TRASH � GUARD EACH 1 1,075.00 1,075 0258. 603 MANHOLE, TYPE B L.F. 72 125.00 9,00� � 0258.704 CATCH BASIN, TYPE X L.F. 55 110.0,0 6,050 0258.705 CATCH BASIN, TYPE Y L.F. 25 130.00 3,250 � 0258.801 R 1733 MH CASTING EACH 12 190.00 2,28� � 0258.808 R 3067 CB CASTING EACH 15 225.00 3,375 0258.920 RANDOM RIPRAP CL. II W/GEOTEXTILE FABRIC C.Y. 14 45.�0 630 � SUBTOTAL $' 92,480 +10$ CONTINGENCIES 7, 520 li ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $100,000 +20$ OVERHEAD & ENGINEERING 20,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $120,OOQ � - ' ' � ESTIMATE OF COST � STREET CONSTRUCTION WESTRIDGE 3RD ADDITION CITY PROJECT NO. 195 � ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA � ITEM UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTTTY PRICE AMOUNT � 2105. 501 COMMON EXCAVATION C.Y. 1,000 $2.00 $ 2,000 2105.521 GRANULAR BORROW (LV) C.Y. 1,000 3.00 3,000 � 2111.501 TEST ROLLING R.S. 24 30.00 72� � 2211. 503 AGG. HASE PLACED, CL. 5 C.Y. 880 10.00 8,800 2331.504 BIT. MAT FOR MIXTURE TON 4$ 150.00 7,200 � - 2331. 514 BINDER COURSE MIXTURE TON 960 13.00 12,4$0 � 2341. 504 BIT. MAT FOR MIXTURE TON 58 150.00 8,7Q0 2341. 508 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE TON 960 14.00 13,440 # 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION R.S. 24 100.00 2,400 2504. 602 ADJUST GATE VALVE BOX EACH 9 100.00 900 , 2506.522 . ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING EACH 24 130.00 3, 120 � 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK S,F. 9, 600 3.00 28,$00 � 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, DES. D418 L.F. 4,800 6.00 28,800 2554.501 PERMANENT BARRICADES L.F. 32 30.00 960 � SUBT�TAL 5121,320 +10$ CONTINGENCIES 13, 680 � ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTiON COST $135,000 +20$ OVERHEAD & ENGINEERING 25,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $160,000 � � - � :� � � � � � � � � �� I � � � y � � I w .. . , � �� � . .� i. �� � 4z �z 43F . � la � 143RD SiREET W ' j� � f oio-ao / I F� . . � � � � � ; � � . �w o �. s -. i `��� � . . . N - 013-31 � �U'� 2 5 t0 T 2S' ��0�� II '..S `�,'Y F- 5 . I � . < � � 1R E - .. � ' � -P � ' ^ o ' �O '0 Q UPPER 15 143 R� 5 � x . . . Now-aa . 'I o o - . .. zo. ,�e/ �Pe.. - . � � . � o io Y�z� . c � �j u 144 TH ST� . ¢ Q2 2" . , . . � � ` � � ��20. ' � . . � � a �144To STREET � � . . . i . g �� 2. . U A . . 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