HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Approve Resolution Authorizing Traffic Control Devices at Claret & 156th Street � . S � ..��e� � �. ********�*********************MEMO��r***�**�*��r*�*****�********��r*********�x*,x**�� DATE: FEBRUARY 15, T989 T0: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/0 GITY ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROMc CITY ENGTNEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECT�R HEFTI R1:: ITL;MS r(�R i'I:IIRiJARY 21, 19a9 COt1N(;T.T, A1ErTI.NG NEW BUSINESS Ap�frave Resolution Authorizing Traffic Control nevices at Glaret �nd 156th Street This item is for the consideration of approving the installation of s yiel�l sign on Glaret Avenue at its intersection with 156th Street. Attached is a re�ort describing the existing situation, discussing alternatives, and a recommen�atian for Council to consider. Because the installation of a traf£ic control device at this intersection was petitioned for by area residents, letters informing them of my recammendation was sent out Thursday, February 1&, 19$9 to the petitioners. Recomtnended action for Council to consider is to approve of the installation of a yield signs on CZaret Avenue at the intersection of ].56th Street. . � • REC4MMENDATIONS FOR TRAFFIC CQNTROL DEVICES CLARET AVENUE AND 156TH STREET Prepared by: Richard M. Hefti. P.E. City Engineer February 6. 1989 BACKGROt1ND Several resid�nts in the proximity of th3s intersecti4n were con�.erned about safety because there are no traffic cantrol deviaes installed. Th�:y petitioned the City Council fnr installation af traffic cont�rol devices, a four-way stop to be specifia. The CounGil �ccepted their petition and directed me to determine which traffie cantroi device� wvuid be appropriate £or this intersectio�. For the purposes of this areport, I evaluated the foZloNing traff-te signing scenaria's. (1) Stop siqns warrants, {2) Yield sign warrants, and E3) Warning signs . I will describe methods used for determining the apprc�priate traf�ic control devices and provide a recommendation for the inatal2ation oE those devices. STOP SIGNS The Uniforrn Manual 1, in 5ections 28-5 and 28-6, outl�.nes warrants, or criteria, for the placemerit of �top si.gns. Ir� acc.ordance with t}�ese sections a �top sign `may be warranted where one or mare af the following conditions exist; (1? Intersection of a less importanfi. road vrith a main rQad, where &PAlication of the normal right-of-way rule is unduly hazardous, fZ> Intersec�ion of a eounty road, eity street, or to�tnshi{� road with a state highway. (3J Street entering a through highway or street. t4) Unsignalized intersection in a siqnalized area. 1 Manual on Uniform Traffic Contro�. Device� far Streets and Hiqhwavs, U.S. Dept. af Transportation, Federal Nighw�y Admin. , i1 .S. Government Printing Of£ice, Washingtan, D.C. , i978. . + . . . . . � . . . � � � � � . � � � � � � � CLARET AVENIIE AND 156TH STREET TRAFFiC SIGN RE�OMMENDATTON Paqe 2 (5) Unsignalized intersection where a combination of high spe�d, restriated view, and seriaus accident records indicat� a n�ed for control by the stop sign. Items 1,2,4, and 5 do not exist in this case. A check of police i:•ecords revealed no accidents at this interseetion within the last five years.- Although one could consider 156th a throuqh street, the average traf€ic volumes are not enough to warrant stopping traffic on Claret Avenue. VoI.umes taken in early last December showed the average daiiy tr�f€ic va�umes dn 156th 5treet to b� abaut 450 cars per day. l�verage daily tra€.�ie volumes for Claret north and south af 156th Street were abaut 250 and 520 trips per day resp�ctively. When 157th Strc�et connects to Shannon Parkway, then the volumes on Claret south o£ 1S6th Streer. arill be reduced. I wouid anticipate that happening as early as th1� fa11. Furthermore, The Uniform Manual 2 sta�es that stop signs should not be used for speed control . In fact, ac�uai s�kud3e� indi.cate that stop sign� are not effective at all in controlling speeds. Th$se� stuc�ies indieate that �peeds increas� p3'1CB traffic gets 300 feet or �urther away from the intersectian. An operation problem that results fram inappropriately plaeed stop signs is that drivers wi11 t.+�nd to uiolate the stop sign. YIELD SIGNS The IJniform ManuaZ 3, in S+ections 2B-S, autlines warrants, or cr� ter�a, far the placement of yield signs. In accordance with thi� $�eti�n a yield siqn may be warranted wher� on� or m4re of tk�e £ollbaing conditions exist: � (1) On a minor road at the entrance to an int�rsectian wh�ri it is necessary to assign right-of-way to the ma�nr rQad, but: where a stop is nnt necessary at all times, artd where the �a�e appraach speed on the minor road exceeds 10 mph. (2? On the entrance tamp to an expressway where ar► adequat� acaeleration lane is not provided. (3) Within an intersect�.on with a divided highway, wh�re a gtop sign is present at the entrance to the first roadway and further control is necessary at th� entrance �o the second roadway, and where the median width between the two roadv�ays exceeds 30 ft. 2 Ibid. 3 Ibid. _. 1 . . � � . . . . . . . . . . � � , . � � . . . CLARET AVENUE AND �56TH STREET TRAFFIC 5IGN RECQMMENDATIdN Page 3 t4) Where there is a s�parate or channellzed right-turn lar�,e, without an ad�q�ate acceieration lat�e. (SJ At any intersection where a special problem exi.sts and where an engineering study indicated the problc�m to be �s�sce��.9.b1� to eorrection by �he use of the yield sign. Items 2, 3, and 4 do not �xist in this case. Itetns 1 and S do ar?pear to exi$t. The only concern with yield signs is that drivers on the non-yieldinq approaches som�time become overconfident and �ail to maintairs adequate caution at the intersectian. WARNING SIGNS Warning signs are to be used when attention mast be called to an actuai or potential hazardQus Gondition. Placinq an "Interaection Aheac.3* cross bar could be appropriate at this intersectian if tfii� intersection posed a hazard. The only potential ha�ard �hat coulc3 exist at this intersection is that of sight distance. Th� sight distance appears adequate £or this intersectinn. RECOMMENDATIONS Upon the results of the tra£fic Counta and accident records, I cannot find any hazardous conditions pertaining to this interaection. Furthermore, this intersection fails to rneet any warrants for the p2acement of stop siqng. E{owever, personal inspection a£ this intersection does lead me to believe that it would be benefieial to assign right-af-way by means of a yield siqr�. This coald help alleviate driver aonfusion regarding right-of-vray. Therefore, it is my recommenclation to Council to authori�s the plaCement of yield signs at the intersectian of Clar�� Av�nu� and 1S6th 5treet to require Claret Avenue traf�ie ta yield tc► 156th Street traffic. � ` � . � . . .. � � � .� � . . . � . . � � . . . � . � . . . . . . . � �_ CITX OF RO5EMOUNT � i RESOLUTION 1989 - A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PLACEMENT OF TRAFFIC COIVTRQL � SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTiON OF CLARET AVENUE AND 156T1i STREET � i � WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount is interested ; in the safety of its residents; and � ! WHEREAS, the continued development in the City of Rosemount has produeed more vehiculax and pedestrian traffic within the City of Rosemount; and � WHEREAS, a study of the intersection revesled a warrant for the I placement of yield signs on Claret Avenue. � ! NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City � of Rosemount directs the installation Qf the appropriate yield � signs an Claret Avenue at the intersection of 156th Street West. i ; ADOPTED this 21st day of February, 1989. � ( ; � � � Rollan H4ke, Mayor � I ATTEST: ; : Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk ; � � � � � ' I i � i