HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.e. Authorize to Purchase Blinds for City Hall � . k ! �)1 � �► 3� c. r�, «��ti �,,o ;�sx � '�� jtj� +f1 ?R,F,.ia �tCT ltif � � ���� �:, � � � � � � � � � �tc� t nh"i?rat ti���Nr�r�>' i��n f,or:r� � .x. (�=' �r. ,�►�y�ca���x� �,; �,,; ,,�,, a � ,.. ..,��-�.��, ��. TQ: t�iayor Hoke Couneilmemb�rs Walsh, Wippermann, Oxborough, Napp�r FRUM: Susan Johnson, Depu�y Clerk � . DA'.P�: February 17, 1989 RE; Blinds �or City Hall City Administrator Steve Jilk requested that � obtain cost estimate� and make recommendations for window treatment flf eertain areas of city hall. This request 3.ncluded blinds �ar th� five offices that have the large interior windaws (Mayor, Sue Johnson, Dave Bech�olel, Ron Wasmund and Don Qarling's offiees} , the upper chamb�rs windows looking in�4 the office area and the lower chambers windows by �he lQbby area. It is Steve's feeling, I believe, and I concur that although the wi.ndows lend an airy ar�d open feeling to �he interior; the wi�dows aksca cause di.straction, I find the open windaw very distractingt partieularly when T have conferenees in my office o.r whe�� workiny at: my desk and need the pr3,vacy to be able to l.00k s�raigh� ahead �vithou� ' �avi.ng my eoneentratiQn interrupted by people going ba�k �nd for�h, The }�tinds for the chamb�:rs windows will a11Qw mee�ing�s to be held in the chambers, partieularly during oEfice hours, withvut peQple� be�.ng ` distracted by city hali personnel upstairs ar visitors going #.r� and c,ut of the lQbby downstairs. The blinds for the iipper lobby wi11 cut dnwn on the glare and heat ca�sing discomfort ta the receptionist. Pleas� note Steve Ji1k and I realize the blinds for the lobby may not pravic�e th�: ultimate salution to the heat and glare problems, but we feel it shouZd provide same =elief. zf not, fi3m may have ta be instal.i�d or1 �he exterior windows oE the vestibule at a future date. I contacted Aero brapes, Burnsville and The Dr�pery Place in Rich£i.�l.d for reco�nmendations anc� quates. After meeting with �he repr�sentatives from bo�h v�ndors, I am recommending th� �ollowing witzdow treatments { 1 ) Vertical blinds in a ligh� beige flame retardant fabric for tt�e five offices. (�? „Mini" blinds identical to the blinds in tl�e con�erence rQom and the administrator's office for the upper cham�er winc�ows. { 3) Verti�al blinds in a fabric matching the wailpaper for the . Zo�aer elzamk�er windows. (4) Off-white "mini�� blinds _for the interior wa.ndows o� �he v�stibule in thP uPPer lobby. . � � The cos�. estimates for the window treatmei�t weze al.most iden�ic�l from the twfl companies. Aero was $2117, and The Dra�ery Plaee cams 3n at �214U. DPlivery time is three to faur weeks. The administratox budgeted $3,OOfl for this expenditure. Please be adviser3 I have revi�wed my recommendations with Mr. Jilk, and he concurs with the above blind instalTations and recommenda�tion to purchase the window treatmen� from The Drapery Place in the amout�t o� $21 flQ. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. If you have any questionsr Please feel €�ee to con�act me before �he meetiny; or I will be happy to answer any specif�e questions Tu�sd�y ev�ning. �