HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. Public Works Department Staffing Recommendation , ' + � � �i��, lo `�. �*******�*******�***�*******�*******M�MO********�****�**�*�r*******,�**�**�******* D�T�: FEBRUARY 17, 1989 T0: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/0 CITY ADMINIaTRATOR JILK FRQMc CITY ENGINEERIPUBLIG WORKS nIREGTOR HEFT RE: ITEMS F�A TH� FEBRUARX 21, 1989 COUNGIL MEETTIdG NEW BUSINESS Authorization to Advertis� for Meehanic I Position This item consist of a request to get Councils autharization to acivertise ta fill a Mechanic Level I position in the Public Works Department. This memo summarizes the request and recommends action for Council to consider. The 1989 budget included a fuil-time Level I position to be shared with Utiiities beginning July of this year. In evaluating ou� current need, in public w�rks, Park Director Beehtold and myself feel that there is an urgent need for s�me assistance to heip the �echanic. We currently have no ane availabie to keep vehicles ciean, ehange oil, repair tires and atlier simplc items tliet we rc��lly don't want our Level III Mechanic doing. Rather than spend $5.543 an hour for temporary help which is.difficult to find this time of year, Park Director Bechtold and I agree that it wouldn't cost much more to pay the extra money and get a full-time person here earlier. We also agree that we shouid try to specialize with our new people. That is why I am requestzng a Mechanic Level I rather than a geaeral Maintenanee Level I. Attached is a job description of a Mechanic Leve1 I £or Counciis reference. The Leve1 i Mechanic positian would also be able to fiil in an the Public Works' Crews as needed. The cost to the City for this person beginning the first of Aprii would be ab,�ut 5�3,60Q in salary and an additional $2,000 in benefits. i budgeted about $5,Sfl0 in 1989 for a permanent posi.tion. I budgeted two temparary positions for this summer, however Z could try to get by with one, which would �ive us another. $3,000 to work with, making the increase in payroll about $6,800. ' If necessary, we could try to make other economies in our bu�3get sv that we can get this much needed persoz� on board as soon as possibie. Recommended action for Cot�neil to considex is to autharize the advertising of a Mechanic Level I position openin�, ' � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITI4N RESPQNSIBILITY WRITE-UP POSITION TITLE: MECHANIC I DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORK5 �4CC(7UNTABLE TO: PUBLIC WtJRKS FOREMAN Primarv Ob,�ective of Position Tn perform preventive maintenance ar►d minor repairs on all ci�y owned vehicles, machi.nery, and meehar�ical equipment and provid� manual labor as required to }arovide tiroely �nd ef£icient general. main�.enance seruices ta the entire City operation . Ma_�ior Areas of Aceountabilitv A, Eciui.pment 1 . �issists in performi.ng and keeping accurat;e recnrd:: of scheduled preventive maintenaz�ee per established guidelines for all equipment, including gasoline and diesel engines a) change motor, hyc�raulic and tran:�miss3on oi.1 and £ilters, and air and fupl £ilters; grease: change £luids; perform t�une-ups, rotate tires; flush eoolant sy�tem�a; Aack b�arings: etc 2. As:sists in pPrforming minor r�pairs� a) repiace brake pads; replace head, tail, an<1 running lights; replace bratcen b�lt,� an�t fioses; replace mufflers, tai,lpipe�, shcrcks, tire.s; repair light duty vehicle tires; repair automotive electrical systems; etc 3. Assists in preparing matorized eq�aipment fe+� s�asons and se�+sonal equi�m�nt for gtorage wher� not in use 4. Asai�ts in mounting seasonal attachments on appropriate equ�.pment a ) sanders, br�oms, snowplows, mc�wer�, �tc 5. O�erates various rnechanic shop pow�r er�ui�ment an�l handtvr�ls such as grinders, drills, dri11 pr�:�s, saw, mechanic instruments and tool�, we1�3�r, - � • i tarch, etc. 6. Wash�s and cleans �quipmeni, and vehicles & assists? in performinq minar touch up body �rark ancfi painti.ng af inetal surface� 7. Assists in maintaining inventory of cammonly useel parts B. Speciai Pra.lects/Duties I . May help with other maintenance tasks in ather� city departments, as assigned. Particularly it► emergency si�uation�. �now removal for• e:tam�le, ar.. to balance �seasonal wc�r€cloads anc� scherlules 2. Performs other duties and re�pansibilitie� as: assigned 3. Takes turn as departmen� gtandby person on 2� haux� call far Public Works or Parks I:xamt;le of Perfnrmar�ce Criteria 1 . Demr,n:�tr.ate:� ability to maintain various pieees of equi.pment to insure �safe and proper operattor� i�n .a timely and efEieient manner 2. Demonstrates ability to maintairi accurate and current. maantenance records �or various pieces of equipment 3 . Obtains necessary certificat-e� in auto/diesel meehana.c� field 4. Follnws establi�hPd safe�y procedures to avoici persanal. in�ury and property lnss S, Responds willinqly to emerg�ncy duty and varied war}: assignments Resp<:,nsibilitv far Wark af Oth�rs 1 . None regularly assigned 2. May provid� on-the--�ob direction ta �easonal ar temporary employees as r�quired in cert�in �c�b-relate�i situations D�sirable Qualz£zcations � 1 . C�m�letion of coursework fram a technic�l/vocat3anai �chool i.n �uto/truck mechanics 2 . One ( 1) yPar experi�nc� in vQh�e�e maantenance fit�ld. . . _ � � both dissel and gas engines 3. Good mechanical skills Minimum Req,uir�ments 1 . Nigh school graduate or GED equivalent 2. Ability to understand and follow written and oral instrtactions 3. Ability to establish and mai.ritain effective �ork�.nq relatianships with emplayees, staff inembers, and tt��� gen�ral public 4. Ability to perform strenuous physical labor 5. Good mechanical and organizational skills 6. Class B Minnesota drivers license _ . .� • • P.C) BOX 5t0 ��Z�u Q 28i5-iASiH ST, W. ! /� `T 1� ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55�68 VSQ��{/l��� 6/? �q23-A411 ITBM 6 g. T'ebruary 16, 19$9 T�: Mayo�e I3oke Cotrncilmembers; Napper 4xborough Wa1sh Wippermann FRf�Mt Stephan Ji1k, Administrator/Clerlc� REs BQnd Sale W�ter Tower and We11 Cvng uction � The Utilitiea Commiseion has utilized the expertise of Jerrp � Shsnnon and aur a�rn staff to research the b��t approa�h ta financing the proposed canstrucCion of a water tawer and well. � , The final z�eport and recommendation ta the cQm�aissio�n by J+�x�ry ; Shannon, wh�.eh ie included far your review, was embraced bp the com�a3.sai.an and thus haas beco�te the ear�m3asione recammendation to yc�u. That ree�mmendation, very simplp, is to authorize Che sale of $i ,32t7,U40.00 in Gen�ral flbligation/Revenue bonds for the gurpos� of funding the propoaed construction. Wh�t i�s rather �niqn� abotzt th� gackage that $taff has put together h+�re. I belfeve� 3s . �hat by atructuring the nae of reserves, connection fees, surcharge fees and pra,�ectians far grawth in the c�mr�unity there wi11 be sufficient funds to not vnly conatruct the new tower and well Nv. 8 but an addition�tl three welis in the next ten qears if needed. This reflects the soundness of the water utility €tnd �. xealisti.c apPra�eh to management of that operation. Jerry Shannon �ai11 be in attendance at �ur meetin� on Tuesdap an�t Rieh and i wi11 he also pleased to answer any questions an tfiie matter, � The requested act3.on would b� ta adopt th� resolution, �1+sa attached, authorizing the sale, , 1j � f _ - . �e � � CITY OF RQSEMOUNT ' , � RESOLU2ION 1989 - ADQPTED this 21st day of �'ebruary, 1989. . Rollan Hoke, Mapor ATTEST: Stephan Ji1k, Administrator/Clerk � �......