HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.c. County Road 42 / Highway 3 Intersection Reconstruction � �1 • �t� r��,� s�n t�ll# �) 7ft �i-id.'a�I{�:T 4V {,.�y � / ! H(�':f M(�t�NF.MINNF`;��t+1 f„fif,R �i, , �a7 5:;.�-���i 1�� f 1? t:':t .f 4 t i ��. ITBM $ C. February 16, 19$9 T0: Mayor Iioke Councilmembers: Napper axborough Wa1sh Wigpermann FRQM: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk � RE: Highway 3 and County Road 42 Intersec i n Reronstruetion I have had discuss3.an with Peter Sarenson o£ Dakota Cvunty Hi$hwap T}epartment concerning �he recongtruetion of the intersection of Highway 3 and Dakota County Road 42, Also the reconstruction af Highway 3 north, from thst intersection to 147th Street. This was to be part of the �tate of Minn�svta pro�ect but �his was delayed until 1992 or 1993` because of a �.ack af state funding. The County and the Citp o:E Rosemoun� have indicated �o the state of Minnesota that this pro�ect is priori.tp and aould hope Chat the time for the pro3�ct could be mov�d up. The state has indicated that if the city or the county would campl�te the �iesign, bid the gro�ect, and handle Gonetructian the atete wotild follo� its normal cast sharing poXicy for such a pro�ect on thi� one but was unabl� to be the Iead agencp because of r�ther priarities in their pro�ect management pro�ra�e. Pete Sorensan has indicated that the county is wi111ng, follawiag Countq Board approval, to be the lead agencp ancl aesign, t�id, and manage the project and onlp require the state and the c�.Gq to reimburse the county througli the normal cost sharing process. The recommendation from caunty staff to Che Dakota Caunty Physical DevelopmenC Cammittee w:111 take plr�ce on Tuesday, I'ebruary 21 , I989. 1 plan on attending this meettng to prov�.de city support far the county staff' s position. Rtch Hef�i ha� requested and is receiv3ng infor►nation specif�.c Cv this project regardi.ng c�st sharing bp the city. City share fvr th3.e pro�ect h�s already been budgeted in the five �ear CIP and may have to be moved up if the pro�ect goes ahead more quicklp. z have alsa 3ndicated to �ete that the ci�y feels that �hta is azz aFpropriate ti�ae to consider �he constructivn of t�ie trail Qn the� sauth side of Gaunty Rvad 42. Iie is in the procesg af ptatCtng togett►er a response to our study on the C�nada AvenueJCortnfi�r Raa�i 42 issue. Follawing the Fhysical Deve�.opment Committee m�e�in� +an Tu�sd�y, T w�.11 have furt�er information to report.