HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Volunteers of America Proclamation a: � �Q • • � 1 P�� H(7X 51Q ZL� f� 2875-1n�,T1i S7. W. Qc��A^1I�� pf1SEti4�UNT: MINh1E':r)TA 550fiA J I7l�v�/U 6t" _-423-4A11 � P R 0 C L A M A T I 0 N "VOLUNTBERS OF AMERICA WRBit" ' March 5 - 12, 1489 WH$R$AS, the Volunteers of America, a Christtan svcial service or�anization, is cel.ebratin� its 93rd year of service Lo the people o� Minnesota and the natian; it is therefore certainly appropriate for �s tv �oin in the observance of this milestone with the commemoration of March 5-12, 1989 as Volunteers t�f , American Week; and, WHEREAS, the Volunteers of America is making a valuable contribution to the people of Minnesota bp providing 2 residential treatment centers for emot3�ona1ly handicapped fi�oys; � children' s emergency shelter; 6 programs serving auti.stic, autistic-like andior developmentall� dissbled children and pouth, 50 treatment foster homes and group hames for inf�nts, children and qonth; 4 homes far elderly and/or a�ental�.y disabled ac�ults; 42 s�nior citizen dining sites in Anoka and Hennepin Count�.es; a pre-release and work-release correctianal program for �en and a jail, warkhouse, and work�release correetional facilitp fc�r female offenders, plus 3 housin� complex�s fox families, �he handicapp�d, and the elderly; and G lor►g-term care facilities; and, WHERBAS, the Volunteers of America, �hrough its eatnpassionate, yet praetical crusade, is extending spiritual feilawship as it provides relief where it is most urgently needed; and, WHBREAS, the Volunteer$ of America is comu�emorating its £ot�nding in i896 and urges others ta uphold the American philantMrr�pic spirit through their cammitment ta help those in need •'� NOW, THERBFORE BS IT $8St?LVED, that i, Rollan Hoke, Mayor of `the City of Rosea�ount, da hereby Proclaim the week of Mareh 5-12, ` 1989, as YQLUNTEERS OF AMERIGA WEEK in the City of Rosemount, and B8 IT FURTHgR RESULVED, th�t eopiea of Chis proclr��na�3.on be transmitted to the Volunteers of America as evidenee of ou� esteem. DATED this 21st day of February, 1989. Rollan Iiake, Mapvr , . .�. � VOLUNTEERS OF AM � ItICA MfNNESOTA ___ 5905 Gddan Valley Road • Mirxreapotis,MN 55422 •--(6i2)5463242 February 8, 1989 The Honorable Rollan Hoke • Mayor of Rosemaunt 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Dear Mayor Hoke: Valunteere of America, one of this nation's and Minnesota's largest human service organizations, has been helping others for , nearly 93 years. Volunteers of America Week is scheduled for Mareh 5-12, which % commemorates the founding af our organization on March 8, 1896. We are asking you to proclaim the week in our behalf. Your personaZ proelamation will be encouraging to those in the Rasemount community who receive care throuqh our services. Our dedzcated staff and volunteers and the many peopie who help support our work through their financial contributions wi�,i be equally appreciative. Your interest and support makes a signifieant difference in the suceess of our arganization. And, as you know, our success is measured through the lives of fihose we touch. I sincerely hope you will proclaim March 5-12, 1989 as Volunteers of America Week in Rosemount and a�k that you �oin us in celebrating our 93rd year of service. _ Respectfully yours, L lrucl � /'► � � ames E. Hagie, Jr. �. resident JEH/dt Enclosures P.S. Yaur proclamation will be read at the Volunteers of America Week celebration in your community. Also, your proclamation wili bs duplicated along with other proclamations and/or congratulatory letters to be put in booklet form. A booklet �ommemorating our 93rd birthday will be placed in the reception area of each program service site. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ._ _ ' -