HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Citizens Advisory Committee Process Update - � . ., � • Fall/�iinter Cc�un3.tg Invol�+eseat Prc�ces,s � �('1 Goat Settiag Process .�C ���:��u 2-il...Q4� �� Goal.fActivity Task Start Individual{s} Complstion Date Resgonsible Date L Fozmation of Cormnunitv �irection and Development Advisarv �ommittAe A. Solicit prospective members from council, special Aug 2 Mapor�Council Aug. 16 • interest groups, and evidence af past interest and Staff involve�ent. B. Det�rmine Scope and chazge of Advisorg �o�. Aug. 2 Mayor �ug. 16 C. Present Iist of �rosgective cammitt�p canidate5 Ma��r Aug. 16 D. Meet with Advisorp Committee - pick cha3.r, MaporJGouncil Sept. 5-9 co--chair, and recorder. Itev3.ew the charge, scope of committse and the gaals of the com�nun3.ty involve- ment process. Plan for town meetings. IT. Conduct Town Meetin� CMCIP Leadership) Cauncil, Staff, Sept. 26-3Q Place: Rosemount High School Student Center MCIP, Community Ed., Advisory Com�v. Tentative Schedule: � A. Film to introduce cancept of vision setti.ng. B, Dream session; What would Rosemount Iook like? Facilitator What do you env-ision this cammunity becaming? Sma11 aroups ot 5-$. Each group will come up with 5-8 verp general, non-specific, future oriented statement� that answer the questions "what?" or "wh3ch?" C. Lar�e Group Reportin� and Prioritizin� Facilitator Each recorder wfll report 2 of their groups dreams. Reporti.ng will conti.nue until all dreams have been exhausted. The facilitator wi,ll lead a priori.tizing session. A11 reported dreams will be nwnbered. Each part3.cipant wi11 be asked to pick the S mast important dreams. T:ie data w:i.11 be tallied and the 5-8 most identified dreams will be determined. � � �♦ . . . . � . . . .. . . . � . .. . � . . . .� . � FalljWiater Ccrm�uaitp Iavolvement Process � , Goal Setti:ng Process (Amended 2-21-89) Goa�/Activ3tr Task St�rt Zndividual(s) Campletion Date Responsihle Date (II. con"t) I}. SmaZl Graut� Brainstormin� Session: Each small group F'aci.litator will hegin identifping goals/objectives an how to b�st fulfill the top 5-8 dreams identified in t�� Iarge group prioritizing session. � E. ' Each recorder wi.7.1 document the results of their Advisorp �amm. respecLive group's deeisions. Representatives � III. Conduct Citizen Attitude Survev Qct 24 htov 11 A. Staff, Gouncil, Co�.i.ssions, and Advisorp Comm. 4ct 3 Oct 14 meet with Decision Resources Survep orientation B. Adw.i.sory C�uncil uses information gleaned from Oct 10 Advisory �omm, Oct 21 the town meeting to help determ3.ne survey focus areas. C. Input frcxn Staff, Cc�uncil, Advisorp Committee is Oct l7 Sta£f, Cauncil, Oct 23 given to decisf.on resources. Advisorp Cornm. � D. Survey ec3nducted. Dec. 1� Jan 1S IV. Advisor9 Committee Goal and Action Plan Recommdation A. Advisory Committee, staff, and council commissions Feb 7 Decisioa Resaurces Feb 28 meet with Deciszon Resourees to debrief survey Feb 23 Advisarp Committee trends and patterns. (2 - 3 meetings) Mar 2 B. Drawi.ng assumptions and conclusions the Advisory *iar 2 Advisorp Co�ittee Mar 3i Comm. spnthesiizes data from Tawn Meeting, Survey, Urban Design Team in order to devel.op preliminary direction oriented goals and a mare specific list of reeomtnended strategies to fullfil2 those goals. C. Advisorp �ommittee presents Preliminary Gaal/Strategies Mar. 28 Advisorp Committee Mar. 28 Flan reca�mendations to cauneil, staff and commiss3ons. Staff - Council Goal Settiag Proce�s (Amended 2--27-39) Goal/Activit� Task Start Indivi.dual(s) Completion Date Responsible Uat� �IV. GOA t� D. Advisorp �ommittee meets with staff to review April Advisorp Camrnittee Aaril preZi.minarp Goa1s/Strategies and TJrban Design Staff Council Team. V. Second Town Meetint� May Council, Staff August � Advisorv CoFmnittee Preliminarp Communitp Goals/Strategies presented to citizens in arder to receive feed back. VI. Str3te�ic P2anni.nQJGanstruct a Visi.an of Citv's �'utu-e Ma� Staff, Couneil, August Cor�issions A. Staf f, Council and Camm3.ssions criti.quel�end Advisorp Committee recommendations. B. Council, �taff, 'com�nissions strategize one and two year action plan to c�rrp out communi.tq goals and reco�neaded actians. C. Planniag Commission uses Advisory Committee's recozffinendations and ane and two p�ar actiou plan to rev3.se comprehensive guide plan. � VII. 4ven House Sept/Oct Staff, Council, Advi�ory GQ�►3.ttee Final Cammunity Goa1s/Strategies and one and two pear actiari plan presented �s part of "State of Citpir address. VIII. Imnlement — *�onitor — Ewaluate Goals — Obiectives . Ongoing One and Two Year Action Plans. Anplg organizatio�al strategies -- convert vision into reality. 1� _ � . SUMMARY• .OF GOALS - SCOFE - CHARGE OF CITI2EN ADVISaRY COMMI'TTEE (Amended 2-17-89) _ Na. of ;�eetin�;s Char�e When �tentative) 1 1. Review entire scope, charge and mission Sept. 5-9 of the committee' s role in the communitp goal-seLting. Reriew plan af action for the town meeting and in garticular the role of cammittee members. l 2. Committee members act as small groug �3ct. 11 � recorders and hosts at town meeting 1 3. Committpe meets with survey vendor, Oct. 19 �ecision �esources, for orientation of citizen attitude survep 2-2 4. Committee develops survey focua areas Nov. 7 based on information gleaned from town meetittg 2 5. Committee meets with �ecision Resource, Feb. 16 debrief the trends and results of the survey. 2-3 6. Cammittee develops a preliminarp Goals/ Mar. Strategies Action glan recommendatian to present to council, cammissions, and staff. � 1 ?. Committee presents Preliminarp Community �aals/ Mar. 28 Strategies recommenda�Cions to council, staff, - commissions. 1 8. Committee meets with staff to review preliminarp April Community Goals/Strategies, 1 9. Committ�e hosts second town e�eetzng to May present �reliminarp Co�nmunity Goals/Strategie and rece�.ve citizen input. 13 Total Meeti�gs, September to "•iap lj � � ...��.�..�.��.,. MISSION To provide the sociai, economie educational arici recreation�i environment conducive to citlzen fuifiilment Understand/Assess Und�rstand/Assess Internat Environment Guiding Beltefs vs. Daily Behavior Extemal Ernr�onment What we want "What We Are" "Forces af Change" to be—what we vaive � Y . .. . � .. � .. . . . .. .... . . � � ,.� .. . . . . ..f � . . � . . . . � � . .. � . . � � . � f . � . � . . � . .. . . � . . � . � � . . . . . . . . � � . � . � .. . . .. . . . . � . � � . � . � . . .. . . . � � . . . . . . . � . � � � � � � � . . , � . . � � . . � . . . . . . Wo�king with people Communicatian Involvement Assumptions o Citizens � o Press Release o Citizen Attitude o Business Conclusions o Newsietter Surv�eys o Chamber o Gabie T.t�. o Tovm A�eetings o Organizations o Public Notices o Cammissions o Scfioof District o Publie Hearings o Citizen Advisory o Gauniy Councifs a Strategic Planning Process Construct A Vsion o Hind Sight of Cii�r's Fu#ure o Foresight "Se# Goals° o Depth Perception o Peripherai vsion , ApPly Organizationaf o Stratagic �anning ' Strategies o Empower Corwert Vsien o Implement into Realiiy o Monitor o Evaluate �� ��� ���� � ��� �� �� � Rc��emount �ommc�nit Surv� , Y Y ! • ��E�ERVIf�G �MALL TC�VIlt� ANiBIE�CE * DC)INNT��lVVN AREA • E�{�NCJMI� DEVEL(�PMENT • RELATft)N� WITH EXTERNAL A�Tt�R� � • RECREAT�C}NAL C�PPCJRTUNITIE� • CCJMMUNI�ATf�N� Dec�sion Resources, Ltd. i ,, � EV����` �E� T r I��IJ �� Roser�nount �om�unit �u�rv� Y Y E�onamic Residential Re�reational � * Industrial * Single Farnil * Trails Y * F�etail * Mufti�le Un�ts * Preserve dawntown * Parks Eisewhere * Arrnor Y * Gommercial * Airport � UM Lands Decision Resources, Ltd. �� � ALL T+C� ��lN A�� � �E��E Ros�m�unt �ammu i n ty Stuc�y * Pc�pulation aen�it �r y * �ommunity �eogra h p Y * Institutions * �rganizatior�s * Economy * L�c�.tion � aecision Resources, Ltd. . D����N T�V�C� AREA ��s�r�oant C�mmun�t �urve Y Y l�efinition Aesthetics � ortur�ities • * Where? * �uides`� * �ioals� * Future� * Constr-aints� � �riorities� M Decision Resources, Ltd � � , I ' ' W � � - ::s� 25 , ....... ,•, , :::.::� � __ __ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 �.�;. �24 U per 15 th `r��e 0 C K 2 . ; � �e :�::::.: . � � -�--, ::�:: ..� :;�;;�;�:�:��;�;;:;�;;;�:�;:�;;���:�:�;;� 11 23 •:��"�,`.".`.":'"r".".". •::•:•�'.'""�:;�::;�:�`:�:��:•::�.;:.. `::�:�:����':�:��`::��:�::::.�:::.�:::�:�:;:`::::�: .�j, 3 v N . :::,�;.:�: . •.y'.•�1' •.J"'. . . O . �'^� . � t .. . . . . :fY . . � . .. .�� . . , . . . . .7.. . . � ,. . . . . . . . . . ,..�5..::..:.... � .. . .. r� . .�{...,. 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BY DA'IE REMSIONS I'IEy DE91pM q1ECKED , t � ' ^ /�� i� \ / ��� i� \ � y/ i \\r �'���� \� � /� � � ���' � j , ,. 2�v / � � � ��\ \� �/ J � � I � � y � / � i I ���� ���� N � 3 � � � � ' � i / � � Rc,o� -L- - - - --L- - - -� �� \ � 1 � � ' � � �� 36" RCP `\V / \\� � �� � T`- - �- — �� P`-A� `� ��\�, � �,�. / / � I ��\ � / / / TURE � � i� / �� / / I FU � r� � � ' \( / I I /� / \\` � I / 36a � / I I / / R�p � ppN � _ r � -- --1- - -- - J- - - -�- - - -� � � � / p 1pp 200 � � \\ � ' t ' _� �\\ � �� � ��� � ' ' , LEGEND � PROPOSED STORM SEWER , ' ' ' i n..sr e.ar xw�w.,r,...�a..br.,.� FlLE Ho, �.'°."�°"°`."°.""°""""°,�'"'•�' � WEST RlDGE 3RD ADDITION e�s� 5 ■ ""`°"'"'°""'°"°'�'°"""~"""�'""" ROSEMOUNT� MINNESOTA o� .�.�,,�..�. � ►w. er o�� r�n�ar�s � o�, a+Eoc�n ,,, er+ar�m�s.,Na,�s.rr�s STORM SEVVER 2-21-89 6 . , p. . � .,. . � . . ..� . . ,..., .. , . . _ .. ... , ' e . � . . . , s.-. ., � � � � � � .. �� � . � . . . . � _. . . � . . . . . . . � r � . 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APPROXIMATE MATERiAL FLOW P€R PHASE-280,000 TQNS ROSEMFOUNT, MINNESOTA • � . . . . � . . . .� . . � � . �. � . , . : � �. .. . . . . � � . � � � � �. . . . � o �`��� ar+::�� . . . . . � � � � . .� �. .� � . � . . . . . �. . . - . . . � . . . . � . . � . . � �. . . �=- � . . . . . 919A/68 ......».�..4..`....e m..w.,. .� . . � � � � � . . � � . � . � . � . . � � � . . . . . � � ... � � . � .� � . �. . . � � . � .. � � . .� � . � . . � . .. . . . we..m... � � .. � � � . �. 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