HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Jayce Park Development / Grant Application Approval ITF.M S - B T0; Mayor f C�ty Council X Stephen Jilk - City Administrator FROMt David J. 23echtold - Director of Parks & Recreatian DAT�: -January 12, 1989 REz Authorization o€ Sfgnatures for "Jaycee Park Grant Ap�licz�tion" This past June lOth a preliminary application was �subm#tt�cl to th� Ue�artment of Econamic Trade and Devel.opment for fin�ncial assi�atance for ' the development of Jaycee Park. Over one hundred fifty applicatians were filed and processed with Rosea�unt being one of the final twenty one to be awarded "final ��plication stat�a�". Attached ia a copy of the final application that the Parks & Reereation Department has pregared. The amount of assistance applied for in the prelin�inary �+pplic�tion w�s $100,0U0.Ot1. Fresently �ae are under consfderatton for $70,fl40.UQ. Sir�ce tltis grant is based upon 5(3X matching the amount that we �rould receive vrvu�.d be $3S,UOO.OQ. $2$,000.00 wfll come from the donation of the Rose�ount Ja�eees with the rema�ning balance tQ come from other donations �nd the park dedication funds. Your support of this final appli.cation is a necessarq part of this appiieation gracess. I am rec�uestiag the Co�uncil to aove to "authorize the neces�ary signatures of the Mayor and Citq Adr�iaistrator to ec�plete the applicacion fox f�n,sl approval by the Degart�nt af Trade $nd Bca�osi�e l��elop�ent o€ the grsnt request for Jaycee Park". �� �. � ,�'r .5�"' s� T"��_ .� :�.. :` �q.r� .� ,z=,y .� .,�'� ,� �� �� �` Y �*,�?;� �: ,��x �,�-h ts s : ������� . ����� ; �t � i � � � �ga� '�``,.` �� FEASIBILITY STUDY ` � ' - �� �� �� . Fo� �{�q, � r r PARK DEVELOPMENT . � � �r 1�� +�-�1 t� ..� +-.+�� f.'1� .' ; PARKS STAFF . ; � ; David Bechtold Director 1 ,.� � [3oyd 8ai leY Eng. Technictan —•—� .� �ick Caok Park Foreman � �� � ' � p > < ` "e . �- .r �.- � . � . . � . . . .. � .. .. � ... . . � .N � � . ..� . . . . . �Q�th St. � � �--� u � 0���� � t� �oad ,t ; q � �� �" D v CSAII N�12 . . . . . . . � . . . b. . . . . � .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . �� . � . . . � � . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . � f� � . . .. . .. . . � .. � . . � � � . . � . . . . � . .. � . �� t�� � � . . . � . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . w --�- E � 3 s � ' PARK � n v LQGATIQN Z isSrH sT � � � � I�oOTH ST. . . . . . . . . � .� . r--�—"-----•.. . . � � � � � � � . ' ��, � � . . . . . � .. � � .. � � . ... . .. � . .�. . .. . � � .�. . �..�. ���� . .. . . . . . �.. � � .. . . � . .. . . . . . .. . � . . .. .. _—.'----------..�� . . . .. . . � �.. � . . � .� .. � . � m � . � . � � : � . �� . � . �. . . � . � � � .. . ... . . . . . � � . . . . . . . . �. ... . . ��i� . . .. . , . . . . . . . .. . : . . . . I _ �" ROSEMOUNT � Y. ,r. . �`�r � PApKS AND RECREATION :- � , •____,.-,,-- ` �..r __ � =�' -;<..._.� DEPAF�TMENT � � �,,�r�� � i ,��, � t� � jt`�•�..�-, �.E�� , ` � t'.T �. _ :,, � - . Y _ J.�y �:._ _ _ , ___-_ `f��'�- `�� �•-�-----"""" "---.- ; ,,� , , .,. „ ; �, - .4"7"+r�nt p � tv��r� ... �4 . . . . . . st,�te �n i,�� � � � � 19�� GRIINi JiPPtICAiit�! 10 ACqt1IRE ANUjUR L1€1IllUP IAND FON PARK AND OpEN SPAt� USE Nt�t�E TO 5Ut�iIT� Se���J tNu octyinei elyne�! Cap�as «fth PcQject Qncweerttetion toi Outc�oc Racreation Grenta Section, pcperteaent , (rette tli1�) CCUIItMpjC p$yBiop�uesi�t� 9U0 Aaiericen Cdntec 8ulidii�g, 150 Eeet Kelloyg t�ouleverd, St, Paul, Mlrn�eeote Sglill i A. LQGAL UNIT EiF GOVERNIENT AESPONSI�.E FOR PROJECT: C t of Rosemount Rosemaunt MN 550G8 , �. WHlMARY CUkTACi PE'RSUN FtlR TtiE PROJECTt • � i Na�pe �av;� T_ Ar+rh ald iitie�irector of Parks & Recreatfon � AJdreae cou�ityi�akerA em e�n MN tip 55Q68 Phona z Nome ( 6 i 2) 4�1 - 4Z80 IMork � � ) 423 4415 � �. N� � PROJECTe Jaycee Park' ' Focmer Pro ect N�ber (if an,j Nf� � D. TYi'£ f1f' APPLIGATION: � Acqutattian � Develop�ant � Ca�birted AcqulelEton end Qeyalopa�er►t : E. PHUJEI'1 WGtf�NtAT10N - (c�fer to checklist) � ihe ducu�aante •ub�nittod in eupport of this applieation el�all E� conaiciered part of thie epplication. i F. FEt1fRAl ENPLOYER lOENTiFiGitOtd NtHgER: _41 - 6005501 G. EXECU(!tlN� ' . ; !N M1INfSS t1�RE0F tha � eppl.icent hea ceuaed this application to ba executed on � �9 r , , ��e Na��'pP 1 ic�en�"'_-- gY gna urs ; Rollan Hoke j Ma or � - Cit of Rosemount ' s� oYor or a rper�� � � lf. ESitHA1E0 PROJECT COSis F 0 R 0 F F I C E U S E 0 N L Y j Sectlon Ii LAMCON/STATE GRANTS ' .` Acguisitloh I}evai ent Totel Coat Combined Tote! _�__,�._._; ' Fech,ca! 5here _ � f , 5tate 5i►ecn � !ucy! 51��r , f � Ssct lon 1 I s ST_ AtE 6RI1l1Tg AcqulaltJon Daval ent � �utet G�u �uE, � Co�bined totaT ; Slete 5hard � ; , s lucal Shere ' CERtIF1�ATIEiN NY Tf� OEPARTiIENT tl�' TRAI]E ANO ECONQlIC OE1Ffl(�°M�NI, OUTOOQR REGR�A�ION GRAMIS SEGTtQN. the undaral hnreby curtLfisa that ti►18 pro,ject hea a high priocity roting accocding to criterie �,d �rforic�es �atabilshad in U Hia�nnbotd put�ur ftecr�atton Pla� ar othacwieo �waeEe tt►e provleior�e oP Ch. 1139 end Gh. 129� Minn. Lews 196y. 4 Mn tl�arbfurn cuc�anJ a yrent pf � _—Oute pT� u—Fy�`a�`n sa onnr Uixieiwi of Cox�aunity U�velapmant � tA1il'QN Ai'lyt5r-1 8 CoJe' 1 eon� it _ e�sot.u�riax o� Lor.� �P�zcArrr _ REQUIRED FORM OP RESOLUTION UF APPLICAI� AUTiit3RIZING F�LII� �F APPL3CATZON �� �XECUTIpN OF GItA1�(T AGREE!!�lENT TO DEVffi.OF pP�N 5PACE UNDER TftE PttOVISION OF TI�E STATS BbNDED F'lI1+iD. ""T""'� ► �S, the State Bonded l�nd provides for the makin 4f to assist local gov�rnments ia the acquisition and develop�ent of outd�art� � recreation pro3ects; and - �EAS, the C1ty.of Raseaount desires ro devel, op ^ certain land known as � , Javicee Park , which land is held and used for �rmanent oPen space; and �BA3, ft is estimated that the cost of developing said interest(s) sha12 be 70 OOO.OG �; and W��EAS, uP� Pro3ect approval, � the CiCp of RoseNount �ust enter inta � €ormal grant pro�ect agreenents with the State for the epecific purpose uf �_dev+�lo�YJa�cee Paric . NUW, T1iFREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BX TH� CITY GOUNCIL af the Ctt� of xase�oant ; 1• Tliat an appltcation be �ade to the State of Minnesota, Depaxtm�nt af Trade and Economic Develop�nC, putdoor Recreation Grants Section, f or a graqt from the Bondeci Minnesota I,a w s 1 9$7� C hapter 400, Section 8, ' � subdivfsion 2 (a) for .an amount presently estimated at �_ $35 OpO.pp and the applicant will pay the balance of the costs `m.'other fu ds available ta it. �. mhat the !�a or of .the Cit Cauncil and the Cit Adsiniatrator —_ :- are dfrected to execute and fi e: a such applicatlon and the 5 - year action pro�;ra� with the State of Minnesota, Trade and Economic llevelopment, putdoor Recreation Grants Section and to pravide additional information and furnish docu�ents as may be directed by said Department; and b) to act as the authorized corres�ndents of the applicant. i 3. That the progosed develo�at is in accordance wit2t pl�ns for ttie allvcatian of �and'fc�r� o.pe spgce uses and that should said grant be a�acle, the applicant will dere2op and retain said l�nd for �se(s) designated in said applicati d appraved by the -- Derartmeut of Trade and E�onawic Develo�ment . 4• 19iat the United States and the State of Minnesota be and. they hereby are, assured of full compliance hy the applicant with the regulations of the Dep�rtment af Interior, effectuating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Rehabflitatfoc� Act of 1973, Seetion 504; Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Executive Order 112�►6, Equal EmglaymenC � Opportunity. .�• That the Cft�r af Roee�unt enter inCo �n agresment with the 3tate of Minnesota, the Department af Trade and Economic Aevelopm�nt, Outdoo� Recreat3an Grant� Section, ta prt�vide such gr�nte as are specified in x�umbered paragrsphs 2 . above, far the years l'�88 - 199U. b• Th�t the I� or of tLe Cit af Bose�runt and/or the Cit infstratar are aut orize and directed to execute such agreement and any supF emental agreements thereo€. CSRTIFICA'TIaN I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and correct cogy of the resolutian preeented ta snd adopted by the Citp of Rose�ouat at a duly authori�ed a�eeting thereof held an the day of 4. _�,lq , ae shown by the �ainutes of �aid meeting in my possessfon. � Stephan Jilk, City Administrator _.._._____ • - � A� _---- � ��� ! �_..,�.......-�� r !� � � C a ���� U ' tt n n � t`�,i.�/a, _ . . . :._ o. `� . n � �: � � ..w�i�; � i,�`:���� `_I I r.� ar _. _. -� ��' %/ �t (.� t C 1 N w ' 11 :'ft i�l �,�,,, _.. _ �� e� � i)i�r���� Q, �;��` i/" t+t �! t l� �R _ �� tr. ' �a �a .�141 .r� d 1h � � � 1 �1 !t i t� S1 s: - � ? � � c t� o Ii��trf�t ; Q o �•� �_ U _ :_�_: � _ 4 s• � U��N�r,r t�i U il� � 1�11t 11� �,j, � .� '° tn C '° � `:1 E. � ro a � G eo � �� �} ro i ro t j ;,,° � t� U 1�1 J t Ft ',:1 -- -' `-• n iU �► u . .._� ` U. 1 � {!i() 1 t i 1 t '� � �--�. �r�1 t!f �r�!;(1 t :i# _ /�-�``�-,�._ . , 'r . csnii`� n x � a °' —�' > ---�.. ,► a� . � ;= q !!;.Ist. � > a- �._ °' I r ` ro � U � 1!i2 t�Ft � . ro t:t� Gal���c�l�:i�,y " r_ t':�e�� � �� t.'I r�4 � _-- 1 � �--- ~---�..._..' 1 , • n , 1 � �<<r,;, � . - � __ �'•�� ��� s, -� � u � i!i�.tei��L ����^ ! � _.....-- -�--�...� �-----•1!i'i_!!�_`►l____ t PARK . ._._ --�---� ���_.. �- ._��._ _ _. ... ..�..._ _.._ . . ._. � �' AREA Luli,� } c��f����it t, � C� �. `� �(�� � .� �. � �, y •• >> ti 1 11~�'.-.1~ " ' � th f � •. a ,��— � 31 u � I ::: '�� • .. a- � U �� r t����� ( `~��.�'`•......_ ti c�!' ' ta (_ !'t�1l� c ctj � C���''', �(�1'���r � ___ _------J �, o o �. �!i l{!►(:1 �� � � n, U : �.• ��._.... � � �!i����'y...��... � C t►'111�t:���L� ..... i- �.�j� liiti Elt :t ,_.,._ - � ___,.... _..._.._ __. r �. r r�► !r�!'�t� ..�... � . _ �.....�.� �� <.f � ... DAT,E ►�t, ,� � �� r�,ti���r1�►�r� 1 � .JA�YCCE PAR� �ffoiss ' 1 � PARK �OCATtON MAP . . , . . . . . . . . , . . __ � _... _ . . . • � AVENUE / - , l / � i r-.- � : � ' � � ! ( r � ; , � I ; � ; � I ; ; j i I W � wi � i E.., i � � 1 F- ,� � W � � � FvZJte N - es1���`�, ' � ► � �o�s � � � r � I � t� 1 I I '""°' Z W ' I � � F- 1� � ��', I 1 i � . �ARK ` Ry R' � --.__.._.,_,_,_,r,/ / `� l � _..,�-.. ' r --+... -----_�---.-���, �,.,. - -, _.- �.,� ___. ----�''" ''"" ,.�� ,,...�., ,� . . �YO I�aT?'1 tiE��S�:On4 � w�esrW .. . . � -�•'� "" ' °"••'" JAYCF.E PARK � � ^�NTs. bC. I �� . . . . . ��qA'�' . . . �. . . . . . � DON . . . . . . � OODE 14 U.S.I3F.�'ARTMENI' OF I�t1'ERIOR ASSURANCE UF (X?MPLIANCE (Tit1e VI, Civi2 Rights Act of 1964) CITY OF ROSF.MQUNT (herefnafter called "APPlicant - Recipient") IiEREHY AGREES THAT IT will comply with Titl� VI of the Civil Rf�hts Act of 1964 (P.L. 88 - 352) and all requirements imposed hy or pursuant ta the Department of ttie Interior �tegulation (43 CFR 17) issued pursua�t to Chat title, ta the end that in accordance w3th Title YI of that Act and the regulatinn, no �rson in the United States shall, an the grounds o€ race, color, natian$1 orfgin, age� or disability, be excluded frc��i par�ieipation fn, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise sab�ected to discriatination under any program or aetivity for which the Applicant-Recipient receives financial essiatance from the NATIONAL PA1tR SERVICS OR STATE OF MINNFSUTA (Bureau or Office) � and hereby gives assurance that it will immediatelp take any measures to effectuate this agreement. If gny real property or structure thereon is provided or impraved with the afd o€ federaljstate financial aesistance extended to the Applicant- Itecipient by the Natioaal Perk Service or SCate of Minnesota , this assurance (Bureau ar Office) obligstee the Applicant-Itecipient or irt the case of anp transfer of such property� any transferee €or the period during which the real propesty or structure is used for e purpose involving the praviaion of similar servfces or bsnefits. If any pereansl �roperty is so provided, this as$urance obligates the Applicant-R+e�ipient for the period during which ft retains ownership or po�session of the property. In all other cases, this assurance obligates the Applicant-Recipient for the period durin� which the federal�state financial assistanee is extended to by the National Ferk Service or State af Minneeota , (Buresu or Office) THIS ASSURANCE is giyen in consideration of and for the purpose ot any and ali federalfstate grants, loans, contracts federaljstate financial assistance extended afterrtheddateuhereof�totthe Applicant-Recip�.ent by the bureau or office, including inetallment payments after such date on accounC or arrang�ertta for federal/state financial assistance which were approved be�Eore such date. recognizes and agrees tihat such federaljstate financislpa8sistanceiwilltbe � extended in relianee on the representations and egreements made in this assurance, sad tt�at the United States/State o� Minnesota shall reserve the right to aeek �udicial enforcement qf this assurance. Thfs assurance is binding on the Applicant-Recipient� its successora, transferees, and assignees, and the person or persons whose signature appears below are authorized to sign this assurance on behal.f of the Applicant-Rectpien�. D�te Authorized Signature CITY 0�' RUSE�UNT I.ocal Governraent Applf.cent Tit1e CADE 25 - HAI�tDICAPPLD t�OMPLIANCE STR'i'L�I�EMI" The CTTY OF' ROSEMOUMI' agrees to camflly with Section 5Q4 of C�� �eder$I RehabiliCation Act of 1973 and rhe Public Services Pr�vision of the 1983 Disab3,21ty A�ndments to the MinnesoCe liuman Righta Ac�, . � Date Autharized Signature CITY OF ROSE{�OUNT Local Gavernm�nt Apgli�ar�t Title � (�ODE 16 MII�RITY BUSINESS EN1ZItPRISB DEVELAP'MEPPT STATEMLNT The City of Roae�unt agrees to abide hy Executive Order 12432, Minority Business Enterprises Development, as detailed bp DTED Outdoor Recreation Grante �taff. � Date Authorized Signature CITY OF ROS�IOUNT Local Gnvernment APglicant Title � , C,,t�A � - �� � � , MINI�ES�}TA HISTC�RICAL S��IC i i-c�ur�u�u tnt �ttay �� Furt SneHinh 1 fi�lc�ry Cei►ter,St.t'aut,MN 55!1 t • {f�t2)71l►-})71 � , � �une 22, 1987 ! � � � � i Mr. Dean R. Johnson Gity aE Rc�semount � 2875 145th Street West , � Rosemount, Minnesota 550b8 . � ( Dear �Mr. Johnson: � i E � Re: Wensma�nn Addition, Rosemount, Dakata Cty. �� MIIS Refercal File Numbers EE-925 �' Thank you for the oppor�unity to review and comment on the above � project. I� has been reviewed pursuant to responsibilities given � the State Hiskoric PreservatiQn Offiaer by the N�tianal His�oric Preservation Act of 1966 and the Procedures of the National � Advisory Cquncil of Flistoric Prea�ervation (36C�R8�0j . ` . � This review rev�als the location of no known sites a� historie, ' architeetural, cultural, arehaeological, or engineering � siyni€ica�ice within the area of the proposed projec�. There are � na sites in the project area which are an the National Register or eligibl.e for inclusian on the National Register, and � therefore, none which may be affected by your proposal. 1lgain, thank you for your partieipation in this important effort to �reserve Minnesota's heritage. Sincerely, ��.� � ..,���.-�-� � � �ennis A. Gimmestad i Ueputy �tate flistoric Preserva�ion Oftieer � � � � nnc:a�b � , . , i ; _ � � , ; , CUDB 18 BNVIBQN11�ft8NThL INTRUSIONS STAT'�' An existing environmental fn:trusion is shawn on the a►ap under Code l�. Ttiat intrusion fs an unde�ground gas line. Mitigatian of that intrusion wfll be to have sod from gide� of pl�ying areas over the line area, � � `�.. . , �^ CADE 19 ENVIRQAANENTAL ASSESSME[V'I` STATF:NIF,N'T 1. DESCRIPTION OF �ROI'OSEU ACTiON: The City of Rosemaunt has acquired six and three one hundredths (6.03} acres of land through the deveZopment agreement arith Wenssiarrn IIomes. An additional eight and three tenthe ($.3) acres wi11 be acquired through a development agreement in the Westridge Development area. (document relating to this iasue is attached and m�arked} � Theee two parcels of land are adjoining and do compri�e the proposed park area related ta in Lhia grant application. The park area is designed for multiple purpoae use. Included wfll be both passive and active recreational areas. Items �o be included are: two football/soccer fields� one little league field included in the proposed area of the football/soceer area, one large littie league baseball field t�►at will also be used far fast pitch �o€tba11 as well as organixea slaw pitch gau�s, one hockey rink, one lerge sheiter, one iarge area of play equipinent, walkingjbiking trai2s, and picnic sites. 2. DFSCRIPTION OF THE F�PiYIRONM�NT: a) Present Land Use: The parcel is located in the corporate lim3ts t�f the City of Ra�emount. Untii this past year it was used for agricultural purgosee. Corr� and soy beans were to fearly crops. � This gro�ring seasan the land was not seeded due to the faet that it had been sold to the Wensmann Hanes Corparation. b} FISH AND WILDI,,IgE: The sit+� is neither on nor ad3acent ta a national, state, or lacal wildlife area. There are na known endangered speciea on the �ite. �} YEGETATIOAtz The vegetation on the site consists of e vartetp of � native weeds and grasaes. These plenta replaced the field crops thaC were planted there it� �reviou�s pears. There are no quality trees ar plant life thaC couldn t be removed. d� G�II�OGY MJD SOxLS: The m��ority of the sotl typea found �n the site are chara�teri�ed by t�+e3ve to fourteen inches (I2" - 14") of black dirt covering several feet of gravel. The contour i� g�nera2lp level. e) MIHERAI, RESOURCFS: There are na known miaerel or peat deposits on the site. f) AIR AND WATER QUAI.ITY: Air quality is excel].�nt an the site. There r�re no water quality prab3ems. There is a temporary holding pond area next to a storm water drain in the north easterly corner of the parlc. g} HTSTCiRIC�L SIGNI�`ICANCE: The Minnesota Historical Society has inciicated that there �re no historical or archaealogical sites on the park site. h) �YtANSPURTATION: Ac�cess is from Caunty Raad # 42, 3I8 mile south an Shannon Pdrkwap or 260th Street, 5/$ mile north on Shannon Parkwaq. � i) EHERGY AND TAXES: Some energy wiil be expended during the construction phase. Energy will also he required to irrigate and Zight the facility following constructian. There will be a minimal loss to taxes due to the fact that this area was zoned agricultural prior Co thi� pl.anned construction phase. 3. 71�PACT OF Tf�E PROPOSEU ACTIOAt; Short-tierm, unavoidable conditions will exist during the construction phase af this development due to equipment being used in the area. In the long-term the facility w:ill pravide a multiple use facility far the entire communi.ty to use helping to increase the quality of li€e for the citizens c�f Rosemount. � ��:.it.•���t�.�,i���a„t�1�ti------_ � t�l i/�311 C�ivir<»i,=z,���,t.�l �lssessmet�# t14Jc�r�csl�eet - (CAW} t�tAlttC 11Ni'ttt)t'1tIt1�'L t3i)x: Ll rcc�u���i c�w CI seor� N� e�tw Nt)TC 1�fiGV11:Wi:iiS,i�ur r����utar!:/lWs,w�Uirn c��n►iF�e��ls sl�o��li)nddre�x tl�e�1t•�•ura�•y uirif�•E�m�►Iriruess al tl�e i:11W iufuirn.�N�a�,f��►1�vNL�t ix��pacts tht�l r�t�►y wnu:ml investfynllua�wui/ur 41te needitrr Ht�t;t�.I�trr xca�rir��iihWs.wr111en c�,ii�. . IIII'Ii1&SIIUUI�I dtl/I(@SS(Ii�'ACt;lifi/4'�RIHI�C011t�)ICip{{@$g p(��Ig i1/fUTtHAII/ip��11tI 611��jje81 I&SfIPS IYIt JtiV@SII(�AltUti IN(I!@�:IS.Sc�t•1� �.. � � � . . c��wni��►ls i�►t�s1 l>e sub�ulitr�l lu N��ttes���n►si1►fe G�►vernn�eni i)nit{!{Cill)tb�H��,y llre 311-t1:�y prtMni'ti►tk�winl��udi�•e crl ihe 1:�1W's iwaHa1►1111y I��It�e l:E,�tf 1►1enN�t;Cani»ct Ihe l:t,21i(�r�e4ue:b12/2�)6•825:3;tru�►-toetr�►: !•�tfU•b52•�1�47��sk lur envi• ru����►enlat review p�u�r����y,�r Ure ItGU 1+�fhi+l r,irr wlren il�e 3U•tldy GOIIlIH@III�NFItt4I @Iit�S. � �• Picijecl N��n►c We11SI1idCFfi1 nt�(��tiUll �+. 1'�u�rusrr W�i)SHldtill I{OIII�S YfitC� �. ttc;u_..—Ci ty oF ttc�seniount G�uf.tt�ll'e►sut► �3�i"E) �ti1Sll1cl11R c:�►�,�����iy��s���► Qean Jot�r�son n�►,i��y, 1Q3q0 t'il��t K��ot� Road a,►��•���eDirec�or af Cannnunitv Uev t�n l�t���le Valle�r, ment MN 55I2�1 n�tttr�ss 2875 145th Street West t��►���« fi12� �23-1179 Rosenu�unt, MN 5506II --__—__. n 1�I�or�e �612) n23-Q411 'j. 1'rujecl i.uca�icrn: �j� �W ---._...._�/a!iec4iutl �_l_,y'1'uwnslnp 115 Itait�jc i 9 n. t:�►tuttyNan�e �dkt��;d CU ROS�fllOUflt Y/�li►wt�ship Na�ue 1�. Atiach ce�r}itrs uI c.►cf►t►I llrt iuli��wii���lo il�e I:AWt (. a c+��a�ly���a��sh�►wiu��tl►a�eneral arrH ot tl�e��rojecf. \F 1�U 1"@ 1� 2. :t c���ry(1rs)irt ttSt;S 7�J�t��it►��le, 1:24,4N)U scale t»N�.l Y J. :r siic�,t��r�sl�owlur�the leii,ntiun u(signE(Icant#ealures so l�.�§u►r�i sed struciures,ruaeis,exle�U�►(fl��uil �i.�tn ��•�i,���a,.WNt►�.��i�-. (��c�ure 3) � . A. a+►existiu��laaiit use in.ryj a�� e t��uh�g nwa�i uf tlte tnt��►ciEiai�e�rea,i(.►vi►N.�bta. ��i t�Ut"E 5 �-$j �• l7rscril�a Ihe�►�nposed�i�uji•ct co�»µteicly(aN:�cl��ikUllun:d s1►e�.�15»s�rect:ss.�rv). The project consists of a 209 unit single family detaehed h�using dewelap�nent. Ut�iity servic� ta tliis are� was idenLified jn an ear)ier E1�W � 5/19/f3fi}, prepared t�y the MnPCA on the trunk sewer system in Sectionished Townstiip 1i5, Ran�e 19, Uakota CouptY, Minnesota. That EAW described3the pi�ases of trun& sewer construction and the ultimate d�velopn�ent of (2,920 f1UUS111� UtlitS� S@Ctj0i1 31. Wensmann �ldditians wili b� served u]tinaately hy the trunk sewer system identified. The 209 unit Wensmann Rdditians has been desic�ned to be canstructed in twa �has�s with phase l to be ser�red t�y the Ruse�nc�u►tt W►JT(' ar�d ��t#ase 2 to be served t�y ttre Em�ir�e WWTI'. 9Q iots wi}1 t�e servect to tiie east throu y l t t t►e 0'L e a r y's t l i l�s an d W ind's Crossing deve�op- n�ents to the itosei�iour�t W�ITP. The remaining 126 units wQuid �e served ti�rouc�h West itidge Additions to tbe sauth in 1989 or when the En�pire WWTP lias beert exE�ancted. . . 1 � �s It4'�RJUil�ill1.11tVp�t•��,��,Niuu;`.__ �1lil�l' �'iltll��}f [)l'�.dl�iE.'t� �{i}1�SII►f � - -.�.-�.._._ l isl aii u�and.�tu�y cat�•.�u�y►��1i"'s w1�ii It ap��ly:�� �Cn� � 3.�3� {{ 1 �) y �-�r �1�t� s -----�-------+._— 1 . t:aiiuk.►1�dc�ius���uaiu���•ua1 .1)l)�). t)�)l� j)U�)� 1C iifi{)1"nV�'qit'11tS dilti Stl't1C�t!!(?S l7• �fui.�lp�uj��ila-�i���(.�rEra)�___-_�l) c�t;t't�$ � �►r Ir�►y!!�(���Iles� �. Nut►�lr�r iif teal�lkuli.�l uuils 2«�_ur c��n�nierclal,I�rdttsl�litl,ar iuslUutiuu:►i srp�are(uufa�e , (� a �/� Niuul�cr u(��ri�pused}ia�{.ii►y s�►ac�s a�� � �. 1 t�t.iU Nnuw��luc.�l,slaiE•.u�d I���Icr.tl p�+�u►ItaJ,►Jryuiwals/1uniUn�i re�µ�iri•d: {��wd ul t i��ve�war�N .I YI�+'u�11�y�llri�ti�ti� - - _____ Sl��ius �'��1��,��: litlll Mc�rt�ac�es Pencfing s�.���. h1Dii Water Extension Per���i t Not a�pl ied f�r M�'�A Sewer Exterision Pern�it Not app]ied €or � MWCC Sewer Extension Permit Not ap�lied far t�,�•,►�: ��tY Sut�division/Rezonin9 fendin � � ��• IS II►e �1�u��i►sc�I�►rujecl i�u•�»�siste�U with Ilre I�►ctd atla►plei!cutu�ir�lre��sive lai�i! use plan or.uty uUter.trlup[cd��I.�us? r I(ycs,explal�r, I�.I Na �� Y�s ��. 1)escNl+e cu�ret�!t�nii rec¢ul{�.�al i.�nd use andtl�vetu�►�ue�►i��n an�!nN.rr fl�e slte. Sectio�� 31 is jn tra�isitic�n frour ac�ricultural uses to planned urbanizatinn, prin�rily resicfential. Tt�ere are approxii�iately 1A5 acres of piatted resicientia] , acreage, cc���tainii�� 23fl exist���g housing units. This prc��erty has �revicrusly been u��der• �:i�]tivat9�n. ��. A{;�►ruxf�r�aluly Ii�rw mauy ucr�•�uf Il�e r•fte ure fu eacH a(il� (sat{F�win�r t•nlea�►rfes? (Ac�c��ye�shutd�l.�dd�i��1u Iui�xtµtoject f�rea 1►etu�e n�rd nllrr e�ti��sirucii<j��.y Ik�to�� Af1er lie��+re After �.� � I�aresl/Wuu�trd ���� ._._._Q�, ' Weli.��i�l(iy��es 1•$) � � ('��►+�t�wu1 �_ I��uah — i�" -~---�-- Im�►etvi�n�s S►irl:�re n /!lrassla���t .____..� _ �) „ !)ilier(spec!(y) � �:)• t)esc�il�e 11�c suiis ui►tl►��si1c,,�,ivin��16r SCS s�rit cl�ssi(icatt��o fy�►�:s,if kn�►wn. S�E F1�U1'eS 9-11 Tt�e ��r�clarait�ar�t soi ls are W��ike�an and Wadetta, w!►icli are wel} suii ted for �ieve 1�}»r�en t. �t�• O�r�5 11��ailie x�k�triai�►�►�.�1 aaNs,ld��hly s+�u�INrle suils,strrr►sl+q►ea,sitiltl�ul��s,bltidluw lin�eslun�(ucu�:�liuus,:�#�.�ndu�red w�ils,t�r u�►y��ealu�ic!�.►z,uds?M yes,stu,w�su site w.qr.tnd ex�rlai�r. ❑ N�, I�_� Y�s See AtLachn�ent A � I + Wi�.�l is ilia ap�rruxin�atc ite�Nh{ie�frei)lu: :+• ;I�u�u��Iw.Hrt__;Lu�iit._1�_uv��. b. bud�ut'k 1,�,5 rnli►. I�Q :tw�. � � FUTURE STREET DANBURY AVENUE / — — — — — — — — — — — — F�turo �95,aen��s� i � � L i i � ( � � �°ts ' ( � I , � - .___ .___�_.__ __ � ( I ( �h � � � ' � I � -+�--T i ! � � ��e�` I � I • ^ I I (I I i � � ( I ; � � ( i : -------------� r-----=----- � ' � � � I � SOCCER/FOOTBALL f— i i ; F/EL D 2 W � � , � � ; � � I[£s'££ S+OCC£R if£LD � � � I (AMN/NNMI f � � � � . ' ` I � ' � ' � � � W •``� i ' �_______��` � I � E,�,., I Fviv�s �-----------------------� \�� (n BASEBAGL/SOFTBALL � � �� � �t��\ F/ELD 7 �\ 0 ` �Bg,� $ � � SOCFERD !0 7`8\LL = I a � ��t j � ! � � � . I \�� i � ( � E � i � l , �/'� 'ti ; � � �-t LTTLf C£AQ/E ' � I ( I � \ iIECD / i � ( frr OsnM�ir.�ol i ` ' Z u1 � sccrcw � -�SC � � } � � i � � �� I F- � � � �u r � I CRL�NT IYEM. (N yE�.(�DW lCE �v �yE�T 1 /CE HOCKEY R/NK I 1 " SKAT/NG r i } `�� �.1C�N'f5 AfiEA � \\ �R[� � � I I FE�`JLE, /�• c�5 �Nc�cATcv i � (�wsen�sirwor�s � �\ � � � �" }-10CKE`/ R IN'� SrJA2DS� � I �� � . I wr1Lc � �� ; i � i � � ! PARK/NG \ �� i RoE�; �Nc�cA.�rED � _ -__ � � � � gy R�� d��.N� . ---�r► i i � I I � � .___.J � � � �� �_ I �� L 0 T /�� i I �---�-� I ,i j / --�� � � � i ��` ' ` � � / � � i �� _ SHANNON _ _ _ _ PARKWAY _ __--� + �a'� �_ � +«.a.:..��.Tm..�...vos.eo. ''.lT7 �F ROSEMOUN'I �•s�a"a� DAY108. ��•'•" 5i eCg vC ..a'_) �E�'S�CNS � +t a�e�++w aw�c��+ow.�s Ts'�e� � , ~OJ "` ' °"'e0"'' `�O"""°"°"""' ENGINE�RING DEPARTMENT . I JAYCEE PARK j ��eo'w�w.s a1 n��ew a ww+ow � cn«we 9. s......e a. =9NT4 +t � � ��� -�� — 2877 �a9rn St �r •ROSEMOUN' MN SSC68 � !6;27 423-a6�i �.e�nn9r Dar�� t��p/p 1 (�• I)uc���ny�i.ul ul tlu•��i��J�•i 1�ui�a luv��ivc: ��. ��iui�•I.�i��l i��nlny�I1�1�1��'i (�. �I�I�u�.�IrJ I1111 S�i•.n Uu�rJ��I��lu� X Nu c. a1��1�u� (o�ir�,�lly�Irai,yu��lc�l�Ivei I.in�)usu�lisl�ii'17 }'1 Nu ���,� I(yrs,i�lcutily a�nl��� Lu�ly�iu�l ap�,li�ablc sl�uc cl�iasilic��Uun(s),an�l d��scribe n�casures -x Nu 1',•s lu��iul��1 w��lc� ��u�l icl��li�il lau�i resuuii'es: - 1 -�. Urscrlbe uny�,I�ysl�:�l:�Ii��rallun(e.��.,ililics,exc;�w�Uun,(ill,sirea�ii dlverslun)u(;�iiy di��lnn;�� sy�loin, I��I�r� sli����ni, ��n�l/i�r wi.U�in�l. Ucscrlbc u�c��swcs lu �nininilce im- �iabu�enl ul Ilur w,�l��r�ielale�l resuiuc��s. I•:alin►ale yu�u�Uly ul ro:ilerlal lu (�e �liail��rd .�n�l In�lic.�lc wlic����u�ila wil)bc ilc��usllctl. TI►E� project inclu�les ?.3.2 acrE� feet of permanent ponding within the site, i't���uiriny no �Irc�l��iiiy ancl little site alteration. � �". a.lUill Ihe�iru)e�l rcyuire;�n a��pru�iri.Uiuu u(��round ur su�face w��lcr?1(ycs, cx��laln _ (Uulli alc yu�u�llly.�uil suuicc): Ser�vecl t,y extensions of nuinicipal services �� N�� � � v��s b.lUill 11►c��rujc�1 .�Urcl ��ruwulw.�ler Icvcis In any wcils(un or u((Ihe sile)1 If yes, ex- ��I.uu: �� Nu �—� 1'es 2 �• Oescrlbe Ihe erusi��n anil se�limenlnlfun cunUu)measures to be used during and a0er cunel�ucUun uf 11�����ujecl. EroSlun an�i s�diuientation potential does exist due to the nature of the construction. The necessity for teinporary silt fence or straw bale traps and diversior►s or netting a��� i��u1���ii�9 during reseediny will be deterniined by the City Engineer, as each phase of the ��r��j�ct pruyresses. 2�+• a. lVill 16e pruJerl,y��ner�Ne: 1. awf.�rc�uul slu�iuw�ilcr iunull? — 'l. a��nll���y w.�alcw�ilc�? No X Y��s :i. iuilu�l�l��i u�,�ylcw,�l��t'I N�� Ycs 4. cuuhny waler(cu�u.�cl a��d nuncunl��c.l)? Nu Yes I(yea, idenlily su�uces, vulu�nrs, yuality (i(ullier Ihan norn�al d�iinesllc sewa��e), � Nu — �'�rs i�ni)Ue.uwcul iuclhuila. (iivc Ihc b,ufs u� u�clhuilulu��y u(cslin�alcs. � b. I�I�nU(y rc����iving wal�vs, In�luJln�� ��iuu�idwalr�, :�nd evalu:�le Ihe I�upacls uf Ihe �liarl��uyca Nslc�l��I�u�e. U�lix I�a���es lu��rouudwnle�:t�e anUclpaled,pruvide��e�- cuL�llui�/��ci�iii�,�l�ilily;u��l ulhi�� hydruy�ului�k:�l lesl dala,il avall.�l�le. Dischai�ye is limitecl to domestic sanitary wastewater. Wastewater from 94 lots will be tre��teci at the Roseinount WWTP with the remaining 126 lots being served 2� hy the Fiu��i rE Ww�(� W��en i ts capaci ty has been expanded. ,1. lVill Ilie pruJr�l��euc����c(cl�hcr dwb���or nAct cuuslrucUun): u. al� ��ull��liuu'� I�. �lu�l� X No yrs c. uul��•? Nu ��,.y �L uJui s7 Nu ���.y � 11 ye�,expl�Jn,Inrluiliny as;��,��ru���I�Ne:dislancea lu srnslllve land uses;expecled lev. � N�� � �'�.y ela an�) ilu�ulfun u( nulse; ly��es ��n�l quanUl(eti uf alr pulh�tunls huui sl.�cks, n�uhil� au�u�ea, ��nil(u,yilive ewissluna(dusl�;udur suurres� uu�l�iilill�ullve mene�ues lur+�ny Iny��u:la.lilv�Ihu I���ais u� n�cihuilulullY��1 eslluu�les. See i1lLa�hment {1 .3 �(7• llues rt��y��ar1 wf Nw}ito}��a•f 'ri�cr.i ii►wrlve: .t. �ir�uvi�uitt iuufu��di�l�i4!! p Ir. �lclt��s���li•il(11{)}�i�.0 lluuiE���.►1�1� A f`�u r. �1�Wr w &�d.�.►Uy�4rsi;�u.�1���1 Yiverl,uul E�aa�disltit•f� ' }',•� IVu }��.y If y�'s,l�ici�iily w.d.v b���ly.u„I a�ipli�.�Lle sl.tte cl.issflic�ti�►n(s).a��J�lcscri!►e uci�tsures � Nu }�,.� tu�,i r�t�i t u���t�t�����)�ul«lcil L��ia!rrat��rrc�s: ��. Ueserihe uuy{+1�ysl��d u11cr.�11�►u �. �I�etut�;�e syair•Eu, I.�ke, si�e.����, and/uriw 11���I I�lb(`fJiil'�IIINi15 rNs iu n�lulnite i��� ��aiirnet�t ui Ihe w�►li�r•trlal��d resi►urc��s. t?siiu�ale q�t.u�tily ul t��;Nerf.tt lu be tlrc�l�eJ .u��l in�llc~�Ie wl�c�e:�atila wtll Ire ileEii►sll�cL Th� pr�ject inclucies 23.2 acre feet af per�nanent nandinc� witbin t1►e site, rtyuir ii�� r�o �f�•ecl:�ii�c� artd little site alteration. � 2;/• a.t'Vil1 Nje pru�rcl re����ire;in��i��ru�►ri.Niu�►�►[:jri►ueil uF s��r(aer !i�►di��ule��u�u�tity ancl suu�ce�t w.�ler?lt yes,ex�Miui�� Servecl l�y exler�sions of nrt��aici�>aT services � �" {_�� v�, lr.t�tNl tire�►ruje.l affect�+r���uu1w.�ler ieucls in a��y wetis j��n pr u((Ih�sitejt I!yes,ex. �t ��laio: �1 Nu ��� Y�s ��. !)�scribe N�e er„slarn a�r�l se.ilrne��lailt�r�cu��tn►1�neasures Iu(►e use�l durin� a �unsttucHu�f u(Ih�F,�ujc�L J u�l a(tef Er�osic�n and sedi�i►�ntation potent#al does exist due to t#�e nature of the construction 7he iascessity for tentpvrary siit fence t�r straw bale tra�s and diversi�ns or nettin � ar�ci nit�lcl�ir�c� rfuring r4eseeding will be detern�ined by ti�e £ity En�ii�eer, as each nhase ��f tl�� }�r•uject ��r���,�r�sses. ��. a. Witlli►e�►r���vc{q�y�er.slr: 1. ytu(ai•e��u�l s1u�u�w�Ncr iu��uii? 2. sautla�ywast�wa�r�7 No � yi•s :i. f�rd��stiiai w»stewatr.r! Na Ycs 4. c+iuli���wular(i t�oi�cl:+�td itaucc►r�l:�ct)? N�� Yes I(Yeti, idenlify s�ria�i�s, vt►luu�es, qr�ali�y{it�►1i�rr Ii�an nern�Al rtc,�uesNc sewaJe), Nu Y�� uud ireatu�e�►i rit�tl��r�la.tiivr ltrr basis w�itrii�i�iluluyy o(estitt�.�l�s. � L. IduulHy ir��ivltiq wali�s, {nclwiliii+���ruunilw�it�r, :tutF evalttule kl�e,in��i:�cis�►1 t1�c tIiS1'Iialttlli IlSill�NI��lVI'.�II IItS('Ii111t�Ci Iq���)fl)Ii111�Wt1I4(i/f@ j11ti:�Cl}idIl.tl,�►tuvi�lu��ee. ��uLHfa�u/��ee�rr<<�Lilily:�u�l�,t1►ir lfydr�r�}e„lu;�ic:d lest aala�,if itv:�ilat�le. ilisct���r•�e is 1ii�aitecl to �#��r►estic sanitary wastewater. Wastewater fr��E� 9�{ lots wili i�c treateci at f:he Rase�f�unt WWTP with the reinaiiiin� 126 lots t�+�ir�c� serve�i `��j by tl�e Ei�i��ire WW1�i' when its capac�ty has been ex�a�icied. . �Vi111lre�xruj�rt}���rr��iiu(�iiliec ilutb��e��.ttler�unatruclio�t): a. u!��u►ltuli�iuT � 1,. �tNs�7 Nu � y�,s t•. �►ulaa't Mu Yey ti, �►�1w s7 Nu y�.5 N yea,�Kid.�la,lnclt�db�1 ab.it►��rurtii�i�r,�lislanc��N►sr�wsl#ive 1ani1 uce�;ex��eetr+l lev '� Nu y�y eh ntui aturaiiun ut auia�: Iyi►ra�H�tr)rivatNilie�o(alr ryw►Ilrtlurrta� (ru�i� siHi�k�, �in►irtle ru���.�er,��►,I hFyifivr e�idssi<►ii�(d1�alJ;ii►tur sourt�esi u��d�r�111yailv�utitiaa�urus lur any i��cpae lr.t;iv�1l��t,.4atli w� ��ttilhodc�tr,llY�+f estla�:�iNr: See 1lltact►r��i�t �l 3 . •L��• I ti•s��ibe tf���Iq���•.�a�l:�rs,,,Eu�t�,!s«ll�i ���dfur t�.�r.�ri{�i�,s w.�sle l�u ta�li�►��sii��l,ja�s run4 .►st�ra th.�t wtll l�c��riu��.�tvd nttit ibe atcltsuil.�u��'4uco!'tuetut tliatiusuh fi�e ��r��jtct aiill yti�er�ate soli�t waste: 20y i►usiie� C�tl.5 }l,s/t�orne/day = 1717 1Gs da `��. 1U►il ll�e pruJicl atfccl: � y a (�at�ur wil�N�(c 1►ubii.�t,or n�uve�ue��1 t�t anlwiats7 � i u. aF+y u.�Nv.. s�,u�es il�ai a1r ulficially listed�5 sti►le�ntlitn�eretl, Ilueatr�tect�ur u( �h1 N`� �__1 Y�s s�ic��i.�l i uncc�n(.�ul��tuis.util/��r Frluuls)? (y ( !(yes,ex��l.siu�i�l�niily s�iecics u��d klescrilre itu�►dc1): 1==� N'x L� }'es ��. t)u a�►y litsi�nie:d,:�rch�rrui�►��i���!ur;srcl►iirclrrral�ese,�frces exisl a�t t►r near the prnj��:t � a31e71t y�s,ex��fain(shuw iEs�,un�s u�r.;sii��nusp��r�!�Iescrll,e lm��acij: 11lj Ni► �h�. Te�c! Lc3l,st►�{�n►, Minnesota Ilistoricat Soc�etY, indicated there ai^e n�'`� Y`.� �f hista►�ical �r arclreol��icai sic�nificance in Section 31, in a �i�oneaconversation r� an ti�►►�i 1 24, l9£36. � 1 . Wt{i it►e�FruJe�•1 ca�isc 1he iu►{rairnicut n�d�structiou<,1. . .�. . . .. . �1, l�L•bitj{iai�ll�iJd!�l t!((l'Ffrill�llil.J(@ifS! . . . . ... . -' . . . . � �. b. �altuc u��u��yu�.l��rurtoii�ts? Ni► _� Y�s c. ecu)�r��iu�tly se��sH�ve a�r:ts? Nt� y,•y +i. ac��ulr vlcws.�ri�l vist�ra? N�► l'�y �. u11�er uniyi��res�uttcca{a��r�•i(y)1 Nu Yea t(ycs,expl.riu: �. N�► ._. , Yes Constructio�� of the subcfivision wi 11 pernranently re�r�ove 85 acres of �rinie fa rmla►acl f r�iii product ion. 2 O• I'lA Li1CI1 dII4•l:�l:il fUi1t)IIHIICitIN IIIB fl{i[riN.�vrra��e d:tlly Uat(ic(1l{)T},luercase in A!)'f c�int�il�u1�411►y tli��i�ujci l a�rd 11�c�Ii�ecieunal4list►ibidluns utlrattic. See Fic�ure 12. See Attachri►ent A. ' ""�• Ar�+ul�++�tate 4UilNies a�u)��ubiic servlres n�rw avxilable lo servic�the��rirj�ci'1 if i�«I, r wbal u�IdiUunal ulililies a��ti/�rr servlces wilt be rei��dre�l? � N�� LX� Y�s Stt�»��iary o� iss�tes I�or re��utar f'AWs,lisl ll►e Issues.�s I4te�Ni[ie�16y••yes�answYrs bl��ue.(}lscstss atlernnilves a�tc)n�iti�}ative measures tur Iheae Issues.I�ur scupii►�l;/ttUs,lis�k��uwu issues,:�11�n�a1lvrs,uni!�uilfy.�ilve o►easiues to tee:�ddresse�i in i:IS. See Attactii��ent A. � t'�It I II It:R17UN[iY Itl:Sil'11NSIlit.t:t;i)VtiltNt►tl:N'i'At.tlNl f f Ifr�el�y c4�1i(y#t►�H 11►e I�du�maHun cu�NHi,►�cl(i�ti�is Kiucutueni Is Ictte autt cwn►ptele Iri it�e l�esl ut�ny knuwled��e:s�ul ti���t r����hra ul lirr cu�i�1�i�lecl I:AW 1���vc lirc��u���ilc avrtil.dili•lu t�l)pulufs e��Ihe uItici��i 1:(11i dialriLulF��n lisl. -.... ..-- � SI;�u����nL �;'� ,/2��!" _� f� --'� �t-•,��"—�--�j-t�_' - - _l[ - �.''.__�. !)alc �>> � t"") / � f �� ( `� .��f '11lIr�_�� f`�+r'c �7Y.____._S��l�_�.1\��1 •..-..��Gc-..��('t_ {— ).,r,�r�R-�,._ � � �.�..i.---- A4'�lA1t'sN'i' A !6. Sturu� waEcr ctetc:ntion �oncls prt��nsed are sile�) wi[ltin l��s+ns w#tic!► arc tli� surEace expressica�rs eaf truricci Karst. �ICY�t�1l Cc)tleintC�titf�ls o[ iiitr�l�s l►ave t�c:�:ii rcpc�rtea i{t l�edrock welts in the vicinity. tlawever, a miuimum c�C 1�15 fcct �f unec�nsoiidatcc! nyatcrial is c<�vcrin� the 1�cJrock and thcsc sinks atc nc�i activc. Present �irainu�;c te tlicsc �,esins is frt�nr a�rieultural lut�J wlrich tcnds to carry a I�i�;lier uitra4e It�;�c1 iltan ctczes residei►tia! runclff. 7't�crefc�re, the acve#�}�n�e��t of this section �nay tesul! iii a rcductic�n cyf nitrate infillraiit�n io the t�e�lrc�ck aquiter. 22. a.t This prc►jcct wilt utilize 23.Z acre !'e41 t�f �ermnnent �oncting for surfacc aE��! sic�rtt� wai�r runUff. The quality c�f ritnc�ff shc�utd imprt�ve elur tu thc rcdcictic��Y ia cclucentrati�yns crf �csticiacs, !?crl�ecides ai��) � fcrtiliicr :ks I.�EiEi is r�:mc�vc�i frau abricuttur�it lrrc�cluctio��, u.2 2t)7 1►��n��s (ii� :3 �►cr��z��slhcxusclEc�lct anc! �t n►;�xii��ut�� r�f 3110 �allu�is/huus�l�old eq��aJs fi2,7(lll ballo�tsl�lay. 21. 1►. .�c c. l)u,t a���i ��uis� wil! t�e tiit�ited #o ieveis nunu��lty assc�ciatc�t witli sut�Jivisio�� cr�nstruction. 13c�ilr cc�nclitians arc ten���orary; an�t, f�ecause af phasiu�;, arc ex��cctccf t� t�c slrcrrt in duratir►n («nc t� tlirce ��i�nttis) in any given ��I�asc. I)�tst rnay bc su��aressect hy watcring� I�y fin3iting tl�c a�n«ur�l ��f ex��r►s�J sc�iJ an�i usc c�f tf�e erc�sion conirut measures ciescril�eJ in ltec�i 21. Nc�ise can he Iin�iteci by use of ��ra�yer[y mw il'lecl etlui��irie�j/ antl ti��iiiing coi�structioEy to dayiinre hours. 27• Constructi�,n nf tl�is su1��livision aticl ccrnti�uous �►crca�e in Seclir�n 3! witl r�suit in the 1c�ss of prim� farrntancl. Seetinn 3! is in an area we11 suit�d fc�r planuccl cxtensi�irs c�!' urt�an clevetc��nfent, lac�tl� l�calty a���f tc�ic�nally. L:1�fc�rts t<s �rcxtect oiher areas witl� primc fatmlands arc l�eiu�; iiu��lcn�enleti try tlie (:ity. 28. At ulti�uate J�:vcin�ment (1,�320 #�omes), Sectiau 31 c�ulci generaie 19�()OEl AI)"I'. Vehicl� tri��s will t�e weti distril�ute�! to existi��g and planned c�ltcctc�r strects aitd mincyr artcria) hi�i�ways. It is cstin�atcc! !lrat tlic A!)'1' uir CSAIi 42, wesk uf Sectic�n 3i, wilt t�e 5,1t)0. The AU'f-<�n CSA1! 42, east of Scc�iun 31, will (�e 4,�C)t). Thc ADT on T11 3 (cs�st c�f Seeti�n 31), ��orih oC C'SAIi 42, wi{I �ie 2,8(3{l. Maxin�u�� AD'f c�x� ifiiltt� Strcel� in � eitlier direciion, wil) be 2,(l�(�. Maximum ADT on Chi�penJate Avenue, at any p<yiut, will h� fi�il��. AUT on either Ci�ippen�t�le Avenuc ar Shannon f�rkway (ncrrth-sc�uih call�ctors pro�used at center sectic�a), nc�rth o[ CSAli �2, is 2,�1(it), � . . •i�■ � � wnk � . � � � � . . . . . . . � � � �l/r� .. � . w/�N . . . � . . � . � � .�. ... .... . ..�.. � . . wluw . ..� �L �� y ~�..���....� ' •-• ---- ------._.�_. - ._ •._ ... _. _ , N " :.� � . \� '��111 �f �•+�� ��i�t; ,flMe+ y� . . . . . . . �. • � U y r . . . r l . , � ' � � I �_� . � _ , ' � i � — �'���`� 4�. `� `-1( y � A .�• ('t1' ' " ! � -�1� • i��y x, :.--�-.,,� +G� Lt� � �c�)_ ' __,� ;���' �►t, '�, �� , .- ���, , � �. \:! `` _. ' �`��'{���' :,�;Ms� ,, � • �� �:�f�;�Fy ,1���;,����;�, ��_-ti �C)uilty . . �t . `-;_''`-'. `.ti�-=:.=,''l��� 4�-.i.� �'� '�;i��... �.� �. . .� � � �. . . . . � � � . � ',',' � . �. C} -'-`—�``/��,�`''i A°���►A� �"��g��`�� ��'�-�'�' MINNCS(JTI� , � � ����ht� ,y� ,� � r ' r :��i_p���`' ��. h. t _�....�. ��:,.,�,f�� .�� 1� Irt'� �r ; + � «._,,...,_...... � � �v�w�.a+-..+K� .{.'� ��..0 � . � �� � ��a4 ~ t� . -.� � . . . •�Dur�tiWlO � /`, j�(l / O.,,� � � •4 • .! / � � . � � . .. � . . ,.,. � .�- '"�.7(� � �;�;'�' ��`� ���� �.��'��} � � � . . . "�"+'an..,i, . . � . �. . �+ .. �- �� ��?i, i�,' ;+��' �Y'�nrVep cr�ov�.�ti� �l� r' —:-"1'�_ _ `�_('�('-�'—''� __- �!l.,V,i���,�„_�, `' �1f�� ��t_�t;ius�} 1; �_� -- � N.._._.Ii 1 �-'�� �/ .• � . �� �-i� ( «..w � � p.*_, „�� « r� S�s,_J�. ..�.'�'�' ."""'.`..:; t� . ��./: �1 ��'-+alei.�E � . � � .. . . . /� �,� �f� � ♦ � � ��. �� � � �t .... "i"��_-r'.._�'"" ���_�/F 1'i�f� "`'� t� � ti������� E.�-?,'•�� •� ��� . xr � � .,�,_�� �,����I(�� � .}. � � ' �� r�.. t + '� ' / t » � . ��.� �,•� ��1������9As� i�y� '.�.~ �"�„'d � � i �� S• . . . �+ . . . �� �� ��t h �.ti.:. _ �i - P a _� ��. . � . . -- - . `�=-��' �V r ���+ .� 4 •�� I�3 ' s4 �,. Z ""'� �, �1��.. .� , ' , i ���a �,. ► v , *�:'.a ..� �; , y ^ '`, �'�f"' � �rL �� �✓ �j S' �'t�� /• � � �lsv ° °w� 'y � , �o �j � � ,,,, $ ,!! n'1 �j • • �a • 6..�./� � ��a' '`'�'`"1�� � rs ��. � 'i�, ��" � .1 �i `�ae� !� ��`�""a•-t -�-_� { ' . � ._��1 , � � �t � ty .. �, ^�": �is �,,�. ��t , yyy� � .��.� �� ��t� � � � � ��� "�N� � '� __ ,,.� _ .�.. 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Y yIV ,�� . . ,y v,�y MI � ° ` ' G�► � � � r� wir•�rr y` � i�i[i4 �!+ � � 1{ «_.Q, 1 �' � � ,� ,� ' � '' :..,�....,� � � { � � � � �� M......_ ,....._� � � � �— � � � , ��ti��� �s � -� � � � � � �`lC�t�'�., t�, - -rc��► vr�w NO SCALE � 32p' � � LT �T. � ; f � soec�Rr�+�v-r���� � �s�' , : FIE�D ; ; � � � � , : � ` FIEi.D jLiGHTING LAYi3UT � , � --.-. �.` """ '- —' .�' ,...... .� LT• �`"-.., �fi �T � \ . � � ; .� i � St3CCERlFOO►TBALL� j FIELD � � � � ry°`� � � � � � L`I' � I.tTTLE LEAGUE � � /� 6� �T. � � FIELD ' � �'ENCE � (in datted tine 4reo,) � l�`�i � JQY DATE ,j ��E PARK �oserv�ou:�zr1 ���Zrsg SOCCER/FQOTBALL/LITTLE LEAGUE FtELDS GODE 20 POL�CY STATE�N'r - UTILITIES RI�GARDING POWIIt ANA UITLITY t)ONSTRUGTIQN For any Outdoor Recrestion pro�ect receiving financial assistance under the Minneaota Laws 1987, Chapter 4Q0, Section $� subdivisian 2 (aj the Gttv oE Rosemount agrees to the following atatement "It is recognized that electrical power and co�unicetion services are sn essential requirement for the economic�l and efficient operatian �nd maintenance of public service facilittes in ste�e� county� and mu�nicipa2 Outdcior Recreatian Areas. Co�mnunication lines are nece�sary in the inCerest of public sefety, It is our poliEy in plgnning for these servicea ta arrange and praaide them with a mirtimu�n of intrusion an the rtatural features o€ the � eres•" In order to accanpliah this, the follawing fsctars must be given every consideration: 1• �n],y those utilities necessary for the gubl3c accommodatitins, maintenance, and operation af sn Outdoor Recreatian Area sh811 be permitted with the Area's limit. Utility lines extending through Area properties to private properties beyand shall be avoided end eliminated whenever possible. 2. Every effort sha11 be �nade to provide underground-type services for sil utilities where practical. 3. Where underground conatruction of electrical linea ia fmgossible and po3e structures are necessary, thep ,shail be located so as to be thoroughly �creened €rom Recrearian Area roads and/or foot trsils. "Wherever pc�ssible� overh�ad co�nunication lines shall be combined with overhead strucCures to siinimize the amount of clearing necessary to provide these overhead utilities. In tho�e instances where such overhead lines cannot be screened from the roadway right of way, they shall be so placed that they will blend a�ith the background--that is, they will run �long the tree-�Iine where their intrusion would not be readfly observable. In apen preirie areas whe�e overhead cot�s�tructfon cannat be avaided, there wi11 be every attempt mede to ntilize topogrephical feature� Co minimize the intrusion of trarismission lic�e and pole structures," '� "In sll concentrated use aress, that is, picnic graunds, cam rounds children's camp�, beach and baating areas� all electrical po�wer � service under 2,3(�? valta and all communicatian eables ahall be underground between paints of service and no overhead lines will be constructed." Date: C�t9 df Rosemoun�t � Applicant Recipient 2875 145th St. West Rosemount MN 5506g Mailing Address Signature CODB 21 AGRE�M�S AND A�R,ANGEl�NTS 7'he pDevelopment Agree�nts" for re�idential devel4pmente locate�i in Section �3l af the Gity of Rosea�aunt 3dentify casti and Iand declicatian for tl�e purpose of developin� a city park. Partion� of those land dedicat#Qns are fdenCified in this gra�t application, namely the dedicati.on doc��nent of the ktestridge I?evelop�ent which is attached to Code � 4p and a3.�o the legal land descrfption 13sted in Code #4p of [he Wenamann Development. Land dedicated to the City of Rose�sount fro�a those residential develbp�ttent� � is to be designated for use as "open space" for Che use o� passive and active recreatian. The Rosemount Jaycee organfzation hae agreed to donate a minia�um of $2S,pOp per year for a two yea� period to aid in the deve2opwent prace�s of this parlC 1�nd. Their funds �re not to replace the Cfty fu�ding, but rather to add to that City fundfng ta expediCe the park deve].opment process. Their first dot�atfon was recefved into the City duri�� the spriflg of 1988 w3th the second donation to be given in the sprfng o€ 1989, pther donatians are to be co�sidered by their organization after that time. The City of Ros�maunt wi11 adhere ta these agreements �ade wiCh the residentia�. developers and with the Rosemount Jaycee arganiza�tion. T'hia park is fdentif3ed in the CIP (Capital Impravem�nt Fund) pr€�cess of the City of Rosemount wtth wany o� the pro�ects to be c�mplete�i by 1991. Ttii� park daes include hoth passive and active recreatit�rral areas th�tt wfll 1ye easily accessible for all citizens to use. This park $rea will remain as a city park and wi11 be used for the purpase as inLended. • Rollen Hoke Mapor Date Stephan Jilk City Ad�inistrator Date 1 . . � . � . � � . � � � . � CODE 22 ` OPEkATIOHS AND MllINTENAHCE STATEMENT' The Cfty of Rose�a►unt is responsible for the operation and �aintenance of thts park. This will be done through the Cfty's park and recreation department. The source of their ogerations and �na#ntensnce fund will be the City's generai fund supporCed by an annnal mi11•rate. The area wi11. be open campletely during the spring, suc�er, and fa11. It wi11 be open partially for wfnter actfvities. Th�re are no admission or fee � charges envisioned for use of the park at this time. t�o concessions Will be conaidered or allQwed st this time. i �� � ! PARKS DEPARTMENT ���� ���.../ ��� t612)437�6609 � , , � �i00 T27TN STREET EAST-HASTINGS, MiNNESOTA 55033 . . � ' •Y., w..,,,,W',� + .�.. ., �'j'-i:r�. !: �►' •�� u ,` December 13, 1988 � Mr. David J. eechtold Director o€ Park� & Recreation 2875 145th St. West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Bechtol.d: I hav� reviewed your plans for JAYCEE PARK located in Rosemount on Shannon Parkway, sauth of County Road 42. Yau are to be commended far establishing a park so quickly in such a fast grc�wing area of your city. Your pians certainly enhance our county park plans and serve a real need for recreational facil,ities in your community. S' ce ly, Charles Lo ery D ctor Dakota County Pa� s Department CLf sw � AN EFJU/il OPPURiUNIiY EMF't.OYER �•t.ntvtu�•:u txv�•r ts�:v�:�.c����t�:t���• /1f11) :;tiiii.�lV1:;ltltQ Jlt;ltli:f:Ptt:f�7' , lltililt:h:P1J?fi!'1'� tlii Lc:t1 ��.� � �.._...�_.�.,� i����i, ueiW�:�„ ���� ci�rY t�t� ltClSl•:�4t�llfd'1', a F11����wsc�i:�� ��it��ilc:i��a1 c��r�3c�t•aLlo�� � L•tte "Cii: '� liOSl�:f•}(yltN'P i►l�:V1.:t.c)1'Mt�:t�!'I' t:U, t Y � � �nc.� � �� P1 t��nesc�l•tti c�r aar�i:ior�� ( L•i�e "i)evelaJ�er��) , 1 . It�:cr���::;L fcsr 1't��fi�u:�l tl��t� 1"fe:vc:lU��nfettl: A����t.ov�tl. `t'h� Devel.- �I�i�' t►ti� .►:;f�c:+1 l.t►a: t;l.t.y E;cr :tf���t-uve; �:► t'tat��ieQ tlrtiL C�evelo��ter�� Co 1» i��tc��viw ��:; ��WiC:��l' ltii�t;l,�� E !.!►� '�Uc:uelo���E«i��l:'� o�� �:t�e� '�Pla�'�) ott l:t�e � fc�l ttswlnc,� �lc:��:��ttr��l lti��cl: '!'t►u ;�c�uCl►we:st: ����tti�•C�r �►i�e! i.ii� Sc�►iLt�wesL 42�farL�r oF ll�e SraE�� t��'�ai•�+=��� �:xc:��,t; t.l�cs �:'rl:i(: lti5� fe��i; oF t;l�e� �oulli 26� feet; o� s�alcf� �c�uthwc:�t; yua�•1;�:�• c,f t.i�� Soul:lt�as�L• qut�rLer� SecL•ian 31 , 7'ow��s►ti 11!i, ltu����c3 l��, � ' 2• !'l�tra�ic�c! ll�t1(; 13evelc�l�r�c�ti� Ap��rov�I. The CiL•y herelay � rani: Fi��al Ifcve,la���u�.nL I laiy �i � yrovat sui�J�cL �o Gl►� a � s � . , , t 1 p�roval of fir�Al pl'��s a�i�t cr,uy�l ta��c:� wll:!► l}►ts I►�re�rue���. 7Y�e CiLy a�t�ees �r� ap rove ff��fil p1uL•s ��1�lc:t� ui•� sulasL•�u�L•ially sit��llt►e• l:o L•tre Cit�al UQvela�iriae�►� N1a��, u�:Cai;Uei! I�et•t: . . E i.c� a� E.XIiI.Ei((; '�nuf �roviclec! sueii �la�s are csr�s�sE;en� wili► t:t�u cu�tclit�iuriy lie:f>Ll�� aiie! ull ui:l�er Gl�y rec�uirautenG� wh! al� ar�� lii �:ff�cC. U�:v�t����n���l: ��r��;i•�rct;s �a�isL• Le eni:erecl ii�f:o for eacl� flttal ;�tc�l:, 't'f�� t:! t.y 1���� w�ilv�cf �ulnin�u��� �1�� diiner�siott requireme�iLs � 11t �lj���t'iivillc Ll1�: • . __ J l��v�.lo��i������;. 3� f�iLur� n�ociiflci�l:ic���s �o l:he develo�amenL• ar� ��rc���i����l, t:l��: �u�ixl�ntiuri cle��st I:y fc�t� tlte c1�velo����ettL atay hoE: exe tih��t;4 ( :i) iuii t.:� 1,4t• ���:���:. 'I'I�e t��velc�r�et� wi i l uc� recr��l r�ci Eo �ecl • i���t�►kt�i�t L1��: Jt)1ltltV�llt) i11J11IINlNII aicic: y����ii �et.tac�et�s fc�r U11 �i�ic�le fan�il � y clwc:l 1 l tic�s; 't'hu ���li►tE�u�u► lul: ��i�lt.f� cii� 1�it.�:►�lc»• lcsl.s !.s `l5 tee�: t�t��! ot� at�rtt� r lot;s 'Jt3 f�tul:. 't'1��s �uit�i��i�t�u �l�lw yt�r•�! s�:�t�ac:#c fs lti fe�t; exce��t; L'l�A� L'ti� n�l�tiurui�� �irir; ya�r�! r►e:t:t,�ic.1c cNt L1►c� �teic� y��•cl e�f t� ccsr�ter lo� Lt+�L• �1��,�ks t� :�t.ri:c:G i:; .St) fi��:1: i�u�,/:�►/�►'�(�tPi. �. ) •; . 1`l�i�,i• t:c� Ll��: tsv�i��i�u� c�C �ai�Y. Ise:t•���LLs i�� ��t� I�ev4i�,y,�:�• �t<<�! t 1`��i•��isla 1.ltc: t'1L . y I�I��i:� t.l�c� Y wiLit a c:rai���rl�t.e: s+�t; oF t3wiiciin� r }►le���a fu�� c:�t�.lti t►o�ue t�tuEl�1 �r�el t}i� i:c��tl:�ji:ive locaL'i ria�cic;Zs wtl!►I+� e�►ci► i1siL•. a��s af Ltae vartoua I '!'!» i��ueloE��:r wi11 b� requirec! l:o ea��sL•rucL- A var•l�:tY oF �!lff4�•c��rE: 1►ntne.:; a�zci �a l�c�i:� U�e . �lt ff�st•��iC iio��ies irs e�r� r�lt:�:�•���iLt��c.! �asl►t�i�, ` �• i�laa�_�c:c1 t��velc��»���rit., 't'lyc: CiLy ����y i•�fuse - r�1 a t..i i f !.!►� t�uv�: Lo anPr�ve f i rya 1 1c�t���• t►��� t,re�,ct�c�c3 �1�1� /l�rQ,��ue�il anct L•S�e br�act� � t�as r►c�C l.f�c:�� �•c.��ie�lt�cl. l)�:v�t�r�nc�t►t� of � ��� . f L �nay ��oC ��roce+�d u���f 1 �I�vulu�Nn��tt: cs�,�tt.i•i��:i.:; i��ir ��c:l► ��lut: hii�t l�c���� u > >t�c�v f. �Ct'�:�:i: a�t' �j,�,ruvt�l. . 1 I • ecl GY llae Cit;y� �'c�►• t:wc� (2) ye�rs t�•��u !:l�� claLc� �F lt�l� /1c��•e��:ru�:��L-, ��a r,iiic��ulmex��� l•o �hc� Cii; or �fFlr.tal cu�rlruls stieil t A�7 �1 � Y's (;o�uprelfe��s3.v� Pl��i� t Y o o�• AffacL- l•tte use�, ci�velop�n�nt� cics��:;tl.Y� 1uL slz�:, l�ai: layc��►i:, �t� declic�L•lar� rec�uire�uer • �1Lv.:lc��u���it1: tu�lc:�., �•ec���lt'��! !� � xLS Of (;}le ..,. Y st;�it;z. oe• Ce:ct�ral Iaw ar $greed Lcs 1�� w��iLl�►c,� tiy l:1�� t:it:y i����l �t�«: t��velc���est•. ,�.1►�r,e�fL- ���Yr-�tt►t� It-� l.lii:; . . , cr� notwtlhst;a�iQisar} �`�r`."���.��� Lcf 1.11� c:�ar�E:rarY, l� L•I�e full �xLei��: ��errf�i�[:ed �Y �t<<l.,s lut��, �l�i c:!!.y inuY {•e:c�uire cuai��l#�u�cQ �d t.itc� Ci t:y's Cc�►�i����it��.��s[v�: � wil:h ��iy anaert�in�er��:s ' ' i lar�� offlr:ial corti�rnls, ��la�t;lnc� o�� cl�:cllu��Llc�t� rc:c{�itt•e�iic:itCS ��t�aL'�:�1 �1t4�• t11� clal'e of � . Ltii� Ac�i•een�e�i�. �. t:c�i���zl f a�rc:�: wE i:l� l,�aw� <«�c! ttet��ilai:loris. � � �'�l��'��u��t::.� l,i, t.l�t: Cit:y t.la��t; kl��: ��r•c��c�s � � '!'li� llQvelo�er t c.cl dc.vc;la���t��tL• cu�ir��lies wiLii �i 1 Cl i•Y� ��ia�►t:Y, D1e:l,rci�soil�:���. �i:�iL�, tir�d l��cterAl it�c.l�icllr►c� t,ut: ��ul: lt���ll:�acl t:�: Sttk�clfvls#or� 0�•clit�ar laws arid rec�ulaE:iar�s� ttt��1 1•:��vl�•u��u��.:��t:�il tt�:��}�ittyl:iui►.�. , � ►c�s� Gant�tc� Orclltl�rtr:�s, ,. .1'1��. l�c.w�slca��e:t• ��}e•��s t:� cc�u>>1 :���ul► t�ro�t� �►�►�! ��r:����l��t.i c,�tis. f Y wi�ti i;. l�e1�•!c Ijc.cf�c<�l:ia+�. !]as�d u��on l:i�e ie�axi:uua�n r�u kuttit:ta ��cs�•uMii:t;c�i i�� t:i�c: t�'f��r�l ly� z si��e►• of 1►ausinc� ve.lar��i���t� t'I�tt, t;11e L•a�:a2 parit detlicALio�a -2_ • �• . ��ur I.f1w �luvul�,�Hu�;�►t. 1a 1 l . S ��c.t�i5. t.�»►�! clec! . .tc.at:l��� 1� tl.3 ar:res� le:avl��� J a eu:;l� ilc:tli�.��Lic�i� e�yir�al t:o 3 Acr�� tlwe. 'Pt�e lleveio � - cic;cilcu�e i.lae I,ae•Ic l�,�ul wlCtr Ll�� fl�►a1 p1aCt;i�� ! ! et sl�all tl�c� cayl� cl�c}t ca�i cx� of a of ! !►Frse ti and p�y t13, 500.0o w!C!►ir� l�1���CY ��O) clAYs of t;}ie Filfhc� of kl�e fi�i�il �,taC #ci���t;ifi�tl As i'Itas e Z. 14�ay a���e»clntenLs L•Q l.l�� t�i�i<�t t)eve�lr,},��►c:i�t: N1�,��, e��usiric� ai� i��creAse o - t�wn►t,e:i• �� l�ou5 t�►J �u�►i t.s t decre�ise i�t L•f�e , wi t l resull: i�� t� carr•e���aitcli���c� increase ui• cl�:c:r��is� i�� �.t��: �iuiot��►l: c�C i.:��st� i1�:cilca�l�n Lo • ' � ' Ltie C i�y. 3 f P1►�s� �. It��a tic�t: l,c:�.�� Cl�i��l ��l�L��:�! t�y ,I�i i►�u t�y 1 , 1�9 t) �. t . i►c� Qevelo�er str�l t ����y t.h� C 1 t.y �.�t,,utx,.t)c�. %. t..uut:;c:��p t nit i�eiii '1'r�:c;;. � 11 . U�v�i�,�,c�M• �lrull ��uE: ttr�rnacJ� a�• t•en�uv� atiy Gre� � �s 1�►�Ilut�i.cci ut� Ll�cs c�rei�Fit�y ��lt+�ts ��►����rovec! t�Y t1��s�C � e.xeef�rt; i�et �►�•s�t.e,�:L��l ('�'�rt�� 41e::• . • ��'Y. '!'I�`ees Sftttll �t ��u:t.lui► t�y ��tiYw Futu:e:s, fltic��tnc1, s�tilcitt�, �i• oL(��r r�t�EiE l��r u����y5 c!«s,it�c� �racti��� �tx! cU:ryst�rucL':to�l. ll. '1'i��: I►wvutc��,�:�• �It�i1L �sl�i�t� urtt3 � � ) l.sc�ulcv��•cl �r�� l��r t�,l: ��ti�t L�vc� { �j l,cr►il�v<<�•c1 l:i�tes �aer cc�rrter ln� in ac wl�li i.i�e tx � ,1 i�at�ic: cordArtc� 11 I��;�t�r•�il flc�ust��c� /lcli��liiLsLrAClo�t sl�eciFicaliart� �:xc.c:�►!: �ty utu�!I t !�:�1 l�e:t•c:l�t. : ( i ) "!`i•�c:a 5l�.�11 l�r� 2-1��c:1� c�llj,�s�• bf�acic� i:rees w!dl� � �•c,ut.s i,��i t�:c! �,�rc! l,��rl�l�f��d� ur taare� i•�oL•s .li� se�sr�r�� .�ri�l ;;1��� ! t t,�: 1�1;�irLe:ci .ti� l.l►c� l�a�tlev�rc� iri ACCOF�tlance wiGii ��1�uts l.o t�e t►���xt�c�vecl 1�y L'Itt� (:tL'y, f2) l.rui<i:;r:����1ti�� �E n�►�lt;i��1� f�utll.y c�r ca�ainarcinl . �I�:v�el.T�����c���t. ..I���i. ! mc:�+t: n�l�iln��t�u r�.c��ili•eurct��t� 'c�s�:Ablisl��:41 t,y t.i�e� t:i ty r�t; Lt�� �.:I�n� caF el t,her clev�lop�r��;n�,. � �) �t11 �i��:c��, fxl�r�t.ln��, sc�ti, �rt�ss �crci t;lte lilce t��:4���i�•et�! I,y ���►y pr.c�vislc►�t c�f lt�t� tl�t•��e��►s��i: sl��Ii be ^�y � , / ��u�ii•�i��t.�:�El t�y tl��: l�e:v�ic,��et• L.0 t�e �liv�� fic:t�lt:lly t�ti�l �ii5���s�: C�`�:e fc�r c���� yNar. �. E,�(:l:Il:iL. ���tlf: ��t; y v�.lcx��er l�ei•ek�Y Ji•�r��:� Lli� ci�Y► il:� ac�ent-�� �ru��l�,y�ey, c�Etic.�ry ��j�ci cc�r►4:�•acl:c,rs a llc���s� L'o e�t�e r llte n1aL• E;o p��•f��'�u ��11 wc��•Ic ����ct/car• itas�,�ct'ta��s �i�e�aed a��-�ro��ribL•e tay L•he C1 , c!u►•l:��� t:l�� �ic:v�lc�fi���ec�i: c�f �lx: ��1�►l:. L� '.). lli:llit:y, l��,���1� a��ci i)ralr��ae �:�sejit�t�t:s. 9'he Uev� +� si��l k ct�:clic:at.c: t:�� Llu: i;1 t: , loner Y �l: Ukc. �:l�u�s of fl��al . �1�1� apJ�roval u�:ili�y �" �tru i�����: c: . � J , c►�icJ ��c�i1c1111�� ��r���•ui�:E1C� le)c>�t:eei w!Ll�:ttt oi• ot�L•sfcle t:1te y 111t:i1lt��l►lj CiE;(:/.3:ia r � r lt7t;� , sj., �•c.cl�il recl Lc� �c:�•ve Lt�� j�la�. lc). .1��:�t..�il��t:tc,�� c�f !�«blic Ii��srave���e�i�s. Jldcl���clur t�s t;o l:t�f s A��•"""�c��L ��� •�vJcit��� fc,�` ltl:.il:i�lldl:lt�il �f C1�� fc►I,lowirtc� pul►lic fn�3 ���ct�►ta, i►1�1��•�viit uf c�r�st:t•�ic:t:ic��� ��la�is A��cl �pdcslficat>lar» } rav�- �f L1�� cua� ut t.tic� lm�,�•c�v�:u«��l,a �1�tl11 l�c� e��i;� • � u�id pay�ner�l: t ed into by t1�e CiL•y bi�ct Lfi� I��v�1c,N�'�� �artc��� lc, ft���l ��lai: A��r�c�ovALs; n. S����ilt►�'y sc:t��r �ysL�tus 1I. tiV��t.�r�• :;yst:eru� l�. .i�.l)I'lll :it:{df'{` ' ��. :i�.t'l:i:�.:i �:. (:�,�tc:t•�.t.� cut•t� �u��l �11�:t:c:t• � t>, .;1.�•e�z:� aii��►y c�. Sl�l�sw��l{c� �u►�i Lr�l ks Jl. St,e•�ct. I }���{ y � • i':�ric c���atli��i� t�i►ci :;c:�clit�r,� � ' ' � : t;i v i l �1�:('���:�c: :;t rc:i�s 'i'eiw�,c,�•���•y c.ri!•-�I�s-r����s;� �1��,1 � l,r� l�y�t.e�! l�c! ��t: �t 1 1c�coCl�r�s w!� • u�`ti 1.�311i�ittii�E�t�i1y �lur�c! ��i�{c.i�t� wi�ut,t���` tllKi �:C! �tliFl�jil� W.LLI1,� @tlL,s�:t•s�e�:s � J t� �:lte dcv�ir,��_ ut4��l. c►i• wl►a:�•� t��t.►rr•�: ��xt:���sic,i�:� ��r•e ���tc,����5ec1 �a►�L'sicle� UC lfte cleve�c� u�i�: . j ist.. `!� . r '1'I►�: �.i t.y �il.�y, <<l. i t.:; r,��i:f r,��� r•c:c���i�•� a c:��sla e:�c , � o�,r fi•���� Glte 1)euc:2�}�er• 1.�� �►.�y t�►r t.li�� 1��t:�r�•� c:�,st.:� ��f re:cUtist.ruc:l:tu�x. 7'i�e: �1R: �t�� ljevc.l� �r:i• t.c� ,��Sl: a le�:l:et• �f � . � �itay C`ec�t�ti•� , r � ot al i i��iiri l�. i��►��rovc�uus���s or• �c ��� r edti; ecRu�l L-w 1C1UY. c�f t;l�e cc�s� 1 1. #:o Lhe assessrne��t; r�suli;tnc� frc��E� �lie� ��t�l�1 l�: #�u+,��CiV�iflt?tll.� LQl„Jt:E.lr�t• wi t:lt une year ��' i���ere�st �� ����E>i•ov.ii�ca .c��y ftt�t►i �,lai;s. priar lt . l)�r�►csr�;1�J�► c�i:' 1a���rc�vr:ur�:�il:s. U��oti c:o�n+�leL•ion. � �.o np val � ar�c! ace�:#yLt7�►c:� c3f ����l,l ic:: i�t����-ov�m�n�.s i.t� Lf�e ��lai;f 't;1�e ir���rove���e��rl: . c}eclic.��t;�:c! Lr� !1}c� lx�l�i ic 1,y 'fltial ��laL- or se���t'a�;� trtsl�rtqnert� � Ir�c.c►iuu l.i � it•u ��: • sital l Y 1 1 � tY wtGl�csijL• 1�.���Li�c:r ��ol:lc� ar �c�ic�n. 1�. l.ru3lu�� t.c,�,tr•ul-. n� !:lia cle�v�lo�rir►eeiL pt•oc�resses� Lt�e t�e�v�le�t�r��' t;l►al1 ,�cii���•es t:n L#r� c:i•asl�r� coni:rol ree��rla�e�F�e���� ���, fnrCt� uY tlt�: (:! I.y� rur�l �t►��i t L��Ic� s►�clt c�4ti�t• sl:e�s es !:lie: Gi L • y Engine�sr N►aY. �•��s�i�al�ly cl+���r�ni�ae r�i•e i�c�ce�sat�Y Lo e�nt:rol eroslan. • ' 1:5. t;r•ucll��� l'l��r�. '!'tic� U�svelo��e3r shall sui�mlt �o �tte Ci . . � siL� c��•acllric� aii�l ci�•�li�aJ� f�i�,a slx�winc� L•1►e c�rbctes atac� c�raina �� fc�r e�ch li�� cl4�i�»al:�a !, c�s Y 1<��: aE�c! t�ic�cic ari fi�ial �71at;s priar t;o • �li� t��si:�l 1���:tui� c�C ptitrl ir. .ir�q����v�rr►��,�L•s �c�r i:ItaL• lo� . �lr�. f:l�:��!► ��ty. 't'1��: !)csve:loj»t• �l�all ��,�•t�u���l:Iy etear �ttd soil �at'tti i�r il�st,�•f:; f�����t :�i.t't:l:�:a {)i� uLl�c�r ��i•a��erLy aul:�id�: . , �f 41�e. �cat�jer.t; . � {,ru���:��t.y �tit�{ !E•ui�� t����,ruva��t :�t.�•c:e:t:� ���rci occ�t�ric:d 3U1:� wtl•.hft L li��ut �•�:���il.i�►�� C�•�an c�,��:.;L�•���:t.ic,r 1 I�e �t�l�jec(: M c�r c,t,h�:t• �il�Cu�•�ai�c:e: by �#ta U�ve:lc�pe��. i'•i, ite.���r���:�l t,� l l t:y, H, I�:x�..��i,t. t�:� 'c►1,l�t:��wi�u .,��ec:lfi�:�illy ���•uvlcl�ci� tlic ��e�ve � slu�t l ritty ���.E.►��►1 �:us L;,�l iicu�•ru�i t�Y i t: c�r llye Gi Ly t1� cuh ur c • lc'p�r .1 � !,f ai� w!!.!► t.f��: ������t•uv<►! �u�ci {l�:v�lc��x�����t c�f l.lae +�lc�G 1t1CItJtljt`ly, l���t; nc�l; . llini4.�:i1 t.cr� l�r�l<►1 , ��l.rii�►iii�l� ��uJtE�:cic:�•lt�y t►�t�! i�ts�»c:�1U�i exj��:nses !tt t►t:�:u�•ti��t►���: wi t:li tec;; �►ciu�►�ec1 c�r �.►c.�:e�it;ei! t�y Lite Ci L-y. �!'j_ ��• '1'itc: !)�.:v�: ' lc►�ia:�• :;Irul ! It��lc! i.l�t,. Glt, . ' Y� 1i..� ufflc�r;�� �i���.��1.:�, ri���i ��u��,l��L:e,u� i►�,a•t�Flc:s� Cri�t�� c;latius L�y iLsrlC tuici 11tiJ �•c! � • , . i��c:lu�liii,� l,ut. i�ui: 1 i�r�i L�;�l t:c� lcst: ����1'l:Ilr'1tit.S M ULIit'!� �ra �� . . 1 �� L.i�,s, � �' 1 F r �y ow�t��ls� CO11�:1'ill.�:l)i'$� :il{�1Cl�q�.1'i!(:(.Of`y� �+i�El m�a��rlt�l:��u�a�, tc�r cl�macaet� �iasG�zf�izci, cc�si.a 111c:ttt'1��cf c,r , , , i}�J�►rt�s re���l �ir�ca Cro�n �-��,��rav:al �f l.he /1c�rc:ir�►crtl i-1�c: �I�:v�:lc���tu�:��t:, Ci��r�i ��ti�l.:,� ��lar►� ��n�! s��eclCtc;�,L•lc>� ' �s ai�cl from tt�e re:�ul �.t�tct c:ui►si:��tu:Liutr ����� t���,�i���,�������; �x�:�r�� r�� cons#:ruc�ior� �ro - ��ei f�,r�u�k! ti U�e. t:t t. � t {c , y � � Y• '!'13E l�ev�la��er sl��ti l ind�ix�n!fy �:he G1 ty� i ts aff ic.wra, F�c���i�i:s, <<�ici �u���luyc�es Enr all cast;�, c1a�Mrac c�� a � , �r �xryc.nse:�, �t�ati��litt�� �:����i���:��•i��i� �i��cl ��i>t:c�r�►cy's fe�c�:� wlrtcly �l�e Ctl:y rna � c�i• iiic:��r' 1�� c:����z�c:c{��c�iccs c�C s�►ch c:tai���s, Y � Y t:, 't'I�c 1)�velU��e:�� sli<ill rE� ln�Vurse tt�e Cli:y for cosls i»c:c�rr�:�l i�� l:I�c: �;��fc,i•c�ft����l: of Ll�l3 Ac�ree�r�e���, irtclLjcii�7 aj�c! �l.�c�t•U�y �s fe�s. J ertgit�e�ri��� ��• 'i'I�c: I��:v�1c�I�c:e• sl��tl I��Y in full �ll lrllls sul��ui�l-ecl �� 1C I�Y ltr� c;ti:y tiril.i�ii� LIa1rLY (3c)) �ays.. if �l►e l�ltls sre tto �►t i.l���+� , �:1�4 CtLy n���y i�.�tl; �►11 �y1�YL• cle:ve:laf�n�rit: wot•Ic u�ii.il �� � �3aici at�� y���J�t .i�t f��t 1 , �e lrt Ils ' 1ti. 11uv�tl�t�s�,r.'a tacsf�r��lL•. 1i� t.1�Q �:vet�i: c�f cl�faull; l�y Lli� U�v�:l„��t:r .�� l.ta t�r�y c�f Llrr: w��rlt I.c:� l��: }�e�•Cc���t��e:c) t3y 1�: liet•c�ui;cf,�t• t:l►�. t.! i. iu.� ,. ' Y Y� �iL i t.., c,�,l.i o�t, ���t�•Cc�t,r�w t.1►�: wc�r{c ���d t�ite t)�:v�lope�r .slifr l I � ��t`u u�f a l.t Y �•�Iu�l��n�s�: t:l�r� l.lt.y Cc�t• tt��y ex��e�tse tttc - . t�t rec! �y tlte Ci t:y� ' ��e�avl�l�:cl l.l�c� i>��velc��a��• ts c�ivc�► wri ���,, ,,�,�c�� �,� �;11e worlc itt cleft�ul . ��<�t: 1 es:t i.1�tf�t 1.l4! �•C � y ( :S�i j c1��ys i�t•t c�r l:ci l:ftt� Cl�y's cr�uNuer��:�iue��l: c�f lt�u ►•��,�•i�. 7'i��s t;i t.y ,i���!' t.t��: i���v�slu�»��• rec:c�c�ttize l.M�aL we�it:lter cc�ncil�:fc�tss utay afi:�;c:�: Ll��: ,�I,i l ii.y c�f i.h�: ilc;v�ta����r t.c� ��ertor�u Lhe w4��lc rec�uirecl lc� h� ����rf�►�•�u��<I I�c:rcr�u�l�:i.� riF�cl E�c�r�e t.l��i1: sE�c.h lltirLy {:SO) c��Y Perloci sli<<! t ���st. j��c:ti��l� Li�{,s� �1�►ya cf�� wl�icf� wc:�sLl�r:r cc�i�ciil:lo�ts ��reclEicle -ti- . � ^ , : i ; ! 1��:t•l��t'tnti�tt.t: I►y {.hu ��t:Vut����ts�'• N��t.lie: l.0 l.l�e t)cV`Lt� � � • . . � t �t t�ltt�lt c.nns�iLt�t:e, � wiL1Eu�1�: t���t•Lt���• �icl.lu�� , . ; ' � �tiuLlcc. I.0 a��y c:c���l.i�ai�c�r or si►1�c'r�r�l•ractc�i•. 'Fl�l b /1�r.�:c:������1. is .� t L��:�i:ces fur U�� Gt �y Cc� ��c�. W . ; a��y vuct� wc��•1i, Lt�e t:l t: I�e�y E,ite C1 Ly ctc��� ; Y u���Y� tr� acicliltc�ti I:c�. il;s� ��I�er ��e�Ncc!le.z� �,ssc:;s ' ti►e� ��s�; 1�t w1►u1�: cfr 1�► �y�ir•C. l f cle:es►n+��1 tt��t•ac � 1 � l.i�o i�l�uve� t�c�l:i�.e: . � �.lcai !�y Ll�� Cli:y, ' r�����t�•cu�c:��l:� sl���1.1 ��ot� uc� r�c�utrQcl for t�t�e CiLy I.b c�.c���t.i•c�l e�i•c�t�tu�� �,r�,l�luir��. I ' l'/. J�:x�c:ul.luit c,l Ituctiu�e:��i:�. tJ�,o�y ccm���ilpn�e lry E;h� Uev wtl:!► I�liu r�E��•t:��.������ics��r; u�ic! ��e�c�ult•4n��:et�t� c�E. �+ulc! cic�c:uure�tCs l:f�csl���er Cf Cy t�l l i e:x�cs����: �ic,c��iu�:n�z� tt�:c:e�s��rrY 4u ot�l:Aii� t�� , ct�rA1 ltotisittg ltcl��wi��t�— � L�•a�'t�'�ti «�r�1 Vel.csi•u��`s �cln�li�ls�ral:lo�� Su[�clivisLoii llPproval let;t;�r � nirtl ��r� �:�}�lt►ees�•�� :���t,�ltvislc�,� eUu�plei:lc�Mz IeCL•�r. �� l�. n�c;�sz;�uc:i�Ls. l:xcc:r�t: �� 1:1�e QxLc:t�� tuoclifi�ci Jterein, tl►a 1�arLies ����t;►�ally e��r�e lltai: a!I pi��,llc i�i►pi�nve�oenL•s t•ecuire i�tsLall�tcl V 1 d �ncl Y C1►s C14:y si�all l�e dssesaec� �u�•sua��t t;o Gi�a�l;er �.2� c�E 1��1�►nasoLa S�dLcs �Lal;«L��, ��y� s�ich assess�u+�it�s s Qf t►o�: iea�s� �ti�,» �laresc� • hall Ve Fvr a p�rir��l { 3} yc:�r•s, wlLl� �t�e excepL•tc�t of �atsessmet�L i C u►acict t�urs����ML• �.o �,��•�►��}-,�s,li 1G c�f ttle /1�t•cetNe�tL•, ut�te�s waivec! tr �i �:ii� t►iiv�toi�e:�: '1'ite I)Ft y v�slc�t��r� t►c�wev�:r, w�►tvc�r� a�ty f���c} �11 clni��rr� thaL' 1.li� .,���;s:;�u��►t.:: i.lii�L wi 1 1 t,cs �aactc� ��ursua�iL- l:o L- ex��:u�! LI►�t l,��►�sCtl: t:u l.I�e: ���-c���ert:y. l�i:� A�reeu�ettt; � 1J. hilscell.i�tieut�r�� , 1 A• •I�Iils �,�E��etue��C s1►a11 �e ►,lncllnc� trr�o�1 llie �3at•L•les �t►elr � �t�2 L{•y� fiilc�,�yt;ut�5 u�, i1SS 1��7�, f!� L�tC G:c7St3 l+Irly 1,�. • � tl. !i�•e����:1� csf ����y �n��l:c:�•lat Ce��•��� Uf Cliis nc�i•€�ei��citl: i�y Lltc� U�;vcslc, �c: � •• ! � �i�a 1 i i,�: yruiar►cts t'c�r clenial oE bui 1c11ttg ��e�•tnf t;s. 7'!�c (�tLy st►�Fi1 �iv� ll��: l��sv�lc���c.i• ll�trt� Y ( 3Uj clays actvatrce: i�oi;ice ��t�ic�r lu cx�.i•c:tsiri�, ! �s i�icfhl: �:o �lc�ty �u.�•�uii:s. + -7- ; t:. l C f�t�y }�ui•t�tc��� � . � t�c>�l.lt�t�� st�Lt3Lc:t:lu11� t�e����c��ti�:e, cl�rc�s�� l�uru�t�ii�aft ut• ��l�t•��s� iyf L1�tz� /1t,�ri:e���t��1� is fo- a;, a �•�;.. � �r�y re:�Mson lie�,� i��v�►ilci .,i�l l' uf si c1�.�1 i��►� � l,t•uuc !,L U , . J � , y t�l�c. Ueve�lcst��r, iL� ��en�s cr�• ��si;�i�s� L1;�: CtLy ��iaY� aC iCs c� , • , {� l.loft, cicclare L-Ir� e��t�ie•ct A�reemei�t; t���11 ti��cl vuici� �rul �ti����i•c�v�1 d� t,l�e ��rr�liini ti�ry p1�t �tYc! f,�n�l ctevelon�nenl: ��laet s1��11 11i�c•,�t,y t,e� r�vattecl, ��• �`!t) Cilili Illil UGCt1') • ! � 1 Y .� lxiE lclii�c� for wi►lr.�t a Uui lclte�c� � ��e�ra�i t: ti1 L1�� ,lt�t� i•- , ! .. !c;��tc�1 c�it e1�t�ai• � , . L'c.��z��c�ri��•y or ��errnAiien� t�asla � 4�+►G! 1 �,�ri►11c; t:���fil.t��� �,Er + • Y wc.i tu��l ��rtii:t�r 11�i�:� J�c►vc l�e:eti ir���trllecl, itioc�lc�s�l ►�N� �e:st.uci e�iul c��,��ruvc:c! t�y t:l�o Gttt t�itllcll��c y Y. 'i'i►a L•in�et;�l�la for St�sulttc,� : 1 1 �s�'�uti.;�. �i�•lc��• lu t:1�e cc�a���l�lia►t o�' ��utsli�: fn►i�rc�vetne�tl:s, , � si�wll t►c e1�Lc:r���l�ic:c! l, � Y t.ltie� CllY ���ytr�eQe•. '1'tie DevelaJ�er sE�all t�Q � ! t�es��o��sl�l� for u��y �I�unac�e� L� n���1.1c it����ravee��err►�� causc�d !� � i i:t� eu�►L�•uc:i:u�•�• Y iL• or , -� c»• ��c�c:��L�� !E sity�ttc�ri recl ut� l:f�t� sl�e prlor Lo E:11� i �o��q�le�i:lu�t oF �,►�t�l ii: � i�i�lyt�ovt�tue��i:s. I i � t; . '1l��: a�:tic��t c��i !�<<,ekiuit uf elLl��r {yarl:y shall n . � c:t►t�a�iL�iLe Q�• ! . � w��lvc:r u�• wi���rtaii��u�: C� �1;� }�r+�vinions �of L•i�is }lc�r�en��nE:. Tc� i�e I�t��clt�►J� .��ucs��.ltuer�l:s� c�r• wu�lve�i•y �!►all Ve iii w ; �Y tl�� �is�rCtes s����i �� , ��•c�vec! 1� rtCi��ar $ic�nec# , t 1 Y wt�ll:�e�► resc�lu�tor� of L}�� Gli:y Cot�eici l . �� �:1l:lr�r �ar►: �,. , ! y � f��t lt{�•c. �.0 ��r•uml►Lly �:aicc� iey�l �cl:lo�t La � �} n�,i�•4�:�u�:�►� ut� Ll��s s�: : � � e.�tforce �l�1;; . � t�t•tt.y ,ift;��• c,x��lrot;lc�► pf L•line in wi�fcl� Llte worlc , ls !.o Ue� cc��u��t�L•��! t;i���l t �iol: f�ca �i walve�� c�r • , j . rel�asc�. � �'• '1'!�t;; Ri�ru�:n�cs��� �- . • �1���t 1 ri�i� w�Ch t.iFQ sut�J�c�; lancl a��c! � tnuy t,u r•�:�:c,�•ele:�t !�i 1.1►�► i�irlcat;�� t:a�����.y. li�:ca��el�r'� Off - � ic.a. � f�. '1'1��� I��ve:le,l��'i• �•c:j,rc:::c:i�ktz l:� Ll�e CtLy L•lt��is Gf�e ts �►�,C ��t� ��tnuLrc,�►c�1 t L�a�i si��tl f lcat�cc:" k�lai. f li�ijft��:t; :;t.�it.e�a�rt►t: I:t ��r,i: �. , , � :n�ci Lh��� a sL•bl•e envirQ���u�r���,l , ' �.���if � �.�1. Itc>w�:vc:�', if Lt�e ClLY o�• a�ic��l��r ,; ��ov��•�w��:��l�t! c���L i i:y �yf� �i�,�ency il�:l�r�ni�i�s lf , ��7l. a Cecler�il c�r st�-�E:c f ..+�.. . ,,,: ( ~ '{ . . ' i , I liu�r���:� :;L�iL�.►i��.��i, t,r ����y c��li�:�• �•�:vi���, t►�t•iut� c.at• - . �}����•uv�tt 15 �`�.cf��i �•ccl� I.I�c: i��:v�:i���,�:i• :;I�.�t ! ���•�:����►•� ua• ut�i:i�i�s tL �i: tL� uw�t ex�,�►�se. '!'I�e: ���vc:t u�►�;r• :;i�ti l I ��e:!�t�t�u�•s� �.1►e C 1 t.y fat• ri 11 c:x�fet�se:s � � . i:ith�s ut►�l t�i:i.u�•��� � • � � �tclucitt�c� �t��CC Y s Cies, i.l�a� Ll�e Ci Cy ir�ct�rs in �sssls�ln� i�t ��re����-. r a i:l c��i. � tl. 'f!►i� nJi•e�:��r�it� si��1 1 L►e� , , llt,e.i �lly co���►L-rai��t L•o {�rot;ec� tttc� •��iil�i tc I�tl�resL. ! . , ' I • 'I'1�� ifc:velo��er sl�all �a { Y MeL•t•���c�2il:a�� Sewer AvAila1�i11L•y Ct�ai,�u:�, GltY se.��vct• c:c�����ec.Llot► cli�ry�. anc! �lCy waL-e � c:l����•��u tj�; lt►i i.ln�4 t►��! lill�►� �� r Co�ltlt3ct;lo�� ' J 1 r•u�i Lss �,r� lssuc4 aL• tlte �:l�er� currenL• t•��c:. � J , � . k���c. l:� I.i�e� ���•eli��il�t�ry tiaC�ire of i���nY of L•ho exl�it�i�s � pr►�l Lir� Llml�r�,� e,F i.lrta c�vc:i�F�ll cic�ve;to�m�e;�xt�� �eic{ei�clun�� L•o . ; may i» re:c�ulrecl t� €►�l�ti•c��s c:ortc��-ns iy�� s�ecificAll � �t;is Ac�reeme�ll. � Su�:i� �cicic�iciuius sl►all l,e ll���ilett Lo I.tt�se i�e�iis � e�` forth iusc�eir�. ; • � riorn►a11y incluclecf !�� but,cilvlslc.��� ac�r�;cur�2e�t;s :���cl sf�;:►ll �tU� txe i�ic�nslsL•e�ti1: wfL•1 li�Ce:�it; uf ll�1:; /lc��•e�:��w��L. ' � �I�e i - � �U. Nut;tc>�;�. liec}utrccl tioL'lces La • Lf►e Uevel��er shall l�� 1�► wrtLtir� wtcl s1�4�11 L,c� �lll�ei• li���d cle:livet•ec) Co Lhe Uev t�m �lu � �. �:io�er� il:s i Y�.c..� 4�• ��e��i:s+ c��• t���lleci i:o l:tt@ U�v�sla��er Vy cerL•ifiecl c�r e,ec 1. _ � � � . �e��rsc! �uatl wL Ll�c; fut lc�wl��y aciclress�s �t,UO U����er 1�4�Ll� i . � � , i.reeL We.st,, � liuseii�UuuL� htf��ire:;ui:� 5!iUGt1. Nc�Lices l:o Ll�e Clly sl�wl �►�ul :;1���i l e:t�i,«r l��: I�����cl c1e;1 i vei•ecl tu Ll�c: GL L-Y Ci�r 1 �e in wri�:in� i k or mailecl �cs L��u Cl I.y f,y c�:e�l f f i e;cF ��r ree�i s Lc:�•�el u,��t 1 i�� aare of t;li� ��.�:y C���iat �� tt��s fe�llu►r1���� <�c1�li•e:.::�: 11u:.;c:�uc��i�it: C:t�y Nall , 1:SGJ - 1�5t:i� 5 - , , . . • �wt;l.� ti��:au}tu�tu�l.� Mt�►�►e:sc�l:a JJU�)tJ. Lfc.c.t � ' t . _tJ_ , •;' , � . , „K.:. A�I � . . . . � � � . . . . . � . . � � • 1 N t�1t'!'IVI::i�i tYlll•:ltL';t)1�� !.11t3 ��ftt'LL�';.i 11i►vG• !t�'1'etlill:U S+t:L' �, L!►c: �l�iy ui�i! yc:ar f/r�E; �t�c�v,� 1�elr t�siricls wt•f�Le:rt. . t.i'1'Y UI� ltUS�:Mc)UN��• ' ifY: ��al►..�eL�.�[..� t.c.la�ltt S, K��uG �ii,��tayor � • tfY: , � r � ' SI:e��l n Jilk, l� ,ir�istratc�r{Cl�rk , �s�s�:Mourv•r� u�v��.oi>M�:�v•r co. �+ ��� , J, .? �sv: �f��� `� .. ,�,j.�� �f i� - <,_._._�__ � ��� � ' s'r�n�r�:. u�° PtiNMt:su•rn � �f��!lt�[c',rC� ; � . cc�ur��rY ot� un�c�7•��� � ��' , Ol� l:lit rb a.%-�i�r.� ciciy t�f� �,,///_ - u��'r�l ���iti �cl��u�w t�cI%��a�l l,i:fc��•cs �i R� �-` ' �`J0'7� lltc� Forec�ai rt ir'� � I�y SlE ,Irc�n J11k �J ��ru- �� .Athu.r t:t�rtc� c�f �!►eLCil:y of� F�ose�o„�av«, M�yot•� pf�� ruL-ic�1�, c�,�� �)G'Iifi�I� �)� I.Ilt3 �or��,a�•rrl:i�r�, ���aci }�u�•su�tiL• l:o lli� e�� • U��L•, �► r�Kiitici�al cor��n_ of t.t�� G! ly t�uui�i.t i . , �L,lic�ri�y �, �.,.,, ��� � " c.i».:.d.,____ .c.--�-' .,�,.r / ' ��;�au� X '�. i • �iai • "� s'i'n�r� �t� a�ir�r��:sc���•n ) �",N� s�r�� .iau�s+�, iriifAh�1'U��C--AI�t�581A LC)UN'I'Y Ot� UNI(u'��fl � ss. owcuucu���ir . } ar t� c��s�� �i.t� / M ' � a� �-;--�y�� Di� lt�t s�� rr�. �l•� of� /�,✓.�--, � n,:l.._.Yas:i� clC:�iIIUW��j1 L'( �.y �'�"-'--"�'� � 1�D� (;) G �' + � i i,�,forc: ,n� l�____ . o� e�oi�'sc� insf:t.u_ ��'�i`==3.'��'t"_' c�E Itc�s�:��i��atiC Uc:v�I���i��a��-- xta��.C�► on u�:t�utf w� t:lic�cc��•t�aral:lc��i. �•� Lli� � a Mti��f��o(;a corpor�,t�ioet� � � . .'" � .:-`....'._ :�,,.:.�,.a�teFL�....__ ' �� _. .�4�h _ Nurnu rsui�t.z c -------- u��nt�•�•�:�, ��� ; • �. i;rai�,tt s� c;r•�,t���i s� 1�'<<rre 1 1 �N► suS�ri r,�..ut��r'�� ��,}� HUIMiY f'iiUf.IC-�tAMU1t:;p}A f. �f Iltll:SQli� t'.11. �,;,��' �uu�r►rn e��urr4r � �t)3 Nc►�•wc::;l: u�ru�ti ti��i icli��y �rcn� ��a���.�� �1 i�xu � . . . M � . a . . . . .. . . !G1 Nc�i•Ltt Co��r.c►rc) �xc:F��u�c�e � St►��t.l1 .`il:. 1'.���1 , h1N '.�'.;u7!i t ti 1 1 j i�r�!�._!I�t�! !tl- , i'c , � • COIIS 4Q STAT� OF Q�SHIP The City of Rosemaunt, the sub�itting agencys holds fee sfmple title parcele Co be develoged with th3s application. Co all 1• Total acres = 14.33 2• 6.03 acres = Fee Simple Title (Wensmann Second Addition, Outlot D) 3• 8.3 acres = According to Development Agreecaent ACtac}1ed for "Westridge" � 4• Jaycee Park is located in Sectian 31, TownahiP Z15, Range 19. � � • CODB 41 COST B�F�lIKDf)WN GRANT POR3'ION CO2 I.ZGl1TII� -- LI�LS LEAGUB / 30CCBR / SOFTBAIZ / Fi?OTIIALL $ 20,OOfl.00 �Z LIGHTII�G - FAST PITClI / SLpW PITCH / LI LEA+GUS 1 S,UQ0.00 CO2 F�tCII� - FAST P13�CH / SLflii PYTCH / I�,ITTL,�C LBAGtTB� 15,t�0.40 J05 BOA�4/M1�TEftIAL� - HOCKBY RINIC 11,0{)0.�0 aos L�cbrr� — �� �ir� 9 t�.00 � $ ,� NON.�RANT ITEMS (BSTI�tATBD) PRELIMINAR.Y ENGINEERING $ 7,000.00 FZNAL ENGINEERING lOX OF BIDDING SHELTER I4fl,QOQ.�O IRRI6ATION UF LITTLE LEAGU�/FAST PITCH 30,UUU.OQ IRRSGATION UF PflOTBALL/SOCCER. 18,OOfl.UO PLAYGROUND EQUIFMENT 25,OOO.QO LANA5CAPE MATERI�►I.S 20,Q00.UO �I+lDSCAPING 15,4Q0,00 FARKING LOT (GitMING & PAVING) 18,t}04.OQ PAV�:D WALKING 1'LiAIL B,�OU.00 _� � Z�g,oaa.ao � F�arv-r v�Ew siaE vfEw t}U7FiELD FENC� _�` /� UGHTS L' FENCE ! - . � �' LIGHTS � , BACK 5� BACK y 1b ' STOP j STOP ` FENCE � , �--ZS� ` 2.4b' ; � FENGE/LI GHTi NG DETAi L NO SCALE TC�P VI EW . LIGtiTS . FENCE � n � � � � ` � / . � , ; � � � j � ��� � � ��,�'�Q. � ,�� i Q G p�c ' �`� / �� �p � ��� � ��� �j ��P�' `t�,�,o 4� �, /. ���G <C ( � �� '� � �`` v E� �C�� ��y� � SCALE 1"= 100' � / ��. t� ! � � � FIELD LIGHTING LAYt,}UT � ���f� � JAY�EE � PARK , oATE � ,� �,OS�.'Yt1,Otl)�.t BASEBALL/SOF'TBAL�/SOCCER FtE�[? 1 f 11/89 SIC?E VIEW FRQNT VIEW no s a1e ; �,./ LICNTS ' �,,,r/ LtGNTS � / i 1���,_ �`� I . � ; � . ,, ��� � � , , 10� 45� FENCE , ` � „� ` ( 4� 84ARDS 4' , BOARDS .......-�. , ( � , 200' f00, - .��` . BC1A�DS �FENCE j L�GHTiNG � DETAIL� . TC�P VI EW ��,....�..---� c.��N-rs �....�� ��� � � � � � BOARDS 1 + � FENCE ; , I FENCE ICE HOCKEY RINK 10Q• , oW Top oF ON TOP t� C3CsAR D5 BoARRS To ParNTS Tb Pt�INTS tNO1CATEt'). j �wd�cAr�D. SOAR�S (ta"} �►�av� � � (ta`) aBr�vE BoARQS ! S�ARnS �' ��� 200�" � R!NK� LI G HTI NG LAYOUT I no scate ��r� « :JAY o�TE � �� CE� PARK �,45f,'Yl2Otl)2� � fCE HOC�CEY RlNK ' 1f 11l89