HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.e. Approve Purchase of New Sander . -���`� '� �. ****,�*******�*******�**********�r**,t*****MEPtO*��r*******�r*�*�r*�x**�r*****�***rr�x***** DATE: 3ANUARY 13, 19$9 T0: rtAYQR & C011NCIL�t�PtBERS C/0 GITY t1�YiI23ISTt:A�OR JI K FROPt: CITY �NGINE�R IiLi� RE: ITE�iS FOR THE JAANARY 17, 1989 C4UNCIL i�tEETING CONSENT AGENDA �PProve Purchase of New Sander The 1989 C.I.P. includes the replacement of the sander. Our existing sander i.s over lQ years ald and has fulfilled its useful life. Attached is a list of quotations for a tailgate sander. The low quotation is from Ruffxidge-Johnson Equipment Company in the amount o£ $1,516. We budgetted $3,Ot30 in our C.I.P. for this item. Recommended action for Gouncil to consider is to approve the purchase of the tailgate sander fram Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Company in the amount of $1,516.