HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.g. Approve Final Payment O'Leary's Hills 3rd Addition, Contract #1989-7 ♦ . � � .. � � � . ��� " " { . � . . . . . i . . . . • . . � � � .. . � . . . . . �• -� ****��x*��***************�**************�1`tEA10****�,t*******,�**************,t*�t,t***� DATE: JANUAFiY 13, 1989 TO: AIAYDR & C�UNCILrt�PtBERS G/0 CITY ADPIIATISTRATOR JILK FROPt: CITY ENGINEER HEFTI R�: ITEriS FOR THE JANUARY I7, 1989 CDUNCIL rtEETING CQNSENT AGENDA • Approve Fina1 Fayment 0'Leary's Hiils 3rd Addition Street & Utilities Contract 2987-7 This item is for the eonsi.deration of the final payment for Contract 1987-7, Q'Leary's Hills 3rd Addition, ta Americmn Gontracting Carparation. This memo will provide some background information on this item along with a recommendation for Gouncil to consider. All construction work for the installation of streets and utilities within the 0'Leary's Hills 3rd Addition by American Gontracting Corporation is complete, Our Consulting Engineers-have inspected the project and faund it to be constructed in accordance with the contraet dacuments and specifications. Everything is in order €or final payment with the exeeption of TC134 forms (State withholding tax) and iien waivers. The reason we have not received any lien waivers is because the Contractor tzas not paid some af the subcontractars. However, until the Cantraetor gets paid frosn the City he cannot pay the subGontraetors. Based upc�n a su��estiatt fram our City Attorney, I would reco�nend the City approve the paym�nt, which haa Lo be co-signed by the Contraetor's bondin� eompany, and allow Staff to meet with all partie� inuoived and gi;ve the Contraetor his check upon receipt of the lien waivers. This would be sQmewhet like a clasin� on a house. Am�riean Gantracting �ould have the checks prepared for the subcontractors, and the sub�antracLor� would h�ve their lien waivers on h�nd. We would then give American the eheck who inturn would give the subcontraetors their checks who inturn would give the City the Zien waivers. Although thig appears somewhat cumbersome, it is the only option we have since the other possibie option is havzng the Contractor submit a bond to insure payment. This would not make much sense in lieu of the - Contractors financial eondition. The amount dedueted from the applieation is a result of the Gity having to hire same work done that the Contractar would not cor�plete on his punch list, again tied to his financia2 condition. Recommended actian for Council to consider is to appraue final payment of Contract 19$7-7, 4'Leary's Hills 3rd Addition, to Ameriean Gontractin� C4rporation in the of $2I,764,52 subject to reeeipts of the necessary lien waivers and IC134 forms and aecept the streets and uti,�ities constructed within this project. ��r-� � t SS?�- �' . i ! ci�r�r oF Ros�oux�r 11PPLICa1TION FO� PJ4YMBNT NO. �_ CITY PROJEC'i' NO: � �S SEH FILE NO: 57�0� PROJECT: �� �-eewy's �f�S 3r`� l��h - CONTRAGTOR: �P�'��,�,,,,, �*I1, �r p CONTRACT DATE: �"�I QI Pj� � ��f6/ �1�e � NW APPLICATION L1ATE: � l�' �� . - -- - �Or`- �/c�s /11JV ,SS`433 FOR PERIOD EAIUING. � �� a9 Total Contract Amour�t S T�(�7$� ��a�al Amount Earned � T.� '�"�R�Bg `�� „_,t_.._.....,,,_ ....._ Materiai Suitataly Stored on Site, Not IneorpQrated into Work � Contract Change C?rder No. Percent Compiete � Y� _' Contrac� Change Order No. Pereent Complete $ _--- - - Contract Change Order No. F�rcent Compiete � GROSS AMOUNT DUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , $ ' � .S'S' _ - ---�'-�-`� - LESS �$ RFTAINII�E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ (� AMOtlNT aUE TO DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $_ I � SS�'j Ss" LESS FREVIOUS APPLIGATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . $ � Z"J •5�49� b3 ��.._--c_ AM�UNT DUE THIS APFLICATII�N , . . . . . . . . . . S���.Zf d 145-� A D• — Z..SO . _..,._..____ 'P `�" �r�64' SZ R chard M. N City Enginee irector of Public Works �APPLICATION_FOEt`PAYMENTy • (UNIT PRICE C[)NTRACT) N0. _3__EilyAl E3WNER: ROSEMDUNT, MINNESOTA OWNER'S PROJECT NQ. �7� �NGINEER'S PROJECT NO.^^^__872fJ5___ __ LOCATIOt+t: R4SEMOUNT, MINNESOTA - ---l--� 4--r- CONTRACTQR AMERICAN CpNTRACTING CQRP. CONTRACT DATE ..__________________ ------------------- --�:__ 11661_EAGLE_ST.'N_W� __T_'_T'�pNTRACT AM(?UNT $14$, 675.46 GOON RAPIDS, MN 55433 - ---------- ------ - - CONTR. F�3R O'LEARY'S NILLS 3RD^ADDI'I'It?N!- STREET & UTILxTY CQNSTRUCTION - _......____,.__,___ _,.____ APPLIG.DATE - -__------------- ------------ --- ___ __+�dtW�r,X..�J.._�.�$�__�_____,�_ PERiC)D END. _,��nuary 5�_1989_------- APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT CONTRACT QUANTITY UNIT ___DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY TO DATE PRICE T�TAL ------------------------------------ I . SANITARY SEWER ------- ----- - -------- 0256.408 $" PVC, 10' -12'UE�P------L.F. ZiQ .�__ 585 13. i6 $ 934.�.:.6�_. 0256. 40II 8" PVC. 12' -14'a�EP I,.F. � 1;53 13.83 S_ 1U3j�2�__ ______.Z.t_._.._.__ Q256. 408 8" PVC, 14'-16'DEEP L. F. 5L 72 14.69 $ 7Q�. 19 0256. 408 g„ PVC, 16' -18' DEEP L.F. 7� 7(} 15,$3 $ -- —.L1S��1 Q---- 0256.408 $" PVC, 18'-20' DEEP L.F. gQ 3(? 18. 5i $_ 14�3U.�0 025b.408 8" PVC, 20' -22' DEEP L.F'. 40 40 19.86 $ 794.40 0256.408 8" PVC, 22'-24' DEEP L.F. �0 126 23.87 $ .11� ,3 0256. 514 12" RCP, CL. V� 24'-26' D$EP L.F. 3p7-� 304 36. 53 $ 11??�_�� PAGE 1 OF 4 SHORT-ELLIOTT-HET+IDRICKSON, INC. _. . . ! ! �256.701 �TANDARD MANHOLE $' DE�P EACN 4 4 85g.20 $ _,���_�,8� 0256.702 EXCE�S DEPTH STANDARD MANH4LE L.F'. '�t '� 34,5 57.25 $....,1�.�...� 0256.7�6 g,' pUTSIDE DRf3P $ECTIL)N I..F. ��_ 25 136.i2 $ 3,t„55 2F�_ ' �25b.8fl1 8" BY 4" PVC WYE EACH 23 31.OQ $__ 71'� f�tl �3 0256.SQ3 4" PVC SERVICE L.F. �4�� 996 3.88 S_�na� �� 0256.90Q CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER ERCH L 1 3C11.5Q 5 30 i .60 II. WATERMAIN 025?.4Q6 6" DiP WATERMAIN, CL 52 L.k'. 1534 I569 10.85 $ t�i643.9p 0257. 408 $" DIP WATERMAIN, CL. 52 L.F. 466 455 12.85 $'S98�.10 0257. 606 6" R.S.GATE VALVE & HOX EACH ,� 6 28t!. 6p $ 1 qfl3.00 0257. 608 $" R.S. GATE VALVE & B�X EACH � 1 380,80 $ 3�p�8Q 0257. 630 FITTINGS LESS TNAN 12" LH. 7�q 7g2 � . 6& $ - 1325,52 0257. 640 FIRE HYDRANT EACH ,g 4 994. 20 $ - 3976.80 0257. 710 1„ COPPER SERVZCE L.F. tf►�] . 984 4.49 $ �` �__,�___-__ Q257. ?30 1" CQRPORATION EACN 23 30.Q2 S 690.4b �.23 0257. 740 1" CURB STOP EACH 23 56. 6$ S 130�.64 - 23 0257.$Ob INSULATION B.F. 12$ 1. 14 $ 0 __ �_(�p 0257. 903 CONNECT TO EXISTiNG WATERMAIN EA�H 2 226. 20 $ d�,� �ln ,� III. STORM SEWER ~ -------------------,---- 0258. +312 12" RCP STORM SEWER CL. V L.F. a85 185 19.35 5�5�9.75 025$.415 15" RCP STORM S�WER, CL` V L.F. �q� 190 16. 14 5��1]5____ti0�� 0258.421 21" RCP ST�RM SEWER, CL. III L.F. t?� I27 19.9� $ 2427_80 025$, 603 MANHOLE, TYPE B L.F. 7 2 6.5 • 125.$8 S q��,q 025$.704 CATCH HASIN, TYPE X L.F. � 7 6 159.85 $ 91i ,,..�5 PAGE 2 OF 4 SHORT-ELLI�TT'-HENDRIGKSON, INC. � 0258.705 CATCH BASIN, �E Y L.F. � —12.3 1. 5 184.2I 5�265,79 p258.$01 R 1733 MH CASTING FOR STORM SEWER EACN � 1 115.�0 $ 115 �0 025$.80$ R 3�67 CH CASTING EACH .,� 5 I76.00 $____$$� 00 d25$.930 CONNECT TO EXiSTiNG STQRM SEWER EACN a 1 301.50 $_ :��L�n IV. STREETS 21t?5. 521 GRANULAR BORROW'(L.V, j__ C.Y. � 1 t304 1.39 S-- 0.00 2i11. 501 TEST ROLLING RD.STA 1fi.5 16.5 16.�0 $ 264,Q �____ 2112. 501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION RD.STA_ 1(�.5 16. 5 89.00 $ 14fi8.50 2211 . 5Q3 AGGREGATE BASE PLACED, CLASS 5 (P) C.Y. 942 910 9.00 $ 8478.QO 2341.504 BITUMINQUS MATERIAL FOR MIXTURE T4N �_(�7 58 168.00 $ lAff91 IFi 2341.508 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE TON �>> �� 500 11.00 $ ��i?7 J1 2341 . 510 BINDER COURSE MiXTURE TON �,>> � 500 10.70 S�-,r�1 6E�._ 235?. 502 SITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK CDAT GAL. �0 3Q0 1 .60 $_ ��o.ao 2504. 602 ADJUST GATE VRLVE BOX EACH 6 5 110.00 S 66t}.Qa 25Q6. 522 ADJUBT FRAME AND RING CASTING EACH _� 4 130»00 $ 65fl.00 2531 . 501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, DESIGN D418 L. F. �321 324Q 4. 51 $ �Ll�ZZsZL� 2545. 511 LIGHTING UNIT, TYpE A EACN ? Z },000.E10 5--20U4_(�0 ____ 2545. 511 LIGHTING UNIT, TYpE g EACN � 2 i000.oc3 S �nn� on 2545. 532 UNDERGROUND CONDUCT�R L.F. _7fi2 ?30 2.13 5��7� n� 2545. 552 FBED POINT EACH 2 2 1000.�0 5-.�:Q{1Q,D�.— 2554. 501 PERMANENT HARRICADES L, �^. ,.._..3� 16 33.07 S_�.4,a&.�4 PAGE 3 OF 4 SHORT—ELLI�TT—HENDRICKSON, INC. � Total Contract Amount � 148 ,675. 46 Total Amount Ear d $ �aq ��R �� Mayerial Suitably Stored on Si e, Not Incaporated into Work � $ Contraet Change Qrder No. Percent_Compfiete � Contract Change Order No. Percent Complete � Contract Change Order No. Percent Complete � CRDSS AMOUNT DUE. . .. . . . .. . .. . . . $ t,�c�„.,�,�fi �5. IESS � RETAINAGE. .. . . .. . . �� � aQ . AMOUN7 DUE TO �ATE. . . . ... . . . . . . � LESS PREVIOUS APPLICATI4NS. . . . . $ � ' Ah10UNT OUE TNIS APPIICATION. .. . $ Z�,Q�q,52 CQNTRACTOR'S AFFIDAYIT he undersigne antractor hereby swears under penalty of perjury that (lj all prevtous progress. payments receivec! €rom the Owner on account of work performed under the cantract referred to above have been applied hy the undersigned to discharge in full all obligations of the uad�r- signed incurred in connectior� with wark covered by priar Applications for Payment under said contract, and (2) a11 materiat and equipment incorporated in said Pro�ect or� otherwise tisted in or covered by this Apptication far Payment are free and clear of all iiens, ciaims, security interests and encumbrancas. Dated January 5 , 19 �_. Ameriean Contracting Gorporation C ntractor . By � ,,.. Name an � e GOUNTY OF Anoka Williarn 0. Horbal , President Sl'ATE flF j SS Before me on this 5th day of Ja�nuar , 1989 personaiiy appeared Wi I 1 i m 0. H 1 --�rnvn to me, wTio bei ng�uTy s�rn, di d depose and say that e is the � of the Contractor abov� mentioned; f ce that he executed the above Application for Payment and Affidavit on behalf of said Contractor; and that atl af the statements contained therein are true, co rec and�amplete. � � �. I[MMMA",M.�/`1MAn,1An1A1fJ1PNnl�n.'1Mr � � / . . ,�., Jil['f H A. Lil� '(?;iAF �� / t� My Commissian �xp�t�i�s�.. ,� . �:ora � �Clt�f 1� :. � . .,� f vtary ub c ,` .._ ` pi,('vntri. .o�•.� u�cr �;._9.1991 � The uRdersignet�'����ch�►ck�►d`the•L�drrtw�'�tor's Application for Payment shown above. A part of this Application is the Contractar's Affidavit stating that all previaus paytnents ta htm . under this Contract have been appiied by him to discharge in futl all of h1s obligations in connection with the work covered by all prior �pp1ications for Payment. In accordance with the Contract, the �ndersigned approves pa,y�nt ta the Contractor vf the Amaunt Due. � /��� � � SHURT EL T MEN ICKSO I Date — — � By Page 4 of 4