HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h. Approve Change Order #2, Country Hill Trunks Improvements, Contract #1986-9 � � . _ ..,....�.�� � �,. *�r*�**�r****,t,�,t*�*�r**�r****�****,�,t********PtEPtO******�r*********��******�******,��*** DATE: JANUARY 1�, 1989 T0: MAYOR & C4UNCILMEAtBERS C/0 CI�Y ADMIATISTRATO FRQAit CITY ENGINEER HEF RE: ITEMS FOR TIiE JANUARX 17, 19$9 COUNCIL AIEETING C4NSENT AGENDA Approve Change 4rder #2, City Contract 1986-9 Country Iiiils Trunk Utilitie� I�rovements This memo will deseribe the need fox Change Order #2 and reco�nend�d actian for Council to consider. The need far this change order resul.ted when construction of the service drive ta the Lift Station #4 re�ulted in having to add some granular material because the original topsoil was unsuitable for use to place gravel aver far a service drzve. The volume of sand material added displaced the topsoi2 that was taken out of the roadway area and stockpiled a long side of ti�e road. This cosC for excav�tic�n was to move the stockpile topsoil adjacent to the road to an area along 145th 8treez between our driveway and the Baptist parking lot. The amount o€ tt�is wark is $735.00. A capy of the Change Order and doet�mentation is enclosed. Recommended aetion for Council to consider is to approve Change Order #2 to City Contract 19$6-9, Country Hi11s Trunk Utiiiti�s improvements, in the �tmount of $735.00 and authorize the Mayar and City Clerk to sign the Change drder. — - __ __ . . . . . � ..� r � ' i • DAILY RECORD f1F NON-CONTRHCT WQRK �wner City of Rosemount Pro�ec� No. 9 986-9 Pro�ect �untrv Hills Trunk Se�aer S EH Fi l e 87Q36 Coiltl"aCtOr` AmPri t�an (�jAtrrxGt3:T1Q Da�9 6/S $7 Description of Work - _ Nh��ino Axr��c �tmGni 1�5,?Sl..��tic1- r1,,,.-^h 1�2'����• D3.Tet3t LA80R Time Labor Name Cl�ssificatton Start Sto Hour Rate Cost ._.` ,.,..� � � Totai direct lsbor MATERIALS Payroil coets @ $ . Total lab4r; Item uantit Unit Unit cost Cost -Nbvincx taAsail 420 c.y. , , . ,—� � EQUIPMENT _'_� Subtatal $735.Q0 { Include Qperetor Time Under Labor) . Sales tax Totai materials $735.Q0 Time Unft Start Sto Hours Rate Cost Tatal ' equipment SUMMARY �►PProue : Tatai iabor � Total ma�erials �:Z3i)-'"'- � ' Tatal equip�rtent �:�� 0 Contrac or Date Overh�ad 6 Profit @ $� �t''7Y��.�._.._--- 1/3/89 R e�ident Pro�ect Date Repre�entative Total Cost $735.40 __ Notej Prices agreed by contractorferigineer.