HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.i. Approve Final Payment Country Hills Trunks Improvements, Contract #1989-9 .. ..,���� �`,, � i *��,�***�**��r*,�*******,��r*******�*********P1Ertfl**�r��*******�**�r****�*��******���*** DATE: JANUARY 13, 1989 T0: AtAYOR & COUNCILrtEPtBERS C/0 CITY ADAfINISTRAT4R .JTL FROPi: CITY ENGINEER HEFTI REt ITErtS FOR THE JANUARY 17, 1989 GOUNCIL PIEETING CONSENT AGENDA ApprovE Final Payment Ccs�ntry Hills Trunks Improvements Contract 1986-9 This item is very similar to ttre 0'Leary's Hills 3rd AddiCion as it has the same Contractor involved. Staff would make the same recommendation in this instance as it did previously in that tha Council approve the final payment subject tfl receipt o£ necessary lien waivers and IC134 forms. For Gouneils information, the amount $262.�s a�au�tea was again €or work ',on tlie punch list that the ConCractor did not complete and we had tv hire somearte e2se to do it. ,, Action for Council ta consider is to authorize payment in the amount a€ ' $16,007.50 to American Contracting Corporation for the £inal payment £or ',Gontract 1986-9, Country Hills Trunk Utilities, and accept the uta.lities construc�ed within this project. I „ . . � • • I� : CITY OF RUSEMOU'N'F ' ' APPLICATION FO� PAYM£NT NO. �j_ ' CITY PRO�JECT NO: _IlS47"”' �" �P�•S. ���e� SEN FILE NC3: 7Q„3'' :_��— PR03ECT: �U+�,-�-Yy I-�-t�IS �i"Uh.K U�1��T�QS CONTRACTOR: �/M�,ri cati.. Cp+�-h• �q vp CONTRACT DATE: ' � ZZ �7 _I�CGi ��s S'F /U�t1 APPLICATIQN DATEt _ I�SI SS�' _�—O�F�-�oiJs�/31N SS433 FOR PERIOD ENDING: I f� 89'', �. Total Contract Amount S 7 _) 7.�/4 $� Total Amount Earned 5 � } '��7'$ �S Material Suitably Stared on Site, -- Not Incorporated into Work $ --------r—....__ __. Cont�act Change Order No. 1 Percent Complete (�4�v $�,�� '"' Contract Change Oacder No. 2- Percent Complete ,po�e $ "�,�� ' � Contrac� Change Order No. Percent Compiete � ' GROSS AMOUNT DUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ I V�,�'7,� g� LESS O $ RETAINAGE . . . pI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ----�–____— AMOUNT DUE TO DAT� $_ I��}LSp73_¢� . . . . . . . . . . . , . . LESS PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS . , . . . , . . . ' .,.,... . . . S:�73�Q� 4° AMOUNT DU�E THIS APPLICRTIQN . . , . . . . O� • • s 16, �7Q -- _ ----���___ PR � '- ��6� � ichard M. He �f 6�(54,, �' � City Engineer/ reator of Public Works ' � ' � � APFLIGATION Ft?R PAYMENT {UNIT PRICE CQNTRRCT) NO.g _ F I tdA�_ Ownert ROSEMQUNT, MINNES�TA Owner's Pro,�ect No. 1985-9 Engineer's Pro�ect No. 8703b LOCATION C(3UNTRY HILLS ADDITZON Contractor Ameriean Contractin Cor� Contract Date 1166i Ea le St. N W. Contract Amount $1?7,614.86 - Coon Rapids, MN 55433 Contract for TRUNK UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FOR C�UNTRY HILLS ADDITION Application Date For Period Ending .tan„�rv 5� f 989 APPLICATION FUR PAYMENT DESCRIPTION CCINTRACT QUANTITY UNIT UNIT QUANTITY TO DATE PRICE TOTAL 0256.40$ $" PVC, 1�' TO i6' DEEP L.F. 80 i0Q $15.33 $_1��OQ 0256.41fl 10" PVC, 8' TO 10' DEEP L.F. I6t3 222 13.28 $ --�-,9,48.�fi 6 0256.4i0 I0" PVC, 10' TQ 12' DEEP L.�'. 40C1 399 13.62 $ 5,434 3$ 1'sge 1 of 5 SHQRT-ELLIt?TT-HENDRICKSdN, INC. - . � � APPI.ICATION FOR PAYP+ISNT - Cont3,nu�d CONTRAGT QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT Q�,TANTIT'� TQ L1ATE PRIG� TCITAL 0256.41� 1Q" PVC, 12' TO 14' T?EEP L.F. 245 23Q $i4.4$ S__..�QR.40 Q256.41C? 10" FVC, 14' T4 16' DEEP L.F. 145 �p� 15,59 5��..18 C3256.650 1C1" DIP, 14' TO 16' DEEF L.F. 35 3 f 22.6$ S 70�08 0256.610 10" DIP, 15' TO 1$' DEEP L.F. 55 58 27.24 $ 1.5$�g2 0256.610 10" DIP, 18' Tp 20' DEEF L.F. 50 49 29.37 S�_4.�i 3 0256.610 10�� DIP, 2fJ' TQ 22' DEEP L.F. 50 �2 31.79 $�`i3 08 0256.b10 10" DIP, 22' TO 24' DEEP L.F. 170 170 34.60 $S.�$2�.00 0256.610 IO" DIP, 24' TO 26' DEEP L.F. 45 4p 37.61 $�12..40 0256.610 lo�� nz�, 26� To 28' DEEP L.F. 20 27 41.27 $ ' 1 . 1 i4.?9 0256.701 STANDARD MANHOLE, 8' DEEP EAGH 5 5 ??8.10 $ 3_f�9[�_50 0256.702 EXGESS DEPTH, STANI3ARD MANHOLE L.F. �Q 37.8 �2•60 $�;�2$ 0256.706 MANHOLE DROP SECT�ON L.F. � 7.2 210.95 $ 1 �51f3_84 0256.806 8" X 10" MANHOLE STUH EACH 1 2 i70, 56 $ 341_12 0256.9(?1 CONNECT TO EXISTING MANHOLE EACH I � 494.6Q $ fl9A �Q Pag� � °� � SH�RT-ELLIQTT-HENDRICKSQN, INC. ♦}. ` . . � � . . � � . � � � . � � � � . � � � . . . AP'PLICATiON FOR PAYMENT - Corltinued CONTRACT QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTTTY TO DAfiE PRICE TOTAL 0256.9oa s�� DIP FORCENIAIN L.F. 1,400 1301 Si5.63 S 20,334.63 0257.4�07 6" DIP HYBRANT LEAD, CL. 52 L.�. 40 39.5 17.84 S 704.68 0257.408 $�� DIP WATERMAIN, CL. 52 L.F. 60 48 19.84 S 952.32 0257.416 16" DIP WATERMAIN, CL. 52 L.F. 1, 550 1549 2?.33 5�..�_�-17 0257.6Q6 6" RS GATE VALVE AND HOX EACH 2 � 290.64 S �R1 _?Q 0257»60$ f3" RS GATE VALVE P►ATD HOX EACH 1 p 395.8Q S 0.00 0257.617 16" BUTTERFLY VALVS AND BOX EACH 1 1 1,283.80 S 1 ,283.80 0257.630 D.T. FITTINGS L8. 3,�0� 3035 1.54 $ 4,673.9Q 0257.640 FIR£� HYDRANT EACH 2 2 1,058.6t3 S 2,117.2Q 0257.9�1 CUT-IN AND CONNECT TO INPLACE WM EACH 2 1 1, 18 5.60 S 1 �1$5.fi0 0259,6Q5 AGGREGATE PIPE SUBGRADE BACKFILL TON l,QQO Q .10 $ 0.00 0259.6d7 #tEPLACEMENT BACKFILL TON 2,OOfl p .10 $ O.QO 0259.?Q1 4" HITUMINOUS SVRFACE RESTORATION S.Y. 2OU 141.3 15.00 $_���_p 0259.?�3 8" AGGREGATE HASE RESTORATION S.Y. 200 941 .3 8.00 $ 9 • �30,40 0259.705 12" AGGREGATE SHOULDERING RESTORATIC?N S.Y. 1(?0 fi0.0 10.(}0 $ Ft�t�_tlp Page 3 0� 5 SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON, ING. , a . s . •�. � . . . . � . . . � .�� . . . . .. �. . � � . 1 .t RPPLICATION FOR PAYMSNT - Continued : CONTRACT QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY TO DATE PRICE TOTAL 1195.5�1 LIFT STATION L.S. 1 � �48,923.40 $ 4�.,�1?3.�.40 1710.501 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES L.S. 1 1 5UtJ.00 S 50Q.QO 2105.501 COMMON EXCAV. C.Y. �4�0 1298 2.50 S 3,2�5.00 2105.521 GRANULAR BORROW t Lv) C.Y. 20fJ 421 +�.50 S t.894.50 2118.501 AGGREGATE SURFACING, CL. 2 T�N 350 55g.09 22.t}0 $ 6.7_��08 2501.511 12" CM PIFE CULVERT L.F. 20 �.4 14.41 $ 7(19 _74 2501.515 12" CM PIPE RPRON EA�H 2 � i06.1Q $ 106. 1fl 2575.501 SEEDING ACRE 3 q 4�Q.t?0 S 1.6(IQ.QO 2575.502 SEED, MIXTURE 5 LB, 225 300 �.�� S 525.00 25?5.511 MULCH MATERI�L, TYPE 1 TON 6 g i25.�10 $ 1 .Q00.00 2575.519 DISC ANCHORING ACRE 3 4 50.�0 $ 2�0.00 Page 4 of 5 SHQRT-ELLIC3TT-HENDRTCKSON, iNC. , . ANPLIGATI�N FOR PAYMENT - Continued � : Total Contract Arnount $ 177,6�6 Total Amount Ear� $ 179.878.48 -i Material Suitabl� Stored on Site, Nat Incoparated into Work $ Cantract Change Order No. 1 Percent_Complete ip�„���� $ ���,�p,�g9 Contract Change 4rder Na. 1 Percent Complete �p�,��2) $ 1T�tl0.0�9 Contract Change Qrder No. � Percent Comptete �� $ ��5 aa . GROSS AMOUNT DUE.. .. ... . . . . .. . . $ 18�,�73.48 LESS % RETAINAGf... . . .. . $ �� • AN1(}UNT QUE 70 OATE.. ..... . . .. . . �_�s�Q�9.7�3.-4:� LESS PREVIOUS APPIiCATIONS.. ... �-�7��7.�.'i.4� �' � AMCIUNT DUE TNIS APPLICATIOPI. ,, . � 1h 27t� c��}. CONTRAC70R`S AFFIDAVIT ' " e un ers gne ontractor Mereby sw�ars under penal�y of per,�ury that (1} all previous �rogress. payments received from the Owner on accaunt of work perforn►ed under the cpntract referred Co above have been applied by the undersigned to discharge in fu11 ali obligatians of th� under- signed incurred in connection with work covered by prior Apptications fpr Payn�ent under said contract� and (2� ali material and equipment incorporated in said Pro,�ect or otherwise listed in or covered by thfs Application for Payment are free and clear of al� liens, claims, security interests and enccambrance�. Dated January ;�,,, , 19 gg_. �erican Contracting Corp. Contractor , , ,-� �s � BY F.� ,�- ^ Name a d Title Will•iam fl. Narbal , President CQUNTY QF Annka � SS STATE Of MinnQsnt� Before me on this �t� day af �anua�,y � , 19 personally app�ared William 0. Horbal Tcriown to�me. wjw bein�y sworn, did depflse and say that he is the „��.d�.. of the Gontractor above mentioned; tc��1' Ce that he executed the above Ap lic t P�ayment and Affidavit an behalf of said Cantractor; and that a]1 of the�6�l�hl�� ,���� rein are true, co rec and , amplete. '� ,�'`�! , NO'fARY Plt{]L1G-I,UNNG�OTA j � � � � My Commission Expi " .� n,r�oKn cou�vrv � RAyCommissionExpiresA9ay28,1991 �fl��ry � � r . . Y.� . � . . � � ..� The undersigned has checked the Contractor's Application far Pa,yment shown above. A part af this Application is the Co�traetor's Affidavit stating that atl previous pay�nts to him under this Contract have been appfiied by him to discharge in full a11 of Mis obligations in connection with the work covered by all prior Appticat#ons far Pa,�m�ent. In accordance with the Cantract, the undersigned approves payn�nt to the Contractor of ti�e Amaunt Due. 1 /Q SHOR1' El HEN CKSQM, N Date ! gy t---- , Page � of 5