HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.j. Approve Change Order #2, West Ridge 2nd Addition, Contract #1987-6 I �� . � � . . . � ,,,,�"''-r���'i r' ! �� � p• . 7 . � . � . . �� . . . � . . . *�**********�r*****�r*�r*�r*�*�r****�*�**�***1`tEA10�*****�r**�*�**�**�e****�r**�**�r,t****�� DATE: JANUARY 13, 1989 T0; MAYOIt & CQITNCILriEMBEItS C/0 CITY ADMINISTRATOR J LK FROA4: CITY ENGINEER IiEFTI� ��: TTE�1S P�R THE JANUARY 17, 1989 COITNGIL rt�ETING CQNSENT �iGENAA Approve Change Order �Z, West Ridge 2nd Addition Gontraet 1987-6 This mema wiZl explain the need for Change Order �i2 to this contract and alsa �nake a recommendation for Council to eonsider. The need f4r this change order resulted for a payment of non-contract work related items and also the deductian for noncamplying bi�uminous surface. Attached is a copy of the Change Order �E2 along with a summary of non-contract work items and its related documentation, The major item on the non-contract work la.st was for ttie extension of inplace storm sewer that was built in the West Ridge lst Addition. I requested this work be done because of severe erosion problems we were encountering. The outlet elevation the storm sewer was set at the future water level for this ponding area, lacated immediately east of the West Ridge ist Addition. However, the water level will not be reached untii ultimate development along the surrounding area generates the necessary runoff to bring the water to the elevation the outlet was planned for. Until that time, I felt it would be necessary and cost effective to extend the storm sewer out down the slope to the bottom of the existing ponding area. Although this area is dry now, it wiil undoubtedly be holding water in the future when full development generates more runoff. The other items are relatively self explanatary, however I wili be happy to provide any €urther explanation or clarification to any Council me�ber who desires, Recommended action for Gouncil to consider is to approve Change Order �2 to Contract 1987-6, West Ridge 2nd Addition Utility and Street Improvements in the amount of adding $12,564.37 to the Contract and auLttorizing Atayor and Gity Glerk sign Che Change Order. ,,�v � � CHANG� QRDER �� ENG1N!=BRS/ARtHI/8Ci5/i►LANNBRS 222 EAST LITTlE CANADA RORD,ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 551 T 7 6t2 484•D272 OwNER Citv of: Rosemount DATE 4ctober 2�� 19$8 UWNERS PROJECT NQ 167 Co� #' t4$")-(P CHAIUGE ORDER NQ. 2 PR0IECT pESCRlPTiON 1��st Ridqe 2nd �Idi tion SEH FrtE N0. 87,�23 The following changes shali be made Co che contracf documencs Description: Add the fal7owing work items to tMe contract. (See attached summary) Purpose of Change Order. Payment for additional non-contract work items associated with the projeet and deduct for bituminous surface in lieu of sealcoating. Basis of Cost: � Q� Acrual ❑ Estirnaced Attachments(list supporting documentsl 1 - Sumnary vf Non-Contract Work Items 7 - Da�1y Record of Non-Contract Work I - 11/16j87 SEH to American Letter Contract Status Time Cqsi Origina/Conrract $245,373.50 NeC Change Prior C.p.'5 I ro 851.00 Change chi5 C.�. .�...1�5�6� 3T �ev�sed C'ontr�acr $259,788.87 Recommended for Approvaf: Short-El►iatt-Hendrlc#san, lnc. By _,_,_, � Steve Camp e11 Agreed to by Conrractor: Approved for Owner: , � '<<-� • � � Y Y ` er�c n c 9, nc. B Title � gy Dlstrlbuclan Contractor 2 Owner 1 Pro�ec�Representanve 1 SF_N Offrce t SHCJRF ELL��►7 ST PAUI, IHrF�F�F_tt4 rqtLS, HElJDRlCiC50N tNC. A.tfNNE50TA WISCONSIPI �. � . � � . . � . �. . . � . . .. SUf�MARY Of NON-CONTRACT WORK iTEh1S WEST RIDGE ZND ADDITiON CITY PROJECT N0. lb7 ROSEM4UNT, htINNESO�A IT�hI DESCRIPTION COST 1. Additional sit2 grading in temporary Cul-Qe-Sac areas not provided by developer. $ 189.75 2. Adjustment of inplace manhole castings in Danville Avenue due to minor grade revision. 3,351.37 3. Extension of inplace storm sewer outfali in West Ridge lst per city request. 8,806,98 4. Repair of inplace gate valve box. 159.73 5. Additional grading in temporary Cu1-de-Sac areas to provide drainage. 234.60 6. furnish and install hydrant extensions due to minor grade revisions. g3p.p{� 7. Remove and replaee defective sidewalk along east side of Danville between 160th and Dakota. 2,501.94 8. Deduct for bituminous surface in lieu of seal coating. $(3s51D.00a Total $12,564.37 . . � • . DA�LY RECQRd QF NON�CQNTRACT WQ�2K owner C� ,,f .. � � Pro�eCt M Pro�ec� No. _ /G� aa SEH Fi l� �Qn t rc'�C tQr ��t ne.v !`•'n..i�r�r , s .:A+. ] Da�: 't3 .�'?!L 4 pescription af Work _ �'^/�s.,�k� r�t � .-------_ O..v,�{ .-.5.�C . LABOR ' • DS.reCt Name Time Labor Classifica�ion Stazt S�o f�our Rate Cc�st , � . ------- �.,�. -------.�_.�. ---------._- --------- --------- � MATERIALS Total direc�b . Payroll casts @ g Item T4ta2 Yabor �,� _ Quan.tit Unit Uni� cast Cost --- __ -- _ -------._-- --.�_ ------------ --�----- -- ---______ EQUI PMENT �— ( Include Operator �Time Under Labor • ��b'�otal ) Sales tax To�al materi�ls ,�,e Uni� " T.ime - . Start ' Sto Mours Rate Cost ae n �_ 3 55'� /GS2.► ---.__._- .,....._.._,�„_ -.-_._._.___,. -- . _____-_- ___._. ---• Total equipment S UMMA R Y `_'_ APProvec}: � Tata i 1 abor �t/A Total materials /' r�r - �/ -'�' '�--�---�-__ / � _ _ - Total equipmen� /GS'� ,. i ���c' / �'l� Overhead & C ntraetor Dete Profit @ �� ,v»r ` ' < -... /s 11� Re idential Pra�ect, � Tota 1 Cas t �Bq�s ��epresentative � , � � DAILY RECORD 4F NON-CONTRACT Wt3RK . Owner �,� d� �ss�..�r..�� ` Pra ect Pro�ec� Nv. /&7 Co � .�.ou�' �+ S Efi Fi 1 e -_�?�x 3 ntract4r _�,�...r�c�... .%.� ,v.+� Qa1<e fi- �- G7 Descrip •�`•r; - , tion of �Work . 2'.rt6rf ....s .A,dv./M.�•w c r�....« T"�'?,rc•�, . �. . � � � ri�8�� .. . : . . . . . . .. . . ����t.'�� . � . . � . .. Name Time Labo� Classxfieatian Start S�a €iour Rate Cost --__.. .-�!te�.� r�.�*,�' � . . �.�: 3_... oZ�"" �a77 �� ---�_: /m ,� �„ �- _1��"�/'ga►��r�.J ---„-.�._' ----------- � "'_..__..� —_,._._ z ,r..c..t r'_____�_ —____-_�_.-� � �- ` Tatal direct labor yo�,;. MAT�RIALS Payroll costs @ $ ILem Total labor �,/p)�!:. Quantit Unit Unit cast Cost -- �v�.�. .___ v�- ,e� . -- _._ 92 t�r. 9�5' s,� 9�s�" . - �N.+ ,�.� /J _____-- _____�—__-- LF .20 �.�' /90 7. '�' �J ...,c� -,.C.�— /4B.!� /Dfl,f z . . . �'h'Ar ��f+o/S�-- _3�. . _" . . . n f -- _,.�.�(�. �2.�. _ .3�Q '� .ars • - -- � --- �,..L, ��f� a'y _ ____._ —=_„�d DA�LY RECQRD t)F NON-CONTRACT WURK Owner CitY af Rosemount Pro�ect No. 167 Pro�ect T�strick�e 2nd �� SEN F�.le 87123 Contr�c�or Amearic Cr� t :Dete 1�29�7 "� De�arip�ion o�' Wor --�-�-�-- (r'[-�rr�vi rtQ e�rtt•rEat�+ GQ� �ae� �1-��, an�t anrti n� S�C�1t�7S� �._,_-�_ LABOR D rect Nam� Classification StartimsSto Hour Raer Coat GYew time . ��. �,,,��;�=�1�2,1-. � . ��t t a_ne� �� � �� -.,___...,.. � �� ^'_^'^'_....+_w� "`__ "�' !.�" � R �" Tf� � � Totel direet laaar $2564.00 MATER2ALS payroil coets @ � Item Tatai 1�Ybc�r uantit U�it Unit c+ast Cast —4$"xl 4� cc�nr r��+r 2 _Mr�,+t-+�,.�r_ & cr�.,,�. �,a� ���.. - �s $$3 i58 $167.15 • �� g ------.T. ----.----- EQUIFMENT Subtotal �a fi� �� + � . � F}1A��a�.e�w� A.��.__i__ . _. � . � �� , � • • DAILY RECORD OF NON-CONTRACT WORK Owner Lii� o�l .�s .�..1' ; Pro�ee� Pro�ec� No. i�7 ��, sc Na. SEN Fi).e Y7.a� Contractor �,,,.A,a,,,N�, Description of �Work G.. „..�f,.,r. oate _ji l�./3� -_._.._.... , o� Cv6 � � . . � . . � . . . . . . � O�J .�MNs � . . . . .. . �. � . . . . . a � . � � . . LA80R - Oirect Name Classi�ication Time Labor Start S�o Hour Rate Cost ._-_�(�dfe,c � [A6n�r �"- --L-- L=� .32�= --------- �' _ _.3 z= .�z� ----------. -----___ ------- ----�--.-�._-_... ---.--. MATEFtIALS Total dizect �abor G y s Payroll costs @ � Item To�al labor dy; - Quantit Un�.t Unit cost Cost .v l.•G • !/,� ' ---- f _____ � _ �'/ '7'6 _- '''s�---- --------� ____-�__-_�-___ --_______�-�-- --- ------------ -------------- EQUIPMENT '_..._-- ---- ( Include Ogeratoz- Time Under La'bor ��btotal ��e� � Sa�es tax ____.��_ To�ai materials ��, b� Una.t Time . Start' Sto Hours � Rate Cost —____-__ ------_,..�. .___.__-__,-- .------_,._ ___-_.-___-- -,--__-_-- ---�– -�--------- -�_ Total equipment �,�T��'' S UMMA R Y ,.,r' Tata I l abor 6f�'.,� A��rovad: Total materials �_ % ` � „�--- . � -�" = �� ��. " ��� � ' ' ` Totai equipment ,�c � - ��''l Qverhead & NA on�rac r Dete P ro f i t @ �� _ f o,,,Y ,Z/ �.,..�. /,/ Re identia�. Pro,ject '� n�� Total Cost �epreseRtatfve /54 �� , ' • � � • w DAILY REGORD QF NON-CONTRACT WORK : Owner t' sa,�,r�' �� ', . Pro�ect Pro,jec� Nv. /� � Contraetor SEM File �'?��-� Description of• Work •,� c'' Date _ ii- � - �� . ,d'e..D..,..� ,4,,�,.....4 . ,�J,d� .tc � LA80R Uiree� Name T:Cme , Labor Classification Start S�t� Nour Rate Cos� ' e --._,,,, --_._..�� -__, NiATERZALS Total direet iabor . Payro2l eosts @ � Item Total labor ,v.-s Quantit Unit Unit cost Cast -------.--- — ----�-----� ---____ �QU I PMENT ,._"�— ( Inc�ude Operatar Time Under Labar Subtatal . } Saies tax Total materials .�ri.9 Unit Time A� � p S�art Sto Hours Rate Cast � -�_.. �tiS�� —�.,-.^. ------._,_� ------, .____.___�-___�— --------- . _.� Total �quip e .�of��� SUMMARY , _. Total labor APProved: Total materials N� �.i� �; .�[�A . /= Total equipment _ .�o� � ' i - '," ,"`" �.+.� -�'" / �verhead & ontr�ctor Date Profit @ �� ��!e � R s dential Pro�.._,..` �2 � ,� Q e Total CQst _ ,��,��o Reprgsentative � , � ' � � • ' � v . DAILY RECURi? aF NOPI-CONTRACT WQRK . OWf1�1 C./ o/ �CIs6w+arn.� + . ProjeCt 1,,/ Pz'o�eC� NO. /b� Cantractor OG �• SEN F.�le �'7 t a.� p4scra.p�ion o€ �Work,��►„ f"_�.��., .�� ,r�.: .v ,,�ai:o /a./� Lr�.�� -.__._-.�..__.� A�.� . , . LAH�R . , Direet Name Classi£ication Star�imeSto Haur Rater Cost . -----_ . . . . . . w �.�.,-.�:.,�,.�„ � . . . � . . . �....�+-�..� . . . . � � � . . . -_ . ��.... . . 'w`�; . . .. MATERIALS Total. direct ;�abor Payroll costs @ g Item Total labor ,u�.� �, Quantit Unit Unit cost Cost �� _� � � � � .._ � 830_ ____.�_._ .____._._.— , �_ -----.--_.._ ----------_..._ �QUI PMENT --"'_",-- ( Inciude Operator Time Under Labor ��btotal �t3� ) • Sales �ax � ._.._ Tot.al materials F�3a'= Uni t Time - . Start Sto Hours Rate Cost -------_____. -----_ --.-- ------__._ —__ Total equipment ,v,, SUMMARY • — Tota2 labor �PProvedX Total materials �A ' , � ' Total. equipment ��v� ,� � � �i _ �: �v'� o ract r � ,,� ���' Overhead & Dete Frofit �a $ �' � �t�,�,G �L R i enti�Pro�ect Dete Total Cost Representative d3e'� � AS Qaff..�p. O ; � . � • ! 1 DAILY RECORD OF NON-CQNTRACT WQRK Own @r �:' ��S�a....{ P7c0 E; ' P�o�4C t ��f.@.oGE 2�? � G� No. � /,4 �, Contraetor S�H File _�7 ��1 Description of•t�ork Date _ �_,3 -�& a � � t ,a� c� . . LABaR � • oirec� Name Time L�bor C�.assi�iCatian Start Sto Hour Ra�e CQs� .� � o�� _""""_„"" -•-------- --------__ •. --.__.__.___ —�.�. MATERZALS Tatal direct labor .. Payrall costs @ � Item � Tatal iabor —:Lf�/ 1� X ,� Quantit Unit Uni� cost Gost .fF r 9GG'c�' �._.._.. S.Jr' ,r.• . --�-'�-� -zs'c► I�. : --------.�.� ----� --�-----------__ EQUIPMENT �- • ( Inc].ude Operator Time Under Labar) ��btotal �i 9y Sale� tax -- , Tc�tal materi�tls ,�'vf 9v Una.t Time . . Start Sto Haurs Ra�a Cost /�/�' ------ -------- --___.__._ ----- :.`_ --- ,_.�__,— --__.____ � Total equipment � SUMMARY ' _` Total labor APPr ved�' . Total matexials �R � .� Total equipment _ e?�"O/� 9y � ,%' -, �� _ � -� Overhead & o rac or D$�� � Prafit @ �' — �.� �� ,R ident.ial Pro�ect Date 'd8 Total Cost R�presenta�ive �Se���'.._.' � � . � � .�� � � • .� � �����t� 7?7EAS�l�t'tEC�NApAQ(�IO.SfDA1�„+{,frNNESOtAS5it7 b�? �8�0?�7 November 16, 198? RE: RQS�UNT, MINNESpTA WESTRIDGB SECpt�p 1i1,p0ITI0N BITUMtNOUS PAVING CITY PROJ�CT 16'7 SEN FILE: 8�123 8111 Horbel P►merican Contracting Corp. 116b1 Eagia Stree� tVti�1 Coon Rapide, MN 55d33 Dear Bill: Thia ie to advtse thet the bituminoue sub ect pav�ment placed on the j pro�ect hae t�s� found to be dafective due to the rauqh and apen aurfece aree and �oint,� as weii ee the inede compeetion in certsin aries. In lieu of removAi end repiscement �f the pave�ant etruoture, ths city aili dsduct an a�ount of S3510 fraa the finai pey=ae�t. Thie amaunt ie detersinad to be the cost of eeel coatiszg the pro ect next ' S.d2/SYj. Ths sesl coating ie necesaary to prever�t8eccele eted deterioratio� of tha psv��t due ta th� dedu�tion wili bo inc2uided on A farthec�ai �= eurfa�e. Thts r�q chanqe ordrr. � Sincera2y, Steva Cempbell j�e ccs Rich Netti, City oi Roseaaount Frank 8odi��, SBN Leo Tolle�oon, 8itweincwe Matariale, Inc, SNCR�fttrOr► �+END+PKKSfNv �NC AAiNNESUtA CH�P�WA fA(,tS; Wr�S�C'ONS/M