HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.l. Reset Dale Helwig Zoning Appeal Hearing . � P O B{JX 510 ��Z�� � 2875-t45TH 5T. W. OSG�OZ�.1�.� R��EMOUNT,MtNNE,sif3TA 55068 st2--a2a-aa�i TO: CITY COUNCIL '�-�-ct.m `t L FROM: MICNAEL WOZN[AK, C1TY PLANNER DATE; JANUARY 13, 1989 SUBJr JANUARY 1'7, 19$9 - REGULAR MEETING REVIEt'VS PUBL[C HEARING - QALE HELWiG 2QNIt�iG APPEAL At the June 21st Cammission Meetin� an interpretation was made by the Commission that determin�d �a subciivision of l�aud that created a 2.28 acre �arcet - of property owned by Dale Helwig was not approved by the CiEy and that the propexty shall not be recognized as a buildable ipt (see locatian map). Mr: Helwig has eontaeted the eity and has s��gested that he intends to take legat aetion against the City if he is prevented from buitding on tf�e property. His first request was as ta whether he is allowed an appeal with Cily Couneil. Upon consulting with the City Attorney I was advised that th� Planning Commission must firsE hold a publie hearing and aet c�n this maEter in i#s capacity as Board of Appeals and Adjuscments before the matter can be retered to Council. A public hearing had not been held when the Planning Commission made the interpretakion af Ehe .iune 21st meeting. The Plannin� Commission preceeded to hold a public hearing regarding Ehis matter at its November ISth meeting and once again ruled that the property in question was not iegaily subdivided and shalt not be recognized as a buitdable tot. Included with this letter is a copy of a letter from Dale Hetwig's Attorney requesting that`this matter be appealed ta City Council. At the Deeernber 20th Meeting Conncil set a hearing date af 3anuary 17th to recieve carnmQnt on this matter. A request has been made from the applicant for the hearin� to t�e reset to thc February 7th meeting, Staff recommends thai Councit set a Put�lic Hcaring for Febru�ry 7, 198I at 8:00 'p.tn. or as saon ihercaf{cr as p�ssil�Ic to recieve comment on the Dale Netwig Zoning Ap�real.