HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.d. Accept Bids / Award Contract - Erickson Park Fencing . . R S. ��Z � . � �. . . • � . � � . . . . �r� s - � T0: Mayor and City Councii X Stephen Jflk - Cfty Administrator FROM: David J. Bechtol.d - Director of Parks & Recreation . DATE: January I0, 1989 RE: Autharization far Purchase and Instal.Iation of Fence Ma.terial The attached memo relates to the authorization to request quotes for fence material and the installation �f that material intA the athletic areas of €ields four (4 ) and ffve (5) of Erickson Park. ITEM: 1/ The requ�e�t far a ten (20} foot fence is far t�ro aain reasons a. restrict home runs from adult slaw pitch programs where wfnd aids flight of ba31 b. restrict home run� from youth ba�ebt�Tl 2i The smo+�utt over thia budg+�ted $lO,Ot}Q.00 ($3,�8t�.00) wauld be t�cest frt�� the softbali "user fee" tttat each testi }�as paid for purchases sach as thie oae. 3j Fipe rather than C - Sectioa past is requested a. 3t fs sturdier for the use on the ball fields b. C - Section has been used for around holding pands and also for arouncl ttie burning dump, t►owever, the recommendation from the Fareman of Parks, the Foseman of Public Works, and the Pub3ic Works Director is to support the zinc dipped pipe for the athletic f#eld use c. The fence campany that quoted a price for materials and installation of the C - Section pasts w�s infarmed that we were lea�ing towards the - pipe rather than the C - 5ection gosts. He requssted that this be left in the specs so that he could quote his main product line. This request was honored, hawever, he was informed by me that it would be best if he quoted both types af products. Against my recommendation only the C - Section posts were quoted. 4/ Motion by Council - a. suthorizatian for purcLase and instaliation of the ten (10) faot high fence b. award of �trchase to be gfven to Da�:ota Fence of 1�H�1., Inc.. . • ! T0: Steve Jilk - City Administrator FROM: David J. Bechtold - Directo� of Parks & Recreation DATE: January 9, 19$9 RE: Purchase of Fence A9aterial and Installat3on of Same The City Council authorized my degartment to request quotes for both the €ence matexial and the installatian of that material for fieids #4 and �5 of Erickson Park. The quotes asked for were far both fences eight (8) feet in height as well as ten (i0) feet in height. The following are the results of the information requested: NAME OF FIBM �I (1d} FOQT FENCE EIGHT ($) FOOT FENCE Midwest Fence $ 13,944.a4 $ 11,892.U0 Fen-Co, I.nc. � $ 13,64Q.00 $ 10,97Q.00 Dakota Fence, of MN� Inc. $ 13,280.00 $ 11,526.40 �#Crawiep Co, Inc. $ 11,880.00 $ 9,900.OU ssGentur�+ Fence Co. $ 1I,21i.40 $ 8,928.00 Crowley Co, Inc did not bid according to specifieat3ons lfsted and their quote was not acceptable for use in thi� pro�ect. C�ntury Fence Co. bid the C - Section material for posts. It is my recommendation that the galvanized pipe be the type material that we should purchase. The suppliers and installers recom�ended are; TEN (10) FOOT FENCE: DAKaTA FBNCE QF MN., INC $ 13,2$O.OQ EIGHT {8) FOOT FEI�CE: F'�N-G0, INC. $ 10,970.t� There is $10,000,00 budgeted fn the CIP for this pro�ect. These fields are used far bath softball and 13ttle ieague baseball� The eight (8) foot fence would gerve well for ea�ch of these programs. 2o make the fields adapt even more to the programg a ten {lp) faot fence is requested. Funding for this additional improvement wot�ld coe�e from funds collected frvm the softball programs aver the past years. Each team is required ta pay a "user fee" to help offset over runs and addittanal costs for field and ballfield improvements. The final request of the City Coancil is to authorize the purchase snd inst�llation af the ten {10} foot fence. The contractor would be Da�ota Fence af MN, Inc. s � T�: All Gamnanies Submitting Fence Quotes ��0�% David J. Beehtold - Dfrector af Perks & Recreation AATEs January 10, 1989 �� Result�a af Quotes & Purchase Recom�nenrlations The following 3s a tabulation of the quates received for the fence materials and inatallation of the fence �aterial for Erfckson Park in Rose�ount. NAMB QF COMPANY 10' ��NCE 8' FENGE CRqWL�;Y C0., INC. $ 11,$E30.00 $ 9,900.OU �EN - ca, TNc. $ 13,640.00 $ 10,970.Ofl MIUWEST FENCE $ i3,9G4.00 $ 11,892.00 CEN7'URY FLNC� C0. ' $ 11,211.DO $ i3,g1a.UU DAKOTA FENCE OF MN., IHC. $ 13,2a0.00 $ 11,526.00 The recommendation will be for the purcliase af a ten {1p) [oot fence with gaies ta be 2.Q ounce zinc coated pipe. If tbis proposal i� nat accepted the reco��ndatton will be for tlie purchase of an eighC E8) foot f�nce with poles to be 2.4 ounce zinc coated pfge. Uakota Fence of Mn,, Inc, ia recc��mended for the ten (lE3) foot fence with a bfd of $ 13,2$O.pp, I.� the eight (8} fooC fence is select�d 3o�Cead �'en -Ca., Inc. wauld be the recnmm�culed vendor. _ We do appreciate your giving quoCee an thia pro�ect. There wili be several future fence pro�ects in our park sy�atem. Your na�e will � on our contact list for thase praject�. . � Y,� � � � � • 3 � c: � I�ecc,mhet- 1�, t')lifl � 7'c� tdl�oai It M�y (:c�ncerti: 7'li� Ci�:y �f [tosemc��mt is rec�c�estin� c�ctotes ��eces��tr.y I.c�r tl�� l��bor, ru��tei•iaJ.s, and eyu1�>m�n�: �o install tences for Cwo (?.} softlk�.{fi: flelcl� 1c,caCed in Ericksc��� Asrk. lttis is to incl.ucle suCfielcl fenc�s ���l.y. l:rickf;on Pxrk is located apProximately 1/2 nriJe nt►rtli uI ItiSth St;reet t+lesE t�er�r tlre Fireliall i.n Ro�semount. i�:r�rla�c�cf yau w111 tlnd a proJeet cleacripl;i���, m.�tecl��:i.s J.i�:t , <i�tifi c►U►r.r perlie�en4 lufc3�•maLlon. 7'lic� �•[litlt't1t:C(lI' RIIiI II fit'CIIC(' �nci m��intRin workc�rR Cim��►cRu�:��t lc►n �nd rm�,.t�,y�t•� )J.�btJ.lt:y insur,��rcE� n� rec�uirecl. Other insurr►ncc� T(�t�11�1'fMtsITI€i C(1Yt�1'.Ittfy t'�lf�i1+�pnl, �a�►c���ir>>.�, ���vixjty, etc. �s applicaule �ncl cl�rmecl »ecesg�r�► sl�e��.l be i�� furcc. 1'lua t:I t y, i t� Pmpl��y4��s a»ci t�gents sl�r�11 nc�t lie t�e.lc1 re���n��rsi i�tr, tor r�ny J�r:t� uc ]1ai>11ity t.li�G at�ises ,Cxo�+ th� i►erfot'�t�ce hy tf�c� cc�E�lrt�ctor. • :Ir yc►u I�r�ve �ny yuc��sticm�a pleas� feel free 4c� cal1. r,11t��r Kiek t:�c�k� �'csre�►nn uf. �u+rks, or ll�v� J1ect�tp'lci, Aire�kox o! �'arks & Rec�•entfan at 423 — 4h15. :ii,�ti •rrel:y Ycxars, �� � ��}� �� �t l~i'� —• T""l�(!��'����"�� �)FiV�t� .1, �1CC�lI.t)tt� i).1 r��cLar uf. I',�rks h 1{ec:ref�ti�n 2t375 i�i5th Str�et Wet�t ' Itc�s�rn�i�uiaC, FtN 55U(�t4 . � i- • �;i�r�� c�i� �c��sf�.ru►i� . �� � � 12���) ��!�)����� �i`���t�'.�',���� C��'�i�.�� . � � . . . . . .. . . . . . ItO;�1•:Ht)tiN'1'� PfN 5',3t}hfi 'i'i�;Li�:Pli(1N[�, (6t2) — 4Z3 - G41� li�fc�rmal qi��Ceh wf.l.l (►� accc�Eite�l unEl.t 3:Oq I'. M. c►n .Innu�r 6 ig , X . 119, Gc�n:;I�l�ccitlun c►t� F�wnrc]ing of Ll�e blde w�1.1. he clanE� i�y Lhr ttcsfi���na�i��f Ct#y Catrncl:l on tt�c� evc�i�iir� of Jntiue�ry lG, 1�1t39. 't'hi� (:iiy rc�tt�lnt: I.l�e rl�tif: Ln t�crc�pt any 1�lrl lhr�! i� in its l���s;l 1 ti , � , `I't�c� t:iiy �.�Hc� ret�si��s Lt�e t'1�}�L lc� re�ect �11 1>1t1c� 1.l�r�t. t�re a►c►t 1i� !i� he� � i It ���.t , J�►Le�•esC. t 1. 9'iie t:om{�any th�L ic� awt�rded the bid agree� E:o i�erf.c�r•A� �-�l 1. iuSt.�i J.�t ie> � t>e[c,re April 3t), 19�9. 1't�e cam�,any agrees (ti�ro�t�;li �clet��►t r�nee nC � �� c n c�r [�t'�ject) that Lhe �wnp r w i l.l. U e e n t i t l e c l tc� da►n�Y,�•R Ic,r f��!}urr c�n} ti�e a�r c►t l l�r: compaiiy tci c�n�plete ll�e work wttl►i�� tli� �:i��� � �,„if4. l,i��u(�I��t��c{j t dama�;es fc�r unt�c�c�i��;f:.�ry c1�.1�ys sh�1.1 !�e $5(�.O0 }►er �•.�ti�(tIIFIF tlFl , y 1'1�e C.i 1 y of Rc�seoiai�tit wil.l }�e resPonsihl.e fc�r tlie .ic�c�z�:ic��� <at �hr fP��rr 7'lie cortCractc�r wi7.l ct�eck witly tlte Gity before str�rtlnp, ec►n�tructl��� (►jR. Iences to fiud tl►e I.oeaClon c�f all undergrou��ci ��tilitfes. tt�c Al1 m�L�ri��]s us�d in Ll�e work si�All be new �tt�c) �h<�11 mt•rt. Ilur re�c �Flr •n uf i.l�e sJ,eefticni:ic�ris. All mater#als an�l er�ulpmenC fnr thn >rct ,f• � �� rnt � c�f tl►e work sl�al.l be fur.ni si�ed and 1 1 r execuf .t c»� After comp�etian oF tl�e pro�ect, the$contractor���l�alli�remnvera.( 1 materi�].s and det�ris c�t any kind clerived fram ttie �tiro;jPet nm! �I�a3l�lr�ve� i:i�e i�reo�lses in a eJe���, f�r.at concfiitio�� anci r.e��:ore �l.t fljR(tiYI/C(I tli'�,tS tc� aii eqtta7, or belter c�ncliti�n. 41�>c�n cc�m��leli��� an�l acec�pt�nce c�f tt�e prej�ct, p�ymc,r�1: �l�nl_t b� mrade t� c�t�t.r�rCc�r wttt�.i�i lt►irty (30} deys by a clieck cir�wii .t'rc►m 11►c� t:li.y r�i tlwe Rosemnunt �cc���r�t.. A11 ��rices quoleel sl�ali t�e F.O.I3. �ob site, City of Kofic±mcat�rTt . A1.1 dinit�n�t�ns ��ncl f;,i���;es nf. mt�ter.�als are sul►�f•ct ic> .�rrc�pt�ci Ii�d���t.�� �(3�kCiitlCE.' FI11t� SCAt1t�iYt't�F. }/ �911l) tt��ximum fi�aci��� Ior all 3fne pnsta shall tre 1�'. 7'Jc wire sl��]l: bc a n�lnimi�m nine (9) �au�c� €�.1E�r�inr�m f;�i:tv���►1z<�c) sCt,c�_i � r , at 2�i' centers, t.iceci 1.•�,nce� to .'�llc►w Lc�r �;rcaunct 71ne r�nless oLherwir;e Rt.�t�•�1/�f<►I.E,iI. A.I.1 .l J ne �icr�ts FIIFI.�.I I)C � selliu �,� c'-u��uLt�it 1n sucli Fl Ilk'lYlflf!1' FiR tf► a:i'.ic�w i`�►r 31)" -- :iG" f, int:u c�c►nerc�t� fc�c,Ciuj;s. 'f'!�e di�meker c�f tl��i t�zc�1 iF►�; �s1�c�1�1K1 I,c� .� m.ttiinunn ��t lc�►►" (1(!••), All cc�i�creCe st�all be crc>wi�c�ct t.ci F� �;��7t��hle �,itch fc�r• w�rtet� r�t��-uf.f.. /1.t1 Ic•rtc•r� aual��ria1 wi:il: l�e i��sts�llc�d so il��at :iL is; <�i� tl�e I��t:i�i�� r,f , , ln r��.l:atlut�:>lif�► lo Ilic� pir�y.t»� f.ic�.t.d. h].l ��c�stS will (>er tru tlu� c►nizlil�a{ ',r►sL clie P��t�cc� �rc�.�. c�f � ....Y � � .� � � � � . W' ♦ � sio��: Tt�is specitication covers chain lir�k fe��c�e rr�at4riai fcrt• two (1) s�ftball fielcls to include ten fuot (1U') f�nce (aiso t#') as wel] as a11 �tt�er. m�terf�l.s iiecessary for ic��ta�.l�tioif of Ci►e 1'Nnccrs ,,i,r1 [(1+ exte��sioria;. A�,proximatc�ly 49U' �er tielcl. MATl�IAISf FA�BIC: Chain 13nk fahrie sha11 be hot dipped afier weaviug nine (�)} g�4��;e ' {coated size} wire �esii of ts�o inch {�"). LINE POSTS: I.ine pc�sts st�all be G - Section rail formed / UK / sctiedt�le 4t) galvanized �,ipe froa► steel conformin� tQ 2 3/$" tt. D. witl� 2.(3 oances of hot dippect zinc in accordance with ASTM - A120. _,.�,..� �....�...r-,--... TOP & BOTTOH BRACB � �AIIS: Top and bottorn rails shal.l be shall be roll Tor�cl sscCic�t� oi' 1 5/8" X 1 1i4" et►annel stiaged rail witli a minimum vert�cal l�ending strength of 237 pounds on a 10' continuous s�an coateci witli 2. 0 ounces of zinc in accorda�nce with AS1M - A525 / OR / 1.66 0. D. scttedi�le �i0 standard weight galvanized pip witlt a mintmum vertical bendins strength of 202 pounds on a 10' continuous span coated with 2.0 ounces t►c�t dipped zinc in sccordance witt� ASTM - A120, Rail cot��lings 6" minfmt�m in Iength shall be spaeed at a meximum of 21" centers. Fabric tie wire shall be spaced at 24" maxit�um centers. Ttiere is to be double bracing at foul Iine pasts. TBRNINAL � PULL PUSTS: , All end ��osts s�iali be 3.0" O.11. sct�edule 4� coatecl witl� 2.0 aiinces of tiot dipped ziaie. Ttie undersigned tias examined the written mate�ial.s and is familiar with ti�e site of tlie ��rv�ect, tl�e work to be done, anci tlie c�nciiLia�s iitf!?C��fil�; tl�c� coxt u.E Clie wurk ur�der wt►i�h i.t ie to be perFor��d. 't'1ie i�ncterai���ec! lr�er��y . �rc��oses ta furnist� all labor, material8, aad ec�uipment f4r e�mplete constr�sction of tl�e pro�ect as described in the ciocua�ents as foilows: Ix�hi: kUItNISI# ALI. MATERTALS, I.AI�OR, AND EQUIPP1�:N'� k0[t INSTAI.T,A'!'If►N t�t� 9'WU (2) Uuxr�x�:j.� ���r�c��. n���ax��x�..Qu�����r� o� �t�;�c� r�a•��Kzn�, xs ��►cat . TOTAL QUOTL� 1�0� k�OJECTt 1(J' feuer 8' keoce _ . ---• - - __ _ _ __.__ ' Nan►e of firmjcompany , Tele - # 2i13� aii� Si.b�iat�ire of autliorfzed represe��tative