HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Approve Spec's / Authorize Advertizement for Bids - Stacked Lawnmover , • . • � �rt - e To: rcayor ! c�.ty co��ii X Stephen Jilk - City Administrator FROM: David J. Bechtold - Director of Parks & Recreation DATE: January 12, 1989 RE: Authorization for Bids for Stacked Lawn Mower The l9$9 CIP calls for the purchase .of,.a Stacked Rotary Mower �or the use in - the garks system. It is scheduled for purchase in lieu of the previously scheduled purehase of a �2" mower. The amount in the budget is $35,000.00. A copy of the specifications is attached. It does identify: 1/ The purchase price of the mower 2/ The purchase price of alternates (snow blower and � broom} 3/ The discount amount for the 72" mower from trade in _ i A mation of the Council is requested to: 'authoriae the advertiseeseent and solicitatian of sealed bids for a "Hydro — Static Tractor MorWer", � � I i i � , _ � , ( i , � i � v,� • ` • �.:. . . . . . P.O. ROX 5t0 ��� � 28T.5-145TH ST. W. O�+e�QUYL� ` ROSEMOUNT. MiNNESOTA 55068 � 6}2-423-4411 NOTICE OF ADYB�TIS$MENT P08 BIDS The City Council of the City of Rosemount will receive sealed bids at the office of the Director of Parks & Recreatie�n at the Rosemount City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, until 10tU0 A. M., on February 9, 1989 far• . vne t 1) s�o — S�e �crox �ww�. w� �a,s t3 j D�rs A11 bids shall be accampa.nied by a certified check, cashier's eheck, or bid bond paqable to the arder of the City of Rosemount for not less than five (5) percent (X} of the amount of the bid. Bids shall be addressed to the Director of Parks aud Recreation, securely sea2ed, and endr�rsed upon the outside wrapper with a brief statement or summary as to work, equipment, or materials for which the bid is made. Copies of the specifications will be furnished on request to any prospective bidder at no cost. The City Council reserves the right to re3ect all bids or any alternaCes or to hold bids for forty five (45� days; or to accept any bid which, in the opinion of the City Council, serves the best interest of the City of Rosemount; and ta waive anq minor irregularities. Bids will be opened and tabulated by the Directar of Parks & Recreation or his assistant at City Hall at 10:00 A. M. February 9, 1989. Director of Parks & Recrea�ion David J. Bechtold 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 tele - 612 - 423 - 4415 INSTRUCTI�NS�TO BIDDERS A. A11 bids must be wr3tten in ink or typewritten B. A11 bid envelopes must bear the inscription, "Bid for Tractor/Mower", as well as the na� and address af the bidder. C. The bid enveiope shall be ad€iressed to the City of Rosemount, Director of Parks and Recreation, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, M23 SSU68. D. The bid must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's eheck, or bid bond payable to the City a£ Rosemount in the amaunt of not less than five {5) percent (X} of the total bid. , - . BID AWARU AND A(�PTANGE: Bids will be received at tl�e Rvsemount Citq Hall until i0:� �• �• on February 9, 1989, at which time and place bids will be opened and read. Bids will be considered by the Rosemount Citp bu�nnot neeessarilYYelimited February 2i, 1989. Award sha11 be hased upon, to, the factore af price, delivery date, Gity�s ex=ori�sn�ae C��hishevaluation proposed , City's experience with the services p p y of the bidder�s ability to service City in ��merchandiaeeoffered,eanalpsis called for in these specifieations, quality o to �et and comparison of specifications detail, and bidders ability delivery requirements. 'Fhe Citp reserves the right to accept or reject ali bids or any part o£ this bid and to waive any defects or technical��ie�s�V��tisin$Vof�suchfwouldwbeiin where the accegtance, rejection, waiein$, the best interest of the City. '��4�bp sectionswhere such�actionpserves the or in part item, grougs of items, Y Citq's best interest, and to1hia�le�$11�n�ffid�s� �pecifications rests��withi$t�e as ta whether a bid propos� City. WARRANTY The contractor shall furnish a twelve (12) aaonth wirran$Tta�B a�o���°��pd shall pramptly rep1ace or repair defective materia • P and/or inadequate design at no cost to the Citp. The contractar shall furnish free pickup and delivery for equipment that is inoperable and covered by warranty. Pickup to be aecamplished with twelve (12} hours of notification for any vehicle or equipa�nt sueh warranty work, excluding Sundays and legal halidays. GENF�AL SPE+CIFICATIONS A; The vehicle and / or eguipment called herein $oratin �a11�of therlatest advertised standard production model incorp 8 changes and features, including those called herein. B. Vehicles and / or equipment sha11 ��t �lvel reruirements�, �andaalCC including those mandated by OSHA� noise le Q requirements. �. To facilita�e comparison of groposals and ta provide a �ans of checking adherence to the specif3.catliteraturei1Wherechthe�bid�differs submit with h:is groposai descriptive from the specifications detail set herein, a list of vari�tions sha11 also be submitted on the £orm provided. Where variations are not cited it sha11 assumed th�►t the bidder progoaed to meet ail the requirements of the speeifications. , . , � • PARTS, UPERATC}8'S, AND REPAIR MANt1ALS: Two complete sets of parts, operator's, and repair manuals shall be furnished. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ENGINE: 78 H.P. Perkins Diesel or equual. Four {4) cyiinder, water cooled. �'[TEI. CAPACITX: Diesel, 15.26 gallons. TRANSI�ffSSIdAT: Eaton Modei 39 heavy dutp (204 H. P. rating) pr equal. Servo-controlled with inte�ral acceleration valve� far smooth effortless speed control. Infinitely variable ground speed from 0 - 20 m.p.h, forward and 10 m.p.h, reverse. (List any deviations from specificat3.ons on the attached sheet) TIRES/WIiEELS: T�►o rear steering tires, 4-ply hi�h flotation. Twa front drive tires, 4-ply high flotatian. One spare tirefwheel for front and one spare tire/wheel for rear. FRAMEs All welded Z" X 6" X 3/16" structural steel tubing. R.4.P.S.JCAB: Welded 2'' X 3" X 3/16" steel tubing certified per OSHA 1928.52 and SSAE J1194, tested to 77Q0# gross weight, To include doors, he$ter, and defroster, and wipers front and rear. BRAKES; Two Benoix 2" R 12" hydraulic drum/shoe and parking brakes. STEERING: Full power steering and 15" steering wheei. TURNING RADIIISt 10' turning radius, 5' uncut circle. QONTROLS: Hand operated thrattle, attaGhed safety locks, three independen� P.T.O. controls. Foot operated ground speed control, automatic shut-off on side P.T.O. controls when raised above 30 degrees independent automatic shut-off pressure relief controls on each hydraulic circuit. GAUGESt Tachometer, hour meter, water temp., fuel ievei, hydraulic fluid temp., engine oi1 pressure warning li�ht, hydraulic fluid temp. warning light, all gau�es fully illuminated. � . • ! . 1'ROFQSALs (TO BE OPENEI) UN FEBRUARY 9, 1989 AT 10:00 A.M.) NAME OF COI�ANY: ADDRESS: CITY AND STATEt OONTACT PERSON: TEI.�'�PH(}NE: AUTHt}RiZED SIGNATURE: �or the furnishing and delivery of a tractorJmower to the Public Works garage 14455 Brazil Avenue, Rosemount, Minnesota, 55068, in accardance with the attaehed specifications which were submitted with thi� progosal and upan which this proposal is made. BASB PRICE (EACH); � MAKE AND I�DEL: TRADE-INt � NLT BID: OPTION�: OPTION #1 (SI�W BLOWER) � OPTION #2 (BROOM} � The undersigned cert3fies that the firm submitting this bid did not act in collusion with any other firm or person submitting a hid on the same equipment so as ta fix or in any wap affect the respective amaun�s bid. The vendor also certi£ies that hejahe complies with the standards of Equal Opportunity and Anti-discrir�tination as cited in the Civil Rights` Act of 1964, as amended by the Equa1 Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, and the rlinnesota Human Rights Act (where applicable). STATE FYRM'S FtiLL LEGAL NAME: SIGNATURB OF AUTitORIZED REPRESF�i+iTATIVE: INt'ARFORATED IN THE STA'TE OF: f . 4 � . . . � . . . � . ✓ . . � � � . i � � ., �� � . . . . �'",.. � . . . DEVIATI�N F'ROM SPECIFICATIONS ITEM . SPECIFIED BY CITY SUBMI3'TED SY BIDDER --8-