HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Award Contract for Fire Department Vehicles � � � /����. � � ..��� *****�r*******�*************�r***********�rbtEMO*****�**��r*****�*��r***�********�**** llATE: JANt7ARY 13; ]:989 T0: AIAYOR & GOUNCIL�tEMBERS C/0 CITY ADMINiSTRATOR JILK FROi�i: CITY ENGINEER HEFTI RE: ITErtS FOR THE JANUARY 17, 1989 COUNCIL PIEETING NEW $USINESS Award Contract for Fire Department Vehicles This item consist of the results of a bid opening of January b, 19$9 and the recommendation of the purchase of these vehicles. On January 6, 1989 we received bids for two {2) 4x4 pickups and one {1) command vehicle far the �ire department. The two (2) 4x4 pickups are replaeements for the existing grass rigs and the command vehicie is a new purchase. We received two bids on the 4x4 pickups, one from Jeff Belzer's Todd Chevxolet in the amount of $29,508 with an option of an additional $781 for each piekup fox air conditioning. The other bid was from Jim Haugen Ford-Piereury in the amount of $30,110 with an addition $665 per picknp for the air conditioning option. in reviewing the specifications it is ciear that the Ghevrolet 4x4 does not meet the specs. It is deficient in the front axle rating, GVW, engine dispZacement, 4- wheel drive transfer case and front hub locking mechanism. '�herefore Scott and I are recommending awarding the bid to Jim Haugen Ford- Piercury in the amount of $30,110 xnd also approving the sir conditioning optioct for $665 per vehicle, making the total price $31,440. The 19$9 C.I.P. budgeted $32,000 fcsr replaeement of these vehicles. As for the command vehzcle, we only received one bid, that bein�; from Jeff Belzer's Todd Chevrolet in the amount of $16,704. The 1989 G.I.P. had $2i,QOQ budgeted £or this vehicle. The $4,300 remaining in the budget amount wiil be needed for purchase o£ co�nunicata.on equipment, light bar, etc. Recommended action for Counczl to eonsider is to approve the purcfiase of the two new f2) 4x4 piekups £or the Fire department alorig with the sir conditioning option in the amount of $31,440. The other action wou3d be to approve the purchase of a Fire degartment eommand vehicle from Jeff Belzer's Todd Chevrolet in Che amount of $26,7fla.