HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. Dakota Electric Franchise - 3 Month Extension � • �� 6 • • P.O. 80X 510 Z�� Q 2875-14STN Si" W. CTSEYLLQZ�YL� RUBEMOUNT. MtNNE50TA 55U68 6t2-423-4411 January 12, 1989 T0; Mayor Iioke Councilmembers: Napper Oxborou�h Wa1$h Wippermann FROM; Stephan Jilk, Adarinistrator/C2erk � RE: DAROTA ELECTRIC FRANCHTSE : The franehise granted to Dakota E].ectr3.c Assnciation ta aperate their ntility in the city expired on Aecemb�r 3i, I988. To allaw the city and the caoperativ� to have ample time to negotiate a new franchise, i have a�ked them to request a three month extension to the eaisting franchise as the citr d3d with Star Gable. To accomplish this Ladonna Riste, of Dakota Electric, has submit�ed the request. I have prepared the �greement which wauld a]low the extension and it 3s attached fs�r pour review. . I would request y�ur agproval, through a simple motion. The next $tep in this proceas woul.d be for th� Utilities Commissian to review a progQsed new franchise and negptiate the sr�me. They wi�.l then return a reco�mendativn to the eounc3.1 fQr adoptian qf a new franchise. 1,� ' . • AG�BEMENT . Agreement, made and entered into this 17th day a€ Januarp, 2989 by and between the CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, a Minnes€�ta municipal corporatiQn, hereinafter referred �o as "City,' , and Dakota Electrie Assaciation, a Minnesota cooperative, hereinafter referred ta as "Aakota F1ecCr�.c" . WHEREAS, Dakota L�lect�ic is grese�itlq operating a el�ctrical distribution system in the Gity of Rosemount wfthout a current franch3se agreement with the City; and WHEREAS, the Gity snd Dakota Electric desire to negotiate a mutually beneficial frenchise agreement in the future. NOW THEitEFORE, in considerati.on vf the above and vther gaod and valuable consideration, the parties hereto agree as followss 1 . Tha� the Citp hereby authnrizes 1?akota Eleetri� ta ccrntinue operating its eleetrieal distribution system within the Citp o£ Rogemount for a period of three (3) months commenc3.ng as o£ the date of this Agreement. 2. That Dakota L�lectric is to conduct its operatians in fu11 cvmpliance with Rosemount Citp Qrdinance No. XI.S, which Ordinance by this reference is herebq incorporated herein in �.ts entiretp, excepting the 15 year period referenced in Section I. o£ said c�rdinance. IAT WTTNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have execu�ed this Agreement the dap and year first abov� wr3tten. DAKOTA ELECTRIC AS50CIATION CZTY �F RO5EMtJUNT Bp: $�: Its: Ro11an Hoke, Mayor Bp: $�,: Its: Stephan si1k, Administrator/Clerlc . . . • STATE OF MINNESOTA ss COUNTY OF DAxOTA The foregoing instrument was acknowledged be£ore m� this day of , 1989, by , and , on behalf of Dakota Electric Asso�ia.tion►, Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA s:s COUNTY OF DAROTA The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1989, by Rollan Hoke, Mapar and Stephan Jilk, Administrator/C1erk, on behalf of the City of Roaemount, Dakota County, Minnesota. Notary Publie .,.. . . • � � 0"�#� �� j� �, € � �, � �B, �+� j � �.�� : . ''��i ��',�,�'���;;� ' 4!�'� X ."` x tt rt a.:. �tf'�:'" � ���iI�W\RI/f/ /�i/1���l���W1j � � �/ . R s' �`k'� �qp�� 6 � � .. ,, ,; ��; "� � � � � � �, }��. � .� --- .,. ,� � �'���� 43tt1t3 220th Street West ,; r a��,�;� �; ��`� � �ARMIf�G'�C�N� MtNNES9TA �5p24 ���� � ,� �'` a� e�'"� � � ?ELEPHt1P+tE:Afi3-713� � � � � � � � . ,��r�,�u�,�.<.�' � � ,��Y�,��:,,�,�y �, . a���� � . .. `�b �'��.� S , 'A`t . . . . . . � . ��� " °.' January 10, 1989 Stephan JYIk City Adrninistrator c �`r�� 287� 145th Street West R��Lr Y _: Rosemount, MN 55068 JAN 1 ? 1�89 Dear Mr. �ilk, CL;EfiK'� UF�=1GE CITY QF ROSEMOUMT Acco��dinq tc� our records, Dakota Electric Association's current franchise agreemer�t with the city of Rosemount is due to be reneweci this manth. I reali2e this constitutes shart notice, and respectfully request a three (3) month extension of the existing �greement. This should provide sufficient time for your Utilities Camrnissic�n and DEA ta adequately review any proposed changes i11 the future agreement which may be neeessary. I will contact the chairperson of the Utilities Commission to begin working out the detaflg, so it can be discussed at �heir February 13th meeting. Pleaye don�t hesitate to cail if there are questions regard- ing this matter. Thanks for yQur support. Sincerely _ ,_--� , C1'�csL, �-�c.�w.. ��'`� , LaDonna Riste Community Relatians Caardinator mac c: Jim Vatt EPPs, General Manager Eldon Johnson, Ass't. General Manager