HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.g. U of M Regents Appointment - Rosemount Candidate . . • ]� � P O. 8QX 51Q ���1� 0 2$15 1d57t1 ST.W ���,�A���� ROSEMOUN7. MtNNES0IA 55068 I�'!• 6f2--42:�-4411 January 13. 1989 � �• '�0: Mayor Hoke Counci3memhers: Napper Oxborough Walsh Wipperraann FR�M: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/C1erk - RE; _ Board of Regents Candidate Ron Jacobson Ron Jacobson, Planning Commiss�.on member, has applied far one of the vacant University af M3,nnesata Board of Regents gvsition�. A copy of his letter of submittal and resume is attsched. Maqor Hoke has suggeated that the City Councii cQns#.der form�l �upgort €or Mr. .Tacobson' s candidacy, It is mp uaders�anding that he has made the in3tial eut from a field of 125 to a field of 63. It would be, I bel3.eve, most appropriate for the Citp to o€ficiallp support Mr. Jacvbson' s candidacy if pou desire to do so. Adoptian of the attached resolution wvuld be a methad of doing so. lj a ; . • � � i � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESQLUTZON 1989 - A RESOLtTTIQAt OF SUPPORT ��R THE CANDIDACY OF MR. RUN JACOBSON Tf} THE POSITION OF REGENT TO THE UPiIVERSITY t?F MINNE�4TA WHEREAS, Chere are several vacancies on the Board of Regents for ; the Universitq of Minnesota, and WHEREAS, Mr. Ron Jacobson of 3647 143rd Street West, Rosemount, ' Minnesota has filed as candidate for one of those vacancies, and � WHBREA5, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has cansidered the qualifications of Mr. Jacobson and the needs of the regents ' pvsition; and ; WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount, Dakota Countq and other areas throughout Minnesota need representation on the Board of Regents through per$ons with experience and knowledge of mattera relating, � to both the Universitp and the enviranmen� in which th�y opexate. � NOW, TIiERE�'URE �E IT RESOLVEA that the C,itp Council o£ the Citp of Rosemount requests consideration o� the Itegent Candidate Advisory Cauncil in its sel.ection of Mr. Ronaid L. J:acobson to ; the Boa�rd of Regents, Univer�ity of Minnesota. ADOPTED this 17th day of Januarp, 1989. � Rollan Hoke, Mapor ; ATTEST: Steghan JiTk, lidmi.nistrstor/Clerk �..__ , ' �C7NALL�► L. ; JACQHS� 3547 19�rd Str�et W�et � Ro�e�aant, ttinnesote 55068 Phone t612) 423-2Y17 ha�� . {6i2a 229-2@12 off�ee WORK EXF�RIENGESs STATiSTICIAN i1ETROP�LITA1t MASTE CCtNTROL COlfMISSION, ST. i'AUL, NIMNE50TA. 1979 - pres�nt Pravide �tatieticel �upport to resee�echers end steff p�r- taining ta veste reter treetment proble�g, leboratory es�ey �ork, river Mater quelity problem�, and ad�aini�irati.ve epe- te�s. ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY pF' 1lINNESOTAN NEURDLOGY, SCNOtlG QF MEDICIHE, PROFESSOR ltlNi�EAPOLIS� I4INNESt2TA. 13fi3 - 19Z9 Provided statietiael servic�e tn clinicel end labore{ory r�- seerchere. Fa,rticipeted in develnpwent of a cliniael studp of patiente with ephasie. R�SEARCH FEI.L01� UHiYER5ITY OF IlINNESOTA, HI4METRY, SG}i00L Qfi PUBLIC IfEALTN, llINNEAPOLIS, MIKNESOTA. 1969 - 1973 PrQvided etetigticel serviees to public heelth and �ed1c�1<: _ researahere. Canducted studiee #n Enviran�nentel Heelth on epec�craft sterilizetion ueing bacterial spores. ACTI1tG CHIEF NATIONhL IHSTITUT�ES �F HEALTN, BIQMETRICS BRANCN, NATIQNAL INSTITUTE 0� NElIROLOGICAL DISEJISES AND BLINDNESS, gETMESDA, STATISTICIAN 1964 - 196�' Acting Chfef, 2967r Stetietician, 1964 - 1967. Officer, Cn��niseioned Gorps, United Statea Public H�elth Ser- viee. St�pparted end coardinated etetisticel etudi�s ebout people rith hlindn�se. Callectec! end su�raarized ennua�: inctdanee end prevaienc� detg by ei#ection end cevee o# blindness. EDUCATIQNa ". BIQ1fETRY, PN.D. UNIVERSITY OF MINHESQTA, BIOMCTRY, SCNOpL OF PUBLIG NEALTN, ?fINNEAPOLIB, ?tIH13ESOTA. ... I979 STATISTICS, M.S. IOWA STATE UHIVER�ITY, Att�S, IC�WA. _ 1971 IiATER TECHNOLOGY, V3i2GTHIA POLYTEGNNIC INST17'UTE, SLACKS8URt3� YIRGINIA. if.S. ' 1965 PREDIYINITY SAINT JQHN'3 UNIVERS2TY, COL[.EGEYILLE, tfINN�S�TA. 1959 tone ee�est�r} tlATFlE1tATICS, $.S. HORTlf DAKOTA S'fATE UNIYERSTTY, FARG[l, NQRTH DJ1KQTlt. 1962 - - �.� A UNIVERSiTY OF MINNESOT�GENT INFOR�ATIDN A�D R�NALD L.�G08SON'S STA�EKENT 22f31!$8 A ` Z mailed �y bppliao�ion to b� � Reqen� to Tfia �sga�t C�ndidata Advi�ary CauM��iR a/c Janet Lu»d, Roo� 8�, St4te Q�fiae 8uilding, Swin! P�ui, Minn*�taEs SSiS�, t612f 29?-369�R an 1�f31/88. Infor�etion request�d included eduoation, e�ployer�, gavern- ence ca��itt�e �xperience, and a stete��nt. Thie infor�akion ie a�ntmined an this eheet end the attaehed resum�. �EGENT CANDIDATE ADVISORY COUNCIL Dr. Meivin D. George, Cheirman Elmer A. Andersen Alice Kel2er Ellen 5a�pean Jene Belau Rtathe Clerk King Kstherine S�seeville Ken Dayton Ronald MeRinley E�1Iy Ann Stepl�e Albert deLeon Francee Neftalin Tom Swain Kethy Gealevyk Thomae N�leon Fr. Hillery Thim�eeh ' Bruce Hemnee Greg flrwall Jene Techida Robert Hines Peter Poes Peul Rextord Thatch�*rR Sr. Devid Kenatz Tho�nee Renier LIST OF GOVERNAHCE BOAR� EXAERIENCES City of Roeemount Plenning Cc►mmissic►n Com�ieeinner T year Knights of Colu�►bns Council Na. 5569 Officer and Grend Knight 4 yeare DFL Stste Centrel Co�mittee Ple�nber � y�drB Rosemount Elementery PTA Q.#fieer i year 5TATE1tENT The Univereity of Minne�nta is not a etrenger to me. I have been � student �nd e feculty member. I e�n s parent of e for�aer U oi M student rhn gredueted in Agronamy. My Mif� and I hold aolleg� degrees fron� lend gren3 univer�itiee, her'e in Home Eep- ncmics. Our fe�aily hae been eetive in the �!-H progrsme of ther Uni�vereity oi ?lin- neeota Extension Service. The 'lend grent aalleges snd Eh� Univereity nf M#nneeote have aff�cted the eheping af our lives ae individuale end ee a femily rather di- rectly. I en� gre,tetul to the+ peopl� rho heve made thie poesible encf fc�el thet th�ec experiencea give e►e • apeaisl persp�ctive �hen considering University ot llinneaata feaues. I helieve thet my experi�nce end quelificetians rill bring to the Boerd of Regents ecientific end enelytiael eupport plu� quality and produetivity tmpraveaaent teeh- ntques. My a�re�r es e statistieian he� been to callabcrete xith othere in �rediaal - end environmental reseerch. Por the pa�t tvo ye�rs I have etudied menege�aant theories particulerly th�et o� e�tatisticien M. Edwarda Deming whfch iocu e upan can- stant improv�ment through pertiaipative rork �nviron�aente besed upon reepeat of the individual end stetisticel proc��s control stretegie�. i'm ecqua#nt�d with the Cerver model of gdvernsnce approprfat� ta ttioard� of public badies which empheeizes the policy role of the gaverning body end the �ciminietretive role at the chief executive offtcer. i'm confident thst I rouid be a canstruative�. contributive, and coilabt�retive member if elected to the 8oerd of Regente at the University of liinnesota end look for�rerd to eerving the peapl� of Minnesote in thi� cepecitp. ; End of stetement,