HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.g. Approve Change Order #2, Shannon Oaks, Contract #1988-6 � � . • �i1� ����F��i � �' � ****,�*****��*****�***,r�r�r��a***********AtEr10*****��r************�*�r*�*+�at*****�x*�**rr* DATE: OCTQBER 12, 1989 TO: MAYOR & COUNCILktEAtBERS C/0 CITY ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGiNEER/PUBLiG WORKS DIRECTOR HEF �I �_ . RE: ITEPt FOR THE OCTOBER 17, 1989 COUNCIL p1EETING CONSEAiT AGENDA Approve Change Order �2, Shannon Oaks, Cantract 1988-6 This item is requesting Councii approval for Change Order #2 to Contract 1988-6, Shannon 0aks Street Improvement Project, This memo grovides some background on the need far change order and reco�nended �ction far Council to consid�r. The ditch repeir and restoration work eavered by this change order wa�s� necessary because we experi�nced rai�nfall th�t wa�hed awey the s�ed nnd top�o�l on the site prior ta the se�d havi�ng the ehance to germinate �nd grow. There was not ensaugh black dirt on site to repair the ditches, so additianal topsoil had to be hauled in. According to the contract we have to pay for the additional tQpsoil, grass seed, and mulch that we replaee due to wash outs from rain. Labar to reseed is covered by specificatians as a non-payment item. The other item We had was the piacement of straw bales at appropriate intervals to reduce the velocity of the • storm water thereby redueing the erosion capacity of the water running in the ditches. We wili be preparing a supplemental agreement tfl procesa thrQugh Szate Aid Office for reimbursement for these eligible cost. Recommended action for Council to consider is to approve the Change Order #2 to Contract 19$8-6, Shannon Oaks Street Improvements, and authorize the biayor and Gitp Glerk to sign the Ch�nge Order. ` � �" � �HANGE �?RDER :. . . �� ENC/MEERS t ARGMlfECTS�PLANNERS 222 EA57 LtTfLE CANADA ROAD,ST.PAUL,MlNNESOiA 55117 612 4$4-Q272 OWNER eity of Rosemount DA�� September 1$, 19$9 OWNE(25 PROJECT NO. �'85 CHANGE ORDER N(�. 2 PR0IECT DESCRiPT10N Shannon 4aks SEH FILE NO. $��94 The foilowing changes shai!be rraade co the confract documents Descriprian: ' Add dit�h repair and restoration to the Contract -- $2 ,040.00. f'i rr�����.c�c.�l(t�ai�����Order: � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Payment for additional Non-Contraet work associa�ed with the projeet. Basis of Cost: � Actuai p EstirnaCed Arrachmenrs flrst supporting documents) Daily Record o� Nan-Contraet work. (Working Days} Contract 5tatus Tirne Cosc originaiconrract 40i 5Q $136 ,381.50 Z + i8 9, 338.21 Ner Change Prior C.O.s ta Change this C.o. -- 2 ,Q40.00 Revised Contract 5$f 6$ $14 7, 75 9. 7 I Recommended forApproval: Short-E/i�ot�t-Hendrtckson,7nc. ey ��ven , amp e Agreed to by Conrraetor: Appraved for Owner: } l ,,� tj By ' �{i z- . �F` r_ .......�.. , , � ay Tir�e ( �=��`' j�,r"u� 5, 1 c E�-�-"� gy DistrfbuCron ContracCor 2 Owner 1 ProjeC[Representative 1 SEN Office 1 SHORT ELCfOTT ST.PAU1� [HfPPEWA FAtLS, HENORICKSON !NC MtPtNE50TA W�SEONSiN � � � DAILY RECORD OF N�N-CC�NTRACT. WORK' (?wner City of Re�semount Pro3 ect No, 185 , Pro�ect Shannon Oaks � SEH FiZe $8194 Contractor Bituminous Roadwavs Date $/16 89 Description of Work Retaair c�n ditchs washed out by rains. Direct � •;± LAHQR Time . Labor Name C].assifica�ion Start S.to Hour Rate Cost Totai direet �abor � MATERII�LS Payroll coata @ $ Total labor � Item �uantit Unit Unit cost Cost F & I '[bnsoil 1 OQ c� $10.64 $9 Q6Q,00 F & I Straw bales 30 ea. $6.04 $1$0.00 F & I Class S seed @ 50#/ac., 50 lb. $3.QQ $150_Of3 _F & I Mulch_@ 2 tcm/ac. .�__ _ .$5 ton �240,4Q"- -$1?0.00-- EQUIPMENT Stibts3tal �156,Q�00 (Include Operator Time Under Labor) Sales �ax Inc1� . �..�.�LQQ Tatai materials Time Unit Start Sto Hours Aate Gost a�a s1�ci s�,�..4s�� I�L S?x�erator . in���� �a_�re�-s 4*0 120 00 ,�480.00 TQta�. equipment $48Q,s,UQ ' SUMMARY Approved: Total labor � Tota]. materials $1S60.Q0� . /,� Total eguipment �48q,Qp Contractor D t Overhead & /- ✓ // Profit * � / {�A . . . . @ $ ../� l j `. "^l`` �j.;��F-.�---�----�. 9/?f('f`9� �.. . . � M / R s� . Fro�ect Date Representative Total Cost �2040.00 * Prices as qouted by r�ntractor �