HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h Approve Change Order #3, Shannon Parkway / Connemara Trail � i.. w � � 7 . � . � � . . . . . . . � . . . . . . � � . �I'i�i� � .� �� . . . �******************�r�,�****�*******�r�*AtEM(3*�***�****�r*�x**�r**�r**��r***�*�**�r�**,r*** DATE: OCTOBER 12, 1989 T0: MAYOR & COUNCILMEPtBERS C/0 GITY ADMiNISTRATOR JILK FROri: CITY ENGINEER/PU�LIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEF RE: ITEM FOR THE OGTOBER 17, 1989 COUNCIL MEETING CUNSENT AGENDA � Approve Change Order #3, Citr�Contract 1988-7, Shannon �arkway/Connemara Trail Improvements � This item consist of approuing Change Order �3 for payment for boulevard restoratian that was not originally in the eontract. This memo �xplains the need far this change order and recoannends action for Couneil to consider, Through a misunderstanding whicl� led to an oversight the bouievard restoration, which consisted of topsoil, seed and mulching, was not included in the original contraet. Our Consulti:ng Engineers negotiated the unit prices with the eontractor to complete tln�se item�. The boulevard restaration is neces�ary to minimize erosion, The unit prices negotiated comgare favorably with unit, grices bid in other Cxty projecta. Our Consulting Engineers are also preparing a supplemental agreemenL're�arsiing this change order so that we may process it thrau�h State Aid for reimbur�ement o£ eliga.ble cost. '�he bQu1�v$rd xeecosation cost will be included in the cost to be asaemaed, s�hich r�ill be preaented �ta the Counc3,1 et a future n�+ating, ltecommended action far Council to consider is to apgrove Change Order #3 to Cantract 19$8-7, Shannon Parkway/Connemara Trsi2 Public Improvements, City Project 189, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the cha�nge order documents. . y . � � . .. . � .. . � � . � .. � '�,. . : �'HANGE QRDER ,��, � . ENCENEBRS/ARCHITECTS 1 PtANNERS 222EASTUTTLECANADAROAD,SZPAU4MlIVNESOTASSt?7 612484-0272 OWNER CitY of Rosemount Dq�-E 10 1Q/ �89 OWNERSPROJECTNO. 1$9 �SAl'208-106-04 & 2Q8-I04-02) CHANGEORDERNO. � PROJECT�ESCRlPTtON Shannon Parkway/Connemara Trail SEH FILE NO. 88254 1�he foltowinc�changes shaH be made to the contract documencs Uescription: Add the following work items to the Contraet (See attached Summary) I'ur��c�s��ol CI��-�rage Ore�er. Payment for boulevard restoration which was added to the project. Basis of Cost: t�Actuat ❑ Esiimated Attachmenis(list supporting documentsJ 1 - Summary of non.-contract work items 3 - Daily records of nan-contract work with attachments Contract 5tatus Time Cost Original Conrract 45/65�75 $4$4, 719,Ot? NetChangePriorC.O.s �- to � 1S/15/15 (2, 158. 7Q} ehange thrs C.o. --- � 7 L 819.35 �evised canrraer 6Q�80190 $490, 3 79.bS . ' �� 1?ecommended forApprouai: Short Eitiott Hendr�ck5on, In�. �Y ��eve Campbell Agreed to by ConCracCor: Approved for Owner. ' 1 gy f'� __� ,xa '' x , ey ! '? , TiCle—.�i�,c� �i'css�cJ���'.�` gy Distribution Conrractor 2 Orvner 1 Projec[Representatrve t SENOffrce 1 SNORT EtL10TT ST.PAU4 CHtPPEWA FALLS, HENQRICKS�N INC. MfNNESOTR W15CUN51A1 ` • � � SUN�tARY OF NON-CONTRACT i�IORK ITffi�IS CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 SHANNON PARKWAYJCONNEMARA TRAIL CITY PROJSC'P NO. 189 {SAP 208-106-04 & 208-104-02) ROSEMQUNT, MINNESOTA ITEM DESCRIPTION COST 1. Sod the southerly boulevard of Connemara Trail west of Shannan Parkway $ 661.50 2. Furnish and install 4" of topsoil in the boulevard azeas 5,099.85 3. Seed, mulch, and disc anchor boulevards 2,088.00 Total S?,819.35 � . ' . � DAILY RECORD OF N�N-CONTRACT WORK' Owner Citv of Ros�t Pro�ec�t No. 189 Pro,�ect ��.,+�,�(S�u�ra -SEH Fi].e 88254 Contractor AL�tin�'- K�l��:r t ra�t�J , Date �l30/89 Descrigtion of Wark _�i�a ht�d_ c� C�nn�,�r.1. Trail,._.__ _ _. s—� _ Uirect � �,s LABOR Tirne :' f.abor Name Classification Start S.t4 Hour Rate Cast Tatai direa�abor MATERII{LS Payrall costs @ $ Item , Total lsbor �#�ll���,.. Quantit Unit Ur�tt cost Cost � 3�� _�.. ��.�Q4 ��30 40 EQUTPMENT Subtt3ta2 (Include Operator Time Under Labor) Sales tax . � . Total mater3als ��30-Qp _ Time Unit Start Sto Hours Rate Gost Total equipmant Inciuded ' SUMMARY Approved: ; -� Total labor Tn�t �d�rl i�-. Total materials $6,�,0_fl0 .��� /��i;'l�vc+�-i �p•-��'� Total equipment �nc>>�ec� Con ac . r �ate Overhead & `.. Profit @ �$ ,`��-�Q �,,`�-���.----•. 1�/4/89 Re dent • Pro�ect Date Representative Tot81 Cost �661 _,(L * Note; All prices quated by contractors. � ' ' ' � � DATLY RECQRD QF NON-CQNTRACT. W(3RK' Owner City of Rosemount Pro�ect Na. 1 gg Pro�ect �����,��ra SEH �ile 88254 Contractor A„Gt-,n . K�.,�r�'aur►i Date 10/27/89 Description of Work ��_ ar,� nr�g- wor�, for soel���� Direct � .*, LABt�R Time ` Labo�C' Name Classi�ication Start S�to Hour Rate C�st Total direct labc�r NiATERi�#LS Payroli costs @ $ Totai iabor � Included Item Quantit Unit Unit cost Cost 'mnsn;� ( _z1�a�a1 (d 12cu !2ti 264 �,_ $8.OQ $2112.Q0 .�,��;� �zni�-,����. (a 12c sr 2/3.Z -?S2 _s� $8.00 $1924.Q0 EQUIPMENT Subtot�l {Inolude Operator Time Under Labor) Sales tax � Total materials ��o0 Time Unit Start Sto Hours Rate Gost Dozer- Kanatsu U31A 9 26 7,5 6� S.OU �87.5� �k;� ���oY r�SQ R��/� ?,.�T 45.00 �337.5Q Tatal equip�ent $825.OQ � SUMMARY App�.ou. d• Total labor Tncluded �"" � � .i' Totaz materials $4032.04 � �, ' � /c� .- y--�f'� Total equipment $825.OU Co tr tor Date - Overhead & i Profit @ 5 $ �242.85 �F y' �� ,�o a* R sident �•- Pro�ect Date Representative Total Cost $5099.$5 * Nc�te; All prices quoted by contractors. { , . . . � � DAILY RECORD OF NON-CONTRACT WORK Owr�er Citv of Rosemount Fro�ect No. �89 Pro�ect Shannoni Conneinara - SEH File �8254 Contractor Austin P. �ell� iBraun) Date 10/�,jgg Description of Work ���,l�h and isc anchorj,n.q blyr��= � Direct ,� LABOR Time Labar Name Classif3.cation Start S.to Hour Rate Cost Total direct labor MATERI'ALS Payroli costs @ $ Total labor inc �,�ded Item Quantit Unit Unit eost Cost S�r�rl� m»lr_h� c�r�in�an�3 rlisc-in , ac-,�, �,9Rn_(ln �19C,n_f}ff EQUIPMENT SubtOtsl ' (Include Operator Time Under Labor} Sales tax Total material� �1,c�p_pp . Time Unit Start Sto Haurs Rate Cost Total equipmen� Included � , SUMMARY Approu : � Total labor Includecl ��.� Total materials $196Qt00 �-r !G'�' Totai equipment Included Co ra or Date Overhead & � y� Profit @ 5 � �98.00 ..�r���T� 14(4I89 R sident .. Fro,�ect Date Representative Total Cc�st �2058.00 * Note; All prices quotec� by c�ntraetors.