HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Red Ribbon Campaign �` _ ,� . � Octaber 13, 1989 f � ITEI� � � A T0: Mayor Hoke Counci�.members: Napper Oxborough Walsh Wippermann ,' L i , ''�:,��c FROM; Stephan Ji1k, Administrator/Clerk ? +�� ��'_` � R�: Red Ribban Campaign � Since our last meeting we have visited with representatives of the Sehool Distriet, the Parents Communication Netwark, and other cities in Dakota County regarding the Red Ribban Campaign October 22-29. Dave Bechtold has also solicited and received, s cammitment £rom the Rosemount Jaycees to provide funding for a portion (50x) af the casts of suppli.ea for the campaign. At this writing I am waiting for a reply from the School Di.strict on what their involvement wauld be. We have advised them that the City of Rosemount and the Rosemount Jaycees wi11 provide funding for them in the area of ribbons, bnttons and banners. We have also suggested a �ofi.nt news release and some other things the students can get involved in. By our meeting an Tuesdap we should have finalized a program fox your aPFroval. I would suggest the foliowing wi11 probably be our involvement: l . Purchase enough red ribbon to suppl.q a11 students in Rosemount Schoals so that they can pin ribbons c�n to wear one or more days of the week. Purchase enough addi�ional ribbon for displa�► bp city staff and canncil members and to b� displayed on city vehicles that week. CQst $200 2. Purchase enough buttons for city staff , GOUIIC3.1 and schaol' s staff to wear that week. Cost $150 ,' " �w � � Red Ribbon Campaign Page 2 3. Purchase enough banners so that each school can disglay one {high school would have two) and tw4 at city hal1. Gost $200 4. Purehase several goster to be available for displap at school� and citY ha11, Cost 25 5. Mayor Hoke issues a proclamation designating the week of October 22-29 Red Ribbon Campaign Week. b. A ,joint gress re3.eese with the eity, I.S,D. �196 and Rosemvunt Ja�rcees to allow recognition of activiti�s the citp and the schools are doing for the week, . 7 . Information on chemie$1 awareness and the purgose of the Red Ribbon Campaign to be given aut to c3.ty emgloyees with their gaqzoll checks. The cas�t (estimated now at �6Q0 - $750) w3x1 be �pXit betwsen the Citp o� Ros�mount� and the Roaemount Jaycsea, With your approval we would proeeed with the basic program as outlined above. I would xequest to be alle�wed to spend up to $5�0 on this event in arder ta be flex�.ble to add addition�,l support if the schools ar ciLy staff come up with sddi,tional ideas, � r � � �� r tt i�c,x �,tn �fl�t� (l 2�is-�a5iti st w �oS�raoiaN�. n�iN�FSQta ss�r�+ n� ose»�tou rr.� 6,�-42�.�4,, n P R O C L A M A T I U �T �a�ass�masaa��asss�am aaaaasasasas�mm�rrausaass:mt ������������� �g���������� ��[g�i�1[��i�it� RRA RIBBON CAMPAiGN ��t���g�[�t�� i����H���ti�� 1[���[1������R �H��H�H�9[i[�� UCTUBBR 27 — 29, 1989 Z��H�III[i�C�A[� �a�maaasa�aassaeaaa amsoasstaaeeeasa�rs�reasaa I�IfiLREAS, Aicohol and ather drug abuse in this nation'has reached epidemic atages, and �he 15-24 year old age groap is dyi.ng at a faster rate thr�n eny other age group; and t�IiP.'[tEAS, it is imperative that visible, uni£ied prevention educatian efforts bq cc�mmunity members be launched to reduce the demand £or drugs; and WHiiREAS, the National. Federation of Parents for Drug Free Youth, FarenCs Communtcation Network and the Chemieal Flealth Conenission are sponsoring the Nationa]. Red Rib�n Campaign offering citizens the opportunity to demonstrete their com�nitment to the decrease in the demand for drugs. Wfii:RRAS, the iVat3onal Red Ri.bbon Cempai.gn wi11 be celebrated i.n everp communi,tp :�n America fluring "Red Ribbon Week", Octaber 2Z-29. 1989: and �Tlil�'REAS, President George Bush and Mrs. Barbara Bush are the National. Honarary Chairperson�, and Governor Perpich (Minnesota) is the State Honorarp Chairperson to provide thia cortununitp focus on a 'rDrug Free America"; and WI�EREAS, business, government, 1aw enfarce�nent� achools, religiaus in9titutions, service organizations, youth, physicians, senior citizens, ffiilitary, eports teams, and individuals wi11 dFreonstrate their cc�mmitment to drug - free pouth and responsihle adult uge by wearing Rnd diaglsying red ri.bbons durtng this weekend campaign: and iiHBREAS, the comrnunity of Rosemount further commits its resourCes to eneure the success of the Red Ribbon Campaign; NOW, TIfERSFt3RE, BL IT RESOLYED that the City Council of the Citp of Ros�moun�, does hereby support Octaber 27-29, 198q, as Red Ribbon Week and encouragee its citfzens to participate in drug prevention educativn, activities, �aaking a vtsible statement that we are strongly committec� to s conanunity that d'emands the decrease in chemical abuse. Rosemount encourages a11 citizena to pledg�; to the Red Ri,bl�n Ca�paign. Ro.11�n tioke, 1�yoz