HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of April 4, 1989 Regular Meeting a , ROSBM�U T CTTY PSOCESDINGS • REGULA�EETING APRIL 4�, 1989 Fursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting o� the Citp Counc�.1 of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesdaq, Apri1 4� 1989, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambere of the C�tq �H�11.. Mapor Hoke cal],ed the meeting to order with all members present. Mayor Iioke 1ed the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The agenda �as amended to add the following items: Item 12(g) Authorize Purchase of 6" Pump; Item 12{h) Approve Plana & Speci€ieations/Authorize Bid Opening Connemara Park Improvements Fro�ect; Item 12(i) Armorp Si.te Demolition Bids; �nd Item 12(�} Set Public Hearing/Beer License Application. Custod3an Dan Jerde was 3ntroduced to Council and commended for hia fine work over the last several months. Community Development Director Dean Johnson provided a progress report on the city' s recycling activities through March 15, 19$9. See C1erk' s F11e 1989-9. City Engineer Rich Hefti adv3.sed Council thgt on Apri]. 7, 1989, Collins Tree Seruice wili be balancing and reshaping the bouievard tr$es that `were recently trimmed bp the public works department. He£ti advised the forester frorn the City of Apple Valiey wi11 be available an that dap tn answer any questions from the property owners. The publ3c works department wi11 provide advanced natice to the property owners and make other arrangements if Apri1 7 is not a convenient date far the owners. Coffimunity Development Direetor Dean Johnaon updated Council on the recommendatian of the staff inember+s of the six cities who have met over the Xast several months t4 determine whether or not ta continue the current transit aervices provided by the Metropolitan Transit Commission. Johnson advised the group me�abers have agreed to recammend to their citp caunc3ls ,�ointly "opting out" and developing a joint transit spstem. A formal replacement plan will be presented to Gity Council at a future meeting. City L�ngineer Rieh Hefti updated Council on the overflow of the pand lc�cated in Va11ey Oak Addition. The warm weather, frozen ground and heavy rains cantribu�ed to fast runaff and overflowing which necessitated pumpin� the pond, Hefti advised Consent � Agenda Item 4(d} addrss8es his recommendation for Counci7. to authorize a. fea$ibilitp report to construct a starm water ov�rflow outlet £or the pond. MOTIUN by Wippermann to adopt the Consent Agenda as presented. SSCOND by Walsh. Apes; Wa1sh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper. Nays: 0. See C1erk' s File 1989�-9. MOTiON by Wal$h to adopt A RBS4LUTI4N APPROVING MUDIFICATION N0. V TO THE ROSBHOUNT RSDEVBLOPMSNT FLAN AND INCLODiNG THB USB OF TA% INCRSMENT F'IATANGING FURSUANT TO I�INAtBSQTA STATUTBS 459.279 IN } ROSBMO CITY PROCEBDINGS � REGULA�SSTZNG APSIL 4, 1989 • THB ROSBMOUNT R8D8VSL4FM8NT PLAN. SBCOI�D bp Napper. Ayes; W3ppermann, Hake, Oxborough, ftagper, Walsh. Nayst 0. See Clerk' e File 1989-9. MOTI�N by Waleh to adopt A RBSOLUTION RSSCINDING RBSOLIITION 1989- 23 AND APPRQV� THE PLANS AND SPSCIFICATTONS AND AIITHORIZIKG ADQBRTISgMBRT OF BIDS, DSBP WELL #8, PROJBCT #182. SBCOND by I�ake. Apess Iioke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Naqs: p. K brief recess was called at 7:55 p.m. with the meeting continuing at 8:00 p.m. Mayar Hoke opened the public hearing scheduled for this time to consider an appe�l bp Ronald Jacobson, 3547 143rd Street West, of a Planning Gommission action to approve a 32 �quare foat co�n�ercial sign to advextise a chiropractic business at 3025 143rd Street Weat. The administrator clerk had in his possession an Af£idavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notiee and an Aff3.dav�.t of Publ3.cation, See Clerk' s Fi1e 1989-9. Citp Planner Mike Wozniak provided background information advisi.ng the Flanning Commiasion at its February 21 , 1989 regular u�eeting, acting as the Zoning Board of Appeals and Ad�us�ments, approv�d a variance to allow s 32 square faot si.gn 3n an R-1 resident3.a�. district. The petitionex, Kerry Johnson of R & L Chiropractic, 3a gursuing the purchase of the propertp located at 3647 143rd Street and intends to reside on the premises and also operate his business as a home occupation. Planning Commiasioner Ronald Jacobson advised his appeal of the Board' e deci�ion was based primarilp with concern over the grecedent set v£ allowing a commercial sign in a residen�ial d�,atrict. Kerry Johnson, own�r of K & L Gh3ropractic, provided an overview of the proposed ehanges of the house and stated Beveral reasons the petition met the requirements fox a vaaciance. Rerry Jahnson stated the sign would be �b�alutelp neeeesary for adv�rtisi.ng his businesm. The �pplicsnt presented a petition aigned bp s�veral residents indicating their suppart of the petitioner to use the �.00Bt�dt1 as a chiropractic business. Several residen�s in Che audience were in support of the Johnson pet3.tian. Thep felt Johnson' s interest in canducting a chirc�gract3.c busin�ss wpuld cause the property to be well kept and to blend in with the surroundi.ng commerciaZ and public buildings. Other residents requested Ghe Council to deny the appeal ae an eneouragement for the Jahnsons to keep the3.r bnsiness in the citp. 2 � � ROSEMO CITY PROCEBDIAGS '� RBGIILA�BETING APRIL 4, 1989 MUTI4N by Oxborough to close the public hearing. SECONU by , Wa1sh. Apea: Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wigpermann, Hoke. Naps: 0. MOTIOH by Hoke to adopt A RgSOLUTION DBNYING A VARIANCB PSTITION TO ALLOW A 32 SQUARB FOOT COMM�RCIAL STGN AT 3Q25 143RD STxBBT WBST. SECOMD by Qxborough. Apes: Napper, Wa1sh, Wipperm�nn, Hoke, Oxborough. Nays: 0. MOTIO[� bq Wa1sh to accept the petition presented by Kerry Johnson and to place it on f3.1e. SBCOND by Napper. Ayes: Wa],sh, Wippermann, Hoke, 4xborough, Nagpex. Naps: 0. A rece�s was called at 9.22 p.m. with the meeting continuing at 9s40 p.m. Mapor Hoke opened the public hearing to eonsider Pro�ect 196, Valleg Oak Additiott Phase IV Street and Utility Improvements. The administrator/clerk had in his presence the �Affidavft of Fosted and Mailed Hesr3ng Notice and the Affidavit of Publicat�.an. See Clerk's Fil.e 1989-9. Consulting Engineer Steve Campbell provi.ded an overview of 'ths pro�ect and the estimated casts. Campbell stated the �mount to be assessed 1� estimated not to exceed �221 ,000, and the estimated assessment fox each of the 28 lots is $7,893. There were no comments from the audience regarding this public hearing. MOTION bp Walsh to close the public hearing. SBCOND bp Wippermann. Ayes: Wippermaan, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh. � Naps; 0. MOTIO� by Oxborough to adopt A RBSUI.OTION FOR APPRpYAL UF YALLSY UA� ADDIT�ON BBPLAT, PHA38 �Y UTILITY AND 3TRBBT IMFROYBM�WTS, CITY PRQJ$CT 196. SECQI�D by Wa�.sh. Apest Hoke, Ozbarough, Napper, Waleh, Wipp�rmann, Naps; Q. MOTION by Walah to adopt A R$SOLUTION ORD�R�NG PLANS AND SP�CTFICATION QF VALLSY OAK ADDITION RBFLAT, PHASB IV STRBBT AND IITILITY IMP�UYBMBNTS, CITY PROJI�CT 196. SSCOND by Nappex. Ayes: Oxbo�rough, Napper, W+a3s�►, Wippercnann, Hok�. Nays: 0. Mapor Hoke opened the public hearing acheduled for this time to consider Va11ey Oak Addition Repla'� Ro. 2 preliminarq plat described as 4utlot C� Va].1ep Oak Addition Replat No. 2. The administrator/clerk had in his presence �he Affidavit o� Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice and the Affidavit of Publ3.eation. See Clerk' s File 1989-9. 3 . ROSBMOU CITY PROCEEDINGS , BBGULAR�BTING APRIL 4, 1989 C3,tp Planner Mike Woaniak reviewed with Council the gropoaed preliminar� plat which gropos►ee ta div3.de Outlat C of Va1].ey bak Addit3on� Replat 3n�o £our parcele to allow �on�txuctio� of a quad home. Outlot C is lacatmd at Che interaaGtiaa ef Chippe�nd�le, Cars�ell Trai�. and 156th Street Weat. Wozniak advi�ed the Plamning Commission rev3ewed the proposed preliminarp plat and recommended spproval. There were no comments or questions recei.ved from the audience. MOTION by Walah to close the public hearing. SSCOt�D by - Wippermann. Ayes: Napper, Wa1sh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough. Naps: Q. MOTION by Wa1sh to adopt A RBSOLUTION GIVING APPROVAL TO THS - VALLSY UA� ADDYTION REPLAT N0. 2 PRBLIMINARY PLAT AND SBTTING OOT THB Ct?NDITI4NS F08 FIMAL APPROVAL. SSCOND bq 4xborvugh. Apes: Wa1sh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napger. Nays: fl. Mayor HQke opened the gublic hearing to eonsider a rezoning from A�riculture to R-1 Single Familp Residential of the proposed ' 0 Leary' s Hills Fourth Addition. The administrator/clerk had i.n his presence the Affidavit of MaiJ.ed and Fosted Hearin� Notice and Affidav3.t of FubZ3cation. . See G1erk' s File 1989-9. City Planner Mi.ke Wozniak advised the developer has requeated apgroaal of 0'Le�ry' s Hills Faurth Addition, a 31 lot ' aingle family residential subd3vision f3na1 plat and also petitioned the city far rezoning from Agriculture to R-1 S3ngle Family Residential. There were no questions or comments received from the audi.ez�ce. MUTIUH by Walsh to close the gublic hearing. SBCOND by Hoke. Ayea: Wippermann� Roke, Oxbe�rough, Napper, Walsh. Naps: 0. MOTION by Wa1sh tv adopt AN ORDINANCB AMENDING ORDINANC� NU. ZVII.3 - ZOI�ING ORDINAAiCB. SECOND by Napper. Ayes; Hoke, Oxboraugh, Napger, Walsh, WiPPermann. Naqs; �. Mapor Hoke opened the public hearing to consider a rezoning from AG Agri�ulture to �-1 Single Family Residential of the propo�ed Wensmann Third Addition. The administrator/clerk had 3n his presence the Affidavit of Ma31ed and Posted Hearing Notice and Aff3.davit vf Publ3.shed Notiee. See Clerk' s File 19$9-9. City Planner Mike Wozniak advised the final plat is in conformance w3th Che Preliminarp P1at/I'tID and meets a11 zoning and subdivision ordinance requirements exeept frontage which was varied under the PUD procedure. Wozniak atated the Planning Gamm3asion has recommended approval o£ the Wensmann Third 4 ' ROSEMQ '�� CITY PROCBSDINGS , 88GULA�!�SBTING APRIL 4, 1989 Add�.tion Fin�1 Plat and Rezoning sub�ect to �n executed subdiviaion develog�ent COlitl'�Ct. MOTI�AI by W�l�h ta c�.oae� the pubXi.c hearin$. SBCpNII bp Hake. Ayes; 4xborc�ugh, Napper, Wa].ah, Wippermann, Hvke. Naps: 0. MOTION by Walsh to adopt AN 08DINANCB AMENDING 4RDIHANCB NO.� XVII.3 - ZOI�ING ORDINAAICB. SBCOND by Napper. Aysa: Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hake, Oxborough. Nays: Q. Mayor Hoke opened the public heaaring to consider a rezoning from AG Agriculture to R-1 Single Family Residential of the proposed West Ridge Third Addition. The administrator/elerk had in his presence the Affidav3.t af Mailed and Posted tiearing Notice and Affidavit af Publication. See Clerk' s File 1489-9. City Planner Mike Wozniek advised the developer of West Ridge Planned Unit Develogment has requested approval of West Ridge Third Addition f4r a 41 1ot single fami]:y residential subdivieion. The p�.at is in conformanCe with the West Ridge , Freliminarp Plat/PUD Flan and all zoning and aubdivision ''� ordinance requirements have been made, except frontage which was varied under the FUD procedures. The Pl.anning Commissi.on has recommended approval of the rezoning and tdest Ridge Third ' Addition Final Plat sub�ect to an executed subdivision , development contract. . MOTION by Wipper�nann to clos� the publie he�ring. SBCUND by " Walsh. Ayes; Walah, Wippermann, Hake, Oxborough, Napper. Naqss 0. MQTION by Walsh to adopt AN ORDINANCB AMENDING ORDII�ANC$ N0. %VII.3 - ZQAIING ORDINANCB. SBCOND by Napper. Apes: Wippermann, � Iioke, 4xborough, AJapper, Wa1sh, Nays: 0. The final plat for Wensmann Third Additi.on was rev�.ewed by �� Council,, Di,scussian waa he�.d with the citp engineer regarding the atastallation of street signs in new developments, Counc�.1 requested that the citq engineer coordin�re the insta11at3.on of signs at the eame time curb and gutters are cc�nstructed. MOTION bp Oxbaraugh to adopt A R8S4LUTION APPRO�IING TH8 WBNSMAI�W THIRD ADDTTION FIMAL PGAT. SBCOND by Hoke. Apes; Hoke, Qxboraugh, Napger, Walsh, Wippermann. Nays: 0. See C1erk' s �'ile 1989-9. MOTIUN by Walsh ta adopt A RBSOLIITIpN APPROYING TflB 4'LBARY'S HILLS FOUBTH ADDITION FINAL PLAT. SBC4ND by Napper. Ayes: Oxhorvngh, Napper, Wa1sh, Wippermann, Hoke. Naps: 0. S ROSEMOU CITY PROC�BDINGS ' • � RSGULAR�3ETiNG APRIL 4, i989 M4TIQN by Walsh to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THB WBST RIAGB THIRD ADDZTIQN FINAL PLAT. SECOND bp Nappe�. Aqes: Napper. Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxboraugh. Na�s: 4. Building Official Ron Wasmund presented the recammendations £rom � eommittee appointed to studp the adoption of fire suppression requir�mente and �o make recommendations to Gounc�.1 concerning the adoption of Appendig Chapter 38 Co the Unifcsrm Building Code. Council wi11 review and discuss this item at the Apri1 18, 1989 regular counci.l meeting. See Clerk' s Fiie 1989-9. Discusaion was held regarding a new posi�ion for a permanent part-time fire marshall. Buildin� Official Ron Wasmund presented the recomme�dations o£ a Gommittee comprised of the butlding official, f3re chief and volunteer fire marshall. Wasmund reviewed the �ob description, sa].ary recommendationa and eatimated �tartin$ date. Wasmund advieed the po9ition wou7.d initiallq be twentp hours pez� week, and recommendatians for recru�.tment wvuld be to hire a person who 3s currentlp empl.oyed as a fu1l-time firefighter w3.th training in fire inspections and plan review. Discussion £ollowed a� to whether the person filling this position would be a member of the city' s volunteer fire department, Wasmund advised fire department membershig would not be nece$sary, and this position would report directly to and work under the supervision af the ba3.lding official. The administrator suggested thst 3.n the event the fire marsh�ll would not be avai3able to investigate at the scene o� a fire, thst fire " department memb�rs could affer their asaistance in the espacitq of a de;signated fire marahall. See Clerk' s Fire 1989-9. MUTIUN by Wa1sh to agprove the �ob description of the permanent part-time fire marshall, and to authori�e the advertisement for the position with an estimated starting dste of June 1 , i989. SBCUND by Hoke. Ayes: Walsh, Wigpermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper. Nays; 4. Council reviewed the information prepared by the administratox regarding proposed changes in the salarp and per diem ratea for the council. It was the consensus of the Council thet the salari+es be increased to $4,200 per qear for mayor and $3,600 per pear for councilmembers, Council ftirther agreed to increase per diems to $25 for meetings out o£ town and to keep �he $20 per di.em for in town ra�*etings. Intown per diems are t� be paid £or meet3,ng in excess of the regularlp �acheduled eouncil meeti,n�s. Per diems would be limited to one per day. See Clerk� s �ile 1989-�. kiOTIUN by Hoke to direct the administrator to draft the revised ordinance concerning council Gompensation for adoption. SSCOND by NaQper. Aye$: Wippermann, Hake, Oxborvngh, NapFer, Wsl�h. Naqs; fl. 6 ,I . � � ROSEMOt� CITT PROCSEDIHGS RBGULAB�`SBTING APRIL 4, 1989 Counci].members Napper and Wa1sh reported an the March 29, 1989 public hearing held bp the Minnesota Environmental Quality Bosrd to receiv� input to the specific site selection far the Oxbow Po�aer Cogeneration Plant pro�'ect. Both councilmembers recommended that Council adogt a resolution in support of the appl3cant' s originally preferred site as the site mare beneficial to the citp and to oppose the Continental Nitrvgen site and the mast southern site. See C1erk' s File 1989-9. MOTION bp Napper to adopt A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE SFLBCTION UF A SPECIFIC SITB FOR THS LOCATION OF THB PRQPOSED 0%BOW POWSR COGBNgRATIOit FACILITy IAi ROSBMOUNT, I�IN. SSCOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Hoke, Qxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann. Naqa: 0. Councilmember Napper asked for Coun�i]. support for the siting of a gun range facilitp 1c�cated on �he University of Minnesota property in Empire Township. Citq Administrator Stephan Ji1k, as a me�aber af the Rosemount Advisorp Committee, testified to this committee' s support of gun club proposal as a benefit to the communit�. Parks and Recreation Director David Bechtold stated Che range could pxovide another viable recreational alternative for Roaemount residents. See Clerk' s File 1989-9. MOTIUN by Hoke to adopt A RBSOLDTION OF ' SUPP08T F08 THB DA�OTA COUNTY GUN CLUB. SBCOND by Oxborough. Apes: Oxborough, Wa1sh, WiPpermana, Hoke. Naqs: Q. Abstain: Napper. Citp Eng3.neer Rich Hefti recommended that a public hearing be held on May 16, I989 �o consider the proposed assessments for the Yallep Oak Addition Replat, Phase III. See Clerk' s �'ile 1989-9. MOTION by Walsh to adopt A RESOLUTION DBCLARING COST TO BE ASSBSSSD, 08DSRING PREPARATION OF PROPOSBD AS5BSSM8NT, AND CALLING FOx HEARING ON THE PROPOSSD ASSBSSMENT VALLSY OAR ADDITIOI� RBPLAT, PHASB III, UTILITY AND STREBT IMPROVEMBNTS, P80JBCT 180. SSCOND by Hake. Apes: Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Iioke, Oxborough. N�yss 0, Citq L�n�inesr He£ti reco�amended a bid opening date £or Fridap, Apri1 28, 1989, at 10:0Q a.m. for 0'Learq's Hills 4th Addition, City Cantract 1988-5. See Clerk' s File 1989-9. M�TIQN bp Walsh to adopt A RBSOLUTION AUTIiORIZING ADVBRTISEMENT OF BIDS, Q'LBARY'S HILLS 4TH ADDITIQN STRBI�TS AAtD UTILITIES IMP80YBM�NTS, P80J8CT 1$4. SBCOND by Napger. Ayes: Walsh, W�.ppermann, Hoke, Oxbaraugh, Napper. Nays; 0. Citp Engineer Rich Hefti requested Coanci�. authorization to purchase a six inch pump to have availeble tio minimixe� flaod d�mage caueed by heavq rain� and sgring thawing canditions. The engineer advised staff was able to borrow a pump from the City of Eagan, but it m�p not always be possible to do so. Discussion followed with Council concurring one-half of the purchase cost should be eapended �rom the etorm water core faci�.ity fund. 7 � , � R05EM0� CITY PROCgBDINGS REGULA BBTING APRIL �, 1989 MOTIUN 'bp Walsh ta authorize the purchase of a six inch portable purap and necessary eQuipment includ�.ng suetion and discharge hose with funda to be expend�d from the CIP and core facility funda. SBCO�tD by Napper. Apeet Wippermann, Hoke, Oxbvrough, Napper, WaXah. Napst Q. Gity Bngi,neer Rich Nefti r�commended Connc�.l to aFProve the plana �nd epeci�'ications and order advertiserasnt for bid� with a bid openit�g date on April 28, 1989, at 1Os00 a.m. for the Vall�p O�k Addattion Replat, Phase IV, Utilitp and Street Construction Tmprovements, Contract 1989-4. See Clerk' s File 1989-9. MOTI4W bp Aiagper to adopt A RBSOLUTION APPROVING THB PLANS AHD SPBCIFICATIONS AND AIITHO�IZING ADVERTiSSMENT OF BIDS, VALLEY OAK ADDITI0�1 RBPLAT, PHASE IV UTILITY A�iD STRBBT IMPROVBMBNTS, P80J8CT #146. SECOND by Wippermann. Apest Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann. Napss 0. City L�ngineer Hefti, requ�sted Council approval of the plans and apeeifications and advertisement for bids With a bid opening date of Aprii 28, 1989, at 10:00 a.m. for the Connemara Park Impravement Fro�ect. MOTION by Walsh to adopt A RBSOLUTIOK APPR4VING TH8 PLANS AND SPBCIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVBRTISSMENT OF BIDS FUR CO�NBMARA PARR IMPR�VEMENTS, PROJSCT #197. SSCOND by Oxborough. Apes: Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wipgermann, Hoke. Naps: 0. Councilmember Oxborough left his chair. Gitp Adrninistrator Stephan Jilk ugdated Council on the armory s�.te advising the tenant has vacated the buildings. The admini�trator requested Council' s approval to receive quotes for demol3.tion of the atructures and to a11ow the fire degartment to burn the buildings for fire training purposes. Council agreed the windmill at the site shonld be saved and moved to other citp property. The Council. further reached � consen�us and gave staff direction to proceed to receive priee quotes £or the demoliti4n end remova� of all structures on the praper�q with �he exception of the windmill. The Conncil further concurred with staff' s recommendation on utilizing the Rosemount Fire Department to burn the hou$e and building for fire trsining purposes. MOTION by Walsh to set a public hearing on Tuesdap, April 1$, 1989, at 8s00 p.m. , or as soan thereatter as posaible, to cansider the on-sale and off-sale applicstiona for non- intoxi.cating malt iiQuor 1lcenses received from IZaymond Rahn. SBCO�tD bq Napper. Ayest Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Fioke. Nsys: 0. Mayor Hoke reviewed with Council the associated casts far conducting the Town Meeting on Maq 9, 1989, at 7:00 p,m. at the Rosemount High School Stndent Center. 8 ^ � . � ROSEMO�CITY PROCBEDINGS 88GULAR I3TING APRIL 4, i989 MOTIOAI bp Walsh to approve the costs necessary to operate the Map 9, 1989 Tc�wn Meeting not to exceed �1 , 500. SBCpND bp Napper. Ayea: Wa1sh, Wipper�ann, Hoke, NaPPer. Nays: 0. MOTIQN bp Hoke to schedule a zoning ordinance wor�C�hop meeting on Tueaday, Apr11 11, 1989, at 6;30 p.m, in the Council Chamber�s. S�COND bp Wipper�aann. Aye�; Wippermann, Hoke, Nepper, Walsh. Nays: 0. Administrator Stephan Ji1k advised staff will be in the grocess o£ dQing preliminarp aperating and CIP budgeting over the next couple of months. The administrator requeated Council to discuss wi�h sta�f any speci£ic items wh�.c,h should be included in the budget review proce�e. Administrator Stephan Jilk advised the Dakota County Railroad Authority is forming a technical review committe� for the purpose of advising the countp board in the preparation of a light rail transit study. The administratar recommended that Dean Johnson be appointed to serve as the city representative. See Clerk's . �'j..2.G' 17v'9—ga � . . � . � MOTION by Napper to appoint Dean Johnson to serve on the Technical Review Camraittee. SSCOND by Walsh. Apes: Hoke, N�pper, Wa1sh, Wipgermann. Naps: 0. Administrator Stephan Jilk advised County C4mmiss�.oner Steven Lt�eding has requested an informal meeting with the Coancil an April 12, 1989 for the purpose up dating the council on the county' $ solid waste plans. Couneii reque�ted that the meetin� be scheduled for 5:30 p.m. The administrator adv3sed Council of ttie settlements rendered by the hearing commissioners on two of the Hawkins Fond easement condemna�ion cases and checks wi11 be issued to the praperty owners this week. MOTIO�T by Walsh to ad�ourn. SBCOND by Wippermann. Apes: 4. Nays; A. P.espectfnlly submitted, Susan M. Johnaon, Deputy Cl.erk ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Admini.strator/C1erk Published this day of , 1989 in Dakota Countv Tribune. 9 �