HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.f. Adventure Zone Permit I .. �..{. �� . �� � . P O. B�X 510 • ��i� � 2875-145TH ST. W. �*�yy��� ROSEMOUIdT. MINNESOTA 55068 Qe7 G//t�u�� 612-423-441 1 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 4S F) TO: Mayor Hoke Couneilmembers Wal h, Wippermann, Oxbarough, Napper ' FRC1M: Susan M. Johnson � DATE: April 14, 1989 RE: Consent Agenda Item 4f For the fourth year Mr. Lee Moeller has requested a permit from the aity to allow him to operate his business known as The Adventure Zone, which is an adult war game with the use of paint splat type pi�tol�. T have attached a copy of the permit for your zeview. The oniy change in the permit from last year's is the limit of liability insurance required by the city. Mr. Moe].ler requested that the city consider $504,OOQ limit as opposed to $1 ,000,000 limit which was stated in the previQus years' permits. I contacted Dave Grannis for his opinion, and he fe].t $500,000 would be an adequate amount. Our police department has received no vomplainta or had any incid�nt� regarding this busi.nes� over the past year. As part of the consent calendar, my recommendation for aetion would be to approve the iasuance of a permit to Lee Moeller doing business �s The Adventure Zone sub�ect to the conditions $tat�d in the psrmit. f " _ � � I/(�J P Q. BOX 510 ���� � 2875-tA5TH ST. W. ` N ROSEMQUN7.MINNESOTA 55Q68 OSe�Q�s�.� 612-A23-4411 P B R M I T FERMIT issued this dap of , i989, by the CITY OF RQSEMOUNT (the "City") to Lee Moeller d�b/a THE ADVENTURE ZONE ("Moeller") . 1 . The City herebp issues a permit for the "Adventure Zone Game" in accordance with the de£inition and rules set forth on the attached &xhibit "A,►. 2. This permit is issued sub�ect to the following conditions: a. The permit is valid onlp on Tax Parcel Number 34-0200-410-25. b. The permit holder shall take out and raaintain in farce general liahility insurance for a least Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($S�O,QflQ) . The form of the policp �nd the insurer shall be sub�eet to agproval by the Citp Administrator. The Citp shall he named as an additional 3nsured on the policg. The policp shall further provide that the C3ty sha11 be given t�n ( 10� days sdvence notice of cancellation, Proof of this 3nsurance (Certi#icste aE Insurance) wi11 be presented as part of approval process of the permit. c. The hours and days of operation sha11 be limited to the £ollowing: Monday through Sunday 1Q:00 A.M. to dusk. d. The permit fQr operating sha11 c4ntinue from April 1, 1989, unt31 October 31 , I989. e. No buildi.ng ar other structure map be erected qn the ' site. f. The permit holder shall police the area for litter after each game and aha11 insure that a nuisance is not created aa a result of noise, litter3ng, traffic, or disorderlp conduct. ; g. Beer, wine, and intoxicating liquQr is prohibited, . , • � � 3. This permit may be revoked for violation of its terms or violation of anp ordinance or statue. THE ADVENTURE ZONE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BY, ... ` � ,`,/� BY: L e Moe er Rollan Hoke, Mayor � BY: Stephan Jilk, Administrator Clerk l,j