HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.i. Approve State NAHRO Conference Attendance � •�, /� • F,�� [;trv i,ir� � � ��'��� �) � � �Ri`, 1�f�,t1-I ,1 'oV F?C?Sf M�)i 1N1 MINNE ;(t�1�� '�•,r�r;fi � � � � � ���,'�YdC?�LdYt�� � �� � �� � � �11 ���.� t��t1 TO: Steve 1ilk, City Administrator ���� � �w � � � FROM: Dean Johnson, Director of Community Development - DATE: Aprii 13, 1989 SUBd: Minnesota Chapter NAHRO Con[erence Attached is a memo from Tracie, regarding attendance at lhe annuat NAHRO Conference, May 17-19, 1�89. Ncither I nor anyone else has actively participated in NAHRO, since the incep[ion of the Rosemount HRA in 1979. I have been needled by our [riends at DakoEa County HRA for years, because we have no representation within the state chapter nor have attended any conferences. I am delighted to report lhat Tracie is a current memt�cr a[ the MN j Chapter of NAHRO. She is `very interested in participa[ing in the ` conference. I think her involvement in the conference will lend � credibility to the City's standing in the housing and redevelo�ment arena � and obviously expand her network of contacts and relationships within � the profession. � I I respectfully request authorization tc� have Tracie represent the Cily at Ithe NAHRO Conference in Detroit Lakes. The cost of registration is � ; $140 and meals and lodging is $130. There is money in the department budget to aceommodate this activity. i I ` ; � . ; �k� . . . � � . � � . � �. . . . . . . . . . . � . . � � . . . .. � .. i . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . � � . . ... � �� � � � . � � . . . . .. I .. . . . .. . � . � . .� . ` � . . .. � .. . � . . ... � � . . . . . � � . � . .. . . .. . . . � .. . . . . . . . � . . � , . . . . . . � . . . . . . . .. . . . . i . . . . . . . . . � . . + . . . . . . . . . � . � . . . . . .� . . . . .. . . � � . � . . . . � . . . i � � . � . � � . � . . . � . � � . � . . �� . . . �. . � � . �. . I . . . . . �. . . .. � . . � � . � � �. � .� � . � � � .i .. . . � . . . .. . . . . � . . . . , • � � � Fs(i (�(tir FI14 � ������ L) ?fi7[, 1�1'.(l l ,I �,a,� � /1'' ra�st ti��?�ir��i nni�nirvE ,<��r n ,�+�r,r� �[Jt��►�`(L/[� �-L �;1�� 1?`i A,711 II � I TO: Dean Johnson, Community Development Qirector j , ' FROM: Tracie Pechonick, Economic Dev. Specialist ,/�,��-�--° i �f f � DATE: April 11, 1989 SUBJ: Minnesota NAHRO Conference � � Attached is the information sent to me regarding the Minnesota division of the National Association of H�using and Rcdevelopmcnt (�fficials (NAHRO) 1989 Conference to be taking place May 17 - 19, 1989, at Breezy PoinL With your permission I woutd like to attend this conference. i The workshops will provide an overview on up and coming trends in housing and development, legislative updates and information that can be applied in ! the everyday workplace. � The cost for registration for the entire conference is $140A0, this covers a11 : conference materials' and activities. The cost for l�dging is $13U.00, this iincludes the roorn and meals for all three days. If you have any questions or � comments, please do not hesitate to let me know. Thank you for your consideration! 1 i ` - j ( � � � � ( , � ; I � ; i ; 1 ; t � � �2,'���� . . . � . . . . �� . . ..� . � � . . . . . . . . . . - . . . .. . . . . uk,� � . . � . . . . . . . . � . . � . . . � . . . . .. r " � � �s�'�ic�t ��E'�t"����t : � FutE Conference Natel accommodations If received All hotet reservations are the responsibility af the partica by May 5th: after May 5th: parrts.A hotel reservation form from Breery Poirrt Resort is F.: ,�: µ �150 �160 If you are an individual enc(osed for your convenience.The deadline for assured ,�; member of MN NAHRO>or an reservation is May 5th. � individual member from an - agency which is a member Single occupancy-$170 �� �, :, � � � � � � - .�;��� _ ., ' ' �� , ; �160' $170` tf your agency is a member, dk��Pa��..�_� . ., �,, .. : - _ b�. but you are not a�individual greezy Paint Resort � � �Y,i.�.�<:� ,. �>E� R� .�:�'� � member of MN NAHRO HCR 2,Booc 70 �185' �195' lf neither you nor your agency Pequo#Lakes,MN 564T2 is a member of MN NAHRO 1-80f}-4�32-3777 'It you pay either of these rates.as applicable,you wit!automaticzlly become a member of MN NAHRO Registration Fees,Options(If registering for entire conference,your ����t with your hotel reservations.) ! Membecship - To#al Wed.Worlshops Thu�s.Workshops .: ,': Thurs. �; �� Friday � ' Category Conter+ence &Dinner "� :� &Lunch'';:� >;� . Banquet`" ' >1Norkshops 1 �.� , � -� � �._ � _t �_ ., .., ` `"�a�lget��Aembee��' � . , �70' �� � � $7� ��4' $20 w ' '� $50 : o� � � robing conff��ting interests M�o��Y � �,so- ` $so= �o•. "� $20 � �` `$so a(ld @thIC1)d1�2111tIlaS((1 Nan-Member $'t75" $1Q5' ` $105' ,, �20 $85' , _ �1011Slfl9$Ra CO(lllllt!(ti� 'If you pay either of these rates,as applicable,you will automatically become a member of MN NAHRO. development through a - panel of inside and outside lrl��� ��RQ �g� �nu� �Qn��� professionals. Wednesday, May 17fh tionships in the work place.He will discuss communication, 10'00-12:00 Registration the use of power in relationships,the need to set boundaries, ` 12:OQ- �:15 Lunch Wefcome:President Dave Schulz and effective team building.Dr.Lofy is a professor and � � � � � Presentatian of the Legislator of the Year Award counselor at Mankato State University,and works as a con- , , 1:30- 4:45 Concurrent Sessions A sultant with many corporations and public organizations. 1:30- 3:00 Concurrent Session B Housing Rehabifitation Technical Training: � ' � 3:15- 4:45 Concurrent Sessions G Bid Specifications ' � ' � • Registration Detailed construction bid specifications are crueial to a wel!- run rehab program.This session will place speawriting in � ' ' ' ' Coneurrent Sessions A the perspective of the construction management proeess, Building a Team at Youe Agency will discuss various methods of creating bid specs,and will Dr. Chuck�ofy will focus on the importance of healthy rela- discuss solutions to common problems encountered in spec-writing.The session wiil be useful to ' �h�1Cs���/� �e"�y ���� ��"1E�ay� �a�( Z��E1 housmg reh�b saeeiatists in both smal4er and {arger agen- cies:The panel wiii include Pauf Baumgartner from the Dakota County MRA;Joe Engels, Minnesota Dept.of Trade 7:30- 9:00 Break#ast 7;30- 9:00 8reakfast 8��conomic Development; and Daug Olson from the HUD 9:U0-10:30 Concurrent Sessions A 9:00-11:30 C�ncurrent Sessions Area Qffice. 10:45-12:15 Concurrent Sessions B 17:34 Adjourn Concurrent Session B 12:15- 1;15 Lunch Morning Concurrent Sessions Election of 1989-91$oard of Directors Auoiding Embeufement of HRA Funcls �:30- Goff Tournameni Hazardons Wastes;The 7ransfer af Contaminated Sites Learn ahout ways to preuent or reduce the risk of embeule- Paddling Pelrcan Boat Cruise Nothing is currenily causing more anxiery among real ment-stealing by employees. Because most af us think estate venture participants than questions of recognizing, the possibility is remote,we create the very environment that Morning Concurrent Sessions A ` correciing and avqiding liability for contaminaied real estate makes it possib(e for embezzlement to occuc This workshop Ethics tn The Weartland sites.This session will discuss the potential liabifity arising will be geared toward Commissioners and staff afike.lt will Modelled after the critically acc{aimed "Ethics in America" from such real praperty transfers artd what fhe public sector discuss practical ways in which even a smaA HRA can set roundiable discussiarrs airing on public television,this pansl can do to help solve cantamination problems.Robert Deike � up effective interna!contrals to reduce the risks.Thomas J. wi11 probe conflicting interests and ethical dilemmas in tne and Robert Lindall,attorneys with Holmes and Graven,and Bannon,Regional inspector Gener�l for Audit from HUD housing and community development arena. Farticipants Mike Schwab from ihe Minneapolis Community DevefQp- Chicago. wiU fead the disucssion. wiff reflect the interests of housing and development agen- ment Agency,wilf iead the discussion. cies administrators,commissioners and line st�ff, HUD, Resident Participation:The Continuum from Token to Concurrent Sessions C news media, attorneys and others.Don't be surprised to find Tenant Management Enterprise Zones yourself participating. A panel of staff and public housing residents will discuss Apanel of officials wifl discuss the Enterprise Zone program How to Prepare for a HUD Monitor in Pub{ic Housing and differing leve!s of tenant participation, PHA siaif involve- on both the Federal and State levels. Find out what _ Section 8 ment and meth�ds for developing active resident cauncils. an Enterprise Zone is and how it works.This program will Every PHA must be''monitored"ar"audited"by HUD for Gonnie Toaves, Rental Administrator for Family Services at undoubtedly take on added signifiicance�nder the Block their Public Housing or Seetion$Programs.This session ; the Minneapolis Community Development Agency will fead Grant,as well as Enterprise Zone Coordinator, HUD wili provide important tipson how to prepare for a successful the discussion. Washin��n, has been invited.Other panel members monitor where both parties involved are p{eased with the Creative Solutionsto Job 8urnout: Open Invitatian to include Tom Helgeson, C.D. Representative, MN Dept. of results: Hear suggestions frQm HUD Area Office Staff and Open Your f�ptions Trade &Economic Development; and Coordinator for the from agencies who have had good monitor reports. � Dr:Harriet Haynes,Senior Psyc#�ologist, University State Enrarprise Zone program; Edie Vargas, Community � Counseling Senrice, University of MN,will help us look at Planning and Oevelopment Representative tor HUD Morning Concurrent Sessions B personal and organizational implications af professional Regional Qffice, and the local Federal Enterprise Zone Coor- Sexual Harassment in the Work Ptace stress and bumout.She invites us to learn about the role of � dinator;and Larry Fo�sy4he, Ecctnomic DevLlopment Qirector An overview of the issues related to sexual harrassment will leadership on stress and burnout, and to develop ereative for the City of Mankato. _ be presented by WiH Ternair,President of Professional EEO strategies for coping with it. Legislative Update Consultants, Inc. Learn about the legal ramifications,liability Bruce Nordquist, Legislative Committee Chair, Dorothy problems,how to prevent comp{aints and how to handle Knutson,Willmar HRA; Mark Ulfers,`Dakota County HRA; complaints. Mr.'fernoir will present a video tape and conduct and Gene Ranieri, Holmes and Graven;will discuss key a group exercise. points of the 1989 Legislative Session. What is Section 89?Why aU employees should be concerned about it 5:30- 7:00 Cocktail Reception/Exhibitor Display Ron Clare,a controller with Dakata County HRA will lead a 7:Q0- Dinner discussion about this new tax!aw which effects benefits. Introduction of Candidates for 1989-91 Soard -. 6:30- 8:00 Cocktail Reception/Exhibitor poor Prizes 8:d0 Banquet Annual Meeting Announcement of 1989-91 8oard of Directors Presentation of 1989 Outstanding . Achievement Award < . .