HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.m. Authorize Purchase for Cellular Phone , t . �������� . ��������� 2875 145th Street West Rasemaunt, MN 55Q68 FI�E DEPA�TMENT �;ty �" ���-�2�.��� �ire Natl b12-423-3444 T0: Steve Jilk, �ity Administrator —�' ---,�T�„� �- e FROM; Scott Aker, Fire Chief � �� DATE: April 12, 1989 gE: Authorization for Expenditure Cellular Phone With the $1 , 500.00 donation from the Kn��;ht� �.f C�lumhus, wP inc�ic�ted to them we would be purcllasa.n�; � aueti�ri macliine and passibly a cellular phone. They wished the money to be used for something special rather than just another piece of hose or a new coat. Our findings indicate that we would be better served by a "trans- portable" model rather than a permanently mounted mobile unit. In this way, it could be used in all vehicles or by other departments of the C3.ty� should a need arise'. We familiarized ourselves with models made by NEC, Motorala, and Oki, Motarala appears to ha�re a good unit, but is not on fire or county bid. The NEC and �ki are both on county bid (see attached sheet) . - After looking at the features of both paekages, we would request authorization to purchase �he Oki Model CDL 492 at $1,030.00. This model includes several options that would have to be purchased as extras with the NEC phone (i.e. antenna, external mike, external speaker) . The Oki appears to be superior in performance, require much less maintenance, and has gone through much testing for hot and cold extremes by the army and others. Hastings police and fire have been using them with satisfaction, also. We algo request authorization to contract with Cellular One for a monthly fee af $4,95 and a rate/minute char,�e (see attached sheet) . The purchase price of the phone would appear as an overrun in our budget at year' s end. The monthly charge would be covered by our communications budget. Thank you for our cortsideration on these matters. dw attachr�ents ? � � 4��,�� ,.� .. .. ef ;�'.. � � �� : �DL��2 Features = ' 3 � �,4ast Number Recail With Backup Last ° ����`'� �!Puah Buttons—For dialing,ot enterir�{hg,,�� �`- � � �'rlumber�ialed ia stored in the memory and is' ��� ��unlock code. �� - �- :� ,.<�: �� � �°•�'� � �TPave(Beg—Handsome,comp�t,cAifskin c -dutomaticalf fec�led—even atter the uhd ia: � � �g � � �� � �x : Y � < ��m Send Key�-�-Initiates a call�nd eilowsyou ���� � canyfng bag with pFrone and storage compaR� �x -hitned oH � � .- ' ,�,,�����` �� to a�swer calis when the handset is df ��� , "' ment.Incl�des c�n�e accassories for ., � � ,� �. , �� f Clear I.asi pigit—Fbr added dialing Con- ��° � the cradle. ° � �. � tre�gP4Rabl8 to mob+�e apP����. �F � ' ` �,��� ;venienc�and eacuracy,presstng the CCEAR keyf� < Recall Key—To recail rnrmber8 trawlY-, , 7wo Antenna CapabiUHes-Standard antenna , :deletes the laat digit dialed. ° ; ��,,N� , , repertay memory. ; � M ,` ^" �� , �� ' with extendet tot transpottable applicati�t and � '�r��{S stem ID Dla i Shaers which ' �y, � � s� ,r a Y P aY~ s}+�ertt ig�n� �: , End Key--Ends a Gall without requiring d�A = $Pe�iepY 9�d vvindovv►nouM cal�e with , ,;��,�����n•wireline. . :�, �� : handset ro be returned to d�e credle... ,� $ .�TNG connector tor use in mobfie applicatron .; ��� � �' �' ;' �� ,� . ;Dla pl a y bwn P h o n e N u m b e r-Y o u r c e i l u l a t � � C l e a r K e y�--C l e a►s t h e d i a l e d n u m b e r d i�a y �,, 'C igaro t te Ug h t er A deptor—P o�w�ers und irom ��' pt�one numbgt can be visually displayed ` + �'� �:' Lock Key--turns on the electronic bCk agarette lighter,no permaneM in�leati�on required��� "Key Tone Il�te�-Silences key tone w�hsn a ��'�` ��' , ' ' n Standard Gha er w/Gb1�—To rechar �� � �....�,����' �. Functlon Ke y--For selection d� .' � r9 ; �your �� �-tWmb9rJS cNaled. , �� � Programmable features ��,�*`� �'; ;� rensportade bettery. �� }� � �.�. ;: � : a � i �+�� � �,� * �Cradie 8peaker�SoundB 81ert tor incofrlit►� � r`Hands-Frae Mtcrophons—For safe,haruis•irse � (� � t �r� x i 011��8 ' � ca118,ot ringing tone at caN initiation�: � � � oper�atbn while operatlrq�in�rehicle. ��°� .� ` , �r � , -��� .,,. U; • �,�, � � ������a° � �.;� Personal Dirocto Card�Undet9id�i�f ` �, � Re�-���Y`-��uP���fre4ueM�y' '�� �O;No S�rvias Indlcator—LighRs to�haw� � �;' handset)To list irequently calied and�� ' ;� . , ", ': 88tviCe i8 ev8ilable. �� � ce� � ��� _ °t, ° �' � ` � ; � ,_ �'. emerqenCy telephone rwmbers �� � " . Extendsd Rsadab111ty—An LCD readout sc►oils 'In Uae indicator—Lights while a call is in � �� -, ��;: � � � i $, = to strow up to 32•clipi�,with a r�eMton d Uye la� i '�� prog�eas ,�. < . � �� �� " ; . . �`'� ,�� ��14�d'IgitB di919d.� � �• . :. ; ; � �' �� � QENHRAI.8PECIFICATfONB��a ����.�,a� � ,��Power�On Indlcetor-Lights when phone }� �� 4��+�: - On-MooklOff-Mook Dialln l�ww havH e choiCe �� � ��° ��< ,� ` � � 9—� , b on.x_� k Weight:' 5.12 Ibs. �; � � ta added cornenierxae and saiety. �l x� '� �`Roamindfcator—Lights when you travel In� Frequency Range � '- 824-849MHt Tx`' , � x -'3cratch Ped Dlsling--Lets y�diei a�mber ���"`�, ':���rea other than your home area. ' , � ` '869•894MHt Fi � � �;€�P�'�.�; iMo m e m o ry at a n y time,e�en while e n g a g e d i n }��`�"' L o c k I n d i c a t o r--L i g h t s w h e n ph o n e i s .: ��� Ghannel S p a c i n g 30 kHz � ° " � ��� � cornrersation.Upon Completian of tlie call,the : � , �4 ��� , Dimansions: °_ .� �_ '� �?����•�'� � tl e ���, 'electroAiCalfy locked. � � � � su, ���' � ' , "r�mber in the�cratch� d �� �� � ��Transc�iver Wnit � � �W:6�nm, , � � �� � m�Ory�� ° �� ��`��bm Indlcator--Li hts when the hotn alert� �'�1 �,���� H:50mm �� :�� � .�receiled by pressing the SENO key ; � ���� � � � ,�; '� � �: � � � � F feature fs ot�. .�s , t . } �,,� E l e c t ro n l c L o c k—G u a r a n t e e s t h e s e c u M y � ��� � CoM�d U n i t W:8 0 m m,D 1 5 5 f�n m ��� � �=Dlaled Numbar Dis la Allows i � ��Y�PMo�'�e and prev�ent�unauthotiied uae��� ' �� t� P Y-- Y�to ` � �' H:70mn1 a��r ��.r, '�� P r e s s i n g t h e I A C K k e y e n g a g e s t h e E l e c t ro n i C ��� �+�.��k fo►dialin g errors betore p lacin g a eaN ; . RF Ch ann e l: ' 8 3 2 � �� v �� 1.,ock,and a combinatbn ot three or fou►d�pits ; � �,,���'Numbers ecrdi(�om right to lett as ihey are �,� a�:,•' Ouplex 9p�ing 45MHz ��; <�,��`a�,�� �,k 1 dialed.< ,y- -, x ` Frequency Stabtl�ty *2.5ppm � ' x #"�' , � 'untocks k. a�� ,,•, z � End-TaEnd Slgnaling—Allows you to pay bilis, �' { .'"���Volume level 0isplay—Shows the audio ' �; RF Power Output =3W(+2d8,-ddBj User ���p � make reservations or activate rem�e devices ;; �,o,i, =_�evel v�en the volume switch is opereted.�, ����: �,� ��' .�progremmable 3 OW, �� '� ' which have a DTMF recehrer. - �`�,� �Mute 5witch-�For private cornrersations. � ` " � 12W 0 8W �..: � ,, ��i� �' �A/B Selectable System—Aliows you��to manuail ������`��o�ume Up Switch—fror handset,alert and � �� ��Receiver S9nsiNvity � 11 BdBm(1�d8 31NAD) '�`� Y �uk$�g r ��1@(a�l� �. "�t'i^ ,h. � r7, x�+a eccess wireline or non•wireNne ceNular serv�ce _ , �intsrnal o�sp�aker volume controls. � �^� Temperature Range �. �-30°C to+60°C ` �'� ' ; One Mi�ute Bae —Manitors currer�calii ���������Down Swltch--S�ne as abrnre. ..��~�'�`` ,� A8 '' � �; � , f �-,g(_22�Fto+140°Fy ,� ., time by"beeping at 60 secand iMervals , } �,�,,, . .. : ' y« `� ' �`` �` ''' Relative HumiditY ' � 5-909�b�` '�: `� � '' ` ' lta�smit Audlo Muts—Permits private ����'��` Y FCC Type Acceptance 82J86JUM900$ � ��. � �r.s• ��convers�tian between pessengers in the Car � � �� � �, �OOG TAN N t 871810ATS r���,-�°�'f���� � „ �.k��, , : while you ere usiny the telephone. �� s x . � � "When operating the recommended batterieffi ` '� �� "� Buil3-In Speaker—Located at the base ot the � ' � �� `�� � the tempereture is limited to-10°G to+40°C�`�, � '� �� � unit,it provides audio tor on•hook dialitip and '' ���` k , � �. a � f; ' muted�dio when ha�dset is�i•hook, �° � � �'� � 'These speciticatiqns are subjeCt to change� '��� �,� # p. � � � ,�Y� � without not�Ge Case and color ma va :'��;"� •�-�� Back lighling—Keypad ati handset ti M for � ps ' '�; � y ry ��$ , � °f ,� 4 8lightly Irom product photographed � �.A ��� �easy niQht vlewit�p. = � � ;> �. � � ���., �,� ,. �,�� ��AIr tlms Meter—Intorms you oi your accumu �� � ��� � ���' � � � '� � � � # �L ,� ", x �3` �"' � �r � x '� , �'� � � �� �f� 18ted CeNing time on the Bystem�as weN 85 the '�;{ a,„`i �'' f x� 2.� 3e.. ��.�, �} 'r� � �``�;; �� * �� �.''�t'� ��� : duraGont�yourlastcaN.� ��- ' � �,,. :��°� ,. . � � � � a � v �`t `��� 3 � :� ��`�,�'�'�,�, ��VOIUms Control-•Allows ��"; �' � � , s yqu to manuaNy adJust '� ,�. ,��, S., 6� ` �� � �` � k �8��. � ` �� ; .� „4 ,�,�. t i � .� t ,5'� � a�� 32•DI It Dlelln A32•d' �� $ � � � � �� � � * 1,,� 9 �N�.1 9— t �it�one number ea� �� �. �f � � , ,:W t��'�N�CtJ���ne tl�. � � �, . , �� �� �.. �MM �Nt Dw�. � �";� � '�, � '*� 'a . �i ( �/�y� �ea �88�f a�9naf�nd�Cilit��^�n�Offils�OtJ W�len 7`„' r ��$ � i� � ' � �� `�ify�- �� `� r ���, �s�. are traveNng�n e low Strength radio recept�on area ��"��t �,� i!�` Oa.. #' � �~ � � � � . � '�'Z��s W . rr.�+r !f � �kk� �4��r � Catl Rest�ictlon—Limits the pleCement and � ��� ��recceipt d caNs ° ���. �� ���� • a� � �`'��`� � ck �ne § �' � �� � ��"� � , Repertory RestMctlon—For added securdy and ��'���� ` �* � �e� , ' PrivacY the receA/use d various memory locations r � ,� " ' �` ;�{ '� ^� ��cen be rest►iaed. =�= < , � �*��� � Are� F�,c toar � � ��� p '�� a � �' ,� �., � . ��Battery Meter—Keeps you informed c�batte �� ��� �� � '� � � ��; � � ►Y, � � .. � • � .��. �, charge � Y � t .;, Quick Referonce(iuide—Fast,laminated ; 'i� i �' �' � $ " �� � s a reference guide Ior user's convenie�ce. � � ' � � '� �� i� , ' �, �Specfal Calling—Allowsfourspecial memory -` �:������ � � �" � ��� � y r addresses that combine tvw aliemative lon� n �§"�`� k: 0 : ;` ; � �+'� � dista�e access codes and two personal . _ F� ,� � ��,,� �� � � aecountrwmbers. � � ; � � .:� � ti�,w, �. � � �` '' ; � v '���� � � � �- � � ,. � ��.. e` , � _ � r Calling Card Ca0—Stores a�credit card wrtrber :s� � ,,._� � . .�� !.. , :3 . :,.. y �`.:"�..,+ ,;. in a special memory location to be used . �;, automatically when a number ia dialed or recaNed fr�n memory. .. "} Call tn/lbsence Indicator—lndicates a ca0 was made to you while you w�ere away trom tha phone • � O ii� f',@�E,'C OIII� Prompt Message—This"user}riendly"feature dis�ays messages andtor�eps to be taken. , . 4366 Shackelford Road a ` „ �� « •� Norcross,Georgia 30093 . . Tefephone:404•925-002Z t�ti Part r��,mt�:ss�•ias�z s�t�res ���bo� � �� � � � � ��f, ��� �' . Primed in U.S.A. : ; u �, � �,�, . ,,� ,�. �;�-f���..i ,�.�4 ��% �.T�x � � �NDUS'T'RIES, INC, ' , "Unmatched Quality" . Made in America "We've Got Guts" ' Denver,CO � � � � �� � �'' � � � �� . ��� t � �+� � 1(r� . � . . . . . . � � . ��+ � � .� � � �• � . .. ��i ��i . � ..� � NEC��,.� Soft Pak , •. . . . . . . . . 1 :f:I.. . . Designed for•NEC'�'"��M 4500 . Features: , . � : .;. � . ,,r ,. Benefits: � . 2 inodels evailable - Qulck, ciick, tn, out, car • to #ran�aportable or transportabie o�ty .• - ; , ��,�;{,'�.. • • 1 hrs. tslk ttme I .. ,:t•��' * 13 hrs.stend•by • t 'f . ': Contained� seale d l e a d a c i d b a t t e ry , No memo ty probiem, N�o o v e r c h a r ��.� �y�rs� Faster charge rate, unequaled povv�ir, ' :�, A d v a nce d, sop histicated circu�try f w e 1 1 over 1,O G 1 0 c harges), sturdy enclosure' Enhance efficfent periormance of battery�,�:� Cig�rette lighter adapter with I.E,D. prQEQ�' f�om deep drain. � � Unlimited phone operation for"in� use."`.. : L.E.D. verifies opsratian from 12 V D.C.� � ::,:; Battery status �.E,p,R$• Indicates operation from intemal battery , � Hfgfi gain�'beam field antenn$ � �a� battery status • Small 120V A.C. eharger improved pertormance "in doors"or"in car"� Durable� weather resistant� padded� Cordura Fuil, uncomplicated. charge in only 6 hrs.' bag� wlth versatile handie and strap Low profile� protec# your investment with a : Tested end Re c o m m en ded solid fitl � " ,_ Distributed by: .` ' ._ . . . Gatn the advantage/The wlnning combtnation These times may vary dus to atmospheric or envtronmenfal conditions . � ' � • � �'�5��� � ' .� �i . NC. � Peqinq • Voke Mati • Callular Phones Hennepin (;ounty T�rice List ��w Ceilular equipment mUdets are frequentty intr��duce�i, therefnr this price list may be updat�d at 6 month intervais. • �4�o-- �.�,i1�P-hS2il.� Bidders � Bidders linit Installation Model .�Ce CharQefUnit , liniden 120U H.F. �S t 5.00 $100.OU Uniden 3pp0 H.F. $G31.00 �i 00.44 MatocQla 240 H.F. �455.OU �100.Q0 Motor�la SUU N.F. g91 �.UO g l 0U,0t� �v�ice activated 1 Mat�rala 650 H.F. �1235.Uq $1 C3U.t)0 fvpice activated) NEC 3700 H.F. $490.00 �100.Oq �Viitsubishi 8D0 H.F. $76S.4q �1 QD.OQ OKI g 10 H.F. $735.40 �1 Up.QO TranSp�rtabl�,Phr�nes � .��1 � � � L'niden 2004 .�'.H.F. �770.OU Mitsubishi 800 N.H.F. �R�S.�O QKI 45U N.H.F. �! 12U.U0 UkI 491 H.F, �1025.U� � OkI 492 H.F. $1430.Up . 14EC 3700 Pow•er Tec $G�S.00 L'niden 12U0 F�a�er Tec $G75.00, 202U Siluer Beil Roa,d • Suite 28 • Eagan, MN 55122 • 612/454-4922 � Fax 6121454-2118 i � � '� � PRICEAG�MENT NO. 8612 2-15-89 THROUGH 2-14-90 : CEL�UTAR _........:O N E CE�LLULAR AIRTiME RATE PLAN � FOR NENNEPIN CC)UNTY Montfily Access Per Line $4.95 . Peak' Airtfine Rate Per Min�te � $.30 . Otf-Peak• Airtime Rate Per Minute �..�5 Service Activation Charge N/e Long Oistance Access (does nat i�clude long distance taiij NfC Dtscount for Group Billing �Q� Minimum Lines Required for Group BilUng 2 Discount fo� Payment in 20 Days • S%o Additionai Charges - � ' inforrnation Calis (411 j .50/Each"� ' iniormation Calts (1-555-1212) .751Each•• ' Cwstomer Gare Caits (611) � FREE To our Customer Care Departmenf ` Emergency Cat{s {911j ' FREE ' AAA Emer enc R * oa 9 y d Service ( AAA ) FR , For Al! AAA Members ' 7raftic Reports (•KS95j FREE Optionat Features: ' Caii Waiting N/C ' Three Way Catling NIC ' Detailed Billing, . N/C . {also includes phone number cails made to and tength of catl) ' Catt For•warding 8usy N/C '.Cali Forward - No .Answer � ' Cail Forward AII Calis �iC " No incoming Calis . N/C ' No Outgoing CaHs N/G ' To11 Restriction . N/C ' Ditectory Listing N/C ' Unitsted Directory N/C ' Mobile Secretary {Voice Mai!) N/C • ' Tone Alert Pager $3fmonth - (to atert you that message is waiting in Voice Maii) ���Month ' Peak hours to be 8:Q0 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday thraugh Friday. Oti-peak Hours to be 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 a.m., Monciay throur�h Friday, weekends and County Holidays. . " Plus Airtime.