HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Approve Plans & Spec's / Authorize Ad for Bids - Jaycee Park �. � • -�--/ �/L �G2., 7 . TOs Mayor / Citq Council Members � Steghen Jilk - City Administrator FR0�4: David J. Bech.tald - Director of Farks & Recreation , . DATE: April 17, 19$9 RE: 3ayeee Park Construction Fra�ect . . g Pro�ect # 198 of the City of Rosemount is the development of Jaycee Park. The aasociated Construction Pro3ect number is � $9 - 6. The development up far consideration at this time deals with the north portiam of that garh area dedicated f rom the Wensmann Develogment. Ttems in the groposal inelude: 1. gra�.ing 2. seeding 3. 6" water main into the park to planned shelter area 4. sewer to the shelter area � 5. 10"waCer main from �uture we11 site through park area to be connected later to well house location. The estimated costs of this part of the pro3ect is $100,000.00. Approval to accept plans and specs and to advexti�e for bids is requested �rom the city council at th�is time. *,tttitit��tar:trats:siele**#ss�t*s:�t*t*�:#**:t*�r::#:s:*�*:*,tir��►*s�s::�*sar,t�►:��*::*,� T1'�IS NOT IN SPECIFIGATIONS TB�OUGH CONSULTT.NG ENGIl�R�tS 1. irri$ation of the athletic fields 2. cement slab for future irrigation control and pump house The southern portfan due to be dedicated frvm the West Ridge Development will commenee in the next year or two. it is important to note that this park pro3ect is the one which the City of Rosemount was awarded a $35,UOO.QO state grant to add to the budgeted city ftznds. T'he park is planned to be developed in a period of three years. Donations from the Jaycee erganization, the grant money mentioned above, CIF funds, anci park dedicat3.an funds are the sources of finances for this pro3ect. •... -. �, . � � � . .. � � . . . . I i , . . . � � . � . . ' � � . . � � . . . . . � . . . � � . . . . .. � �I .. � � . . .. I '�.� ' . . � � . I . . . � � . . ' .. � r j CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � � RESOLUTION 1989 - � A RESOLUTION APPROVING TAE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS i ANQ AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS FOR I; JAYCEI� PARK IASPROVEMENTS, PROJECT 198 I IWH�AS, the Consulting Engineers fo� the city have prepared the i £inal pi,ans and specifications for Jaycee Park Improvements, praject 198, and such plans anc� speci,�ications have been pres�nted to this Council. for apgravai. i NOW THEREFORR BE IT RESOLVEII, by the City Council of the City of RQsemount, Minnesota: I1 . Such plans and speeifications are hereby approved and � ordered placed on fi.le in the offiee of the city clerk. I , � ' 2. The eity clerk shall prepare and eause to be inserted in the ' � ; official city newspaper and in the "Construction Bulle�in" i � an advertisement for bids upon the making of such � impravements under such approved p�.ans and specifications � for Fro�ect 198. , � 3. The advertisem�nt shall be published in each ot said ' publicati,ons at l.east once not less than ten i 14) days i before the date se� for openi,ng bids, shall specify the work I to be done, shall state that bids will be publicly opened on May 11 , 1989, at 'IO;QO o'clock a,m. at Rosemount City Hall � in said city and accompanied by a cash dep�osit, cashier's check, bid bc►nd or certified cheek payable to the city clerk for f�ve �5$} percent of the amount of such bid. IADOPTED this 18th day of Apri1, 1989. , Rallan Hoke� M�yor i � ATTEST: I � , I ; i '� ~- Stephan Jiik, Admini�tratQr Clerk i , � _ . . , i