HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.d. Wensmann Concept Plan Discussion � � � C . � P O 80X 5I0 �j�j� p 2t375-145TFi ST W � y�`� y� �iOSEMntIN�F. MINNESOTA �Stt6$ � �� � ���1!'���.7��� � � � 6t2-�423-44t1 � TO: CITY £OUNCIL ��^� �d, FROM: MICHAEL WOZNIAK, CITY PLANNER, AICP DATE: APRIL 13, 1989 SUBd: APRIL 28, 1989 - REGULAR MEETING REVIEWS DISCUSSION OF WENSMANN COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROPQSAL DISCUSSION QF WENSMANN COMMERC[AL DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL Herb Wensmann, Developer of the Wensmann Additions Planned Unit Development, has approached the City with a concept proposal for a Commerciat Development proposed for a 25 acre site loca[ed on the south side of C.H. 4Z at the intersection of 42 and Diamond Path at the western boundary of Rasemount. Enclosed wi#h #his review is a copy Uf a letter from Mr. VVensmann requesting Ehat City Council conduct an informal discussion in respect to the City Land Use Folicy changes that would be required t� accommodate his proposal. Mr. Wensmann's proposal includes a 174,Q00 square foot retail mall with peripheral commercial development and also a series of townhouse residential units ta serve as a bnffer from the Wensmann Additions single family detaehed housing. Rendered boards illustratin� the proposat will be on display at the meeting. The City has on many oecassions been presented with proposals which would call far commercial develapment alang the south side of County Highway 42 between Shannon Parkway and the west boundary of Rosemount (future alignment of Di�mond Path). This property is currentiy designated Agrieulture in the Guide Plan and is also zoned Agricul#ure. City policy has been to limit new commercial development to those areas within or contiguous to existing commercial areas which include DownE�wn Rosern�unl and SaUth R�se Park. We have promoted this policy to aehieve implementati�n of lhe �oa1s and objectives established in the Comprehensive Guide Plan for Commercial Land Uses. Enclosed with this review is a copy of the two pages from the Guide Plan which reference ihese objectives and policies. The question which should be examined and discussed by the City Couneil is whether allowing commercial development to oecur at Rosemount's western boundary woutd conflict with the intent of the Gity's current iand use policy. Furthermore, the Council shou#d evaluate whether there is any reason to alter the City's poliey. As Mr, Wensmann's letter indicates, the Planning C'ommission has discussed this matter and has recommended that the City Council sh�uld consider altering City Policy to allow the proposed commercial development. Staff had recommended that no change in curreut palicy is warranted and that allowing commercial development at the City's west boundary would promote leap-frog development and cQuld have serious implicatians regarding the econ�mie vitality of our downtovvn. A discussion of this issue• should help to hetter prepare both Staff and the Council to deal with Commercial Development proposals for the property in question. ,� .. � � � ' RFC� IVED � ` � � P/L.L� Tv �►9.�/ 4c�,qs�a� ��'- �U�,z,�/r,�,�.,,_ APR 1� 19$9: � CLEt;K'S OFF{CE CI?'Y Q�ROSEMOUNT April 7, 19F39 Mr. Steven Jilk, City Administrator City of Rosemount 2$75 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Subject: Existing land use zoning policies Dear Mr. Jilk: We are xequesting April 18� 1989 City Council agenda space far an informal discussian to address the eity's present zoning policies , specifically those relating to commercial development not contiguous to land now zoned for commercial use. This is a follaw-up of the Aprii 4th Planning Commission meeting at which time we reeeived approval to pursue the concept of a commercial rekail center at the intersection of Cv. Rd. 42 and Diamond Path Road. According to the City Planning Department, this step zs necessary before the formal rezoning process can occur. Thank you for your prompt consideration. Sincerely, L_ '�Q� �j 4'L/�,2......,L� t "� ,�.ct�, Herbert i�f. W�r�smann �