HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.f. Leprechaun Days Fire Works Purchase .j � � � � . . � � � � . � . �� ��� Q 2675-145TH ST.W. Oee�A�u�� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESQTA 55Q6A v r�►� 612-423-4411 ���� � � �rn; CITY COUNCIL � FROM; Rt?SEMOUNT i,EPRECHAUN DAYS COMMITTEE JOE WALSH, CHAIRMRN DATE: RFRIL 13, 1989 SUBJEGT: RELEASE QF FUNDS FOR FIREWQRKS THE 1989 RpSEMOUNT LEPRECHAUN DAYS COMMITTEE I& REQUESTING TF�A'I" T'HE i:T'TY Ct�qNCIL C1F ROSEMOUNT AUTHORTZE THE RELEASE OF' THE FUNDS �+1�GESSARY TO PURCHASE F'IREWQRKS, AND AUTHORIZE THE . NECESSARY $ZGNATURES ON _THE GdNTRACTS 'AND PERMITS FOR`THE � FIREWORKS. THE CITY`' ANNUALLY CONTRIHUTES THE MUNEY TGt " : PURGHASE THE FIREWORICS THAT THE ARE DISPLAYED DURING LEPREGHAi7N ;pAYS. `` THIS YEAR AS WAS THE CASE LAST YERR, WE GAN RECEIVE A DISGOUNT ON THE FIR�W�RKS FQR EARLX PAXMENT. WHAT THIS REALLY DOES TS ALLOW� FQR :MC3RE FiREWORKS TO BE BOUGHT, LIKE THE US FLAG DISPLAIY. IT CQST AHOUT $�000 TO RUN THE WEEK LONG LEPRECHRUN DAYS EVEI`1�'�• TIiE COMMITT�E `IN THE PROCESS OF SENDING OUT IT'S , ANNL7AL LETTER Tt'� ALL HUSINESSES ASKING FOR FUNDING. THAtUKS TQ Y+t�C3 AND ,ALIr "I'HE CITY 'S STPIFF THE LEPRECHAUl�1 DAYS EY�NTS WILL TAKE PLHCE. LEPRECHi�UN DAYS WILL RUN FROM SATURDAY, JtJLY 22ND THRU SUNDAY, JULY 3UTH. FIREWORKS ON SATU�tDAY, JULY 29TH, RAIAT DATE OF �wUNDAY. JULY 30TH. THIS YEARS FIREWORKS WILL HE SHC)T OFF BX A PROFESSIONAL SHOpTER. THE MEMHERSS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT HAVE DECLTNED TQ FIRE t7F'F THE FiR�WORKS THIS YEAR,THIS HAS GAUSED AN It+tCRERSE IN THE CO3T OF THE FIREWORKS PACKAGE. ALSt? THiS YEAR'S PACKAC�E INCLUL?ES ONE MILLION AQLLARS OF INSURANCE. THANK YOU FQR YC3UR CONSTDERATION ON THIS PROJECT. _ __ ___ : . . � r **SPECIAL ABRIAL PRESENTATION ** CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ROSE�lOUNT, MINNLTSOTA JULY 29, 1959 �4,550.00 - ABRIAL DISPLAY SIX INCH SPECIAL BQNUS SHELLS 1 - Full Blc�om in Garden 1 - Ruby Red to Silver 5uper Fancy 1 - Glittering Gold 1 - Gold/Silver Duration 1 - Tri-Tane Shimrner 1 - Crackling Star 1 - Fish in the Water ' 1 - Super Golden �alm Tree GRAND FINALE b0 - 3 Ineh Assor�ed Star and Salute Shells SPECIAL SETPIECE 1 - American F1ag 1 - Shamrock. . 4 - Finale Screen Cu:rtains SHELL SBLECTTON SUBJECT TU AVAILABILITY -2- En�erts��n.mer�t Fre�en�t�txon t: • • , ���� p� 2875-145TH ST.W. ^���^��� ROS'EMOtiNT, MINMESOTA 55Q6$ �� � 612-423-4411 '��� � � �rn; CITX COUNCIL � FROM: ROSEMQUNT LEPRECHAUN DAYS COMMITTEE JOE WALSH, CHAIRMAN DATE: APRIL 13 . 19$9 SUB3ECT: RELEASE QF FUNDS FOR FIREWORKS THE 1989 ROSEMOUNT LEPRECHAUN DAYS COMMITTEE TS REQUESTTNG TEiAT THE C�TY CQUI�ICIL OF ROSEMOUNT AUTHORI2E THE REi,EASE `O�' THE FUNI3S NECE�SARY TO PURCHASE FIREWORKS, AND AUTHpRIZE THE NECESSARY SIGAIATURES 4N THE C�I�ITRACTS RND PERMITS FOR THE ' FIREWORKS. THE GITY ANNUAT�LY CDNTRIHUTES 'THE M4NEY TCi : PURCHI�SE THE FIREWORKS THAT THE`ARE DI�PLA�FED DURZNG LEPRECHAUN DAYS. THIS YEAR AS WAS THE CASE LAST YEAR, WE CAN RECEIVE A DISCOUNT ON THE FTREW�RKS FOR EARLY PAXMENT. WHAT THIS , REALLY DOES I5 ALLOWS FOR MC3RE-FIREWC3RKS TO HE HOUGHT. LIKE ' THE US FLAG DISPLIIY. I iT COST AHOUT $BdOp TO RUN THE WEEK Z,UNG LEPRECHAUN DAYS EVENTS. : THE COt�IMITTEE'`IN THE FROCESS �F SENDING OUT IT�S ANNUAL LETTER TC1 ALL HUSINESSES ASKING FOR FUNDTNG. THANKS TG Y'C1C.1 AND A�,L 'T'HE CiTY'S STAFF' 'T'HE LEPRECHAUN DAXS EVENTS :WILL TAKE PLACE. :'. LEPRECHAUN D14YS WiLL RUN FROM SATURDAY, JULY 22ND THRU SUNDAY, JULY 30TH. FIREWORKS C?N SATU�tDAY, JGTLY 29TH, RAIN DATE �F SUNDAY. JULY' 3tITH. THIS YEARS FIRE�ORKS WILL HE SHOT OFF SSl A PR�FESSIONAL SHC?OTER. THE MEMBERS QF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT HAVE DECLINED TO F'IRE OFF THE FIREWORKS THIS YEAR,THiS HAS CAUSED AN It+1CFtEASE IN THE COST OF THE FiREWORKS PACKAGE. ALSO THTS YEAR'S PACKAf3E INCLUDES QNE MILLION DC?LLARS OF INSURRNGE. THANK YOU FQR YOUR CONSTDERATION ON THIS PR4JECT. �� ' ' � flRE1�VORKS DISPI�AY �CO., �INC. � � � � P.U.BE?X 1753,NEW CASTI�E,PENNSYLVANIA 161Q3 March 14, 1989 Mr, Joe Walsl� ' City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemaunt, MN Dear Mr. Walsh The Vitale Display Company is pleased to submit this pragram/proposal for your July 29th fireworks presentatian. In the Vitale organization, the excitement of fireworks is a tradition of 100 years. We are one of the largest manufacturers of fireworks in the United States and have been selected ta furnish and perform the Washington Mc�nument shows of 1986, 1987, and 1989. We look €orward to the thrill of lighting up the skg aver the City of Rosemount with our brilliant colors and ef�eets. The presentation enclosed is our complete contract progxam. This includes all material, equipment to fire the dis�lay, and necessary insurance requirements of $1 millian CSL. Also included in the contract program are the services of Vitale ' s professional '�, pyr4technicians to fire your display, utilizing the most stringent I safety procedures, as well as Vitale ' s �echnical expertise to insure a safe, spectacuiar presentation for your audience ' s enjoyment. Also enclased is c�ur contzact/agreement. P�.ease sign and return both copies of the contract along with 50� deposit in the envelope provided. Upon receipt of your signed cantract and deposit, a capy of the fu11y exeGuted contract, as well as the $1 million liability Certificate of Insurance will be retuxned to you for yaur files. Thank you for yaur interest in Vitale as yaur total supplier of excitement through :£ireworks. If you should have any questions, or require additional information, please feel free to call me ta11- free at (800) 245-Q359. Sincerely, ��VITALE FIREWQ K� DISPLAY CO. , INC. �` V`�..:C.... ��b.) F4-�/'L..V_1.1,C_.(%� � . .. � . � . . Mary Jc�Rnssman Corporat� Secretary MJR/bjm Enelosure A 1'arnily fradilivn c�l'fircwc�rk e.x��c�ric�i��c �inc�e 1Rti9 FACTOAY•OFK'1C� OFFtCE ANO�AY PHONE 3R12 WttSON ROAD �412}654•9841 A VITALE FIREWQRRS SPECIAL BNTERTAINMENT FRESENTATION FOR: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ROSF�+tUUNT, MINNESOTA DATE: JULY 29, 1989 ANIUUNT: �4,554.00 - AERIAL DISPLAY This Speaially Designed Di�play Includes the Following: 1. Our One Million Uoliar (GSL� Insurance Policy. 2. flur Trained Pyrotechnicians to Set Up & Fire the Display. 3. AI1 Transportation & Delivery Costs. 4. All Material & Equipment Needed to Fire the Display. 5. Al1 Necessary Safety Precautions to Provide a Safe, Spectacular Rvening of Fi=eworks $ntertainment. 6. A High Quality Chareographed Display Desi.gned to Provide the Best Combinatians of Color � 13ffects. 7. Vitale Shell Size is Determined by Diameter Measurement. � Ent�rta�r��rnent Pre���rit�t�+an i, r . . � � � � � . � . **SPBCIAL AERIAL PRESENTATION** CITY OF ROSF�+IOUNT ROSBMOUNT, MINNESOTA JULY 29, 1989 $4,55U.00 - AERIAL AND GROUND DISPL�+iY THREE INCH SH]3LLS 8 - Flash Salutes 12 - Two-Color Shells 15 - Assorted 5tar Shells 7 - Assorted Imported Shells _ 15 - Assorted Fancy Shells 3 - Comet Shells Multi-break anci Special Effect Shells 2 - Whistle Shells 1 - Three-Break Shell 2 - Flying Serpents 2 - Machine Gun Shells 6 - Two-Break Shells 1 - Battle in the Cloud Shell F�UR INCH SHSLLS 10 - Assorted Star Shells 1Q - Assorted imported Shells 10 - Assorted Fancy Shells Multi-brea& and Special Effect Shells 1 - Machine Gun Shell 2 - Super Fancy Deluxe Shells 2 - Battle in the Cloud Shells FIVE INCH SHELLS 5 - Importe�l Shells 1 - Super Spreading Extra Fancy Shell 5 , Color Star Shells 1 - Spectacular Color and Spreading Stiell 3 - Fancy Shells 1 - Special Vitale Compartment Shell Multi-break and Special $ffect Shells 1 - Batt].e in the Cloud ShelJ� 1 - Mu].tiple Super Fancy Shell -1- Entert��nme�t Pre��nt�t�on **SPECIAL AERIAL PRESENTATION ** CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ROS$MOUNT, MINNESOTA JULY 29, 19$9 $4�550.00 - AERIAL DISPLAY SIX INCH SPECTAL BONUS SIiELLS 1 - Full Bloom in Garden 1 - Ruby Red to Silver Super Fancy 1 - Glittering Gold 1 - Gold/Siiver Duration 1 - Tri-Tone Shimrner 1 - Crackling Star 1 - Fish in the Water ' i - Super Golden Palm Tree GRAND FINALE 60 - 3 Inch Assorted Star and Salute Shells SPECIAL SETPIECE 1 - American Flag 1 - Shamrock. . 4 - Finale Screen Curtains SHBLT� SELFCTTON SUBJECT TO AVAILARILITY -2- Enterta�nment Pre�entation