HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.k. Rosemount Housing District Acquisition � ! • � f ,� �� p� �ox 51n _ �-� �t�t� 0 ' :r;;�s�a•�sTt�s�-w ,� ,�'°� ,, � q�� }��L�1 fi(7SEMf)t.rN I. 1�ilNNESO I A 5506f3 ��._.. �,,,i����:.���!"L�fJ�/i�� 612 -423-4411 TO: Mayor, City Council, City Administrator FRC?M: Tracie L. Pechonick, Economic Dev. Specialist '�� � � � DATE: April 12, 1989 SUBJ: Dakota County NRA Purchuse of Property Attached please find copies �1 (l) a Purchase AgreemenC between the Dakata � County Housing and Redevelopment AuthoxiGy and Mr. John F. Ryan regarding a single family residence located at 14695 Cameo t�venue itt Rosemount, �2) a City Council Resolution approving the Dakota County HRA purchase of said property; and (3) a map outtining the housing disxrict and the loeation of said property. The aforementioned property falls within a housing district set ug through the 1984 Mortgage Revenue Bond Program by the Dakata County HRA. Excess funds from that housing pragram may be utilized for other eligible housing activities, which was the purpase of dectaring this area as a hnusing distriet. Upon approval from the Rosemouat Cily Cauncil, the property wiil be purchased with excess funds from the 19$4 Mortgage Revenue Bond Program (First Time Homebuyer's Program) ' The home in question is a very small, potentially substandard residence, formerty own�d by Edward I�oyle, deceased. John F. Ryan, representative of the Doyle Estate, inquirecl ab�ut the Cily's interest in che pr�perty last winter. An appraisat was initiated and submitted ta Mr. Ryan. He indieated the Estate would accept the appraised value of the property, vvhich was placed at $37,000. � ' The Dakota County HRA is administering the housing district on behalf of the City. They will not make an offer an the property untess authorixation is received from the City. Staff feels [he acquisitic�n should be atttharized because it is consistent with the intent of the hausing program and there is a willing seller. The reuse potential of the property has not treen determined. Alternatives include renovating and expanding the home for sale/rental or clearing the site for new construction. The lot in question is approximately 84' X 15U', which would appear conducive for new c�nstruction. Staff will be at the rneeting to acldress any questions the Council ��y have regarding the housing program or the acquisition oI' this particular property. k. • , �� � . . . . . � • . . • � - . P � � � . � � . � � � PURCHASE AGREEMENT . - • Rosemount , Minnesota, March 16 , 1989 Reeeived of the Dakota County Iiousing and Redevelopment Authority the sum of Fi ve hundred & no/100 �,�13�� �� 500.00 ) bY -- Ch ck . (Check, Cash or Note - State Which) as , earnest money and in par�payment for the purchase of praperty� iegaily deseribed ass Rosepark Addition except the North lb feet of Lot 2, Block 3, and all of Lots 3-6, Block 3. located at (street address) 14695 Cameo Avenue City of Rosemount • , County of Dakota, State of Minnesata, ineluding all garden bulbs, plants, shruhs and trees, all s#orm sash, storm daors, detaehable vestibules, sereens, awnings, window shades, blinds (including venet�sn blinds), eurtain rods, tr�verse rods, drapery rods, iighting fixtures and bulbs, piumbing fixtures, hot water tanks and heating plant (with any burners, tanks, stokers and ather equipment used in conneetion therewith), water softener and liquid gas tank and controls (Yf the property of seller), sump pump, television antenna, ineinerator, built-in dishwas�er, garbage disposal, built-in ovens, caak top � stoves and central or built-in sir eonditioning equipment, #f sny, used and loeated � on said premises and also the following personal property: all of which property the undersigned Seller has this day sold to Purchaser for ihe sum of: Thirtv Seven Tho �San� & n�/tnn nollars � ($ 37,000.00), to be paid as follows: Earnest money herein paid of $ ��� �� and $ 36,500.00 cash on or before �y 16, 198g , the date of elosing. 1. Seller hereby agrees to sell to Purehaser, free of any liens and encumbranees except hereinafter referred to, the above-described property and the Purchaser agrees to purehase the real .e�tate and any building improvements eonstructed thereon. 2. Subjeet to performance by the Purehaser, the 3eiler agrees to . execute and deliver a Warranty Deed {to be joined in by spouse, if any� conveying marketable title to said premises subjeet only to the Pollowing exceptians Reservation oP any minerals or mineral rights to ttte State of Minnesota. _ 3. Seller hereby agrees to pay all real estate taxes levied against the _ property herein sold due and gayable in the year of the closin�, and all prior years � and all special assessments levied against said property prior to and ineluding the closing date. � • 4. Seller covenants that buildings, if any, are entirely within the boundary lines of the property. Seller warrants ail applianees, heating, sir conditioning, wiring and plumbing used and located on said premises are ir� proper I 4. a • � . • • � . . . .. . . I �' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . working order at date of closing. Purchaser has the right to inspeet premises prior to elosing. 5. The Seller further agrees to deliver possession of praperty at date oi elosing, provided that all conditions of this Agreemeni have been eomplied with, and agrees to remove all personal property not ineluded herein and a11 debris from the premises prior to possession date. 6. In the event this property is destroyed or substan#ially damaged by fire or any other esuse before the closing date, this Agreement shall beeame null and void, at the Purchaser's option, and the earnest maney shall be refunded to Purehaser. . . 7. The Purchaser and Seller also mutually agree that pro rata adjus#ments of city water and sewer charges, electricity and natural ggs charges, and all other utility charges, and, in the case of income property, rents and eurrent operating expenses, shall be made as of the date of closing. 8. The Seller shall within a reasanable time after aceeptance af this Agreement, furnish an Abstract of Title or a Registered Property Abstraet eertified to date to inelude proper searches covering bankrupteies, levied snd pending assessments, and State and Federal judgments and liens. The Purehaser shall be allowed twenty (20) days after reeeipt thereof for examination of said#ftl�: and making of any objection thereto, said objeetions ta be mede in writin� or deemed to b� waived. IP any objections are so made, the Seller shall b� allowed 120 days to make such title marketable. Pending correetian af title, payments hereunder required shall be postponed, but upon eorree#ion of title and within the twenty (20) days after written notiee to the Purchaser, the parties shall perform this Agreement aecording ta its terms. 9. If said title is not marketabie and is not made so within 120 days from the date of written objections thereto as above provided, this Agreement shall be null and void, at option oF the Purchaser, neither party being liable �ar damages hereunder to the other party, and earnest money shall be refunded to Purehaser. If the title to said property be found marketable or be so made within said time, and said Purchaser shall default in any of the ag�reements and continue to default for a period of ten {10) days, t�en and in that ease, the �eller may terminate this contract and on such termination, all ttte payments made upon this eontraet shall be retained by said Seller as liquidated damages, time bein� c�f the essence hereof. Purchaser shall not be responsible for any damages in excess of prior payments. Seller's soie and exclusive remedy for breaeh of this Agreement shall be cancellation of this Agreement and retention of the earnest money. 10. The Seller warrants that no toxie or hazardous substanees (inciuding, without iimitation, asbestos, urea form formaldehyde, the group of organie compounds known as polychlorinated biphenyls, and any hazardaus substanee as defined in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Coinpensat�oa and Ltability Aet o� 1980 ("CERCLA"), 42 U.�.C. 3eetion 960i-9857, as amendedj have been generated, treated, stored, released or disposed of, or otherwise deposited in or located on the above-deseribed property, ineluding without iimitstian, the sucfaee and subsurface waters oF the property, nar has any aetivity been undertaken on the property which would cause (i) the property to become a hazardaus w�ste treatment, storage or disposal faeility within the meaning of, or ptherwise bring 2 •• w � • � • , the property within the ambit of, the Resource Gonservation and Aeeovery Act af 1976 ("RCRA"), 42 U.S.C. Section 6901 et s`eg., or any similar state Iaw or loeal ordinance or any other Environmental Law, (ii) a release ar threatened release of hazardous waste fram the property within the rneaning of, or otherwise bring the property within the ambit of, CERCLA, or any simi3ar state law ar loeal ordinen�e or any other Environmental Law, or (iii) the dYscharge of pollutants or effluents - into any water source or system, ar the diseharge into the sir of any emissions, whieh would require s perrnit under the Federal Wat�r Pollution Cantrol Aet, 33 U.S.C. Seetion 1251 et s�eg., or the Clean Air Aet, 42 U.S.C. Section 7401 et �e�c,., or any similar state law or local ordir�artce ar any other Environmentgl Law. The Seller also warrants that there are no substances or�onditians in�ar an the property which may support a elaim or eause of action under RGRA, CERCLA ar any other federal, state oc loeal environmental statvtes, regulations, ordinanees or other environmental regulatary requirements and that na underground deposits which eause hazardous wastes or underground storage tanks sre toeated on #he property. 11. This Agreement is also subject to approval by the L?akot$ Courtty Attorney's Office or legal counsel retained by the Dakotg County Hou�ing and Redevelopment Authority. If these eonditions are not met, thi4 Agreement shall be nuA and void and earnest money shall be returned ta Purehaser and neither party : shall be liable for damages hereunder to the other party. ' 12. The delivery of all papers and monies srialY be made at the oPftce of the Dakota County Housing and ftedevelopment Authorlty. I (We), the undersigned, owners of The Dakota County Hvusing snd the above-described property, do hereby Redevelopment Authority, � Purchaser, --- aecept this Agreement and sale agrees to purchase the aboue-deseribed hereby made. property for the priee and on the � terms and canditions set forth above. THE DAKCITA GQUNTY H4iJS�NG Seller AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Date : �BY :�, ��� � Its Exeeutive Di etor Seller -''1 � •-- � Date Date � Note: In addition to the above terms, this purchase is contingent upon the Dakota County Housing & Revelopment Authority receiving autharization of the Rosemount City Council to proceed with this purchase. �� DCHRA Seller 3 ' i � � r� C't7 F�{)X 51b . � lJ" ��1�1� � 'fs75 1-I�TFi w;f �`J py„ry,�,�yq/ ROSERAOUN i`. MINNES07A 550&8 , —� ���c�G71°L(J�i��� 6T2-423-4411 CITY OF ROSEM011NT RESOLUTION 1989 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 14b9S CAMEQ AVENUE, R4SE1�tOUNT, MINN�SOTA BY THE DAKOTA COUNTY HOUSING AND REUE'VELOPMENT AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the Dakota County Housing and Redeveldpment Authority has offered to purchase the single family home located at 14695 Cameo Avenue, Rosemount, Minnesota; legally described as: Rosepark Addition except the North 16 feet of Lot 2, Block 3, and all of Lots 3-6, Block 3; and WHEREAS, the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority will purchase said property with excess funds fram the 1984 Mortgage Revenue Bond Program; and WHEREAS, said property fails within a housing district set up 6y the Dakota Coun[y HRA through the 1984 Mortgage Revenue Bond Program for the purpose of acquiring property in the interest of eliminating blighC and encouraging rehabilitation; and WHEREAS, the acquisition is consistent with the intent of the housing program: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT [tESOLVED, that the City Cauncil of the City af Rosemount, Minnesota, approves the Dakota Caunty Housing and Redeveloprnent Authority purchase of property lncated at 14695 Cameo Avenue, Rosemount, Minnesota, ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 19$9. Rollan Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Ji1k, Administra[or/Clerk , �� e�../ I I � � � ROAD N0. 42 � t45 TFi_ . _. ST.� r -.-. �... �.. ..� � .... r � � . HOUStNG _ � _.T._ DISTRICT � � w � ---, -- --- _ _:. . . _.-�--_.: � -- -- - � - -- -- __:___. . �'t ' � > � --� _ .._ .�._. -w �_.------a , c� ] r � ___..... .. - - aI � --__ _ _� . . _--- -_ . . _ __._. _ �-____- - - {�GTH � � __ -� _..___._. ___-- w . _ ..._.____ � i � . .._ , � w _ g � _..��.._._._ __.___. �..__ 1 v . '.! . . 'I:'�:T r ^ ^ � _ __.._. _.. _ _ _ _�_ _�: � _ —= i � . ._.._ ___._.__ _._. ____ i � J �.. _._ _ LOW E R — � t 47 T H__�_. �.�.ST. �_.� L �. _ .� � � .� .� � � � � , ��� �. � �_h�. �� � :� .�� � , z t J � O I� _.�_ � �' � W d , �. / � a I -� � � � d _ v a _ Q _ >>� _Z � . . Q ___ __ ---- -.__ �,t.