HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Armory Committee Update w i _ • • P.O: BOX 510 � r� ' �� � �Z�� � � � � � � � 2875-145TH ST- 1N \ OSG�!'l.OVC�� ROSFMO�tiT, MINNESOTA 55d68 �'w� 612-423-44 t 1 April 14, 1989 , �"EM # � � � a T0: Mapor Hoke Councilmembers: Napper : Oxborough _ Walsh Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk RE: ' ArmoryJJoiat Fa�ility Committee The Armory/Joint Facility Committee has met for the third time. This meeting allowed us to review our master (wish) list of ideas for this pro�ect and then categorize them into four areas which we felt would allow us to center in on information regarding operations, maintenance, construction and cost. A copy of the minutes outlining our work and the categorized list of uses is also attached for your reference. At our next meeting we hope to have representatives of the Nat3.onai Guard and the Brooklyn Park facili.ty in attendance to give us input. 1� ' • • :. ROSEMOUNT ARMORY COMMITTEE PROCEEUINGS Regular Meeting 6:30 P.M. April 10, 1989 A regular meeting of the Rosemount Armory Committce was hcld on Monday, April. 1Q, 1989, at 6:30 p.m. at the Rosemount Fire Ha1L Stephan Jiik, C.itv Administrator, called the meeting to order. Committee`member Ray Knutson was absent. MOTION by Jilk to approve the minutes of the March l3, 1989 Regular Meeting as printed. Seeond by Noble. Urranimously approved. Jilk addressed everyone regarding the real focus of the grou�. He stressed that it is important to �remember that all issues are being considered. This is � not a "special interest" group. ; ; _ � George Boomer suggested issuing anothcr press releasc whicfi would includc the "Master Wish Lis[" tha[ the group compiled. Boomcr dit[ributed an arficle to the group regarding a past referendum �n funding for an icc arena (f��r the commit[ee's int'ormation). A discussion ensued regarding concerns o��cr the negative ieeling the communily apparentiy has toward icc arenas. Boomcr spoke brieily about a letter he received addressing the construction o'f an ice arena in RosemounL Jilk commented tha[ a press release at this time is a good idea as it u�itl assure the public thal this is an open proccss. Hc statcd ihat alt suggestir�ns irom [he committee are welcome as no decisions are ticing made at this point. The committee questioned whelher or nal the items on the "Master Wish List" should be prioritized yet. Jilk recommended that the committec should stitl include as many items as possible. � The committee reviewed the "Master With List" to be sure that ihcre is a consensus on what is listed. Those i[ems eliminated (rom c�nsideration arc tc� be included on a special list so the public is aware of thosc items that were considered and why ihey are no longer being considered. The commi[tee then categorized the remaining items by: A. Those items which a standard armory structure may provide. B. Those items which an ex�►anded armory structure tnay rrovide. C. Those items' which an add-on facility may rro��idc. D. Those items which are outsidc (n�n-building structurej uses. Please refer to the attached "Master Wish List" The committee agreed upon the idea of inviting a speaker from the Nationa! Guard and 'a speaker from one of the cities which has a community center attached to its armory to the next Armory Committee mreting. Proposcd meeting dates are Monday, May 8 and Wednesday, May 17, 1')89. Stephan .lilk will arrange for the speakers and contact commiltee mcmhers as to the �Iatc of the next Armory CommiUee mecting. The meeting was adjouxned at 8:55 p.m. - • • . This listing is categorized according to the following assumptions A. Those items which a standard armory struclure may provide. B. Those items which an expancied armory structure may �►rovide. C. Those items which an add-on facility may provide. . D. Those items which are outside (non-building structure) uscs. ITEM ASSt(�NED CATEGURY Community Theater $/L Gymnasium (see attached listing) B/L . , � Field House Concept (see attached listing) C - � ` Multiple Use Arena (see attached listing) C' Outdoor Swimrning Pool/Wading Pool D Child Care (Full Service; Just while using facility) B - Additional Parking for athletic fields and stadium U Adult Education AB Banquet Facilities (kitchen) A/B Concession Area B Confereace/Meeting Rooms A/B Equipment Rooms (in addition to the NG equip. rms.) A/B O�'fice Areas for Park and Recreation Department B/C Space for Teens (Recreation Center) B/C Tiny Tot Program Area A/� Outdoor Activity Staging Area C � , � • . t�YMNASI UM Archery Craft and Trade Shows Dances and Sociat Functions Gymnastics Dance/Judo/Karate Scouts i . Senior Uses Volleyball (buill-in nels) Wrestling FIELU HUUSE CUNCEPT "Drop Net" system to divide activity areas Baseball / nets and room for indoor batting �racticc Golf / indoor driving range Soccer f indoor goals Football / indoor practice facilities Track and Fie(d activities Basketball MULTI_PURPOSE ARENA �ummer Uses Storage of equipment from winter aclivities . _ Picnic/Activity Shelter _ Summertime "Field House" Wedding Receptions / Banquet Activities � � � � Winter Uses: �ce Hockey (high school, youth, men's league and opcn hockcy; rin�cttcs; instructiona) time) Skating Lessons Auxillary Indoor Rink Broomball Figure Skating Open Skating J Senior Ice Dancing ITEMS 'REMOVED FROM (:UNSIUERATION Band' Shell (portable;locate in park) Indoor Swimming/Therapeutic Pool ' ExerciselFitness Rooms Tennis Courts {lighted; outdoor) Latchkey Services � Dorm Spaces , �