HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.b. Met Council Public Meeting / USPCI Industrial Containment Facility / April 24 at 7p.m. � �TEM # � � � 9 � NOTICE � ��E1V'�.� �� r 19�J METRtJP�OLITAN COUNCIL ARR � �_ PUBLIC MEETING c�����s ot=F�cE CITY t)F ROSEMOUNT MIN�V'ESOTA INDUSTRI�#L CONTAINI�IENT FACI[_,I'I'Y SCOPIi�G EI�IVIRQNI��IENTAL ASSESSI�IENT �`C?IZIt�HI:H'I' The Metropo2itan Council's Environmental Resourees Co�nittee will hold a public meeting to receive comments regarding the Seoping fEnvironmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for the proposed Minnesota Ind'ustrial Containment Faeility. The purpose of the seoping EAW is to provide baekground information abo�:� th� stady anu i:.�icatc �r,€ issues expeeted to b� st�:died anc! the prcces.� anticipated to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS). You are encouraged to participate in this meeting and provide input. United States Pollution Control, Ine. has proposed to huild a nonhazardous industrial waste eontainment facility in the northeast portian of the city of Rasemount. The site is bounded by Hwy. 55 and the Chicago Narthwestern Railroad to the northeast and northwest, respeetively, and by County Rd. 38 to the south. The pro,ject, known as the Minnesota Industrial Containment Facility (MICF3, will accept only waste certified as nonhazardous and consistent with its Minnesota Poilution Control Ageney (MPCA) permit. Waste material proposed to be collected ineludes automobile shredding fluff, glass grinding residue, printing inks, foundry sand, eomputer circuit boards, aiuminum slag, magnetic tapes, paint and kiln briek. The facility will consist of 10 six-acre eells, eaeh with a capacity of 200,000 cubic yards o€ waste. The initial receiving rate is expeeted to be between 30,000 and �#0,000 cubie yards of waste per year. The eompany anticipates the reeeiving rate could eventually inerease to SO,OQO cubie yards per year. At the expeeted rates, eaeh cell will be open for three to five years; the aetive life of the facility will be 3a to 50 years. :'h� pa�l�c �eetir.� will s�rrp to inform the affceted eQ�nur.itl► of the industrial waste disposal plan and provide an opportunity for publie comment that can be considered in studying the proposed faeility's impaets. Another publie meeting will be scheduled in the community to eneourage eomment after the draft EiS is completed and released. The EIS seoping document has been dra€ted to require a thorough study af environmental, eeonomic and sociologieal implications that may be assoefated with developing the site. PUBLIC ��IEETING INFOItMATION When: MondaY, APril 24, t9$9, 7 p.m. Where: Rosemount Senior High Sehool Student Center 3335 142nd St. W. , Rosemount . � � Who will be Local officials, residents and businesses within at least 1 mile ' notified: How to 1. You may attend the meeting and offer oral or writLen comments. participate Please call the Co�munity Outreach Division at 291-650Q if you wish to pre-reg�ster to speak. 2. You may send a letter with comments tos Wayne Nelson Metropolitan Couneil Mears Park Gentre 23q E. Fifth St. St. Paul, MN 55101 3• The comment period wi].1 remain open through May 3, 1989. Questions: Call the Council's Solid Waste Division and 4peak t;o Wayne Nelaon (29}-6406). Tv receive a copy of the ScoFing EAW £�r th� proposed Minneaota Industrial Containment Faci.lity, call the ` Metropolitan Couneil's Aata Center at 291-$140, � , __-- ____ :M._ � - � ;._... , _._��__-- � . i _ i /�, � {Y 7�v ��: .. . . . . . � �� �`.1� ' � � . � . � . . . : � � . � � � � . � . . .. �� � . . � � � . � . i�tIVNESOTA [NDUSTRIAL CONTAINI�IENT FACI[,iTY' SCUPIiYG ENVI�ONh1El�iTAL ASSESStitEtiT WURtiSEIk;FT � SUI�'II�IARY o The proposed facility wvuld be designed to accept the following waste materia2s: au�omobile �shredding fluff, glass grinding residue� printing inks, ' j � foundry sand, computer cireuit boards, aluminum slag, magnetic tapes, pait�L and � I kilr� brick. o The proposal should pose few environmental risks due to its: design proteetions, nonhazardous industrial waste aeceptanee eriteria, waste �ample pre-testing requirements, laboratory verification procedures, thorough documentation requirements and a eontainer management faeility with a diked area where free Ziquids wiil be abaorbed or solidified. o Intake procedures should be evaluated to identify any additional measures that may be taken to prevent operational problems with hazardpus wastes, materia3s that are not compatible for �oint disposal or waste that may pase j a nuisance or air-pollution risks. i o Surface-water runoff and water entry into open cells requires study to verify the suitability of the proposed design. Groundwater monitoring strategies must distinguish between potential on-site leakage and off-site contamination sources. o Most of the site is zoned "industria]. park," but the portion zoned "agricultural" would have to be rezoned. ' j ; o No analysis of air pollution from vehieles or odors is proposed beoause Che � j � waste materials will be inert and the anticipated receiving rate is only 20 to . � 25 truckloads per day. ; � SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETION OF THE EIS: j ; i ( � o Metropolitan Council release of the draft EIS--September 19$9. I � j o Public meeting in Rosemount for comment on the draft EIS--Octaber 1989• � i � � � ! o Metropolitan Couneil final EIS adequacy determination--December 1989• , , , � f i : . � . . . � � � � � � � . ' k ' o Metropolitan Council eonsideration of a facilit ; ; i Y Permit--December 198Q. 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