HomeMy WebLinkAbout1118 141ST ST W _-�- a,ol b- � �1 q 3
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Service invert elevatlon = 843.80 ��$�' ��3�( 7 - --
(As-bullt by others) ,�
Denot� eervice
Lot area � 8892 SF � Denot� talaviston box Lowest floor etevation per grading plan :948.8
House areo = 1908 � ■ Denotw electric box
PO�Ch areo = 100 SF �❑ Denotes telephone box House elevations (�ro o� � As-built
SldBwalk Greo = 89 � X 000.00 Denotes exiating elevatton
���aY �� � 691 � ( 000.00 ) Denot� proposed elevation Lowest Floor Elevation ;(849,7) � g4g,g
Toto) Impervlous Area = 2788 SF � Denotea drainage flow direction Top Of Foundation Elev. ;(g5�,7� � 9$7,9
Impenrioua Covarage = 31.39�
� Denotes sp►ke Garage Slab Elev. � Door :(857.3) / 957.8
REVISED 11/19/16 GRADING AS-BUILT °� 10� 20� 40�
SCAI.E IN FEET scale: 1" = 20'
General Notes: Benchmark:
1. Grading plan by Westwood last dated 8/18/15 was used to We hereby certify to Key-Land Homes that this survey, plan or report Top Nut Hydrant
determine proposed elevations shown herein. was prepared by me or under my direct supeMsion, and that I am a Lots 7-8 Block 1
2. No specific soils investigation has been performed on this lot by duly licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota, Elewtlon = 957.99
the surveyor. The suitability of soils to support the speciflc house dated 05/26/16.
is not the responsibility of the surveyor. Signed: io eer En ineering, P.A. R�ion�:
3. this certificate does not purport to show easements other than 1.)5-31-16StakeHouse
those shown on the recorded plat. 2.)8-3-16Re-StakeHouse
4. becrings shown are based on an assumed datum. gY; 3.�"-'9-'bc�a'°g^g-s,�u
e er . aw naon, ro eas ona an rveyor
Minnesota Ucense No. 42299 email-phawkinsonCDpioneereng.com
PI�NEER Lot 5. Block 3.
eng'ineering,P.A. PRESTWICK PLACE 12TH ADDITION Certificate of Survey for:
accordtng to the recorded plat thereof Key-Land Homes
2422 Enterprise Drive Ph.:(651)681-1914 Dakota CiOUnty� M innesota 17021 Fishpoint Rd SE
Mendota Heights,MN 55120 Fax:(651)681-9488
www.pioneereng.com Address: 1118 141st Street Weat. Rosemount. Minnesota Prior Lake,MN 55372-3326
Houae Model: 2611 - II Elevation: A Phone:(952)440-9400/Fax:(952)440-9405
Project#:115285008 Folder#:7871 Drawn by:MPI Buyer. Lambert
�Pioneer Engineering