HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.b.Fire Department Annual Report � � 4 � . . � . . � •� - f • � � . • . .. � . . � . . � ���� � . . ^� �,�, � . � • • After one year as I�'ire Chief, I will have ta say that the ��pportunity to serve the CiLy of Rosemount in this capacity has I'��li uery en joyat�le. t�orkin�; with this diverse and large grou� ��f i�eople has 17ad its cl,allenges, but the members of the ,tepartment }�ave l�een very supportive of ine and my ideas and I think that the city is very fortunate �o have a group of pea�le .�uch as �hese who willingly give so much of their time. I would ��lso 3ike to tl�ank Steve Jilk and the department hea�is who have I�een very helpful as I l�ecame familiar with my new 1•es�,onsibilities. riET1B�RSIfIP Total Membership ------ 3g On Leave --------------- 3 Active Members -------- 35 t:ity Ordinance allows the fire de�artmenC ta t�e expanded to a i otal of 1(}0 meml�er�. AC tl�e present kime, ape�at3n� out of this �'ire a�tation and considerin�; the space that is avsilable, the cie�ar�ment cannat ex�and much beyond agproximately 44 members. 'I'he recently com��let�d st�.�d:Ies su�gest that the department expancl ��Y ten members and that �riority be given to geople who can i•es�aond during the working day. Our reeruiting efforts found �'ive candidates in October who were given daetor's physicals. I�our of tl�e �eople dici no� pass Che doctor' s screening. The c�C}ier candidate was tested and is currently on tl�e ciepartment , 1te are waiting to see whar will happen with station Iocation l�efore we do too much reeruitir�g. We do a�.most always accept ��pplications. from peopl� who can respond during thc day, hawever, regardless of location. r UIPMENT Aerial/Elevating Platforms (35180) ------ 1 Pum�ers (35181 , 35182, 35183) ----------_ 3 . Grass Ri�s (35192, 35194) ---------- ----- 2 Tankers (35195) ------------------------- 1 Itose Truck (3519b} ----------------- ----- Rescue Vehicle (359q) --------------- ---- } Ctiief Jrlisc . Vehicle (3598) -------------- 1 1 . a • ?1s the City Couneil is aware, there has been t}�ree vehicles ��rciered for 19€i�. Two I�ick�ip trucks will repl�ce tl�e grass rigs we itave now anci tl�e current vehieles wi11 rotate to th+� City ��uhl i.e war.k:� and parks ci�p��rt�i�er�C. TIi�S I)�'t;3.i18 our rot�tioti tt� i�et�er ul-il.ize Che monies �vailabl.e in ti�e CIP. 1'l�e Uud;�et �lso <�llowed for Lhe adciiCior� of a Chief/misc. vehicle. Considering �he condition of our present vehicle, however, this may end up hein� a replacement . �or now, though, we will have a vehicle available for the Chief and Assistant Chief to respond with. 1)uring 198$, the car we had was rotated to wYeomever was to be in r_ommand. Tt�is meant the Assistant Chief or sometimes Captains or I�ieutenants depending on work and vacation schedules. t�hen we f'irst began to utilize the car, I wauld say that only a few ��eople felt it was wortl�while. As the officers used the vehicle ��nd were able to arrive on the scene ahead of the first i�es�onding truck, they t�egan to anpreciate the zm�ortance of this uehicle. Some�imes they only arrived as little as 30 seconds <<head of the pumpers, but when you stop to consider how many clecisions need to be made when first arriving on the scene, 30 5econds can be a long and necessary amount of time. [n 1989, when we put t�,�o vehicles into service in that capacity, �ae can almost guarantee an officer on the scene early on in the incident. I cai�not hel� but believe things should run more :�nroottily aIl the time. VEIIICLE C4NDITION 'i590 ---- Rescue Truck - needs body work. Thzs vehicle is schedu.led to be replaced in 1990, but we plan to keep this vehicle in seruice as a utilityjcommand unit, �i59n ---- C��r - engine bad . As was menGioned ear2ier, we will nurse iC along as lang as possit�le, Tt�e police do not intencl to retire another vel�icle soon and I cnn nat justity the purchase of twa new vehicles for officer r�sp�nse . '{5CJ9 ---- Sirhurl�aci - c�n orcler. ;Slt3Q - - Aerial Truck - witli the money from Koch Refining, this truck is in �oocl working condition except far the replacement of a generator. This is the next vei�iele scheduleci to l�e replaced, �stimateci cos� is in the one half million range, We are eonsidering Put�ing safety gates on this vehicle as an added safety measure. 2 . � a �► '351E3t --- PumPer - good condition. We are eonsiderin t�t - ' saf:et�.y gaGes c�n Cli:is vehicle as an adciect safety t�-n� measu�e. 35182 --- Pamper. - ��nd conciitian con�eidering it is 25 eurs ol USed as� a back uP PumPer. Y cl. '35183 --- Pt»nper - excellent condition. Tl�is is aur new pumper arid first to respond. est 351�2 --- Grass Rig - replacement ordered. '35194 --- Grass Rig - replacement ordered. :35195 --- Tanker - good eondition. Shnred use by Park and is going well. . Rec, 'i5196 --- W:i ll l7e r�p.l.��cecl wi.th newer vehicle wl��n rass replaced. � ri� is t>ur new Assistant Chief has already set up a maintenance ro witli llean, our city mechanic . This P �r'am 19$£� on repairs. We are finding thateDeanacan�handlesalmot�An c,f our needs, tde should have less of a need to go outsidesof�l� �'ity for repairs. the TRAINING/EDUCATIQN ijuring the first year on tlie RFD, a new member will be re uir ta complete the following training; q �d Fire Fighter I 72 hours l�az-Mat Training 24 hours RrD Training 90 hours tfisc. Training � �-ti+hours So far during 19£i9, 9 fire fighters took the opportunity to attend classes outside of the department. We are Iooking to have �111 incident cammand class brought into the department. �t is an (>SHA requirement that the incident command system be utilized in t_lie event of a lIaz-Mat incident. � lso be brought to the department.A Some o�eth�°r�s class may � s Probabl.y dtie to my b��ckgrour�d in education andualwaysthavinrea l�� Lake classes to remaii� current, g 3 • • � � :11m�st a.11 of the fire fi�;hters wi11 need to take the First Itesponder Refresher eourse this year, also. As can be seen, � liil.t1111� ancl educatio�� remai.ns higt� ori our list of priarities. I)uring tl�e year, a total of 3095 . 75 man hours af trainin� toak ��lar_e . The taUle of }�ours is attaclied with a break down by ���euit�er. STATISTICS � An �innua.l re�ort for 1988 is attached. It contains a breakdown � uf ca.tls by type and month. During 198$, we responded to 2b9 �4alls . You should already be receiving a monthly repprt of fire <<nd rescue calls. 19£3F3 ------------ 269 calls 1987 ------------ 264 calls 198b ------------ 189 cal�s , 1985 ------------ 217 calls 19a4 ------------ 215 calls `i'he number of calls for 19A�3 was similar to tliat of the previous year, taliat we liave found, liowever, is that tlie calls ar� l�ecuming more com�lex and we are spending more time at some of ttie calls than we did in the past . As you can see, there has I>een an i.ncrease in calls each year with the exceptian of 1956. As Che city conrinues to grow, we will prabably see the number of -- c�alls growin� also. Tn the past, we always said thafi on an average, the RFD respands t.o just over 200 ca11s eaCh year. It looks as tl�ough we now liave ta say th�t we respond to just under 304 ca11s eaeh ApproximaCely 67 �ercent of those ca].ls were for medical�reasc►ns <<nd 33 percent .�or fire ca11s. The percent of fire ealls �•om�ared �o rescue is now ri.sing. This is mainly due to the �►umber c�f grass fires in th� past few years and �hc� increase in �,uto accidents whicti are responded to as fire calls. ldith the community growing as it is, �he number of needed fire ins�eetions should also ue growing. These inspections would be for code enforcement and even more importantly, ta better prepare � he fire clepartment for dangers it may eneounter. Due to time c�onstraints on the fire m�irshal , this was not possible. I�isl�ections by �1ie fire marsk�al toolc place in 19 pl.aees around town . A list lias been attached for your review. `Pliis lack of c'overa�;e was addressed earlier in the two studies that were c'on��ucCed aiid presented Lo L1ie City Council. 4 . • • • riTSCi�LI,ANT;Ol1S 'I'hc� RI�� l�as a m�:ttual z.i.cl 7f;reemen� with all tlie dc�p�rtments af t)al:ota County. We were hel�ed greatly by this when a major incicient occurred. 1)urin� 1988, we aPplied for. and received a grant to be used �=�ward the {�t�rcl�ase or niecl:i.ca1 eqtia.pment. Tliat an�ounteti to .ilmc�st $5C�0.00. lJe submitted a similar �roposal for 1989. As of yet we have not bee�� given any indication of its acceptance or rejection. 'I'his year we need to have the entire department re-certified as first responders. This amc�unts to approxi.mately $65p,00, Ti�ere i s anotlier ��rof;ram where almost a11 0� this cost can be passed i�ael. to ttie cou��ty, We (iave already applied for tliese monies. 'i'he American Legion donated two .laycees donated $1 ,000.00, money��gom$�,h� gescue�r'und�was used to purchase a $1 ,600.00 a��achment for the Hurst Toal, and Genz-Ryan supplied a large amount of Plumbin�; materials for the vehicles �inci the station. We will eontinue to worlc with ti3ese various t;roups and organizations in tlae future. I�lashliglyts l�ave for a lang time been a �roblem on the fire �lepartmenC . They are used at a scene, not always maintained tl�e �xest , and not always in working condition when needed. During 1 `�$�, a plan was worked out where fire fightera could buy a I'laslilight through the rescue fund. Almost everyane has tlteir uwn f1as1�1ig,hC now and as wou],d be assumed, they are getting tlze r►eecied atte�li:ion. �t great concern of the Dakota County Fire Chief' s Association is t.he need for same kind of a team to respond in case a� a I►azardoi►s material incident . At the �resent kime, not one �le�artmenC in nakota County has tl�e necessary trainin�, As tlie ��ew1y elected Vice President of the organization, I am sure I will be geGting more involved with this problem, N� c�ur neecis at the present time appear to be in two areas. tJe need t o re�lace some equipment on several of tlie veliicles and we n�eti _ t o �ddress� 41ie neeci C�r ��ddecl space in the fire st�tian. iditla L1�e sCudy �f builciiri� utilization that is taking glace �n t►11 departments at the present time, little has t�een grovided in tt�is area except to do some remodeling of closets in the fixe statian. Tl�is has made �etter use of the space we now l�ave .�vailable. 5 ' � • t�hen tt�e hud�et was pl.anned , Provisions were r�aele to be�;�n r� ��t���.lHce tai�d upd��te equf��in�iit. . 7'he following itenis should be �1�I:e� i o l�e acr.orn�ilisliec� wiCl� Clii.s year' s biad�;et ; [te�lace two 2 1/2" nazzles @ $427,�� �a. Add one Srrainer @ $395,00 Replace two lighC bars @ $425 .00 ea. Iteplace three sirens @ $175,(�p ea. Acid two 2 1/2" gate valves @ $5�U.40 e�. 'i'he list coiild contint�e with tarps, SCBA units, pa�;ers, hose, I�anci held radios, helmets, etc. , but mucli of this wi11 have to wai� until future years. GQALS I,ast year I sug�;esCecl that i.n 1988 m '•°{uC�u��r �ysC�m for ttie fir� clepartment,��reorganize .theetraining cle��artment and ic�crease the number of training opp�rtunities ��vailabXe, work for a sli�ht xaise for the fire �i�;hters, �racure .�<�+ue kinc] of ct�r. for iise tjy ttle fire departmenC, and update tt�e ��ager system. 4dith the i�elp af Steve and other department heads, ��nd the siapport of the City Council, all of this has been uccomplislied . .. '�'�le new Pagers, made possible when the City Council. allowed "'��nies set aside for a mezzanine in the fire station be ��edesi�;na�ed far ��a�;ers, �re working out very weli . Over tl�e � �5� Year, total maintenance and repair eosts have been zero. l�uring the previous year, we spent $1 , 500.00 - $1 ,800.Q0 on ��epairs. Faur of the fourteen pagers purchased have paid for tl�emselves in the first year, The life expectaney of a pa�;er in the fire service is five years. We were working on an eip,ht year ►'eplacement cycle, We }lave caught up now and will continue to ��c�p7 ace as needec�. I�or 1989, I would like to continue to promote training and wozk c�n a safety and health program. Safety haa already been i►�creaseci with the installation of seat belts in all vehicies and tt�e instiCution of a policy to wear them. As was mentioned in my September report, some other goals are to work with surrot�nding de�art►nents with trafning and �lanning for mntual aid incidents, to promote tl�e image of the fire department ��i the community whenever possible, to continue to cooperaCe �nd rc�ordinat:e activi�:I.es wi 1:h �Cher de�artments af the city, ancl H�c�rk to im{�rove the effectiveness of the fire department . tl few additional items since that Septetnber re�ort wauld he t� maintain and improve dep�rtment moral anci define the ro�e of the iire department in �tie tatal city operation. , 6 . . . � �everal of the rt�les ancl re�;ulations have been passed on by worcl ��f mouth in the past . Tl�nse that are formally written down are �c�t:tered thro���;hout thP minuCes of previous meet�.rigs. I have hey�un, anci :in '1989 hoP� to hFive them compiled intc� same kinci af �na�i��al . This m�nual. wc�ul.cl a�sa contain job descr�.�tiQns for Ehe varivus pnsitions on Ltie ciepartment . �unc�� '�'I�e hudget for 1989, I l�elieve, is a realistic c�ne with which t� ���erate . It should allow �or a systematic and gradual i.mprovement and update of the department. UPCOMING PR�,Ii?CTS Fire riarshal position Ap�e»dix Ch�pter 3�3 Acioption Fire Station �'acili�y Needs Pt�t three new ve��icles into sezvice State I�.ir.e I�:i�;hLer Certification CONCLUSION I n the ��ast ye�r I liave had to work ot�t the s�eci:f ic�ztion� ori tl�e i ����kc:r. , t��-rnn�;e for re��r� ir� oi� Hlmast evc�ry v�ti:tr.l r., 1�re�nre a I►uclt,c�i; 1'�L l.he first time, m�el with various �eo��1e for the c'ompletio�i of the two stuc�ies we were having done, attend weekly ::tal'f ineet-ings, etc. , in addition to the regular �ire ciepartn�ent �fi�L-ies, t1t Cimes it became rather hectic and alm4st t�verwi�elm.in�;. Cdith mo�e exnerience, � hope it wi11 continue �o r�un more sm�ot��.ly, Agaii�, I would like ta thank the City Council lor your suE��arL- , I welcome your suggestians, criti.cism, or ��ue�tia�is at al.:l �imes. 7 v � � � FIItE rfl�RSIIAL INSPECTION FOR 1988 NAI�iL' AND LOCATIQN I.enr�y Laundervi:l.le - 14520 l3urnlely (Foster Care) �'om Thiimt� - Canacla Avenue �•W. Carlson - 13540 Diamond Path �•W. Carlson - 13540 Diamond Path (f/u) Winko tdarehouse - South Robert Trail Winko t�arel�ouse - South Robert Trail (fiu} llenise Kisor - 2791 139th St. (Foster Care) RosemounL- Midd1� .School Janet DeShaw (Greenspan Inc. ) - 3$00 145th S� . Rosemount Mall (N�w) Dakota County AVTI Gail Hayes - 3II67 155th St . (Fpster Care) RQsemount Plaza Conciominiums Strese OIl . Auane Albers - 4240 159th Ct . (Foster Care) Stiei�ani�;ans - 1�+6U5 S. Robert Trail � � r � � TOTAL TRAINING ItOURS FOR 198$ � NAME # Or 1�OURS NAM� N OF HCIURS Aker 168. 7S McDonaugh 77.00 Anderson, J.* 59.00 McMenomy �1 . SfJ Tabery 105 . 50 McNearneY 7$, S0 Acjrian 87. 50 0'Dannell , B• 63.OQ Alexon 77. 50 0'Donnell , M.* lb. SO � Ancjerson, R.C. 82.00 Oxborough 28.00 Burkhalter 72. 50 Paulson 76.00 Corrigan 122. 50 Reis 124. SQ Erickson* 10.00 Scott 75 . 50 Evenson 78.00 Siebens 80.00 Gerrits 70.00 Stauffer 76.50 Glor 85 . 50 Strese: J• 13Q. 50 ITaeg 113 .00 Strese, S• 89. 50 .. N�i►�vel t 99 .00 Swanson $1 . 50 ,Iol�nson 84 .(�0 5zczesniak �t� .SQ Kai�e 66.00 Turek 79.40 KornQvicl� 97.00 Uitdenbngerd 66.Q0 Lonnquis[ 100.Q0 tJalsh 49.00 Li�nc�e l l f39 .�0 Zw�tr t 92.�0 *Ac.t i v� i��entl�er for par. t �F year only. `A . � • FO.�'iEl•IGUI�1' FIf:E Ufcf='T. AI'JI�lUAt_ FiEF'E�f;T (9�3 �3 f.EaF�t;iiV;:;C L:Y 1"YF'E J � F M /� M � J � A S O N Q Tot,.al �lwel l. i ny 1 - - -�-----____ 2 f)�tac::hecJ �tr��ct. :� .1 (�gri. . �1:r-uck�.�re � 1 � Clut t:�i�i Z c1 i ng .� .•� Camrn. /Indus. 1 � Y,...____. . 3 �' �o Mob i 1� 1•lom� t•1�tU;i zeci V�h. � l � «` -- �'-' Y • . � � 4� . � � � l:bal�-�t�ci f:�s. � ". 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