HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of February 21, 1989 Regular Meeting � ' ROSEMO CTTY PROCEEDINGS • REGULA�EETING F�BRUARY 21 , 19$9 Pursuant to due call and notic� tliereof a re�ular meetin�� of the Cit.y Council of the City of Rosemourit was duly held on Tuesda�, February 2i , 1989, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamb�rs of the City H�-�11. Mayor Hoke called the meeting to order wi:th all member� present. Mayor Hoke led the gzoup in the Pledge of Allegi.anee. The agenda was amend�d to include Ttem 6(h) �lpproval �or Training Fi:re Department A9ember; Item 7(b) Volunteers of A�nerica Prc�cl�m�tion and Item 7(c) U of M Advisory Cammittee MinutPs. City Engineer Rich Hetti provided an update regarding the constr�ict� �n of the rural water �ystem in east Rosemou►it advising the system shot�l.d be hooked up sometime in M�rch, 1989. Mt3TION by Walsh to �pprove the consent �genda as present�d. SECOND �iy Wippermann. Ayes: Walsh, Wipperrnann, Hoke, nxborough, Nappear. Na��s: 0. See Clerk s Fil� 1989-6. City Planner Michael SVozniak reviewed wi�h Counci.l the additional condition of the Bi,tuminous Materials, Inc. rnaLning pe.rmi� wllich �ouT�ci.l directed staff to include in the gerrnit a� the FebruaXy 7, 1989 Cc�ut�c#.l. Meeti.ng. Th� conditton wou].d c�use the city to ��tatn �lie xigh►t to revoke or fail to rPnew the perm.it if an unsati�f�etary �safety r�co�.� was exlzatbited by Bituminous t�aterials, Ina. vehicles. Disaussion � followed regarding the trucks entering and exiting th+e site at the 7'Fi 56 median immed3ately north of the site and fihe CR 4?, and TH56 intersec�ion, Counc:tlmember Napper expressea aancern when th� trucks would use the CR 42/TH 56 intersection as a turn around pc�int for sc�u�h bound trucks and recommended that the city reyuest inpu� and com�nentg from the county tra£fic engineer. See Clerk' s filc� 1989-6. Adrninistrator Stephan Jilk revi�wed the Financial Health Frofile published by the State Auditor. Council reviewed the draft af the ordinance to revise the City Cc�c�e �o reflect workers compensation covPrage for city elected ofFicials. � Councilmember Napper requested �ha� other sections ac�c�ressing compensation be revi�wed at a future meeting. See Clerk' s F�.le 1989-6. MOTION by Walsh to adopt AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITL�; I, CHAPTER SIX, SECTrON 1-6-1 OF THE ROSEMOUIdT CITY CQDE. SECOND by bdippermann. Ay�s: Wippermann, Hoke, Oxk�orouyh, Napper, Walsh. Nays: 0. Administratar Steph�n Jilk reviewed the secon� dxaf� of the Affix�nativp Act�.on Plan proposed for the City of Rosernaunt. Jilk advf.secl the pl�n will be presented to the State of Minnes�ta Department o�' Human Ri.g}�ts. Upon accep�ance by tl�e state, Council will. be r�quested to formall.y adopt the plan. SeA Clerk's F3�1� 1989-6. t . � ROSEMO CITY pRQCEEDINGS . . � REGULA�EETING FEBRUARY 21 , 1989 Community Development Director Dean Johnson discussed a ��roposed process for developing guidelines for the central business distri.e�n Johnson advised his department will conc�cxct a review of the liter�t��re on the many facets o£ downtown design and will prepare a summary of a telephone survey of several cities to c�etermine what has �aken plac�� in other areas, rnethods of developing guideline� and a rPcor�mended ��rot�ess to set the guidelines. These assignments will be c�mbinQd with the informa�ion received from the Ur�ian Design Team, citizens attitu��e . survey and eitizens advisory cc�mmittee to produce a direction fQr establishing the guidelines. Considerable di.scussion followecl on whether the input gathered from �he community involvemen� �arocess should be used in the review of current and future pro�ects, specifically HRA projects, bef�re the guidelines for the downtown a�►•ea are formally adopted. See Clerk's File 1989-6. MOTION by Hoke to request the city Hausin� and Redevelop�n�nt Authoraty to consider the various pieces of community impact that have been received through thP community involveme�it process. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes; �Ioke, OxUorough, Napf�er, WaLsh, Wip�€�rmann. Na�•s: 0. Parks & Recreation L�irector David Bechtolc� presented the bi.ds recei�=ed on February 9, i9�9 Eor tlie hydro-static tractor mawer with �hree decks. MacQueen Equipment, Inc. submitted the law bid it� the amount. of _ $36,629, less $1 ,704 for thp trade in of a 1981 Toro �ra�tor mower. Bechtold recommended acceptancP of the lowest responsible bid. See Clerk's File 1989-6. MOTION by Oxborough to accept the bids and authorize purchase of th�� hydro-stdtic tractor mower f�am MacQueen �quipmetit, i�ic. �or the toi al amount of $34,929. SECOND by Napp�r. Ayes: Oxborough, Nap�er, Wa] sh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nays; 0. Gouncil reviewed the recomm�ndations for traffic contr.ol dev�.ce� a� the intersection o€ Cl,ar��, Avenu� and 156th Street prEp�red k�y C�.ty Engineer Rich He£ti. Council had directed the city etigi,�eer to pre���re the report trom the pAtition Council rec�ived from several residents in the proxiinity of this intersection who �e�it3.oned a four-way stcap at the �.ntersection. City Engineer Hefti recommended the placement �f yield signs at the i.ntersee�,ior► to requir� Claret Avenue traftic to yield to 156th Street traffic. Residents frc�m the area were, presc�nt and requested the city to at least consider a two-way s�cap on Claret Avenue, if conditions did nat warrant a four-way stop at the intersection. Follo�aing further diseussi.on, Counc.il �anar�i.m�usly agr�ed reconsiderati.on for further traffic cont:rol to the ini:ersection sttat,Ld be add=essed ninety days aft�r the extension ta Cornetl Tra3.1 is completed, See Clerk's File 1989-6. 2 ROSEMOU CITY PRQCEEDINGS • . REGULAR�ETING FEBRUARY 21 , 19�9 MOTION by Hake to aaopt A RESC?L,UTION DIRECTING PLACEMFsN'P OF TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGN5 AT THE INTERSECTION QF CLARET AVENUS AND 156TH STREET. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Napper, Walsh, Wipp�rmann, Haka., Qxhorougt�. Nays: 0. Consulting Engineer Henry Osmundson from OSM reviewed wit�h Cc�uneil the feasibility report for Shannon Parkway utilltie� and s�r�et improvements between Country Hi11s 3rd and the Shannan Ozks Additions. The consulting engineer addressed the aanitary sewer. , w�texmain, stc�rm drain, streets and street lighting for this pro�ect. Councilm�mber Wippermann expressed coneern that providing utilities ta t12e �reas ad�acent to Shannon Parkway would cause land use d�eisions wi�ho�z� #:he � benefit o� citizen input through the public hearing process and �uriher would possibly preclude �his area from being developed rtirai residential. See Clerk' s File 1989-6. MOTIoN by Walsh to adopt A RESOLUTIQN RECEIVING THE FEASISILITY REFC�RT OF CITY PROJECT �194, SHANNON PARKWAY ZMPRQVL�MENTS, AND CALLING FQR " PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE PRC}JECT. SECOND by �ioke. Ayes: t�IaJ sh, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper. Nays: Wippermann. Consulting Engineer Steve Camphell from SE�I �r�vided �n overviev� of �he feasibility report for street and utility construction £or W�st Rid�a� 3rd Add�.tion, City Project No. 195. The c�nsulting engi��eer pravid�r� cos� estimat�s for the construction af s�nitary sewer, watermain, �t.orm sewer and street facilities for a total e�tim�ted cost of $49�,000. The public hearing was recommend�d to be scheduled far Marcil 21 , 19€�9, a� 8:04 p.m. at eity hall. See Clerk's Fil� 1989-5. MOTION by Hoke to ac�opt A RE30LUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIAILITY REP4R'� OF CITY PROJECT �195, WEST RTDGE 3RD ADI�ITION UTILITY ANR STREET iMPROVEMENTS, AND GAT,LING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE FROJF�CT. ' SECOND by Ox�orough. Ayes: Hok�, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wipperrnann. Nays; 0. The eity' s financial consultant, Jerry 5hannon, Sprinc�s�pd, Inc. recommended to Council that the city offer f�r sale on Tuesciay, March 21 , 1989, bonas in the amoun� o� $1 , 320 s OQO far the funcling ot water tower #2 and well #8. See Clerk's File 1989-6. ' MOTION by Walsh to �dopt a RESOLUTION PROVID�NG FOR T�iE PUBL�C SALP QF $1 ,324�000 GENERAL OBLIGATION-REVENUE WATER BQNDS, SERIES 1989s. : SECOND by Hoke. Ayes: Oxborougli, Napper, Wa1sh, Wipperrnann, Hc�k�. Nays: 0. Economic Development Speeialist Tracie Pechonick ana Ac�minisfi�ato� Stephan Jilk d�.scuss�d with Council the cancPp� of puhlishing a 3 � � � ROSEMO� CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR EETING FEBRUARY 21 , 1989 - community newsletter to residents and businesses. Pechoi�ick pro��os�1d a quarterly newsletter and utilizing the professional editing of Walk��r Enterprises for the formatting and printin of the administrator reviewed the funding available for thps�year�son. Th�� publications and st�ted he hoped the first newsletter could be published fairly quickly to include the summer programs for the and recreation department. The administrator ParJ;s review the draf t of the first issue and a P�oposed that Council utilize cauncil input on subsequent issuesP��SeesClerkSsaFileh1989�t=. MOTION by Hake to support the concept of a Rosemount community newsletter and to direct the economic development special.ist to meet with Walker Enterprises to work out a procluction schec�ula_. SEGOND k�y , Wippermann. Ayes: Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxb�rough. Na�-s: 0. Deputy Clerk Susan Johnson reviewed with Counc3.1 her memorandum d.�tEd February 17. 1989 regarding the purchase of hlinds for areas of city hall. Following discussion of the speci�ic recommenciatians, Cauncil unanimously agreed the windows of the eouncil chambers shauld no� }a� included in the recommendatians for window treatment. See Clerk' s �'ile 1989-6. MOTION by Hoke to caneur with the deputy clerk' s recommendat.ions outlined in the memorandum dated February 17, 1989 regarding Item #1 and I�em #4. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Wa1sh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper. Nays: 0. City Engineer Rich Hefti requested Council authorization to adver�is� for the position o� Mechania l. See Clerk's �'ile 1989-6. MOTION by Walsh to authorize the advertisement for a Mechanic I position. SECOND by Hoke. �1yes: Wippermann, Hoke, �xborough, Napp��r, Walsh. Nays: 0. MOTION by Oxborough to approve the expenditure for fire department member Dan McMenomy to attend a conf�rence on February 24-26, 1989. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes; Hoke, Oxborough, Nap�aer, Walsh, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Mayor Hoke recommended that a workshop regarding �he citizens attituri� survey be scheduled tor March 28, 1989 in the Couneil Chainbers. Mayc,r Hoke proposed that the citizens advisory committee present their preliminary recommendations to the council, commissionsJcc�mmittee ancl staff with representat�,ves of Decision Resources as the facilitatars at this workshop meeting. Council concurred with this meeting date. 4 . . . , . �:, � � ROS�MQU�CITY �ROCEEDINGS REGULAR ETING FEBRUARY 21 , 19f39 Mayor Hoke proclaimec� March 5-12, 1989 Volunteers af Amer_iea We�k i�� the City of Rosemount. � Mayor Hoke commented on the minut�s of the J�nuary 27, 1989 Rosemaur�t Advisory Council acldressing the activities af the sub-cammittee for the advisory council on agricultural 3ssues. Mayor Hoke commended the �ub- committees' efforts to develop a more positive image �f the Univers� ty of Minneso�a agriculture area by encouraging public use af the area through gardening and landscaping dispiays, t.rails and tours. Administratox Stephan Jilk, who �s a member of the sub-commit�ee, attested to the subcommittee members' desire to eonvince the public the agricultural station is for the public' s use. The administrator ho��ed the Research Center on the university property wauld develop the same type ot attitude in working with the cammunity in planning for the future use of that property. Mayor Hake and the councilmembers thanked Dean Johnson and ather staEf members for their hard work and efforts in getting the recycling program initiated in Rosemount. Administrator Stephan Jilk updated Council on the continued meetings with officials from Northern States Power, Dakota Electric and S�ar Cable regarding utility franchises with the city. Administrator Stephan Jilk informed Council of a recent meeting with county officials regarding the site for the resource recovery facility, City staff was informed that the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency requested that the county expand their site selection search outside the Pine Bend Area. The caunty chose eight additional sites with the two primary sites being located on Highway S2 south of Coates and on a Highway 3 site in Empire Township and RosemQunt. The administrator advised the county physical c�evelopmen�. commi�tse at their meeting this date elected not to be the lead agency for the recanstruction of the intersection of Highway 3 and County Road 42; ��nd suggested that the city take the lead in this pro�ect if the ci�y wanted to see the project campleted earlier than the 1992 or 1393 St•;te project schedule. The administrator suggested that staff be allowed to meet with the engineering consultants regarding costs and time lines on the project and report to Council at a future meeting. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Wipperm�nn. Ayes• 5. Nays; 0. ' Respectfully sub�nitted, Susan M. Johnsan, D�puty C1<�rk 5 � � � ROSEMO� CITY PROCEEDZ�IGS REGULAR EETING • FEBRUARY 21 , 19 f�9 ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, AdministratorJCierk Published this day of , 1989, in Dakota Coun�����ile. 6